Oakhill Baptist Church Sermons

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editor: Podcast
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Oakhill Baptist Church Podcasts


  • The Contentment for the Journey (Audio)


    The Contentment for the Journey. Philippians 4:10-23   I. The Position of Contentment.  - Vv. 10-12 II. The Power of Contentment.  - V. 13 III. The Provision of Contentment.  - Vv. 14-18 IV. The Prize of Contentment. - Vv. 21-22

  • Right Thinking for the Journey (Audio)


    Right Thinking for the Journey Philippians 4:8-8 I. Think on the Right Things - V.8 II. Look to the Right Example. - V.9a III. Practice the Right Things. - V9b

  • Looking to Jesus (Audio)

  • Becoming Bible People: the Necessity of God's Word for the Believer (Audio)


    Becoming Bible People: The Necessity of God's Word for the Believer. 2 Kings 22:2-23:3 1. God's Word is Precious. A. It is Life. B. It is Eternal. C. It is True.   2. God's Word Changes Us. A. It Convicts. B. It Sanctifies. C...

  • The Practice of Peace for the Journey (Audio)


    The Practice of Peace for the Journey Philippians 4:4-7 I. Enjoy the Protection of God's Peace.  - V. 7 II. Rejoice Always. - V. 4 III. Be Others Focused. - V. 5 IV. Don't Worry, Pray. - V. 6

  • The Peace for the Journey (Audio)


    The Peace for the Journey Philippians 4:1-3 I. Stand Firm.  - V.1 II. Stand United.  - Vv. 2-3 A. We Are Family. B. We Are To Love. C. We Are Waiting. D. We Are to Restore. E. We Are to Live United Because We Are United.

  • The Pursuit on The Journey - Part 2. (Audio)


    The Pursuit On The Journey - Part 2. "Two Ways to Live."   I. Two Ways to Live on Earth. - Vv. 17-19. A. Single-Minded Focus on Christ. B. Single-Minded Focus on Self.   II. Two Destinies for All of Eternity. - Vv. 20-21 A. Earth...

  • Session 8: The Godly Churchman (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

  • The Pursuit on the Journey (Run Through the Tape) (Audio)


    The Pursuit on the Journey "Run Through the Tape" I. Strive for Faithfulness, not Perfection.  - VV. 12,13a II. Strive for Single-Minded Focus, not Distraction. - VV. 13b-14 III. Strive for Maturity to Mark your Thinking, not...

  • Session 7: The Spiritual Man (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

  • The Perception Along the Journey (Audio)


    The Perception Along the Journey Philippians 3:1-11 I. Reject the Lies of a Religion of Human Effort. VV. 1-3 II. Reject the Life of a Religion of Human Effort. VV. 4-7 III. Respond to a Life of a Personal Relationship with Jesus. VV. 8-11

  • Session 6: Godly Father - Part 2 (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

  • The People Along the Journey (Audio)


    The People Along The Journey  Philippians 2:19-30   I. Paul - Proper Perspective - VV. 19,24 II. Timothy - Others Focused. VV. 20-23 III. Epaphroditus - Selfless Servant - VV. 25-30

  • Session 5: Godly Father - Part 1 (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

  • From Despair to Hope (Audio)


    From Despair to Hope I. God's Mercy - V. 3 II. Jesus' Resurrection - V. 3 III. Our Inheritance - V. 4 IV. God's Power - Vv. 5-8 V. God's Provision - V. 9

  • It Really Does Matter (Audio)


    It Really Does Matter 1 Cor. 11:17-34 I. The Way Way Gather Matters v. 17-22 II. The Truth We Know Matters v. 23-26 III. The Way We Live Matters v. 27-34

  • The Practice in Trials: Part 4 (Audio)


    The Practice in Trials Phil. 2:12-18 I. Continue in Obedience - v. 12-13 II. Continue in Practice - v. 14-16 III. Continue in Joy - v. 17-18

  • Session 4: Godly Husband - Part 2 (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

  • The Practice in Trials: Part 3 (Audio)


    The Practice in Trials Philippians 2:1-11 I. Our Unity - v. 1-4 II. His Example - v. 5-8 III. His Exaltation - v. 9-11      A. His Position            1. The Ascent            2. The Return      B. His Name      C. Our Response

  • Session 3: Godly Husband - Part 1 (Audio)


    Manhood...by the Book is a Life Enrichment Class offered by Oakhill Baptist Church.

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