Pastor Megan Rohrer



Rev. Megan Rohrer is the Pastor at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in San Francisco and served as the Executive Director as Welcome for the homeless and hungry in San Francisco since June of 2012. Pastor Megan has an Honorary Doctorate from Palo Alto U


  • Blessed by Bullies

    28/07/2013 Duración: 1142h00s

    Jesus says we are blessed with others insult and persecute us. Does that mean for the current conversations about bullying? Is God a bully when death and destruction is used to encourage obedience? How is this Good News?

  • Resurrection and the Things We Don't Talk About Out Loud

    09/06/2013 Duración: 1398h00s

    Is it easier to explain the resurrection or to be honest about our failings and give people a change to change throughout their life? Regardless, God loves you... even if you think bible study or church sucks.

  • Grandma's Rummage and Paul's Rubble

    12/05/2013 Duración: 1148h00s

    Grandma's mischievous way of caring for others and Paul's journey from annoyance to a miraculous prison rescue... two stories that remind us that the God loves and cares for us. And more importantly: no matter where you are in your journey, you are welcome in the church. (particularly whatever church Pastor Megan is preaching at).

  • God is bigger than our confusion

    05/05/2013 Duración: 1143h00s

    The sermon begins with a confused Assistant minister who starts to lead the creed when it is time for the sermon. The sermon responds by talking how confusion is a part of the Christian story through out time and that our God will try everything, whenever needed to remind us that God loves us.

  • Good Old Days Lutheran Church

    28/04/2013 Duración: 1242h00s

    A sermon for all those congregations with dreamy visions of the "good ol' days" who find themselves a bit older and tireder today. How in the midst of our exhaustion do we love like Jesus loves or welcome people fully?

  • Easter 3C

    11/04/2013 Duración: 3650h00s

    Today's bible study is brought to you by the commandment to feed your neighbors and the number 153 (a magical and geeky number). In this episode we talk about: sheep, how Jesus' stealing of fish is like Gandhi stealing salt, how Saul became Paul, why lightening is good evangelism and why arguing about the bible is exactly what you should be doing. With Rev. Amanda Zentz. Texts: Acts 9:1-6, Psalm 30, Revelation 5:11-14, and John 21:1-19.

  • Faith Between the Lines

    07/04/2013 Duración: 951h00s

    Are Christians all supposed to believe the same thing? How do we live together with diverse faiths?

  • The Stories we Tell Ourselves (God Loves You)

    31/03/2013 Duración: 898h00s

    Easter vigil sermon. So many stories, one message.

  • Ressurection in the 4 Gospels - Easter

    27/03/2013 Duración: 3397h00s

    Learn about the differences in the resurrection story in the 4 gospels and how to think about the creeds and liturgy in light of them. Also, thoughts on Mary Magdalene, why you don't have to have all the right answers and why Baptism is awesome on Easter.

  • Triduum Part 3: Saturday Easter Vigil

    10/03/2013 Duración: 3385h00s

    A look at the Easter Vigil for folk who are new/returning to the church and for pastors who want to understand it better. Learn about what to expect in the liturgy, questions to ask to help you decide which congregation to visit and ideas about different ways to set up the rituals and liturgy.

  • Triduum Part 2: Good Friday

    10/03/2013 Duración: 3535h00s

    A look at Good Friday for folk who are new/returning to the church and for pastors who want to understand it better. Learn about what to expect in the liturgy, questions to ask to help you decide which congregation to visit and ideas about different ways to set up the rituals and liturgy.

  • Triduum Part 1: Intro and Maundy Thursday

    07/03/2013 Duración: 4083h00s

    Conversations about the great three days for the unchurched and pastors who wish they knew more.

  • Jesus give a fig about you.

    03/03/2013 Duración: 835h00s

    The uniquely Lukan story about why Jesus is willing to call himself manure to prove that those who are the most reviled can become the fruitiest... and other Lenten thoughts.

  • Misreading the Bible Like Jesus

    27/01/2013 Duración: 5645h00s

    Jesus misread the book of Isaiah, and you can too! But the rub is that you then have to go and feed the hungry and homeless. So, get to work!

  • Bratty Preteen Jesus and Those People and That Church

    30/12/2012 Duración: 1235h00s

    What was Jesus the teenager like? And, what the heck does this have to do with me and St. Francis Lutheran Church in San Francisco's response to the AIDS crisis in the 80's.

  • The 12 Steps of Christmas

    26/12/2012 Duración: 1069h00s

    The creation, the 4 gospels stories of Jesus' birth and 2 new sacred stories about the liturgy of 12 step and drag queens in San Francisco's Castro.

  • The Zen of Supporting the Vulnerable

    23/09/2012 Duración: 1482h00s

    Jesus declares that true religion requires us to become unattached from the world and to care for those with the least. Taken literally, it means we should become homeless to help the homeless. If the cross has a no-occupancy sign, how can we live a more realistic, yet just as true faith?

  • Blood, politics and super powers.

    27/08/2012 Duración: 1017h00s

    Eat me! Said Jesus. Some left, some stayed. Why is Jesus picking fights right before he is about to leave? And how can I get a cool outfit like his?

  • Texts that Suck, Good News that Doesn't!

    26/08/2012 Duración: 1025h00s

    Life sucks. The Good News doesn't. Lessons on how to endure, tell the truth and slow down like St. Aidan does.

  • Preaching for Joshua

    26/08/2012 Duración: 983h00s

    Coming full circle not from the reluctant preacher to a determined advocate for LGBTQ homeless youth. And a bit about St. Aidan.

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