Preach The Word - Audio Sermons



Providing sound Bible teaching through the ministry of David Legge, an evangelist, preacher and Bible teacher from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Listen to David's sermons on the subjects of revival, evangelism and more!


  • The Holy Spirit Pt19: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Gentleness

    15/09/2021 Duración: 19min

    Have you ever prayed for more gentleness? Have you ever heard teaching on 'how to be gentle'? Do you imagine God as gentle? When you think you are hearing God speak to you, is it with a gentle tone? We trust this next video on 'The Fruit of the Spirit - Gentleness', will answer these and other questions for you. 'Gentleness' or 'meekness' is a much neglected and tragically undervalued attribute that we and others would so benefit from if we experienced it through the Holy Spirit's power. Indeed, this is how we would better influence the people around us to be Christians. As Jesus put it in Matthew 5:5 'Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth'. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt18: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Faithfulness

    01/09/2021 Duración: 17min

    If we are to produce the fruit of 'Faithfulness' in our lives it can only be experienced out of our cultivated relationship with the Holy Spirit and the life of God Himself, which He brings to us and displays through us. In our consideration of the next gift of the Spirit, for Part 18 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit', we discover that the only way to be faithful to God and other people is to be overwhelmed by the awesome faithfulness of God Himself. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt17: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Goodness

    01/08/2021 Duración: 22min

    We continue our look at 'The Fruit Of The Spirit' in Part 17 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit'. God is love, and of course all the fruit of the Spirit flow from His nature of love. Love is 'Goodness' and we have a good God because we have a loving God. In this session we look at what God's goodness means to us and for us as we display the life of Christ to others. Because God is good, we ought to manifest His goodness to the world around us! This sermon is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt16: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Kindness

    01/07/2021 Duración: 16min

    In Part 16 of 'The Holy Spirit', we continue to explore the fruit of the Spirit as we discover that 'Kindness' is evidence of love and indeed love in action! Are we known for our kindness? What does that look like in our words and our deeds? Watch and listen as we consider the great kindness of God and how we can share His kindness with our world. This episode is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt15: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Patience

    15/06/2021 Duración: 17min

    'Patience' is a virtue we have mixed emotions about. We wish we had it but we don't want to need it. Often we need it when facing a trial of some sort. In Part 15 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' we learn where we can find such patience, how we grow in it and the amazing advantages patience brings to our lives. This is a much-neglected characteristic the Spirit brings into our lives. Listen and learn more in 'The Fruit Of The Spirit - Patience'. This episode is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt14: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace

    01/06/2021 Duración: 21min

    In Part 14 of 'The Holy Spirit' we continue with a study of 'The Fruit Of The Spirit - Peace'. The peace of God is not just something He has and gives, but peace is something He is. Peace is a characteristic of God's nature. We've learned that this fruit of the Spirit is the very personality of God exhibited in us through the Holy Spirit. In this session you will learn how to cultivate a mind, heart and life of peace. How valuable this is in a world so dominated by fear and anxiety! This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt13: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Joy

    15/05/2021 Duración: 18min

    How do we understand joy? How do we secure our joy? In Part 13 of our studies in 'The Holy Spirit', we continue with our look at the Fruit of the Spirit as we consider what true 'Joy' is and how God is the source of all joy. We discover how joy is at the heart of the gospel and is an essential ingredient to the Christian life, as well as reaching others for Jesus. You'll also be given some practical steps to release more joy in your life. This episode is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt12: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Love

    01/05/2021 Duración: 23min

    As we continue our series on 'The Holy Spirit' with a time of focus on the fruit of the Spirit, in Part 12 we discover that 'Love' is the fruit of the Spirit that all the other fruit stem from. In this episode David shows us how Christian love is meant to be the very love of God Himself - and love is how we are to be known as Christians. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt11: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Fruit vs Works

    15/04/2021 Duración: 14min

    What is the difference between Holy Spirit fruit and merely human-produced work? We will see in this study of 'The Fruit Of The Spirit - Fruit vs Works' that the Fruit of the Spirit is an indication that we are rooted in the life of Christ Himself. As the saying goes, 'A machine can do work, only life can produce fruit'. This sermon is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt10: The Fruit Of The Spirit - God's Personality

    01/04/2021 Duración: 16min

    In this introduction to a sub-series in our wider study on 'The Holy Spirit', we consider: what exactly is the Fruit of the Spirit? Whose life is it anyway? Here in 'The Fruit Of The Spirit - God's Personality' we find the answer to why the Christian life is impossible to live in the flesh. This sermon is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt9: Symbols Of The Holy Spirit - Fire

    15/03/2021 Duración: 20min

    We have been looking at some of the several 'Symbols of the Holy Spirit' described for us in Scripture. Last time in our series on 'The Holy Spirit' we looked at 'The Dove', but this time we will focus primarily on the 'Fire' of the Spirit and what we can learn from this image and reality. How might we quench the Spirit's flame and how can the fire be caught? This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt8: Symbols Of The Holy Spirit - The Dove

    01/03/2021 Duración: 19min

    In Part 8 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' we begin looking at the 'Symbols Of The Holy Spirit'. In the Bible, God uses various instructive symbols for the Holy Spirit. What are the lessons we can learn about Him from these? Today we look at the first incredible image which is one of these symbols - 'The Dove'. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt7: The Work Of The Holy Spirit, Part 2: Empowerment and Sanctification

    14/02/2021 Duración: 18min

    Part 7 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' continues our look at 'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit is the critical prime mover in the work of redemption. He established salvation for us but now He is also the One who applies salvation to us. We are learning how the Holy Spirit personally works in our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus. Last time we considered the Spirit's work of 'Conviction and Regeneration', in this episode we will look at the Spirit's work of 'Empowerment and Sanctification'. Why not share this message with others? It's available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt6: The Work Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1: Conviction and Regeneration

    31/01/2021 Duración: 19min

    Part 6 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' begins our look at 'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit is the critical prime mover in the work of redemption. He established salvation for us but now He is also the One who applies salvation to us. In the next two studies, we will see how the Holy Spirit personally works in our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus. This episode will look at the Spirit's work of 'Conviction and Regeneration'. Why not share this message, which is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt5: The Holy Spirit In The Old Testament

    15/01/2021 Duración: 23min

    Part 5 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' asks: is there a difference between the Holy Spirit in the Old and the New Testaments? Does He do the same things now as He did then? What can New Testament believers expect that's different in how the Spirit relates to us today? These are all questions we seek to answer in this new study, entitled 'The Holy Spirit In The Old Testament'. Join us for this helpful message, which is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Topical Sermon: Stand Firm In The Battle

    01/01/2021 Duración: 25min

    As Christians we must be aware that we are in a battle of epic proportions, and therefore we MUST 'Stand Firm In The Battle'. To do this, we must have a working knowledge of what plain this battle is fought on, what weapons are at our disposal and the source of our victory. Only then will we know how to stand firm when so much is coming against us from the enemy's ranks. This message was originally aimed at a men's conference, hence the application to men - but, of course, the truths here apply to both genders! This message is available now from in MP3 audio and on our YouTube Channel ( in HD video...

  • The Holy Spirit Pt4: The Person Of The Holy Spirit

    15/12/2020 Duración: 22min

    How have you related to the Holy Spirit? He is a person with whom we are to cultivate an ever-deepening relationship. In Part 4 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit', we will look at 'The Person Of The Holy Spirit', discovering many of the characteristics of the Spirit's personality and the roles that He has in the Godhead. Get your Bible ready for this episode as we let the Holy Spirit tell us about who He is as God and who He is to us! This sermon is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt3: How To Receive

    01/12/2020 Duración: 22min

    In Part 3 of our series of studies on 'The Holy Spirit', we investigate some biblical and practical steps to receiving the power of the Spirit, the power that you need to live the Christian life and serve Jesus effectively. We'll also consider some hindrances to the Spirit's power in our lives and churches as we learn 'How To Receive'. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt2: What's Missing?

    14/11/2020 Duración: 18min

    Just like the twelve 'disciples' in Ephesus, the original twelve in Jerusalem also had something missing. They had spent three years with Jesus, but still needed their Pentecost experience. Jesus warned His disciples that they needed more to accomplish His commission. Here in Part 2 of 'The Holy Spirit', we will find out 'What's Missing?', and learn of the utter necessity of living and ministering in the power of the Holy Spirit. This challenging message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • The Holy Spirit Pt1: Have You Received?

    31/10/2020 Duración: 21min

    Our new series on 'The Holy Spirit' seeks to reintroduce us to the oft-neglected third Person of the Godhead. Even those who claim to move in the power of the Spirit don't always have a deep relationship with Him as a Person. So, join us as we seek a deeper knowledge and fellowship with 'God on Earth' - the Holy Spirit. In our first study, we ask the question: are you walking in everything of the Holy Spirit that God intended for you as His child? Acts 19 presents us with some 'disciples' who had not entered a full experience of the Holy Spirit. Let's see what we can learn from their interview with Paul, as he asks 'Have You Received?'. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

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