Pastor Joel Laswell

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 221:36:05
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Joel Laswell (1963-present) was born in Lafayette, Indiana to blue collar parents, who ingrained in him an exhaustive work ethic and the Golden Rule. He attended Purdue University in the School of Engineering Technology and spent over thirty five years in Commercial and Residential maintenance trades. He was called into the Gospel Ministry in 1998 and currently pastors churches in Michigan and Indiana. Besides being an author, he is also the Speaker/Director of Eternal Truth Ministries, the host of The Bible Only Television program and hosts Eternal Truth Radio. He enjoys hiking in nature with his wife Debbie, gardening, camping and spending time with family.


  • Message 381-2: "With Blinding Force"

    14/02/2016 Duración: 01h05min

    As we have learned in all our studies of Revelation 13 and 14, very soon--with blinding force, there is going to be a national Sunday law. With that law will come the restrictions of the mark and then eventually a death decree for all who refuse it.

  • Message 381-1: "Sunday Law Preparation"

    23/01/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    In light of the unprecedented event concerning this Jesuit Pope that addressed the US Congress, I think it would be a good idea for us to review what inspiration says will be the order of events regarding the coming Sunday Law and how we should react to these events as they unfold.

  • Message AT-11: "A Whole New World"

    20/12/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    I want to spend some time with you again talking about the future. Not the future battle with the beast and His image. Not the future time of trouble. I want to go beyond that for we need to be reminded that there are better things in store for us. I want to take a look at a whole new world--a world much different than the one we live in today. I want you to see that this future home now being prepared for us will actually fulfill God's original plan for man's perfect happiness.

  • AT-10b-Study: "The Third Angels Message"

    06/12/2015 Duración: 01h23min

    The message of the third angel concerns the beast, his image, and his mark. Let us see just what this warning entails...Go here for the study tract:

  • AT-10: "The Unquenchable Fire"

    06/12/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    One of the most theologically confused subjects in the Bible is that of hell. It has been fumbled by the clergy and distorted by the laity until the word has become best known as a common curse word. Everywhere people are asking the same questions: What and where is hell? What is the fate of the wicked? Will a God of love torture people throughout eternity? Will the fire of hell ever burn the wickedness out of sinners? These are questions, which deserve sound Bible answers, and the controversy surrounding the subject should not discourage us from exposing all the truth as it is in Christ.

  • AT-9b-Study: "The Second Angels Message"

    22/11/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    Last time we learned that Revelation 14 describes three angels with messages for the world. It was to separate the church of Christ from the corrupting influence of the world that the first angel's message was given. Did the first message do its work? Yes! There was indeed a separation that took place and the second angel now makes a solemn proclamation that goes along with the first angel's message. Let’s see what that second message is and discover what it means. Go here for the study tract:

  • AT-9: "Three Unclean Spirits vs 3 Angels"

    22/11/2015 Duración: 01h05min

    Revelation speaks of three unclean spirits, the dragon, the beast and the false prophet that battle against the forces of good in a last attempt to win the world. Who are these forces and who are the 3 angels that battle against them?

  • Message AT-8b-Study: "The First Angels Message"

    15/11/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    We learned from Revelation chapter 13 that the two-horned beast (United States) will create an image to the seven-headed beast (Papal Rome) and eventually enforce worship of that image by the use of a mark. God now shares three important messages that will prepare His true followers for this last conflict with the beast, his image, and mark. These messages are found in Revelation chapter 14 and they are the last messages of warning to be proclaimed prior to Christ’s return. We are going to look at these messages, starting with the first angel’s message. Go here for the study tract:

  • Message AT-8: "Jesus and the Last Generation"

    15/11/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    Our previous meetings have explored Bible prophecy and soon we will answer what the mark of the beast is directly. Right now I want to explore why God allows it to happen, why does He "seal" His people, and who are they? The mark of the beast is the mark of antichrist and it will go against the conscience of those who love and serve God. We aren't quite there yet but it's coming very soon. But in this study we are going to do three things: (1) Identify the 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 and 14 (2) Share our understanding of the number 666, and (3) Take a hard look at the implications of what we've been learning.

  • Message AT-7b-Study: "The Two Horned Beast (USA in Prophecy)"

    09/11/2015 Duración: 01h44s

    So far in our study of Revelation chapter 13, we have found that the first beast, the Seven-headed beast, represents the papacy of the Roman Catholic Church. However, there is another beast that arises out of the earth that has lamb like horns yet speaks as a dragon. This second beast is the beast that we are going to study about in this lesson and you might be surprised at who the Bible, and history defines this beast to be. Go here for the study tract:

  • Message AT-7: "The Origin of Sunday Observance"

    09/11/2015 Duración: 01h13min

    Upon learning the truth concerning the true Sabbath of the Lord, fellow Bible students will ultimately ask the question, “If not from the Creator, where then did Sunday observance originate?” It is the logical next step because so many people celebrate Sunday as the “Lord’s Day” and the Bible clearly shows the Seventh-day to be the true "Lord's Day," the Sabbath. Well, I don't wish to get heavily into history but we must learn from the past or we may just repeat it and that could cost us our eternal life. In the history of mankind no form of idolatry has been more widely practiced than that of the worship of the sun. Let's look at it's origins.......

  • Message AT-6: "Rulers of Darkness"

    25/10/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    I want to talk about the power or beings that are behind the scenes of this deadly heresy known as celebrating the dead for they are definitely real. Now some people know there is a real power but they are ignorant as to the true source and so you see the results of the superstitions and deceptions of their ignorance carried out on October 31st. Some people do not believe that such powerful beings exist at all and so I want to see what God’s word says about it.

  • AT-5: "God's Anniversary Day"

    18/10/2015 Duración: 58min

    The war we are engaged in, the great controversy that rages between the forces of good and evil, has at it’s core the very subject we are about to discuss. This war started over the understanding or misunderstanding of this subject, which is vital in knowing truth from error. Everything in this struggle comes down to the truth concerning the character of God and the greatest revealing of it is found in the fourth commandment!

  • Message 380: "The 1260 Mystery"

    11/10/2015 Duración: 59min

    If it is so important that Jesus takes an oath upon the Father, then we need to understand this time period, the 1260 day prophecy. This 1260 day period of time is so important that it is mentioned over and over again in the books of Daniel and Revelation. It is even referred to by Jesus Christ himself in Matthew 24 and in Mark 13. Without this time period, many of the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation would be impossible to comprehend or interpret. So this 1260 day prophetic period is extremely important for us to understand!

  • AT-4b-Study: "Facing Your Record"

    04/10/2015 Duración: 56min

    God showed Daniel the future of the earth. He depicted the rise of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome by four symbolic beasts; and then He used ten horns to depict the splintering of the Roman Empire into European fragments. Then Daniel was shown an incredible scene in heaven, which involved all who have ever been created and it is this scenario that will be our subject of study in this lesson. Go here for the study tract:

  • AT-4: "Was God's Law Blotted Out?"

    04/10/2015 Duración: 01h08min

    We need to look at the Ten Commandment law and study its relation to God's grace and to salvation itself. How we see the law of God has a direct bearing on correctly understanding Bible prophecy and its meaning for us who live in this time--the end times!

  • AT-3b-Study: "The Little Horn"

    19/09/2015 Duración: 01h12min

    As we begin this study of Bible prophecy found in Daniel chapter 7, please remember that we are in search of Bible truth so we may understand what is coming upon the world prior to the return of our Lord. Sometimes the truth is a surprise to us. Even so, it is still the truth. Jesus wants us to know the truth so that we will not be deceived by the devil and lose our eternal salvation. Go here to get the corresponding tract:

  • AT-3: "Signs Signs Everywhere Signs"

    19/09/2015 Duración: 01h10min

    A lot of what Jesus shared of the future applied particularly to events soon to take place with respect to the Jewish nation, the city of Jerusalem, and the Temple. However, it was also given for the benefit of those who should live amid the last scenes of earth’s history. Just what are these signs He spoke of and do we see them happening today?

  • AT-2b-Study: "A King's Dream"

    13/09/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    In a previous lesson we discovered that Jesus is the Messiah and theme of the Bible, which includes prophecy! Now we are going to look at the prophecy of Daniel chapter two and see if this theme continues. Go here for the study tract:

  • AT-2: The False Rapture pt2 "It's NO Secret"

    13/09/2015 Duración: 01h02min

    To say that the second coming of Christ to gather His saints will be secret, in view of clear texts of Scripture, and in the absence of any text that even hints at His coming being secret, is to deny the Bible as the Word of God.

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