Stand up comedian Ryan Singer has in-depth interviews with people possessing paranormal abilities or experiences outside the ordinary. He sits down with people from all walks of life to discuss their experience as empaths, living with clairvoyance, their abilities to communicate with ghosts and much more to help himself better understand his past experiences with people possessing seemingly supernatural abilities. Please call the hotline 818-839-0593 with questions, comments, suggestions, or your experiences and stories. Twitter: - Virtual Store is OPEN!Rate, review & subscribe on iTunes! Mixed and produced by Alex Stein and @popcrow on Soundcloud.
Don't Send the Muse to Voicemail - 3rd Ear Bonus 311
05/09/2024 Duración: 01h03minWe are going on some tangents about the Muse, Inspiration, Portals and ice cream! What else? It looks like Spreaker has changed their ads policy so I'm trying to figure out what this means for all the past episodes, etc. Hope it doesn't screw things up too much! a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 455 - The Chakona & The Sleeping Slender Shadow with David Jackson
28/08/2024 Duración: 01h06minComedian and all-around great weirdo David Jackson jumps on the show for a great chat about all things growing up a weird-ass kid, some frightening moments in the woods and what is really happening when we experience sleep paralysis. A great chat with a really funny and interesting guy that I know you're going to love. You can find more on David at these spots:InstagramAll David's Links HereCome see me in Cincinnati this weekend 8/29 - 9/1 at Go Bananas Comedy Club! Become a supporter of this podcast:
Paranormal Investigations Have Personalities - 3rd Ear Bonus 310
22/08/2024 Duración: 01h03minOh I finally losing my mind or just saying something you already know? There are no rules about linear time or place or space when it comes to these things and I'll very uncarefully lay this theory out. Thanks for listening and please rate & review the podcast! Share with friends! I referenced the investigation from Matthew Jackson and you can find that here: - NO commercials! www.ryansingercomedy.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Infectious Agent Condition & Consciousness - 3rd Ear Bonus 309
16/08/2024 Duración: 01h03minWe dive into an excerpt from the book Skinwalkers at the Pentagon for some interesting perspecitves and thoughts about what can happen when you go to locations with extreme paranormal activity. Should we be scared? What is the connection to autoimmune disorders? The mystery deepens and the plot! Thanks for listening, please rate, review and share! Become a supporter of this podcast:
Paranonymous Podcast Announcement!
14/08/2024 Duración: 01minParanonymous is the new podcast by Ryan Singer, host of Me & Paranormal You. A safe space for sharing strangeness, this new project allows people anonymity in sharing their stories of paranormal experiences, supernatural occurences and even the mystical. If you have had unexplainable experiences and want to remain anonymous, Paranonymous is the show for you to find comfort in community. Reach out to me to set up the interview or to figure out how you'd like to share your story. Call 818-835-0563Email paranonymouspodcast@gmail.comI look forward to hearing your story...whoever you are.Become a supporter of this podcast:
Marginality & Anti-Structure - 3rd Ear Bonus 308
14/08/2024 Duración: 01h03minWe get into some updates on FITS and we read a little about marginality and anti-structure from The Trickster and the Paranormal by George P. Hansen. In my opinion, two very important compents of what makes the paranormal so interesting and intruiging. We do some more and things get a bit saucy, too. Donate to Liminal! can be a part of new podcast Paranonymous if you want to share an anonymous story with me! Call or text: 818-835-0563See you at live show on the road for some standup! a supporter of this podcast:
Boundaries, Distinction & The In-between - 3rd Ear Bonus 307
08/08/2024 Duración: 01h03minWhat is even real? Who who really knows? Let us push the limits of our own beliefs only to truly find out who we really are. Or something like that. Nigel pops in...of course. And more! a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 454 - Crop Circles & Paradigm Shifts with Jeffrey Wilson
06/08/2024 Duración: 01h29minAn incredible conversation with Jeffrey Wilson, who takes me on his journey and educates me on the phenomena of Crop Circles. He does an incredible job of somehow demystifying and a still somewhat unknowable phenomena as he describes the ways in which he and other researches go about investigating and documenting occurences of crop circles. He's a treasure trove of information that will surely blow your mind as well. Find more on ICCRA hereFind his books hereFriends of Serpent MoundJeffrey Wilson, M.Sc., Director and co-founder of the Independent Crop Circle Researchers' Association (ICCRA) has been investigating crop circles that have been reported in the United States since 1996, and has visited well over 100 during the last twelve years. He was an early member of the Center for Crop Circle Studies (CCCS), in both the UK and USA branches before both organizations went defunct. He has been a contributor of USA crop circle reports to the Crop Circle Connector website since 1996. He was a frequent contributor
Imaginal Thin Boundaries & Personification - 3rd Ear Bonus 306
01/08/2024 Duración: 01h03minI am definitely a Hermes boy! We get into the concept of thin boundaries, do some book draws and discuss love over fear a little bit. This is a fun one because to no one's surprise, every time we open these books we get the magic happening. It is all connected and I am excited to see if we cannot figure out the main paranormal archetypes and what patterns they will show us. Thank you patrons! Our first Comfort in Community is 8/6 at 9pm EST and $3 and up patrons get to join. you soon! Become a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 453 - The Campfire & The Inter-tangled Nature of Time with Jim Harold
30/07/2024 Duración: 56minAnother great conversation with my buddy Jim Harold, who has been at the paranormal podcast game since 2005. We get into his journey and changing perspectives and the inter-tangled nature of time and its affects on our lifes past, present and future.Having begun podcasting on the paranormal in 2005, Jim Harold is among a handful of pioneers of the medium. His programs have stood the test of time and The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold’s Campfire remain among the most popular in the genre. Collectively, Jim’s programs been downloaded over 65 million times.Jim has developed a loyal following that spans the globe.In addition to his free podcasts at, he also hosts a series of premium podcasts on the supernatural and related subjects at series of five popular books based on his Campfire series can be found HERE. A sixth is coming in 2024!Come see me perform live! Patrons just have more joy in their lives!Become a supporter of this podcast:
More Paranormal Than Ever & Invisible Forces - 3rd Ear Bonus 305
25/07/2024 Duración: 01h01minNew podcast alert! I am launching a new weekly podcast called Paranonymous! I am so excited and hope that if you are interested in being a part of it, you shall reach me at:Paranonymous Hotline: 818-865-0563Experiences of high strangeness shared anonymously. Free yourself from keeping your story to yourself under the cloak of secrecy and find comfort in community. We can set up a time to chat via zoom and your identity will never be revealed (I have a pretty good track record for this). This episode we discuss why I believe more paranormal than ever is happening and how we can all get to communicate with it, give updates on projects, and discuss why expansion is probably the key to all things with the invisible forces.! Join for free if you want - be a part of our community! Hope you're well! Interact with me on ig or facebook, see you at the Watering Hole on the Astral Plane! Become a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 452 - The Paranormal's Embrace & Psychic Prossesing with Dash Kwiatkowski
23/07/2024 Duración: 01h06minOne of my favorite people, comedian, podcaster, investigator, filmmaker Dash Kwiatkwoski joins me on the show once again to talk about the new project and release of Liminal: A Queer and Trans Paranormal Investigation Series. We get into how the paranormal has embraced them and why that even happens, along with the psychic processing that goes along with having a sh*thead detector, the meaning of life and so much more! You can be a part of Liminal and join the interactive nature of the phenomena by contributing to its creation at the crowdfunding link at the Pilot episode (its awesome) of Liminal here - Official WebsiteFollow Dash on ig (they are awesome) hereTheir podcast Psychic Friendz hereAll the links on linktreeYou can check me out on the road this summer at my websiteGo ad-free and become a patron! Become a supporter of this podcast:
Psi Boundaries & The Measurement of Belief - 3rd Ear Bonus 304
18/07/2024 Duración: 58minLet's dig into my recent trip to Serpent Mound and some of the great people I was traveling with down to the park, at least a small tidbit tease of what happened. We discuss the boundaries of psi according to George Hansen, Nigel blows our minds at the beginning but we didn't realize it until the end and much, much more! Join the Patreon today (free of paid)! See me do standup!Become a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 451 - Psychic Lightning Strikes & Consensus Reality with Karen Rontowski
16/07/2024 Duración: 01h09sThe wonderful, incredible and always delightful Karen Rontowski (Paranormal Karen) is back! We get a great conversation in before it is cutoff at the end, so apologies for that, but we will continue this chat very soon. We get into what it is like when you are attuned to your abilities and then the energies or entities of the world know that. We also have a discussion about the difference between creating your world and living in consensus reality. Great chat as always! you and see you at the Watering Hole! Become a supporter of this podcast:
A Paranormal Fog, Lights & Energy with Agency - 3rd Ear Bonus 303
11/07/2024 Duración: 58minLet's discuss my recent trip to Poasttown Elementary School with Eric Conner, Kenzi B and Tyler and the things that I saw on this trip. It was truly a trip like no other I have ever had there and I share all the details. We get into some Keel, Hansen and more from The Book of Symbols, too. Nigel makes a special happy birthday video for me available on the patreon, check it out! shows! a supporter of this podcast:
Mind to Light & The Infinitesimal Spark - 3rd Ear Bonus 302
02/07/2024 Duración: 56minIs it possible that I'm going to mostly randomly read from three different incredible books and have them all directly relate to one another? It is more to believe, is it not? Let's talk about the idea that light is mind and mind is light and why that is worthy of our attention and even our paranormal investigation. What a fun trip we go on today as we find connections everywhere and not just because something "sparked" our imagination. Live tour dates: referenced in today's episode:The Trickster and the Paranormal - George P. HansenThe Book of Symbols - TaschenThe Corpus HermeticumBecome a supporter of this podcast:
The Inevitability of Curiosity & Investigate How You Love - 3rd Ear Bonus 301
25/06/2024 Duración: 55minWe do recap of the Haunted America Conference, talk about the inevitability of curiosity from two weeks ago and get into investigation purpose. You should always follow your heart and doing the paranormal is no different. Hope you are having fun and allowing yourself to be excited about things. a supporter of this podcast:
Experience 450 - The Unfolding Reality & What Do We Even Know We Know? with Jim Vernon
20/06/2024 Duración: 01h30minProfessor of Philosophy Jim Vernon joins me for an amazing conversation where we dive deep into the mystical waters of consciousness, the reality of the world around us and how do we even know what we think is real or what we think we see is what we think we see? Is there a place for the paranormal in the world of historical thinkers and what in fact would be some of their positions on the existence of the unexplainable? So fun and inspiring to discuss these things with someone like Jim and I know you'll enjoy his incredible perspectives. Jim works broadly in Continental philosophy, with a focus on German Idealism (esp. Hegel) and recent French Philosophy (esp. Derrida, Badiou, and Deleuze), as well as in political theory, with an emphasis on the organic intellectuals of post-war Black Liberation movements in America (esp. Martin Luther King, The Black Panthers, Malcolm X, and Hip Hop culture). Current projects include a Hegelian explication and defence of the aesthetic and cultural practices surrounding the
300th 3rd Ear Takeover & The Story of Science - 3rd Ear Bonus 300
14/06/2024 Duración: 01h09minThe Producer of the podcast Nigel takes over for the 300th 3rd Ear Bonus, even though he never mentions that, but alas here we are. Then I get back involved after who knows what he was doing so I could talk a little about the story that science tells. Science doesn't present itself as a storyteller often, but at its heart that is what it is all about. Haunted America Conference next weekend! dates and more: a supporter of this podcast:
PRISM, ITC & Matthew Jackson Pop-in - 3rd Ear Bonus 299
05/06/2024 Duración: 01h09minLet's talk about ITC and more specifically the amazing new device you've heard me talk about called PRISM - invented by Joshua Sean. Matthew Jackson pops in to discuss the world debut of PRISM at the upcoming Haunted America Conference. We get into the details of what makes PRISM different from other devices. A great chat and Nigel lets me know how I screwed up by not switching my mic input when Matt joined me. So apologies for that to that listeners. Here's those links: a supporter of this podcast: