Stand up comedian Ryan Singer has in-depth interviews with people possessing paranormal abilities or experiences outside the ordinary. He sits down with people from all walks of life to discuss their experience as empaths, living with clairvoyance, their abilities to communicate with ghosts and much more to help himself better understand his past experiences with people possessing seemingly supernatural abilities. Please call the hotline 818-839-0593 with questions, comments, suggestions, or your experiences and stories. Twitter: - Virtual Store is OPEN!Rate, review & subscribe on iTunes! Mixed and produced by Alex Stein and @popcrow on Soundcloud.
The Road - 3rd Ear Bonus 18
18/06/2015 Duración: 15minThe Road is mythical figure to me. It has had a prominent place in my life for the last 7 or so years I have embarked on a full-time career as a stand up comedian. There is something magical and unknown about it and you could say it has been a muse of sorts for me. I record some thoughts while sitting under the stars and also at a hotel in Illinois.
Experience 72 - Dr. Carmen Boulter, the Pyramid Code & Atlantis
12/06/2015 Duración: 59minDr. Carmen Boulter is the creative fire behind The Pyramid Code. She is the Director, Producer, and writer of the series. Carmen has had an unshakable passion for Egypt traveling there 25 times. Through embassy support, Carmen did extensive research in the archives of the Egyptian Museum gaining official access to the Rare Books Library of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University where the field notes of excavations done around the pyramids in the early 1900s are held. Carmen is the author of Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness. Over the past decade, Carmen has been a university professor developing online curriculum. Her latest achievement is, an online learning and social action network.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & Review on iTunes please! thanks!
Listener Voicemails: Perverted ghosts, DMT & Precognition - 3rd Ear Bonus 17
09/06/2015 Duración: 28minWe get a mixed bag of listener voicemails that people have been kind enough to leave me recently. I try my best to answer or discuss briefly what they have called about and we cover perverted ghosts, DMT, and an Precognition event. All of these things are very interesting and I think you will enjoy listening to them leave their stories. If you would like to leave me a story or anything at all that could maybe someday be featured on the mindcast, please call the Mindline: 818-839-0593www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.comPlease rate & review on iTunes! Thanks!
Experience 71 - John DeSouza, TAMA - the Age of Mass Awakening & proof of the paranormal
03/06/2015 Duración: 01h02minJohn DeSouza, a former investigator for the US government, tells me about TAMA - the age of mass awakening, growing up in a morphogenic energy field, the plans of the ET's for our future, and so much more. John is also an author with many great books in the pipeline and a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline
Pineal Gland - 3rd Ear Bonus 16
02/06/2015 Duración: 33minThe pineal gland has been depicted throughout the ages as the "third eye" that can see to another dimension, elevate consciousness, and help humans see the mysteries of the universe and beyond. Where is it actually located inside the human body? Deep inside the center of the human brain is the location of the pineal gland, which many speculate is the actual physical location of the third eye. How do we open it? And do the powers that be even want us to be able to do so? www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline
Experience 70 - Franco Denicola, the Great Awakening & reincarnation of essence
29/05/2015 Duración: 01h05minFranco Denicola expounds and expands on the Great Awakening that many people claim is happening all around us. A "shift" is occurring and you can feel it and we discuss what it is like to be someone who may be more a-tuned to the shift happening. We also discuss brother and sister souls on different planets, what it is like to come back to Earth to assist in the shift and help expand consciousness. Wow. Twas grand. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline
Lester Clark, my Grandpa, a Tribute - 3rd Ear Bonus 15
24/05/2015 Duración: 42minA tribute to my late grandfather, Lester Clark, 89 years young who passed earlier today in New Carlisle, OH. This man has made a major impact on my life and I talk about sensing his death from 2,400 miles away. I play a lot of songs that I love that help me through difficult times and I DO NOT OWN the rights to them, nor am I profiting from their inclusion. I have no intention of making money of their work. Let's all try to do our best and love each other. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindline
Experience 69 - April Adams, Intuitive Life Coach & Emotional Fulfillment Expert
22/05/2015 Duración: 01h07minApril Adams, intuitive life coach & emotional fulfillment expert talks to me about coming into or "tapping into" the abilities that we all have, but only some of us are harnessing. It is interesting to know that those of us around us who think, feel, or seem to know more are possibly just paying more attention to the differences in those thoughts, feelings, or pieces of information that they are processing. Fun talk and we tease a really fun, future talk that we are going to have about romance. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & Review on iTunes
Muses - 3rd Ear Bonus 14
19/05/2015 Duración: 29minThalia, the muse of comedy is one of my favorite mythical characters to think about. I also believe that I have encountered two muses in my life, muses that were embodied in other people that had a profound impact on my life and helped me realize I was capable of even more than I thought. I also believe that the concept of muse that the Western world subscribes to is not exactly what I have chosen to believe is in fact the case. We can channel the muse through the walls of our "workshops" or even through the eyes of our favorite pet, possibly. I muse on the subject for this week's 3rd Ear Bonus.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & Review on iTunes!
Experience 68 - David Foster, Holistic medicine & addiction
15/05/2015 Duración: 01h02minDavid Foster, stand up comedian and expert of holistic medicine tells me about his spiritual and medicinal journey from the east to the west. We tell nicotine war stories and converse about the "beast" within and the vibration it occupies. A great talk with a very informative, funny, and articulate guy who makes some hard to grasp concepts very easy to understand.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & Review on iTunes!
Bootleg Ryan Singer Stand Up Comedy - 3rd Ear Bonus 13
12/05/2015 Duración: 48minFor the 13th 3rd Ear Bonus I have decided to release a bootleg copy of a 40+ minute stand up comedy set that I performed that was improvised. The set took place at a magical basement theater that no longer exists called The Relapse Theater. The word "Relapse" was painted on the wall with a montage of apes turning into businessmen. It was such a magical place in the wonderful stand up scene in the city of Atlanta, GA. The backstory is too much to get into here, but maybe another time. Just know that I recorded this on my iPhone 4, I think, so the audio quality is definitely "bootleg" and not polished album. It is a peek into one magical night of my life on the road in the year 2012. Please enjoy. ADULT LANGUAGE AND TOPICSwww.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & Review on iTunes! Thanks!
Experience 67 - Myq Kaplan, ayahuasca & the skeptical mind
08/05/2015 Duración: 01h01minMyq Kaplan ( joins me for a wonderful discussion on ayahuasca, the science of our minds and the skeptic who would love to see. Myq has a great, brilliant, and scientific mind that is fun to discuss all things with, especially the paranormal and their likelihood of existence. Not all skeptical minds take journeys with sacred plants, Myq's perspective on things is fun, refreshing, engaging, and enjoyable to consider. I think you'll enjoy this great talk.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & review on iTunes! Thanks!
Morgan Le Fay & the Impact of Female Characters from Mythology - 3rd Ear Bonus 12
05/05/2015 Duración: 19minI discuss Morgan Le Fay and the impact of female characters from mythology on how and why women tend to be more drawn to the paranormal and open to discussing their experiences. Is there a collective consciousness built by the folklore of our collective civilizations that has made more closed off to the emotional and mystical sides of our existence? I believe so and talk about it a little bit here and would love to hear your thoughts and comments on it, as well.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 MindlineRate & review on iTunes!
Experience 66 - Sharon Tenney, psychic medium
01/05/2015 Duración: 01h06minSharon Tenney's psychic experiences range from clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (feeling). Many times she has "felt" or "seen" or "heard" voices and people in her readings. Sometimes they are mental images, and other times they are actual manifestations of spirit in the form of movies, literal touch, holographic images (spirits that look like what you see in Disneyland at the Haunted House), and actual voices, just as if someone is standing right there next to her. I discuss some of them with her and what it was like to discover these abilities.www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radio
Edgar Cayce - 3rd Ear Bonus 11
28/04/2015 Duración: 34minEdgar Cayce (1877 - 1945) is considered the father of modern holistic medicine and was referred to as "the Sleeping Prophet" for his style of lying down on the couch during his trance readings. He covered many topics during his years doing readings including reincarnation, Akashich Readings, soul mates, and much more. Was he a quack trying to take advantage of people for their money or was he a simple man with a profound gift and desire to help? I discuss this and much more about that man that made clairvoyance and psychic abilities mainstream before they ever became mainstream. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher RadioPlease rate and review the mindcast to help others find it!
Experience 65 - My search for the Haunted Picnic Table of Griffith Park in Los Angeles
24/04/2015 Duración: 44minThe Haunted Picnic Table in Griffith Park in Los Angeles is a fascinating tale based on facts and legend, like most great ghost stories. Not knowing of this place, I was on a mission to find it myself and by myself. I detail in short snipits of audio my hike to find it as the sun was setting. The experience is couched with background and follow up audio of the legend of this place that may be home to the ghosts of young lovers Rand and Nancy as they were killed by a falling tree while making love on a picnic table on October 31, 1976. Every 13th Experience is a bit different than the standard interviews that come out every Friday and I hope you enjoy this one. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radioplease rate, review and subscribe to share the paranormal love! Also, please reach out to me to be interviewed
The Kennedy Report - April - 3rd Ear Bonus Ten
21/04/2015 Duración: 31minMike Kennedy stops by to fill me on one of the prominent conspiracy theories that has been going around on the internet and within conspiracy circles for years - the Bush family connection to the Nazi party. You cannot ignore the evidence that is plain sight it turns out and it makes you wonder how deep the ties still go to this day. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineavailable on iTunes & Stitcher Radio
Experience 64 - Dave Stone, Bigfoot & Men in Black
17/04/2015 Duración: 01h04minDave Stone comes back on the show to talk some more about Bigfoot and we also get into the Men in Black. Admittedly, I am a bit obsessed with Sasquatch right now as I just finished shooting a short film I wrote with a friend about Carl Treadway VII - Monster Hunter. This character is one I've been doing for a few years. The old man of the forrest is on my mind right now. Always great to talk to one of my best buds about the world of cryptozoology. www.meandparanormalyou.comwww.ryansingercomedy.com818-839-0593 Mindlineon iTunes & Stitcher Radioplease rate & review to help out the program, thanks!
Chupacabra - 3rd Ear Bonus Nine
13/04/2015 Duración: 31minChupacabra, "goat sucker" is the subject of today's bonus content. Who and what is this cryptid? I walk us through a brief history of a cryptid who hasn't been around all that 818-839-0593 Mindlineavail on iTunes & Stitcher Radio
Experience 63 - New Age Starlits with Brooke & Jocelyn
10/04/2015 Duración: 01h01minJoceylun Cruz and Brooke Burgstahler, the "New Age Starlits" stop by to tell me about the consciousness evolution and revolution. The talk was happening while Jocelyn's boyfriend, Chris was crystal-healing their ball python snake, so the atmosphere was perfect for a fun, engaging, insightful talk about all things seen with the third eye. www.ryansingercomedy.comwww.meandparanormalyou.com818-839-0593 Mindlinewww.newagestarlits.comrate, review and subscribe on iTunes