Nationally syndicated Lifestyle Expert and owner of Quality for Life Coaching, Linzi Levinson exposes the forbidden each week; She will reveal edgy, controversial, and intimate truths that inspire and ignite you to live your passionate and authentic lifestyle.
The Dissection of an Orgasm (part 1)
05/02/2016 Duración: 53minWhat do we really understand about what an orgasm? how to achieve one? Are there more to achieve that we do not yet know about? GUEST – Jennifer Elizabeth Masters (AUTHOR)
The Reality of Transgender (part 1)
29/01/2016 Duración: 55minTalking in unthinkable detail with the top LGBTQ surgeon in the world GUEST – Dr. Sherman Leis (TOP TRANS SURGEON GLOBALLY)
The Reality of Transgender (part 2)
29/01/2016 Duración: 58minDelving further into options, safety, “The Transgender Center” and the monumental outcome that is now thriving from this CENTER (created by Dr. Sherman Leis) GUEST – Dr. Sherman Leis (TOP TRANS SURGEON GLOBALLY)
Experiences, Challenges and Disabilities
22/01/2016 Duración: 57minLet’s talk to someone who is going through it! GUEST - Gary Loper (LIFE, SEXUAL AND INTIMACY COACH, TEACHER AND AUTHOR)
15/01/2016 Duración: 55minAny Solutions We May not yet Know? Let’s get creative. GUEST- Jennifer Elizabeth Masters (AUTHOR)