World Lutheran News Digest is an audio news magazine bringing you a look at significant events in worldwide Lutheranism.
Matters of Life and Death --- 2018/05/09
09/05/2018Mandatory, involuntary euthanasia has happened before, and it’s happening again. Host Kip Allen discusses this frightening development with Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism. Learn more about the Discovery Institute at and follow @DiscoveryInst1.
Pro-Life on Campus --- 2018/05/02
02/05/2018Pro-life students on campuses across the nation are creating displays exposing the horror of abortion. Pro-abortion students react by vandalism, destruction and intimidation. Students for Life in America is helping the cause. SLA Western Regional Director Reagan Barklage joins host Kip Allen on today's episode. Follow SLA at and @StudentsforLife.
Faith in the Midst of Combat --- 2018/04/25
25/04/2018Faith in God has sustained many soldiers through the ordeal of combat. This is especially true of those who have been captured by the enemy. However, a display honoring the faith of POW/MIA is under attack by an atheist group. Chaplain Craig Muehler, director of the Ministry to the Armed Forces discusses the situation with host Kip Allen.
Faith-Based Adoption Agencies Under Attack --- 2018/04/11
14/04/2018Faith-based adoption agencies are under attack by those claiming they discriminate against same-sex couples seeking adoption. Sexual politics resulted in various states and cities canceling contracts such agencies, adding thousands of children to already-overburdened state service agencies. Attorney Autumn Leva of the Family Policy Alliance discusses sexual politics and adoption with host Kip Allen on today’s World Lutheran News Digest.
Made Up Facts --- 2018/04/04
04/04/2018Abortion was legalized 45 years ago, and nearly 60 million babies have been aborted since that time. One statistic that abortion-rights advocates used in support of legalizing abortion is the number of women who die from undergoing illegal abortions. However, since the 1973 ruling, those figures have been disproved as false. Guest Carole Novielli, writer for Live Action, joins host Kip Allen to talk about this falsified information given to the Supreme Court for the Roe v Wade ruling.
The Case of Compelled Speech --- 2018/03/28
28/03/2018Guest Michael Farris, president, CEO, and general counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), joins host Kip Allen to talk about the case of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates (NIFLA) vs. Becerra. This case, recently heard before the Supreme Court, involves compelled speech and whether pro-life crisis pregnancy centers can be forced to essentially advertise abortion services at other facilities. Follow the case at and follow ADF on Twitter @AllianceDefends.
Obey God Rather Than Men --- 2018/03/07
07/03/2018Host Kip Allen speaks with Kim Davis, former Rowen County, Kentucky, county clerk. Davis was jailed for defying the governor’s order that she issue marriage licenses for gay couple. Davis has recently released a book about her experience titled, “Under God’s Authority.”
Science and Religion: Agree or Disagree? --- 2018/02/28
28/02/2018Science and religion. We often hear that science and religion don’t mix. We also hear that Christians in general and Lutherans in particular are “anti-science,” but that’s not true according to Lutheran toxicologist Dr. Michael Dourson. He has dedicated himself to demonstrating that nature and the Bible are in accord and has written several books in which he uses the scientific method to investigate Biblical accounts. Find Dr. Dourson’s books on
Serving Others with Lutheran Young Adult Corps --- 2018/02/14
14/02/2018Host Kip Allen speaks with Lutheran Young Adult Corps (LYAC) participant Ray Shaver about his experiences in the program, including why he joined, what he has learned, how he intends to take this experience into his future career. Find more information about LYAC, including how to apply and what opportunities exist, at
Roe v. Wade Movie Shares Truth --- 2018/02/07
07/02/2018Guest Nick Loeb, co-producer of “Roe v. Wade: The Untold Story,” discusses how the infamous ruling legalizing abortion on demand was based on lies and made-up information. Loeb, along with co-producer Alveda King, niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., are teaming to produce a movie that exposes the truth. Learn more about the movie at
Forcing Advertising for Abortion --- 2018/01/31
31/01/2018David French, Senior Fellow with the National Review Institute, talks about the Supreme Court case involving the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates and concerns whether the state of California can force prolife crisis pregnancy centers to advertise for abortion services. Learn about this case at
March for Life Reflections --- 2018/01/24
24/01/2018Guest Peter Slayton, LCMS Social Media Manager, joins host Kip Allen to share his experiences at the 45th Annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Peter met not only religious people, but also people from secular backgrounds who believe that all life is sacred. He also met former abortion workers who have joined the pro-life cause. Read about the LCMS presence at the Chicago and National March for Life at and view videos and photos from the Marches at
Case Review: Sweet Cakes by Melissa --- 2018/01/10
10/01/2018Guest Stephanie Taub of First Liberty Institute discusses the Oregon court ruling against Aaron and Melissa Klein of Sweet Cakes by Melissa, who were fined $135,000 and put out of business for refusing to make a special cake for a lesbian marriage. Stephanie and host Kip Allen talk about the ruling, the constitutional issues involved, and where the case goes from here. Read more about the case at
January: Liberty and Life Month --- 2018/01/03
08/01/2018January is Liberty and Life Month. Dr. Gregory Seltz and program host Kip Allen discuss the 45th Annual March for Life, the link between eugenics and racism with Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger. Other topics include how science supports the concept that life begins at birth, the scientific and theological definitions of gender, and the importance of the nuclear family in today’s society.
Behavior in the Workplace and Home --- 2017/12/13
13/12/2017What is sexual misconduct in the workplace? What’s the difference between child abuse and child discipline? What are the obligations and responsibilities of the LCMS, Synod organizations and individuals regarding these questions, both legally and Biblically? Deaconess Kim Schave, Director of Project and Policy Administration for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, talks to World Lutheran News Digest host Kip Allen about these important issues.
Masterpiece Cakeshop --- 2017/12/06
06/12/2017The United States Supreme Court has heard oral arguments in what may be one of the most important constitutional cases in the Republic’s history. The case is Masterpiece Cake Shop vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The case is about cake artist Jack Phillips, who refused to make a special wedding cake for a gay couple because of his belief about traditional marriage. The gay couple complained to the state’s civil rights commission, which ruled that Phillips violated the state’s non-discrimination laws, and that his religious beliefs did not matter. The case wound its way through the courts, until the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. On Tuesday, both sides presented their arguments. Today’s WLN Digest is an overview of this case as it stands. Find more details at Alliance Defending Freedom’s website
Freedom of Religion for Artists --- 2017/11/22
27/11/2017Many of us have fond memories of Thanksgiving traditions with family and friends. We also share in fellowship with our family in Christ in our congregations. Guest Erik Lunsford, LCMS Photojournalist, shares stories from around the world of the fellowship of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world.
Freedom of Religion for Artists --- 2017/11/08
10/11/2017Guest Jonathan Scruggs, senior counsel and director of the Center for Conscience Initiatives with Alliance Defending Freedom, examines court cases involving artists and religious freedom. A state court rules two Christian women who make hand crafted wedding announcements must create them for gay weddings, or face fines or even prison. This is another case of Christian artists facing persecution for their beliefs.
Religious Freedom at the Values Voter Summit --- 2017/11/01
01/11/2017Guest Peter S. Sprigg, Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council, discusses the recent Values Voter Summit. For three days last month, Christians and social conservatives from around the country gathered in the nation's capital for the 11th Annual Values Voter Summit. Sponsored from the start by FRC Action, the legislative affiliate arm of the Family Research Council, the Summit provides a forum to help inform and mobilize citizens across America to preserve the bedrock values of traditional marriage, religious liberty, sanctity of life, and limited government. Other similar organizations also helped sponsor the event. This latest Summit was truly groundbreaking. For the first time in its history, a sitting president, Donald Trump, was in attendance. Other notable speakers included talk show host Laura Ingram, civil rights leader Dr. Alveda King, March for Life president Jeannie Mancini, Live Action's founder and president Lila Rose, and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, among others. T
Reformation: What’d Beer Have To Do With It? --- 2017/10/25
25/10/2017What role did beer play in the Reformation? Kip Allen, host of World Lutheran News Digest and avid home-brewer, talks with guest Rev. Dr. Mark Bangert, pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Washington, Missouri, and winner of Brew in the Lou for the last two years, about beer and the history of the Reformation.