Beth Jones International Speaker



The official podcast of Beth Jones, International Speaker and Amazon Best Seller Author. Use your gifts for God. Live a life you love. Fulfill your great purpose.


  • What legacy are you leaving?

    17/03/2023 Duración: 08min

    What legacy are you leaving here on Earth? Recently I watched the Gals On The Go podcast on YouTube. The topic was, "Are we ACTUALLY turning into our parents?" It was funny. The hosts, Brooke and Danielle Carolan and Brooke Miccio were chatting about things like their moms still carrying around checkbooks in their purses, the rule of having no phone at the table and eating together as a family, dessert or no dessert with dinner, and putting extra plastic liners in the trash can at the bottom of it.  It got me to thinking how I was raised as a child and if I taught my children the way my family raised me. What kind of legacy do you and I want to leave when we die? How are we raising our children (or how did we raise them)? You can be the one to change your family's history by being on fire for Jesus and obeying God's word. The verse for today's podcast is Proverbs 22:6.  Find out more about my speaking for women's conferences, retreats, and online events at I'm having a book-writin

  • Asbury Revival: Revive my heart, Lord

    20/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    You have probably heard about the Asbury revival at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. Students were gathering in the chapel for a regular chapel service and a few lingered. Then what happened is the presence of God fell upon the students. Services have been ongoing for about 11 days, for 24/7. People have been coming from across the USA and the world to participate in corporate worship, praise, prayer, and repentance. Young people and old are worshiping and praising God and repenting of their sins. It has been amazing to watch, which you can see on YouTube videos. Revival starts with you and me. What needs reviving in your life and in mine? Podcast cover art by Rachel Walker at Unsplash.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Diana Journy: How to love when it's hard to love someone

    14/02/2023 Duración: 37min

    Today is Valentine's Day, the holiday on which we celebrate the beauty of love. But how do you love someone who is hard to love? Join me as I interview my special guest, Diana Journy, as she shares hers and her husband Tim's powerful story of Tim's adulterous affair and how God healed their marriage through forgiveness, time, and hard work. Any betrayal in a marriage is devastating. It’s even more devastating when the unfaithful person isn’t sure that he or she wants to continue in the marriage. Tim and Diana openly share their journey, hoping that their story will encourage others who have or are experiencing the painful journey of healing from infidelity. Tim and Diana now help other couples with their marriages to find peace, joy, fulfillment, and purpose. You can find out more about Tim and Diana at their website at and at Diana's website at --- Support this podcast:

  • Prayer for Turkey and Syria earthquake

    06/02/2023 Duración: 11min

    Turkey and Syria had a 7.8 magnitude earthquake. According to news report at the time of this video, over 2,300 people have died and over 7.600 have been injured with numbers expected to be much higher. Buildings and homes have collapsed and 100's of people are believed to be buried under the rubble. Snow from a winter storm is hampering rescue efforts. I've been praying and felt led to do a Zoom prayer recording for the people of Turkey and Syria. The Scriptures I shared in this video are below: "For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved." (Romans 10:13, NKJV) "He sent forth His word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions." (Psalm 107:20) "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone." (Psalm 91:11-12) The books I wrote on prayer and prophecy that I mentioned at the end of this video are Walking With God and Walking With God: In the Prophetic Lifestyle, available

  • My dream - Assistant at a wedding. How can we serve God?

    31/01/2023 Duración: 08min

    Last night I had a dream that I was an assistant to a pastor at a wedding. I believe the dream is prophetic that Jesus is soon returning and that we're to always be ready for Him. (Revelation 19:7-9, ESV) I believe it also means that we need to serve (assist) God. In the dream, there was a little girl in a pew in front of me. She was pretty and she was smiling. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, ESV, "...but Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven." How can we serve God today? Jesus put a towel around His waist and washed each of His disciples' feet at the Last Supper. (John 13) He did this as an example to you and me to serve God and others. Today, who can you and I help, encourage, pray for, give money to, and bless? Podcast cover art: Photo by Katherine Conrad @Unsplash  --- Support this podcast:

  • Say yes

    19/01/2023 Duración: 09min

    What do you want to say yes to in 2023? This was a question that I heard this week on K-Love Radio Station. When K-Love's staff asked their listeners this, the top 3 answers were traveling, friendships, and social activities. What do you want to do this new year? What do you also need to say no to? This is just as important as the yes question. Most of all, what does God want you to say yes to this year (or no to)? Pray and journal about these questions. You might also talk with your spouse, a friend, a therapist, a pastor, or a coach. Start today, right now. Live a life that you love.  Quotes: "You can only get more in life by saying yes." (Marshall Sylver) "Destiny is saying yes to the calling we were born with." (Alberto Villodo) "The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure." (Joseph Campbell) A great Scripture to reflect on is Ephesians 3:20, The Message: "God can do anything, you know --far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wi

  • Reset 2023: Be in tune with God and decluttering, organizing, & cleaning

    10/01/2023 Duración: 19min

    At the beginning of each year, many people do a "Reset." This can be in any area of your life. Did you know that each new year, and even each new day or hour, you can "reset" with God - through prayer? I've been praying about what God has for me this new year in 2023 and encourage you to do the same. Our hearts and our lives can become in tune with God's will, just as our daughter Leah tunes her violin to produce the right sound and to play beautifully. What is out of tune in your life? I also created a vlog on decluttering, organizing, and decluttering for 2023 that you can watch on YouTube, with text and good music. You can find it here: You can reset in the areas of your daily time with God, your relationships, your health, your finances/business, and more. God can help you to do this. The year 2023 can be your and my best year yet! God wants to give you a blessed, abundant life.  Patty Fagan's book mentioned on this episode, Healing Miracle Secrets, is available for sale

  • My one word for 2023: Light. What is yours?

    02/01/2023 Duración: 06min

    Right before the beginning of each year, I pray and ask God for a "one word" as a theme for the new year. I used to do new year's resolutions, but would break them within the first month (or the first week!). My one word for 2023 is "Light." The Scripture verses for this word are Daniel 12:3 and John 1:5. What is your one word for 2023? Do you do new year's resolutions, a one word, or both? Do you create new dreams and new goals? I pray that you have a blessed, exciting, peaceful, joyful, healthy, and prosperous new year and your family! Podcast cover photo by Alexander Andrews @ Unsplash. --- Support this podcast:

  • Where do we turn for help in this busy month?

    13/12/2022 Duración: 10min

    This month has been crazy-busy already and we’re not even through December yet! Christmas shopping, mailing packages and Christmas cards, preparing for holiday dinners and parties with family and friends, it can get so busy and even overwhelming at times. Where do we turn for help in this hectic season? To God! Listen as Beth Jones shares a devotional from the book, The Language of Letting Go by Melody Beattie on December 12, about simply asking God for help…and seeing how that can take us anywhere! The verse for today’s podcast is Psalm 121:1-2, NIV. --- Support this podcast:

  • Jonah: Are you running to or from God?

    14/11/2022 Duración: 12min

    Has God ever told you to do something and you disobeyed, from fear, insecurity, pride, or another reason? Jonah did this when God told him to go to the wicked city of Nineveh and preach to them to repent of their sins. Instead of obeying, Jonah ran away from God's presence to board a ship going to Tarshish, and went down to the lowest part of the ship. God sent a great wind on the sea, and there was a tempest, and the ship was about to be broken up due to Jonah's disobedience, risking the lives of the mariners on board. In this episode, I share about this powerful lesson from the book of Jonah. God desires to save and not destroy people. Podcast Cover Art Photo by Gabriel Dizzi @ Unsplash. --- Support this podcast:

  • Interview with Barbara Miller

    17/10/2022 Duración: 23min

    Did you know that your prayers to God have great authority and are powerful--even dangerous against the enemy, satan? And that you can make decrees over the nations of the Earth? You can also make decrees over your family, yourself, and others, with God radically changing lives for the glory of Jesus Christ. In this fascinating episode, Beth Jones interviews Pastor Barbara Miller of Australia about this topic of making decrees in prayer. Pastor Barbara Miller’s ministry has a strong focus on reconciliation, justice, prayer, worship and teaching on Israel.  An apostle-prophet team with her husband Norman, they co-founded the Centre for International Reconciliation and Peace in 1997 ( Barbara and her husband were the leaders of Australia and the Bethany Gate under the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations (2005-2012) and have led a number of tours to Israel.  Barbara is regularly a speaker in many nations and has written 12 books. The latest is Decrees and Dange

  • Interview with Joey A. Perry, Sr. (One Less Grain of Sand: Fulfill God's Purposes While You Have Time)

    10/10/2022 Duración: 16min

    In an hourglass, the sands fall quickly and can never be retrieved. So it is with our time here on this earth. We need to use our time wisely, to live for the glory of God. In this episode, Beth M. Jones interviews Joey A. Perry, Sr., about his book, One Less Grain of Sand: Fulfill God's Purposes While You Have Time, available for sale at Amazon. Joey A. Perry, Sr. has taught the Word of God since 1982. During that time, he has instructed students in the following areas: Sunday school (children and adults), Vacation Bible school (children), Men's Ministry, Youth Ministry, and the True Love Waits (sexual abstinence for teens) program. He believes God has called him to promote the spiritual growth and maturity of Christians through teaching and writing. He has published three books: Parenting Lessons from God, the Perfect Parent; Pressing on Toward Maturity: Seven Biblical Truths for Spiritual Growth; and One Less Grain of Sand: Fulfill God's Purposes While You Have Time!  He lives in Texas and is active i

  • Are you a vessel of honor?

    29/08/2022 Duración: 05min

    Are you a vessel of honor or dishonor? The Bible verse 2 Timothy 2:20-21 tells us that there are vessels for honor and dishonor. As Christian believers, we need to be people of honor, holy and useful for God our Master, prepared for every good work. The word honor means to have a good name or public esteem, to be a person of superior standing (moral excellence), to be trustworthy, reliable, and dependable, to be honest, and to be a person of love because God is love (Love entails honor). Other verses in today's podcast are Hebrews 13:8 (God doesn't change); God doesn't lie (Numbers 23:19); and God is Love (1 John 4:20-21).  --- Support this podcast:

  • Dream big then do it (My Destin beach, Florida trip)

    25/08/2022 Duración: 19min

    Do you have a dream in your heart, whether big or small? Do you feel that your dream has been delayed? Don't give up; don't stop dreaming! Dream big because we serve a big God! I've been dreaming and praying for over 3 years to travel to Destin beach, Florida. It is the setting for the first fiction book that I wrote called Storm Tossed (available for sale at Amazon). Destin beach is gorgeous with soft, white sand and clear, blue-green water. I just returned from a week-long trip to Destin beach. I desperately needed this time of relaxation after a very stressful year. I had an amazing, fun time and I give Jesus Christ all the praise and glory! In this podcast, I share about my trip there: how I used Uber to get from the airport to my beautiful Air BnB; relaxing on the beach; going to Publix for groceries, bottled water, my chair and mat for the beach; and different restaurants with delicious food. At about the 12 minute mark, I share about praying for the people of Destin and Florida. At about the 15-18 minu

  • Celebrity Deaths: Life after death

    09/08/2022 Duración: 13min

    Where do we go when we die? Do we have nine lives like they say cats have? Are we reincarnated into a lion, a tiger, an elephant, or something else? Is there nothing and this life is all there is? In the news this week, there have been two famous celebrities who died, actress/singer Olivia Newton John (who co-starred with John Travolta in the 1978 movie hit, Grease), and Nichelle Nichols, who starred in the tv series and subsequent movies, Star Trek. Also, the American actress, voice actress, writer, and producer Anne Heche drove her car at a high speed into a Los Angeles residential house, catching the car and the house on fire. The news reports that the owner of the house narrowly escaped physical harm being a few feet away in the house from the crash. Anne is in the ICU in critical condition in a coma now, with burns that will need surgery and a significant pulmonary injury, requiring mechanical ventilation. So tragic. No matter how wealthy and famous you are, no matter how smart, how much you have accompl

  • Diane Bishop, Realtor - God's Anointing for Business (Women in Biz series)

    01/08/2022 Duración: 37min

    Did you know that God never intended us to use our spiritual gifts, talents, and skills just for inside the four walls of the Church? He desires that we use them for His glory and to help and bless others out in the marketplace! In this podcast episode, I interview realtor Diane Bishop about God's desire for marketplace ministry. She shares exciting stories of how she and her husband Herb Bishop use their spiritual gifts to advance God's Kingdom in their realtor business. "It's not just about selling houses, but about building relationships," she says. Join me as I interview Diane about her powerful story: a wife in a deeply troubled marriage with four kids, a mentor at church giving her life-giving words of wisdom that turned the trajectory of Diane's life, going through a divorce she didn't want, and finally marrying her soul-mate Herb and them walking in unity, experiencing God's abundant blessings. God wants to powerfully use you and your gifts, too, to make an impact in the marketplace and to shower you

  • A beautiful tapestry. Podcast interview with Jane VanOsdol (Women in Biz series).

    25/07/2022 Duración: 25min

    Are you a woman in business, but have more than one passion? Perhaps you're like Jane VanOsdol, who is a prayer warrior, a speaker, an author and blogger, a beekeeper, an herbalist, a wife, a mom, and a grandmother - whew! People have asked Jane why she doesn't have just one interest. But that isn't the way that God wired her. She has learned to embrace this and has converged her passions with her sister Mary Kane at their website at, to help today's busy women receive grace for healing, health, and wholeness for their bodies, souls, and spirits. Join me as I interview Jane on how God creates a beautiful tapestry of our lives and business.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Joycelynn Harrell: Transitioning from a career (J-O-B) to entrepreneurship. (Women in Biz series)

    20/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    Do you have a career (or a J-O-B, working outside the home), but have dreams of having your own business? With 40+ years of ministry experience as well as being a registered nurse, Joycelynn Harrell is now making the exciting transition to being an entrepreneur. In this Women in Biz series interview episode, JoyceLynn speaks about the joys and the challenges of being an entrepreneur. She also shares about the intense heartache of losing her child to suicide, her veteran son Brandon, but how this loss has given her a deeper faith, message, and ministry. Joycelynn is the Founder and CEO of Living Whole Coaching Academy to empower you with tools to experience wholeness in your body, mind, soul, and spirit. Joycelynn wears many hats. She is an oncology nurse, wellness coach, TV host, speaker, writer. wife, co-pastor, herbalist, and aromatherapist. She and her pastor husband MIke have 3 children (2 living and 1 in Heaven) and 9 grandchildren. They pastor River’s Of Life Ministries International in Macclesfield, NC

  • What will it take to live your great story?

    12/07/2022 Duración: 11min

    This week I received in the mail a pretty wall decor with an inscription which reads, "Live a great story." On it are two dandelion flowers, with one of the dandelion's seeds blowing in the wind. Wouldn't it be great if it was that easy for our wishes and dreams to come true? What will it take for you and me to live our great story? How will you and I get there?  Is it sharing with someone about Jesus, leading him or her to salvation? Is it traveling all over the world (my big dream!)? Is it adopting a child (or a pet)? Getting fit and healthy? Creating a ministry for pregnant teens, single moms, or men in prison? Starting a new job or career? Regret or envy are not good life companions.  We have this one life to live. I have a motto, "Dream big because we serve a big God!" I am living proof of dreams and prayers coming true. Do your dreams; don't wait!  Psalm 18:24 The Message says, "God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to His eyes." God can rewrite your story in

  • Sharon Rose Gibson: The Power of Your Story (Women in Biz series)

    05/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    Everyone has stories to tell. Jesus told parables (stories) to His disciples to teach truth, to inspire, and to give hope. Do you know your family's stories? Are they written down so they can be passed on? What is your own story? What life lessons and wisdom do you have to share in your story? You can leave a legacy that your children, your grandchildren, and others will treasure. In this episode, I interview Sharon Rose Gibson about the power of your story. Sharon's parents' stories and her own story living in the Congo in Africa are exciting, with them even facing gunpoint and God miraculously protecting their lives, while others were killed.  She is the daughter of African missionaries in the Congo, was a student in Kenya, Africa, and graduated from a USA high school and the University of Kansas, with a degree in Speech Communications and Human Relations. Sharon has been published in books and magazines, is an author herself of four books, and is the creator of the online writing course, How to Write

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