Calvary Omaha :: Worship Encounter Audio Podcast



Calvary Chapel West Omaha worship encounter audio podcast.


  • Worn Out!

    06/02/2022 Duración: 54min

    Have you been feeling exhausted from trying to do too much? Being busy can be okay for a season, but a lifestyle of busyness will lead to burnout and can delay progress in the things God has called you to do. In Worn Out Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Exodus 18. As we read about Moses' life, we learn how important it is to train up people we can delegate responsibilities to so we can prevent burnout as we answer God's call for our lives. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • When The Dream Looks Different

    30/01/2022 Duración: 47min

    Have you ever had a desire or dream fulfilled, but it looks different than you thought it would? It can be frustrating or discouraging when that happens, but it's important to remember that God's plans for your life are always to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future. In When The Dream Looks Different, Pastor Mike O'Connell teaches from Genesis 37-50. As we read about Joseph's life, we see Joseph remain faithful to pursuing God's plan for his life despite the unfair circumstances he had to endure. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • The King's Keys

    23/01/2022 Duración: 53min

    In The King's Keys, Pastor Kap Chatfield teaches from Matthew 16:13-20. Spiritual warfare is real and can be scary at times, but as we stay connected to God, we are given authority to speak life over our situations and see transformation happen. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Heat Of The Moment

    16/01/2022 Duración: 43min

    In Heat Of The Moment, Pastor Todd Doxzon reminds us that making decisions when we are desperate or depleted can lead to deep regret. As he teaches from Genesis 25, we see Esau give up his birthright for a bowl of beans. He was starving and the immediate gratification he got from that meal led to years and years of heartache. We are often faced with temptations that can cause us to miss out on God's best for us if we give in to them. However, if we stay full by reading God's word, spending time in prayer, and surrounding ourselves with fellow Believers, we can avoid making decisions that will be detrimental to our futures. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Steps Of Faith

    09/01/2022 Duración: 52min

    What step of faith is God inviting you into in 2022? At times it can be scary to obey God's leading when we aren't certain how things will turn out, but we miss out on his best for our lives when we choose comfort over courage. In Steps of Faith Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Genesis 12-14. As we read about Abram's life, we see the steps of faith that he took in obedience to God. Abram trusted God's leading with his future, his farm, his family, and his finances. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Original Instructions

    02/01/2022 Duración: 45min

    When God created us, he created original instructions on how life would work best for us. When we choose to change the rules, we get results that are different than what he intended for our lives. In Original Instructions Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Genesis 2. As we read about God creating the Earth and everything in it, we are given clear instructions on the way God desires that we live our lives. God instructs us to incorporate a rhythm of rest into our schedules; be responsible by working hard; and choose to invest in our relationships with Him and others. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • What's Your Purpose?

    26/12/2021 Duración: 26min
  • 100K

    12/12/2021 Duración: 54min

    In 100K// Vision Sunday, Pastor Todd Doxzon shares a message that gives clarity about who Love Church is and why we exist; celebrates where we've been and what God has done; and gives clear direction about where we're going and what God is leading us into. Jesus came to change the world, and as we allow God's love to flow through us to the people around us, we can help bring about that change in our communities. Over this next week, we encourage you to pray and ask God in what ways he is inviting you to partner with what he desires to do through Love Church. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Worthy

    05/12/2021 Duración: 48min

    Have you been wondering why the world is so chaotic lately? Or perhaps you have said, "if God is good, why do bad things happen?" If you feel overwhelmed or are facing an impossible situation, the good news is that Jesus is the conquering king who has the power to transform your situation! In Worthy, Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Revelation 5 and reminds us that Jesus has the power to redeem the earth. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • To The Church...

    30/11/2021 Duración: 53min

    In To The Church, Pastor Ben Norvig teaches from Revelation 2-3. As we read the letters that were written to the churches in these chapters, we are reminded that more than anything, Jesus desires to live in our hearts and love others through us. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Protected

    21/11/2021 Duración: 53min

    Are you feeling surrounded by troubles in this season? At times it may be tempting to panic or have anxiety when we feel like God is not with us during our trials, but God has promised that he will never leave or forsake us. In Protected, Pastor Mike O'Connell teaches from Psalm 138 and reminds us that God is "Immanuel" which means "God with us". Though it may seem like our troubles are surrounding us, we must remember that we can surrender our fears and frustration to God, and trust that he will protect us and give us the victory. We pray you are encouraged by this message.

  • Slackherds

    14/11/2021 Duración: 45min

    We are all called to be leaders in our sphere of influence. And though leadership can be a challenge to navigate, as we stay connected to God through prayer and spending time in his Word, God will care for and lead his people through us. In Slackherds, Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Ezekiel 34 and discusses the importance of selfless servant leadership. As we read God's message to his people through Ezekiel, we are reminded that Jesus will always go out of his way to find the lost, feed the lost, and fix the lost. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Protect The Rock!

    08/11/2021 Duración: 50min

    As believers, it is important for us to have a vision of God's plans for our lives.  It is equally important that we cling to our faith so that we don't "fumble the ball".  In Protect The Rock, Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from the book of Jude and gives us four key things to consider as we allow God to be the quarterback in our lives. 1) God's grace is for mistakes and does not give us a license to sin. 2) The greatest leaders are also the greatest followers; leaders need to understand humility before they claim authority. 3) The people in our sphere of influence should be able to see the fruit of God's Spirit in our lives. 4) There is a lot of division in today's culture and it is important for us to be a healing balm, rather than allow our pride to continue to cause division.  We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Standing Against Conformity

    31/10/2021 Duración: 43min

    Do you identify more like a thermometer or a thermostat? This is important to consider because when we are operating as thermometers, we ultimately are conforming to the world around us. But when we are operating as thermostats, through the power of Jesus we have the the authority to transform the world around us! In Standing Against Conformity, Pastor Mike O'Connell teaches from Daniel 1. As we learn about Daniel's life we see that, though King Nebuchadnezzar was trying to intimidate him to get him to conform, Daniel was determined not to compromise on his convictions. By standing against conformity, Daniel was given favor with the king and was able to move towards God's purpose for his life. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Real Love

    31/10/2021 Duración: 49min

    What is your definition of love? The English language has one word for love with many definitions, which at times can make it difficult to know how to use it correctly. In Real Love, Pastor Todd Doxzon reminds us that Agape Love, the unconditional love of God for his children, is what real love is all about. As he teaches from 1 John 4:7-21, we learn that Agape Love is sacrificial and supernatural, and leaves no room for fear or hate. The more that we love God supremely and stay connected to him, the more that his love flows out of us to love others supernaturally. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Watch Your Mouth

    17/10/2021 Duración: 42min

    Have you ever said something hurtful to someone you care about? In Watch Your Mouth, as Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from James 3 he challenges us to take inventory of what's coming out of our mouths. We have to Control our tongues so that they don't become Corrupt; and by keeping our Connection to God, he will help us to speak words that are encouraging. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • I Can't!

    10/10/2021 Duración: 53min

    Have you ever felt intimidated by something God has called you to do? Or perhaps you're often fearful that you're going to mess things up. In I Can't, as Pastor Todd Doxzon teaches from Jeremiah 1, he reminds us that we are going to have to step out of our comfort zones to answer God's call on our lives. We were created by a loving, sovereign God who pre-programmed each of us with a unique and specific purpose. Though we may feel fearful at times, we can't allow our fears to hinder us from moving forward because fear is a liar. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Distracted

    03/10/2021 Duración: 51min

    In Distracted, Pastor Todd shares a principle from Luke 10 that changed everything in his own life and could do the same in yours. He gave us the key to remaining focused in a world full of distractions - dining with your Heavenly Dad daily in the scriptures. This is the one thing that is needed - one scripture at a time, one day at a time and everything begins changing. We hope you take this challenge to sit with Jesus before you serve Jesus. We pray you are encouraged by this message.

  • Scandalous Love

    26/09/2021 Duración: 45min

    In Scandalous Love Pastor Mike O'Connell teaches from Hosea 3. As we read about Hosea's life, we get a picture of God's unconditional love for us, in the way that he instructs Hosea to love Gomer unconditionally despite the many times she turned her back on Hosea. Similarly so, we oftentimes run to other things instead of turning to Jesus to fulfill us. But God desires to have a relationship with us despite our brokenness, and the beautiful part about it is the fact that we don't have to earn his love, we just need to receive it. We pray you are encouraged by this message!

  • Like A Bird In A Cage

    19/09/2021 Duración: 44min

    In Like A Bird In A Cage Pastor Ben Norvig teaches from 2 Kings 18-19. As we read the story of Hezekiah, we can see that he was trapped and had no way to fix his circumstances. Yet despite how hopeless things seemed, Hezekiah had faith that God would help them, so he cried out to the Lord, asking for his help. Once he invited God into the situation, everything changed and God rescued the Israelites. What we learn from Hezekiah's example, is that the most important thing that we have is our faith: in what God has done; what God is doing; and what God will do. We pray you are encouraged by this message.

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