Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green



WallBuilders Live! with David Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. Featured guests will include Congressmen, Senators, and other elected officials, as well as experts, activists, authors, and commentators on a variety of issues facing America.


  • Bridging Divides: Envisioning Faith-Driven Peace in Gaza and Beyond

    12/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Could the key to peace in Gaza come from an unexpected source? Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Jonathan Feldstein presents a stirring assertion that Jesus is essential for harmony in the conflict-ridden region. Join us, as we unpack this radical idea. With a backdrop of deep Judaic convictions, Rabbi Feldstein's perspective challenges the status quo and ignites a conversation on the potential for Judeo-Christian values to pave the way to peace. We don't just talk the talk; we also highlight the actionable steps that individuals can take, such as engaging with our WallBuilders programs designed to empower pastors, teachers, and students alike. And stay tuned, as we have the pleasure of welcoming Rabbi Feldstein to share his eye-opening insights with us directly.Imagine an army, not of soldiers, but of Christians, committed to reconstructing Gaza. This episode paints a vision of a future where love triumphs over hate, and where hospitals, schools, and neighborhoods could serve as the building blocks for a socie

  • Reaffirming Religious Liberty: Education and America’s Spiritual Legacy

    11/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Delve into the heart of America's foundational values with Utah Representative Mike Petersen as we explore the resurgence of religious liberty debates in our latest candid discussion. Rep. Petersen brings his unique perspective on integrating the Ten Commandments into the educational narrative, a move that's sparked both support and controversy across the state. His advocacy for these principles within the study of American history and government is not just a lesson in civics, but a call to cultural restoration that resonates with many seeking to anchor our youth in the bedrock of biblical values.Wrapping up, we extend a hearty thank you to Rep. Petersen for his invaluable insights and reinforce the call to action for all our listeners to be part of upholding our nation's core principles. We invite you to connect with us at WallBuilders, explore our educational resources, and join the ranks of those making a proactive difference. This episode is more than just a discussion; it's a testame

  • Navigating Faith and Culture: Uniting Biblical Truths with Societal Transformation

    08/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a journey with us to the vibrant crossroads of faith and culture, and discover how biblical truths can empower our everyday actions. Being Good News Friday, we use David and Tim's stack of good news articles to drive the conversation. First up, we tackle Oregon's dramatic drug decriminalization reversal, revealing how deep understanding and wise policy-making can shape a healthier society. Through stories like the prodigal son's return to sensibility, we examine the crucial moments of awakening that can lead individuals and communities towards responsibility and positive change.Next up on our stack of good new articles- Prepare to be stirred as we discuss an Orthodox Jew's perspective on Jesus as a moral compass and beacon for peace, even for Gaza. Our conversation traverses the powerful alliance between Christians and Jews, while dissecting America's spiritual awakenings with a fresh lens. Together, we navigate the delicate balance of aiding those in need without enabling d

  • Evaluating Presidential Impact: From Founding Fathers to Modern-Day Leaders

    07/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the pivotal role education plays in protecting our constitutional powers. This episode isn't just another history lesson; it's a deep exploration into how biblical principles and the leadership of figures like George Washington shaped the very fabric of American governance. Join us for an electrifying debate on the most impactful, and at times underappreciated, U.S. Presidents. We'll scrutinize their legacies, assessing their contributions and missteps, and invite listeners to evaluate what truly makes a president effective in steering our nation's course.The tapestry of American leadership is rich and complex, woven with the legacies of early architects like Adams, Madison, and Monroe. We dissect the criteria for evaluating presidential efficacy, casting light on the darker corners of America's past with a candid discussion on who might just be the worst commanders-in-chief. From Andrew Jackson's detrimental precedents to Buchanan's missed opportunities, we pull no

  • Business Beyond Boundaries: Overcoming Cancel Culture

    06/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare to be enlightened by David Ragsdale, the visionary co-founder and CEO of RePlatform, as he joins us to unravel the complexities of creating a parallel economy in today's cancel culture climate. David brings a wealth of knowledge and a treasure trove of solutions for entrepreneurs and families seeking independence from mainstream platforms that have grown increasingly hostile. In our compelling discussion, David paints a vivid picture of the challenges and triumphs in carving out spaces where businesses and individuals can thrive without the looming threat of being deplatformed.Our chat with David is more than just an eye-opener; it's a call to action for those eager to connect with like-minded pioneers in various industries. From the promising startups at the RePlatform conference to the innovative tools that are shaping a resilient parallel economy, we cover the gamut of what it means to conduct business and raise families with confidence in the current societal landscape. This episode is a

  • Building on the American Heritage Series: A Republic that Stands

    05/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Unlock the truth behind global governance and its implications for individual freedom as we sit down with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. Our enlightening conversation will challenge the dangerous narrative that all government systems are equally effective. Discover why the American system's stability and success stand out in a world where too many nations endure the chaos of frequent leadership upheavals and constitutional crises. The prevalence of totalitarian regimes and the vital importance of parental engagement in education take center stage in our dynamic discussion.Imagine a world where casting a single vote or having a conversation with your local representative could reshape the political landscape. We discuss the significant influence of civic engagement in governance and policy-making, drawing from biblical wisdom to underscore the value of godly leadership. Our episode peels back the layers of democracy, distinguishing it from a constitutional republic, and navigates the murky waters of theo

  • Building on the American Heritage Series: Civil Stewardship: Duty vs. Right

    04/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the delicate balance of rights and duties that are the foundation of American values as we unravel the link between our cherished freedoms and the inherent responsibilities they carry. With an emphasis on the wisdom of our founding fathers, we dissect how rights like free speech are intertwined with the duty of integrity, and how the true essence of freedom is not about unfettered choice but about choosing responsibly within the rule of law. Listen as we contrast the self-governing ethos of America's revolution with the chaos of its French counterpart, shedding light on the role of a God-centered approach to liberty.Delve into the profound connection between faith and duty, a theme that echoes through anecdotes of farming, ranching, and timeless biblical truths. You'll hear how the unglamorous yet rewarding work behind the scenes nurtures spiritual growth and maturity, reflecting a time-honored ethic of labor that's essential for sustaining personal and societal commitments. This episo

  • Igniting the Flame of Biblical Citizenship Wk 8: Empowering Local Leadership, part 4

    01/03/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a transformative journey as we uncover the power of Biblical citizenship and its profound influence in modern America. I promise you'll gain a deeper understanding of the impact that faith and knowledge of the Constitution can have on our local communities. We invite you to listen to inspiring tales of ordinary individuals, emboldened by the teachings from our free course at biblicalcitizens.com, who have stepped forward to claim roles in governance, showcasing the might of faith-based community involvement. Whether it's school boards or city councils, this episode equips you with the courage and tools to make a difference where it truly begins—at home.Strap in for a dose of reality as we share personal experiences and the essential ingredients for a successful run for public office. Authenticity, unwavering principles, and a sturdy support system are the cornerstones of any political endeavor, and we shed light on the resources available to reinforce your campaign. We draw parallels with

  • Igniting the Flame of Biblical Citizenship Wk 8: Steering the Nation's Future, part 3

    29/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Have you ever pondered how your faith could actively shape the future of our nation? Prepare to be enlightened as we unpack the power of Article 5 of the Constitution. In this episode, we explore the intersection of divine guidance and constitutional mandates. With historical insight and a clarion call to action, we delve into the safeguards preventing a "runaway convention" and the critical role of a supermajority in ratifying change. As stewards of our Constitution, it's time we step forward and protect its values, ensuring it continues to echo the wisdom of the founders.Witness the transformative power of grassroots movements as we recount the story of a small study group that swelled into a community force, reshaping civic engagement through the lens of liberty and hope. From humble beginnings in a family's living room to standing shoulder-to-shoulder with city councils, this chronicle of growth ignites a spark for education on America's founding principles, and the necessity for

  • Igniting the Flame of Biblical Citizenship Wk 8: Embracing Our Legacy, part 2

    28/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the profound impact of biblical principles on American freedom as we bring you our eight-week course. We're reminding you that the torch of liberty is in your hands, ready to be kindled by your participation in elections, judicial appointments, and legal support groups. You'll see how biblical education becomes a beacon of hope, guiding us to uphold the spirit of our republic against the tide of negativity. With a call to embrace our freedom of religion, speech, and the press, we embody the spirit of Joshua and Caleb, optimistically facing challenges to preserve our cherished freedoms.Navigating the waters of constitutional amendments, we uncover the genius of our Founding Fathers in Article 5's design—a testament to their dedication to enduring and deliberate change. Only 27 amendments have weathered the storm of consensus out of more than 10,000 proposed, a ratio that commands our respect for the integrity of the system our founders created. As we consider the bipartisan nature of su

  • Igniting the Flame of Biblical Citizenship Wk 8: Reclaiming America's Constitution and Values, part 1

    27/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a crucial journey of transformation as reveal our quest for Biblical Citizenship in Modern America. Discover the actionable steps toward a renaissance of Biblical values and constitutional ideals in our local spheres. We reveal the profound effect that community activism can have on our nation's fabric. This episode is the ignition of your personal call to action, your gateway to becoming a pivotal force in this historic moment for our beloved country.This week's discourse dismantles the illusion that faith should be divorced from the political arena, advocating instead for an active Biblical citizenship deeply rooted in scripture. We mine the wisdom of our founders, confronting the ideologies that threaten the principles of freedom. The dialogue traverses the spiritual dimensions of societal conflicts, highlighting the transformative influence of a Biblical worldview. With special guests sharing insights into how faith shapes culture and governance, we empower you to see your role in the

  • The Awakening of Christian Voices in a Changing Political Climate

    26/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare for an enlightening journey with Chad Connelly of Faith Wins, as we dissect the intricate web of the 2024 election year, shining a spotlight on the seismic shifts within the political arena. Get ready to grasp the undercurrents that are redefining traditional political milestones, and discover President Trump's tactical maneuvers that continue to influence the chessboard of American politics. We tackle head-on the pressing issues that are stirring the nation, from the hot-button topic of border policies to the contentious role of gender in sports, and the alarming increase of anti-American sentiments among some political figures. This episode promises a revelation of the conservative awakening, particularly within the Christian community, as we explore their rising political involvement and their crucial role as beacons of principles during these pivotal times.Venture with us into a strategic discourse on voter engagement that could very well tip the scales of the next presidential race. We'

  • Charting the Course for Truth – Bold Leadership in the Education Sector

    23/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today is Good News Friday, so we will take the time to work through David and Tim’s stack of good news articles- University applications are down at Harvard University after anti Israel rallies are held, and hiring firms disassociate with Harvard. A professor wins his lawsuit and gets his job back after he was fired for simply teaching biology. In Oklahoma, the super attendant of education, Ryan Walters, is restoring religious liberty in the public schools. And A pro life student at Notre Dame wins her lawsuit after she was sued by a professor for an article she wrote that pointed out the professor's pro abortion advocacy.Could Harvard's recent upheaval signal a crossroads for American academia? We're peeling back the curtain on how major donor withdrawals and a leadership shake-up at one of the nation's top universities expose the complex dance between funding and university policy. This episode guides you through the controversy and courage found at the intersection of faith and culture,

  • Election Duty and Constitutional Wisdom in the Modern Era

    22/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, so lets get to some of your questions- What is the Biblical perspective on rights? Where in the constitution does it say spending bills originate in the house? Is it true that a bill is being introduced to limit the amount of security a church can have?Could you imagine a world where faith and culture merge seamlessly, influencing the very fabric of our constitutional rights? That's exactly the journey we embark upon. Together, we navigate the intricate relationship between biblical values and pressing societal issues, dissecting Thomas Jefferson's insights on the power of the people and their inherent liberties. Through a vibrant exchange, we dissect the Founding Fathers' interpretation of 'rights,' unraveling the historical foundation of privacy and the significance of the free exercise of religion, property ownership, and freedom of the press.Embrace the call to action as we underscore the sacred duty of voting; not as a mere preference but

  • Unveiling the Tapestry of America's History: Leadership, Unity, and the Nation's Founding Principles

    21/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Embark on a voyage through the woven narratives of our nation's founding as we unearth the underpinnings of America's history. This episode promises to bridge the gaps in your understanding of our nation's development, from the exploratory voyages of Christopher Columbus to the pivotal drafting of the Constitution. We dissect the Founding Fathers' engagement with the issue of slavery, advocating for a nuanced appreciation of America's role in abolition. Prepare to have your perspective broadened as we recount the tales that have sculpted the very essence of our republic.A call to leadership rings loud and clear in today's America. As we delve into the rich tapestry of American leadership, spanning from the controversial tenure of Andrew Jackson to the legacy of Ronald Reagan, we tackle the erosion of history education and why it matters. Through exhaustive research and captivating storytelling we reveal the transformative power of historical narratives in shaping our societal pil

  • Navigating America's Founding Legacy: Faith, History, and Principled Leadership

    20/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Discover the profound connections between faith, history, and the founding principles of America with David and Tim Barton, as we celebrate the release of their latest book, "The American Story: Building the Republic." Our conversation spans the epic journey from the era of Columbus to the end of slavery, and illuminates the lives and leadership of the first several presidents. Their stories, often clouded by misconceptions, are brought to light, offering a blueprint for leadership that resonates in today's world.This episode peels back layers of history, challenging the modern "cancel culture" that threatens to erase the complexities of our nation's founders. We indulge in a satirical twist, imagining Andrew Jackson in the age of social media, to underscore the folly of judging the past by current standards. Our dialogue also touches on the lingering influence of George Washington's ideals  and on the emergence of the "spoils system" under Jackson, drawing paralle

  • The Courage to Lead: Faith Communities Igniting National Transformation

    19/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Prepare to arm your spirit with resilience and your mind with understanding as we join forces with special guest Lance Wallnau to navigate the turbulent waters of cultural and spiritual decay. Discover how the lessons from the biblical book of Nehemiah can provide us with the blueprint for rebuilding the moral fortifications essential in today's society. Our discussion takes a deep dive into the symbiosis between faith and politics, emphasizing the critical role Christians play as stewards in government. With the approaching elections casting a long shadow, we dissect the strategic political maneuvers at play and offer insights on how to stay vigilant and decisive.Tune in to be part of a movement that champions courage over complacency. Drawing from global examples, including the transformative leadership of El Salvador's president, we explore the 'Cyrus' archetype's potential to guide nations through trials. The conversation pivots to the all-important question of political engagemen

  • Championing Liberty in the Face of Government Overreach on Good News Friday

    16/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    It’s time to tackle the stack of good news articles, here on Good News Friday- House republicans impeach Mayorkas over his mishandling of the southern border. The US Supreme Court rules that it is okay to sue the Biden administration. After an unconstitutional seizure of Beverly Hills safe deposit boxes, the court rules that the items must be returned. In Pennsylvania, a ban was lifted, allowing individuals under 21 to once again be able to carry their firearms. And two hostages were rescued from Gaza.As we grapple with the pressing concerns of government overreach and accountability, we find ourselves face-to-face with history in the making. Imagine a world where the weight of one vote can tip the scales in Congress. That's exactly what we're discussing as we unravel the complexities behind the historic impeachment proceedings against cabinet official Alejandro Mayorkas. We examine the strategies that can reignite debates within our legislative chambers and dissect the rare political climate that a

  • Faith, Heritage, and Constitutional Wisdom in Today's Political Landscape on Foundations of Freedom Thursday

    15/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Today being Foundations of Freedom Thursday, we’ll address some questions from the audience- How long can a state be “new" and does it ever become old? If the house has the “power of the purse” can they really exhibit any influence over the country? Are militias that are not state-sanctioned unconstitutional? Does president Biden really have the ability to force tax payers to pay for student loans?Could the very names of our states be the gateway to a deeper understanding of American heritage? In a heartfelt journey through faith, culture, and the Constitution we bring our listeners a fresh perspective on the roots of American values and the critical role of education in upholding them. We respond to a curious question from young Ellis in Pennsylvania, which leads us into a fascinating conversation about the historical significance of state names, offering a captivating lesson in the enduring legacy that these designations carry.Power struggles in the political arena are nothing new, but how often do we

  • Awakening the American Church: Call to Action Against Cultural and Political Decay

    14/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Eric Metaxas joins us with an urgent message that resonates through time from his latest work "Letter to the American Church," challenging the church to awaken to its pivotal role as the moral compass of our nation. Drawing from a chilling historical parallel with the German church's silence in the 1930s, this conversation is a stirring call to action, asking Christians to boldly confront the cultural and political storms of our day. We delve into the stark realities of governmental overreach, censorship, and the quagmire surrounding transgender issues, underpinning the imperative for the church to reclaim its voice amidst America’s third great existential crisis.As the dialogue unfolds, we uncover the profound influence of Eric's book and its cinematic counterpart, crafted to stir hearts and minds within congregations across the nation. The documentary’s poignant message, underscored by the film’s availability for church screenings, signals a revival of collective responsibility and bibli

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