Inspiring People Radio



Where casual conversations lead to amazing revelations.


  • Tonight - We talk about "SPACES"

    04/04/2013 Duración: 01h42min

    His Space her space, my space your space. In your space, in your face. Barren waste, cherished place, waterfalls, garden walls, tiny treasure keepers,  canyons, valleys, one room sleepers. Hoarding, hiding.... losing, finding... ....Tonight's show is all about....                SPACE

  • Tonight we talk with Ellie Balk from visualizing Pi!

    03/04/2013 Duración: 01h00s

    Look who arrived in our inbox today.... it's community artist Ellie Balk! We announced her upcoming arrival on the show last week and it was worth the wait! She texted me today and in traditional off the cuff artist style, we arranged a discussion just for you! Ellie Balk is a Brooklyn Based community muralist who has been inspiring children at the Green School in Williamsburg Brooklyn with her visualizing Pi kickstarter project.  Listen in as we discuss how her project is is inspiring mathmeticians and thinkers while creating a ripple effect in the world. Thank you Ellie for doing what you do... You are making a difference...... 33 hours left on Ellies kickstarter! click here to support her project. or go to her website at

  • Celebrating our first night working with

    02/04/2013 Duración: 01h13min

    You will love all the new and Inspiring content that we will be bringing to you from the wonderful people at wake up world. Tonight we read three wonderful articles selected to inspire and inform. The first of these is titled : "Choosing to do vs. Having to Do" by Rachel Roads. The second Article is "Words are the least effective communicator" by Susan Harper Todd. The third is titled "Open your focus, hear the silence" by Peter Paul Parker. more articles will be read if time allows. So exciting!      

  • Gratitude and connection honoring

    29/03/2013 Duración: 58min

    Stories of recognition some simple, some complex...all profound... I honor you...   

  • Inspiring Improv - Tonight's skit "Pam and JOe's

    28/03/2013 Duración: 01h41min

    The best party of the year!!!

  • Tonight We speak with Alma Deleon Nurse & Spiritual Heale

    27/03/2013 Duración: 02h00s

    Tonight we speak with Renaissance Woman Alma Deleon. She shares her fascinating transition from Nursing Student to Spiritual Healer. Alma is not only a healer in a traditional sense but she heals others through her onstage work as both an actress and a comedian. Come listen in as we get a peek into the life of a woman who has an abundance of gifts that she shares with the world. Alma has hung up her stethoscope after twenty-two years as a registered nurse working with AIDS, cancer, transgendered, psychiatric, homeless, drug addicted, and jail patients. Since retirement, she been able to focus on her talents as a writer, actor, comedianne, performer, poet and photographer. She is currently in her 5th year of studying Shafaw energy healing with Master Healer Danadoost of Iran, and is writing her memoirs. She is learning to speak Farsi, and loves to cook Persian dishes.

  • Tonight we talk with Nancy Mills of "The Spirited Woman"

    26/03/2013 Duración: 01h05min

    Tonight we have the honor of talking to Nancy Mills Founder of "The Spirited Woman."  She talks about her inspirational Journey that has led to the empowerment of women throughout the world. 

  • Tonight we play a game called "Myth-Understandings"

    25/03/2013 Duración: 02h00s

    Tonight on Tea with girlfriends we play a game calle "Myth-Understandings"  Each player will be asked to support or dismantle a Myth according to what their beliefs are and will give three reasons to back up their stance.  This should be interesting.....

  • Laughing hilariously over the Mock interview with "Mr. Mann"

    22/03/2013 Duración: 28min

    I asked Matt if he would sit with me and do a mock inteview for a potential new show called Your "hire" calling to connect employers and job seekers.... I did not expect it to be so hilarious... had to share :)

  • Sowing the seeds of Spring Quality vs. quantity

    21/03/2013 Duración: 01h20min

    Tonight we talk about making genuine quality connections versus spamming and how making sincere connections build long lasting and strong relationships.

  • Just Spring Intuit! Tamra Oviatt and her journey of Faith

    20/03/2013 Duración: 53min

    Tonight we talk with Author, Healer and intuitive Tamra Oviatt of Sacred Activations.Tamra"s direct no excuse approach to intuition is refreshing.She is a woman who has tapped into the great power that walking a  faith filled path will lead you to, It was a pleasure talking with her and hearing more about her journey. To learn more about Tamra visit

  • Noticing Spring

    19/03/2013 Duración: 40min

    Exploring noticing versus wanting.

  • Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    18/03/2013 Duración: 43min

    Tonight on the show my co-host Matt and I share some Irish Jokes with his Norwegian accent.... laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants!!! And then we welcomed in the "Trolls" and they dropped off the show one by one confused and disarmed by our welcoming... what a good lesson about humor and the importance of laughing at lifes pain!!!  

  • Synchronicity last night's show the golden spiral and Pi day

    15/03/2013 Duración: 54min

    Wanna hear about some amazing synchronicity? Last night we talked about vines, curls, scroll and the golden spiral....yeah... the one that carries the dimensions of Phi.... wow...

  • Richard Power Hoffman "Watermelon Magic" vines & spirals

    14/03/2013 Duración: 02h00s

    Tonight we talk more about the miracles of Spring and enjoy the small details like the formations the leaves and vines take in their development. We have the great privelege of talking  with Award winning film maker Richard Power Hoffman and his current project "Watermelon Magic" The film explores the journey of a young girl and her family as they experience the joys of gardening from field to farmstand. Richard shares his story and the unique filming techniques used to enable us to comprehend the nature of plants as living and thriving beings and not mere inanimate objects. You're in for a sweet and inspiring treat tonight! Monica Today :)

  • Inspiring spring babies w/ Moms to be Rachel & Tonantzin

    13/03/2013 Duración: 01h12min

    Spring is all about new life and tonight we have the privelege of talking with new moms Rachel and Tonantzin. Not only are they both first time mothers but they both happen to be belly danders and friends that  are both very close to giving birth!!! how fun!!! we will talk about their joyful and exciting first encounters in the pregnancy experience.

  • Spring cleaning fasting and Lent...

    12/03/2013 Duración: 01h19min

    Tonight on the show we talk about the rituals of spring and discuss the hows and whys of these universal traditions and how these cleansing activities can bring about peace.

  • Emerging into Spring!

    11/03/2013 Duración: 40min

    Tonight is the beginning of our welcoming of Spring. We discuss the beautiful growth that begins after winters' process of gestation. From tonight until the first of April we celebrate all of the new hatchlings, births and gifts that come to life in all of their splendid color and sound... Hooray! It's time to celebrate the gifts of nature!

  • Hut topic - Coffee hut Wars what's your perspective?

    08/03/2013 Duración: 01h23min

    It may seem like a trivial matter but these little huts can be a serious source of battle behind closed doors.  With the recent arrests of 3 baristas in Everett Washington you will be hard pressed to find someone who is simply neutral on the subject. Tonight we share viewpoints to broaden and inspire both listeners and participants. Sign up to post questions or comments in the side bar or like our facebook page and leave your comment there Hope to hear you there!  Monica Today

  • Local authenticity travels Far

    07/03/2013 Duración: 44min

    Tonight i discuss my journey through our small town of Arlington and tell stories of people who are making a difference and reaching out to others in ways that they might not even be aware. I share my gratitude for the authentic connections that i have made with Claire from the FogDog Gallery, JIm at the Bookshelf, Dr. Steve Taylor from the rehabilitation sports and spine center in Everett, Shauna Pearce at the Arlington massage therapy and wellness center, the little restaurant at the Arlington airport that hasn't raised their prices in years and makes most of their delicous food from scratch and the helping hands thrift store that  sells to support all of the good things that are happening in the community. These people had no awareness that i was discussing them on the show and that is how each of our impact spreads in the world, authentically, one person, one interaction at a time. Every smile makes a difference.

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