Rapid Fire, Marriage Straight Talk: No Sugarcoating, No Protecting Egos, Just Man To Man



Rapid Fire, Marriage Straight Talk is a 5-7 minute weekly podcast that goes straight to the issue, no sugarcoating, no protecting egos, just man to man. Your host Robert Cossick is a marriage coach who understands that men don't want fluff, just tell them what to do then move on to the next issue. The content is applicable, brief, to the point and it's presented with excitement, purpose and resolve.


  • RF_028: Value of Wife

    04/09/2015 Duración: 07min

    How much value do you place on your wife? Put a number to it…on a scale of 1 to 10, what number would you assign to the value you place on her? In this episode we discuss how you value your wife based on usefulness, importance, worth and desirability. Probably not what you're thinking.

  • RF_027: Got a Plan?

    28/08/2015 Duración: 05min

    What is the long-term plan for your life? What about your family, what do you want for your family? If you have kids, what do you want for each of them individually? If you’re like most, you probably can give general answers to each of those question, such as to be successful, healthy and have long productive lives. However, if you can’t provide specific answers to those questions then you have a bit of work ahead of you.

  • RF_026: Friendly Advice

    21/08/2015 Duración: 06min

    Marriage advice from friends and family may seem like good and helpful advice, but I would highly advise against it. In this episode I’ll explain why marriage advice from friends and family have be more harmful than beneficial for your marriage.

  • RF_025: Divide and Conquer

    14/08/2015 Duración: 05min

    Stereotypes about a husband and wife's roles are irrelevant when you are trying to make your marriage as strong as possible. Discover how to identify strengths and then divide to maximize the efficiency of your marriage.

  • RF_024: Words That Uplift

    07/08/2015 Duración: 06min

    Conflict in your marriage can't be eliminated but it can certainly be minimized. All you need is a standard that doesn't change.

  • RF_023: Dishwashers and Strip Arguing

    24/07/2015 Duración: 06min

    What are the most damaging things that couples argue about…tooth paste, toilet paper and dishwashers. In this episode find out why these are so damaging to a marriage and learn how to play strip arguing.

  • RF_022: Leftovers

    17/07/2015 Duración: 05min

    Do you need more time in your day? How about more time with your spouse? Time together doesn’t just happen; you need to be intentional about making it happen. In this episode, you will be challenged to analyze your time and encouraged to give more of it to your spouse.

  • RF_021: Deserve Better

    10/07/2015 Duración: 04min

    Do you ever feel like your spouse deserves better or maybe you deserve better than your spouse? We hit this topic head-on and provide an alternative option.

  • RF_020: A Little R&R

    19/06/2015 Duración: 06min

    Every marriage needs a break. Sometimes it’s a break from each other, meaning a girls or guys night out or some other activity where you can bond with friends. And sometimes it's a break from life which is when the two of you do something together so you can strengthen the bond with each other by focussing on nothing but each other.

  • RF_019: I Smell Smoke

    12/06/2015 Duración: 04min

    The topic is geared toward a marriage facing divorce, but I have found that it is just as valuable to a healthy marriage. A marriage at the divorce stage doesn’t need saving; it needs rebuilding.

  • RF_018: Love Is...

    29/05/2015 Duración: 05min

    Have you ever been asked to define love with respect to marriage. So many couples attach actions to love which results in great disappointment. In this episode, learn what the Biblical definition of love in marriage means.

  • RF_017: Intentional Intimacy

    22/05/2015 Duración: 06min

    Intentional Intimacy. Spontaneity is great but if that's your only plan for intimacy I suspect you will be frustrated most of the time. Being intentional about intimacy builds anticipation and excitement.

  • RF_016: Arguing

    15/05/2015 Duración: 05min

    'We always argue' is a stupid and one of the most selfish reasons for getting a divorce. In this episode, learn techniques for how to stop arguing.

  • RF_015: Apologizing

    08/05/2015 Duración: 05min

    Flowers, chocolate and ten apologies and she's still mad at you. There is something missing in your apology and starts with one word.

  • RF_014: Forgiveness

    01/05/2015 Duración: 05min

    Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools a couple has. Use it wisely and you can recover from most any trial. Use it poorly and you will destroy your marriage.

  • RF_013: Growing Together Instead of Apart

    23/04/2015 Duración: 06min

    Many couples wake up one day and realize they've lost connection with each and it seems like they are miles apart. That's because if you are not growing together, you are growing apart, there is no standing still. This episode covers one area you can address to begin to reverse the cycle or prevent it from the start of your marriage.

  • RF_012: Empathy not Pity

    17/04/2015 Duración: 05min

    Empathy is the ability to, first and foremost, understand someone’s feelings. Whether you think the feelings are warranted or justified is completely irrelevant.

  • RF_011: Balancing Work and Family

    10/04/2015 Duración: 04min

    Ever wish you could do a better job at balancing your time between work and family? Well, the secret is not balance of time but structure.

  • RF_010: Building on a Foundation

    03/04/2015 Duración: 04min

    A great marriage doesn't just happen, it happens because two people were intentional about making it a great marriage.

  • RF_009: Purity in Marriage

    27/03/2015 Duración: 06min

    What does it mean that the marriage bed must be undefiled? If undefiled means pure, what constitutes pure and what exactly must be kept pure? This episode gets a bit more personal and a bit more direct.

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