Gahanna-jefferson Church Of Christ

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
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Audio for Sunday Sermons and Wednesday Invitations from the Gahanna-Jefferson Church of Christ in central Ohio


  • The Baby in my Womb Leaped for Joy - Luke 1:39-44 - Don Treadway


    Awaken and intensify your joyful, grateful reverence for the gift of human life from conception to eternity. The beginning of human life is a magnificent thing! Only Human Beings come into being, day after day, created in the image of God and live for eternity.

  • Measuring Spiritual Maturity - John 3:1-5 - Don Treadway


    When one becomes a child of God he is born again spiritually. Thus he is a spiritual babe who is to grow. One grows to maturity spiritually by: Feeding upon the word of God, Developing a spiritual appetite in order to hunger and thirst after righteousness. How can one accurately measure that growth? What standards can be employed to gauge that growth? The Bible, as always, supplies those standards.

  • The Nature of Faith - Hebrews 11:1 - Don Treadway


    The Christian faith is based on facts of history. Faith in the Bible is not blind faith, it is trust based on evidence. We do not have to commit intellectual suicide in order to have faith. Examine the evidence, and believe!

  • Gambling is a Moral Issue - Ephesians 4:17-20 - Don Treadway


    Sadly, some religious organizations encourage gambling. Both the Catholic and Jewish traditions traditionally set aside days for gambling. Dwayne Carpenter in 'Gambling Had Role in Religious History' mentions Christmas and Hanukkah as holidays in which gambling was permitted, if not encouraged. If both states and some religions approve of gambling, what could be wrong with it? Listen and find out.

  • Unity from the Mind of Christ - Ephesians 3:1-4 - Don Treadway


    Why is there division in 'Christianity' and how do we resolve it? Learn and live by the mind of Christ as recorded and provided to us in the Bible.

  • God’s Power Toward Believers - Ephesians 1:15-23 - Don Treadway


    Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians is that they increase their understanding concerning the hope of his calling, the riches of the Glory of his inheritance and the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe. Each of the three is intriguing, but consider the third. What kind of power Paul talking about? How is this power manifested toward believers in Christ?

  • Predestination - Do You Have a Choice? Ephesians 1:3-12 - Ralph Price


    Is Predestination in the Bible? What does it really mean? Is your eternal destination already chosen, or do you have a choice and how do you choose?

  • The Debt We Owe - Colossians 2:6-15 - William Perkins


    Jesus’ work on the cross pays the debt He did not owe. Will you allow Jesus to pay the penalty for your sins and make you a new creation? Will you accept His Salvation?

  • The Conversion of the Colossians - Colossians 1:21-23 - Don Treadway


    Paul reminds the Colossians they had been reconciled to God through Jesus Christ. Examine the conversion of the Colossians with a view towards understanding and appreciating our own reconciliation with God. Have you been reconciled by accepting His Salvation? Are you Saved?

  • Paul as a Minister - Colossians 1:24-29 - Don Treadway


    Paul provides insight into how he viewed his work as a minister of the gospel of Christ. This understanding can be of value to both preachers of the gospel, in giving them insight as to how they are to view themselves and the work they are to perform, and all Christians. We can all benefit by better understanding the work of a minister and what to expect. All Christians are to imitate the example of Paul and learn those attitudes we should have toward our brethren.

  • Spiritual Maturity in Christ - Colossians 2:1-8 - Don Treadway


    Paul's primary goal in his labors was to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we are not surprised to find Paul now writing to the Colossians of: His great concern for them, The reason for this concern, and Exhortations in light of his concern. There is much we can learn concerning the subject of spiritual maturity in Christ.

  • The All Sufficient Christ (part 2) - Colossians 1:13-20 - Don Treadway


    When Paul first met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he did not know at that time who Jesus really was. He asked, 'Who are you, lord'? But when we come to Paul's epistle to the Colossians, we see that Paul had come to a much fuller understanding of exactly who Jesus was! This lesson looks at Colossians and takes notice of Paul's description of the all sufficient Christ.

  • Paul's Prayer for the Colossians - Colossians 1:9-14 - Don Treadway


    In the epistles of Paul we find him telling his readers what he prayed for on their behalf. So it is in his epistle to the Colossians. Though he had not met them personally, he had heard of their faith and love, which prompted him to pray unceasingly for them. Listen to find out what he prayed for and what we should ask for OURSELVES, for OUR BRETHREN and for ALL!

  • The All Sufficient Christ (part 1) - Colossians 1:13-20 - Don Treadway


    When Paul first met Jesus on the road to Damascus, he did not know at that time who Jesus really was. He asked, 'Who are you, lord'? But when we come to Paul's epistle to the Colossians, we see that Paul had come to a much fuller understanding of exactly who Jesus was! This lesson looks at Colossians and takes notice of Paul's description of the all sufficient Christ.

  • The Church at Colosse: Faith, Love and Fruit - Colossians 1:3-8 - Don Treadway


    Paul expresses thanksgiving to God concerning some things about the church at Colosse. As we consider what Paul wrote, we learn some encouraging things about the church at Colosse which are worthy of our emulation as a congregation of Christians.

  • Introduction to Colossians - Colossians 1:1-2 - Don Treadway


    Questions to consider: Do the heavenly bodies (astrology) have any influence over our lives? Millions of people who consult their horoscopes each day would say so! Is there any relationship between diet and spiritual living? Does God speak to us immediately, in our minds, or only through His Word, the Bible? Do the eastern religions have something to offer those who are Christians? These questions sound very contemporary, don't they? Yet they are the very issues Paul dealt with in his epistle to the Colossians.

  • Your Attitude Determines - Acts 10:30-33 - Don Treadway


    Your attitude plays a role in determining your eternal destiny. What is your attitude toward accepting God's authority and acting upon His Word?

  • Three Pictures of Faithful Service - 2 Timothy 2:3-7 - Don Treadway


    The lessons to be gleaned from these pictures, or thumbnails of life, is not limited to evangelists. All who serve the Lord should learn from the soldier, athlete, and farmer, no matter what our function as members of the body of Christ.

  • What Kind of Adult Does God Need? 2 Timothy 2:1-2 - Don Treadway


    We find Paul giving a charge to Timothy to to teach others what Paul had taught him, who in turn would be able to teach others. In this charge we learn how the Lord's church was to propagate itself. Those who are taught teaching others in a continuous cycle of learning and teaching. This is a very effective, but it works only when the right kind of adults are to be found. Have you learned about His Salvation? Are you teaching? If everyone was a student and teacher like you, would the Lord's church be in existence in the next generation?

  • Are You in Danger? 2 Timothy 1:15-2:1 - Don Treadway


    The danger of apostasy, falling away from God's salvation, is very real, as is evident from Paul's second epistle to Timothy. Those in Asia had forsaken Paul, including Phygellus and Hermogenes. Some had strayed from the truth, in particular Hymenaeus and Philetus. The possibility of apostasy explains Paul's admonitions to Timothy. To avoid apostasy ourselves, we must be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. Listen to find how to be strong in this grace.

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