The Paddison Podcast



Paddison Podcast For Optimal Health, Rheumatoid Arthritis Natural Treatment And Reversing Autoimmune Diseases


  • Yoga Therapy For Arthritis With Steffany Moonaz

    13/04/2019 Duración: 52min

    - Steffany is a yoga therapist and researcher specializing in rheumatic diseases - She demonstrates in this episode lots of do-it-yourself exercises to relieve finger, hand and wrist pain - She has written a book called "Yoga Therapy For Arthritis" and has conducted pioneering research in the benefits of yoga for arthritis - Her research confirms Yoga can help with arthritis in a variety of ways - Yoga is currently built into many of the recommendations for safety management of arthritis - It primarily deals with the union of mind and body and is strictly connected with meditation - Managing stress response and relaxation response is key in arthritis treatment - Some simple breathing exercises can help reduce stress

  • Kim has dropped all medications with the Paddison Program

    02/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    - Kim was diagnosed with RA in 2014 and put on methotrexate, Plaquenil and prednisolone - The drugs initially helped with reducing joint pain but in terms of side effects it was a nightmare - She then came to know that a colleague was effectively opposing Hashimoto with diet - She went on a sort of plant-based diet that helped reduce pain but only got to a point in drugs reduction - Then in November 2015 she found the Paddison Program and started it - The food reintroduction process took patience, but it's been worth it - Kim is now completely drug-free - Kim shares many insights and subtleties of how she got such wonderful results

  • How Shamiz Overcame Ulcerative Colitis

    25/03/2019 Duración: 55min

    - In 2012 Shamiz started having digestive disorders while working in Japan - He went to the hospital and was put on drugs and antibiotics for several weeks - As the situation kept getting worse, dosages reached very high levels - When it was suggested a colon surgery, Shamiz and his mother started researching about alternatives and found a book about healing colitis with a  raw food diet - In about six months he was able to recover and drop all medications and has been free ever since - With a mix of diet and exercise he has recovered the weight he lost due to colitis - Now he has started High Carb Health with his brother to help people with his condition and it has really taken off

  • Jackie has massive progress against Rheumatoid Arthritis

    18/03/2019 Duración: 50min

    - Jackie was first diagnosed with RA in 2016 and the pain was devastating - After a difficult diagnosing process she started methotrexate and Enbrel, and after 8 months things weren't changed much - In the next 6 months she went through some cumbersome insurance mechanisms and eventually was eligible for Rituxan - She started Rituxan infusions while dropping Enbrel and keeping methotrexate, and after a couple of months she was feeling better - In the meantime she found the Paddison Program while searching through the internet, and decided to start with it as well - Then her insurance company refused to support other infusions of Rituxan and she decided to proceed with the Program anyway - Jackie is now only on a minimal dose of Methotrexate and has added Bikram yoga to progress her health even further!

  • Alexander is getting off multiple drugs with the Paddison Program

    06/03/2019 Duración: 01h36min

    - Following the Paddison Program, Alexander has been able to completely get off prednisolone and Plaquenil, and greatly reduce methotrexate - Alexander was 23 when he got the first symptoms of RA - During a trip to Europe he was always tired and had pain in his hands and feet - After the trip he started doing research on his own and identified the symptoms of RA - Following tests confirmed it, and the doctor suggested starting with methotrexate - After some weeks on methotrexate and prednisolone, a deep depressive state began as a side effect - After further research he found the Paddison Program, and decided to incorporate it with medication management - Hearing the testimonials from so many people about the Program moved him to proceed that way

  • Skylor is overcoming ankylosing spondylitis with the Paddison Program

    28/02/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    - Skylor started having symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis four years ago - They were quite light initially, but progressively the pain became so high that he had to drop out of college - He needed painkillers to sleep, two or three times a night - He tried lots of possible remedies and was even considering spine surgery - Then one day he tried fasting and had a 40 percent pain reduction overnight - A couple of months later he found the episode of the Paddison Podcast with Cherie - Listening to it he convinced himself to start the Paddison Program - He's now on the Program and having excellent results

  • Ted is pain free on the Paddison Program

    22/02/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    - Ted has been diagnosed with RA in 2004 after an episode of acute knee pain - She immediately started methotrexate and prednisone at a very high dosage - The pain started also in the ankle, and several exams didn't shed light on the situation - Then she started Enbrel and it was a big relief compared to the previous levels of pain - But with the prolonged use came some infections as a side effect, and Ted started taking antibiotics - After stopping Enbrel for some time, it did stop working and she switched to other biologics, which gave other nasty side effects - She then found the Paddison Program and after 24 hours the pain was gone and she was able to walk freely - She has made radical changes in her diet and the results are great

  • Meet Ocean Robbins and his "31 Day Food Revolution"

    05/02/2019 Duración: 49min

    - Ocean Robbins is the author of the newly released book "31 Day Food Revolution" - His Food Revolution Network advocates healthy eating to millions of people - His message is that food is the foundation of health but can also be the foundation of disease - Also crucial is the link between the food production system and climate change - The book combines knowledge with action by proposing 31 steps to health - It moves from an extensive research on more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific journals - Ocean stresses the importance of probiotics and prebiotics for gut health - "Trusting your gut" is definitely more than just a concept!

  • How Judith Overpowered Ankylosing Spondylitis

    13/01/2019 Duración: 50min

    - Judith had a very bad back pain during her pregnancy 9 years ago but managed it with exercise and physical therapy - After many years she took antibiotics for an ear infection and the pain came back along with an eye infection - Her eye doctor related it to ankylosing spondylitis and prescribed Prednisone drops directly in the eye - Her family doctor linked all the symptoms together and sent her to the rheumatologist, who gave her Humira right away - She found one of Paddison Program's podcasts and watched it - She started the Paddison Program right away and within a few weeks there was a significant pain reduction - After 7 months, she can quantify her pain reduction to more than 90 percent - Her family supported her and that helped a lot in being fully compliant

  • Eliminate Random RA Flares

    05/10/2018 Duración: 09min
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