Elevate Church - Perth, Western Australia



Elevate Church is a fresh, bold church located in Perth, Australia. This podcast includes messages by Mark Pomery, along with key leaders and friends of Elevate Church. Visit http://www.elevatechurch.me to find out more.


  • The Worst Greatest Story Ever


    There is a very real and present Enemy lurking in our lives. He wants to destroy us and our relationship with God. But Satan is crafty in his deception. Instead of showing us how he wants to ruin us, he asks us questions that cause us to doubt the instructions, intentions, and promises of God. In this first part of our series INFIN8, Mark Pomery looks at the story of Adam & Eve to help us understand the questions Satan asks us - and the questions God asks us in return.

  • Rest


    God has designed us to regularly rest in order for life to be sustainable and effective.

  • Authenticity


    You dont have to show everyone everything - but you need someone who knows you.

  • Compassion


    We care 40% less than people did in the 1980s ... but God calls followers of Jesus to a higher standard.

  • Relationships


    Facebook allows us to acknowledge relationships can get complicated. Add layers of technology and social media and our struggles with relationships can be amplified. In the second week of our series Struggles, Mark Pomery teaches how we can navigate relationships well, because life's better together.

  • Contentment


    The more we compare the less satisfied we can become and, while social media hasn't created a culture of comparison, it has brought it front, centre, and constant. In the first part of our series Struggles, Mark Pomery teaches the secret to being content no matter what your circumstances are.

  • Confidence


    A Great Mothers Day special from Luisa Pizzolante! Circumstances, disappointments, and life in general can dent our confidence. Yet God calls us to not only hold onto our confidence but to experience a confidence that is grounded in who He is and what He promises.

  • God Must Be First


    Is God first in all areas of your life? Learn how to put God first in all areas of your life, including your finances.

  • The Problem With Pinterest


    Compared to everyone else, it's easy to see what we don't have, where we're lacking, and how we don't measure up. We protect ourselves from vulnerability by projecting a flimsy, false perfection to the world around us. But what do we miss when we choose to hide our true selves? In the final part of our series The Hope of Glory, Mark Pomery shows us the pain comparison can cause, and teaches us to redirect that attention towards a far more beneficial pursuit.

  • Get Your Hopes Up


    It's easy for us to define ourselves by our worst moments. And it's hard to be hopeful if we are only known by our worst days. But, in part two of our series The Hope of Glory, Mark Pomery examines the life of Abraham to show us that, when God defines our lives through Jesus, he doesn't focus on past mistakes or even our current feelings and circumstances. And even at the end of hope, God can use our faith to fulfill His great purpose in our lives.

  • God Works In Mysterious Ways


    Inside all of us there is a longing for something. A deep passion to fill our lives with purpose and meaning. We chase the world and all it offers, but our own pursuits always fall short, reminding us of a thirst for something more. And in the meantime, our mistakes and missteps have left is broken and ashamed. But no matter where we are or what we've done, Jesus has a way of working in our lives to point us to Himself - and what He can offer us instead. This Easter season, Mark Pomery uses the story of the woman at the well to show us the power and eternal impact one encounter with Jesus can have on each and every one of our lives.

  • There's More Where That Came From


    We work hard to make a living, and many of us are not sure how or why we should give any of it away. Besides, after the mortgage and the bills and the tuition payments, there really isn't much left over. But the Bible tells a very different story when describing what belongs to us and what belongs to God. In part 2 of our series Consider the Source, Mark Pomery challenges the way we approach our giving, and why our generosity says a lot about how we view God.

  • Remember Where You Came From


    In the middle of our daily struggles, it can be easy to focus on ourselves and get caught up in a wave of worry. Why is this happening? What did we do wrong? When are things going to get better? But God tells us to look in a different place. In the first part of our series Consider the Source, Mark Pomery teaches us what God says about our situations and our worry, and why knowing where we come from is paramount in understanding where we're going.

  • This Time


    Few things will derail us faster from the plan God has for our lives than discouragement. The enemy wants us to believe the discouraging words he puts in our heads and our hearts. But the truth is, God has given us everything we need to silence those thoughts that hold us back every day. In part 5 of our series, Crash the Chatterbox, Luisa Pizzolante examines the Biblical story of Leah, and teaches us ways to use what God has already shown us to quickly counter the discouraging chatter we face everyday.

  • What If, Even If


    Our fears are fueled by worry. Playing out the 'what if?' scenarios of things outside our control and producing nothing more than anxiety and insomnia. But what is really at the bottom of our worst fears? In part 3 of our series, Crash the Chatterbox, Mark Pomery teaches us through the story of Paul's shipwreck to show us how to shift our fear to faith, and how, through Jesus, we can face any situation with the promise, "God says He will."

  • I Know, I Am


    You're not ___________ enough. This is the lie the enemy plants in our heart every single day. We aren't smart enough. We aren't talented enough. We aren't beautiful enough. At their root, our insecurities don't necessarily make us question God, but they make us question whether or not we are valuable enough to be used by God. How can we give God glory through our lives when we are so dysfunctional, deficient, and doubtful? In part 2 of our series, Crash the Chatterbox, Mark Pomery teaches us through the life of Moses how we can overcome our insecurities with the promise God says, I Am.

  • Whatever, Whatever


    We are all fighting the same battle. No matter who we are or where we come from, we each have a common enemy - ourselves. Our negative thoughts overwhelm us on a daily basis and often dictate how we react and respond in almost every situation. So how do we get rid of these thoughts? And how do we focus on God's will when our own negative thoughts of insecurity, fear, condemnation, and discouragement are speaking so loudly in our lives? In part one of our series Crash the Chatterbox, Senior Leader, Mark Pomery explains what the Chatterbox is, why we're all fighting it, and how the promises of God give us the ability to silence the lies of the enemy.

  • Attack & Advantage (Finish The Job)


    We all have our battles. Our issues. Our struggles. Situations we just wish would end. Fights we just want to get through and move on. But Jesus didn't come so that we could just survive the battle. He defeated death and sin so that we could also have total victory. So how do we win? How do we finish the fight the right way? To round out our conversation Sticks and Stones, Mark Pomery explains the advantage we have as Jesus' followers, and why simply surviving life is no longer an option.

  • Slingers & Swingers (Keep Your Distance)


    Some of the biggest battles we fight aren't against others, but against ourselves. The battles we combat in our own head and heart. Our enemy will invade our thoughts and try to accuse, belittle, and provoke us - and if we don't approach the fight in the right way, he can crush our spirit and derail our lives. So how do we defeat our enemies when they seems so much bigger and stronger than us? What is the right way to fight? In part 4 of our conversation Sticks and Stones, Mark Pomery teaches us the importance of approach, and why choosing the right weapon can ensure our victory and God's glory.

  • Passion


    Today we take a further look at the life of King David, exploring the story that precedes the glory and how God uses His anointed people for His greater purposes. We learn about the passionate attitude it takes for a greater level of success!

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