Grace Baptist Church | Cape Coral



Grace Baptist Church | Cape Coral Podcasts


  • How Our Covenant God Loves His People (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol uses Judges 3:7-11 to address “How Our Covenant God Loves His People.” In this passage God reveals His steadfast love for His people, love that disciplines, rescues, and keeps. Furthermore, the passage provides insight into God’s...

  • In Spirit and In Truth (Audio)


    What is most important to you when you worship God? If you were to list those things that are really essential for you to participate in worship, what would they be? Is it a certain style of preaching? Is it a certain translation or version of the...

  • Generation Degeneration (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol completes his messages on the introductory portions of the Book of Judges in a sermon entitled “Generation Degeneration.” In today’s portion of Scripture, Judges 2:6-3:6, the cyclical nature of Judges is readily apparent: People rebel...

  • Partial Obedience (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol begins a series on the book of Judges explaining Chapter 1, v. 1 through Chapter 2, v. 5. He develops the message using the theme that partial obedience to God is actually disobedience to the whole of God’s revelation. The context of...

  • The Judge's Judges (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol introduces a series of messages on the Book of Judges with this overview entitled “Half-hearted Devotion to a Whole-hearted God.” He noted the cycle of sin, judgment, and salvation evident in the book. The Israelites seemed to have...

  • Growing Godly (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore looks to 2 Peter 1:1-15 to help believers understand the virtue of godliness. He challenges believers; how would they answer if asked if they were godly? Peter taught that God powerfully provides for the godly growth of...

  • Feed My Sheep (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John Chapter 21 as he closes his series on John’s Gospel. The disciples were in Galilee, responding to Jesus’ direction (Matthew 28:10). At least three of the seven disciples were fishermen by trade. Therefore, it was not...

  • Raised from the Dead (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol, in an Easter message entitle “Raised from the Dead,” addresses John’s Gospel Chapter 20:1-31. The resurrection of Jesus Christ changes everything, particularly the realities of both history and the future as well as man’s standing...

  • Crucified, Dead and Buried (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John’s Gospel, Chapter 19:16b-42 in a message entitled “Crucified, Dead, and Buried.” Reminding his congregation that John’s purpose in writing his gospel was “that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God...

  • Discipleship: A Faith-filled, Joyful Struggle (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore addresses Colossians 1:24 through 2:5 in a message entitled “Discipleship: A Faith-filled, Joyful Struggle.” In this passage Paul lays out the process of disciple-making. This process is one to which all believers are called...

  • A Clash of Two Kingdoms (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John’s Gospel Chapter 18 verse 28 through Chapter 19 verse 16 in a message entitled “A Clash of Two Kingdoms.” The message contrasts the differences between these two kingdoms, the kingdom of man and the Kingdom of God. In...

  • Betrayed and Denied (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John’s Gospel, Chapter 18, verses 1 through 27 in a message entitled Betrayed, Arrested and Denied for Our Salvation. As events in Jerusalem seem to spin out of control from a human standpoint, as Jesus is betrayed by Judas...

  • The True Lord's Prayer (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John’s Gospel Chapter 17 in a message entitled “The Lord’s True Prayer.” John 17 records Jesus’ final words to His apostles before the Crucifixion. Jesus’ prayer has become known as His High Priestly Prayer. This prayer is...

  • Let Us Run With Endurance (Audio)


    Pastor Jared Longshore, in a message entitled “Let Us Run with Endurance” address Hebrews 11:1-12:2. The Christian life is regularly compared to running a race. God’s Word actually calls us to run with endurance. Hebrews 11, often referred to as “The...

  • Jesus Leaves Us For Our Good (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John’s Gospel, Chapter 16, verses 1-33. In this passage Jesus, with his trial and crucifixion close at hand, seeks to rally His disciples and continues to provide assurances to them of His care and provision for the coming...

  • Jesus Is the Way the Truth and the Life (Audio)


    In this sermon Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John 14:1-31 and focuses on Jesus’ words in verse 6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” This statement is the most profound of the many “I AM” statements of Jesus throughout John's Gospel. These “I...

  • Jesus Came to Be Our Servant (Audio)


    Pastor Tom Ascol addresses John 13:1-38. He starts by noting many people believe all religions are basically the same and that what one believes is not as important as the sincerity with which one believes. But in fact, Christianity is different. The...

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