Pastor Priji & Rashmi (Audio)



Subscribe and listen to inspirational devotions, talks and chats with Pastor Priji & Rashmi. More info:


  • The Third Time

    26/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "So he went to pray a third time, saying the same things again." - Matthew 26:44 Read Transcript (

  • Reaching Rehoboth

    25/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    Abandoning that one, Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it, so Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means “open space”), for he said, “At last the Lord has created enough space for us to prosper in this land." - Genesis 26:22 Read Transcript (

  • Clear Conscience

    24/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    "Because of this, I always try to maintain a clear conscience before God and all people." - Acts 24:16 Read Transcript (

  • A Wild Inhabitation

    23/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    Desert animals will move into the ruined city, and the houses will be haunted by howling creatures. Owls will live among the ruins, and wild goats will go there to dance. - Isaiah 13:21 NLT

  • Resettle in Jerusalem

    21/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "The leaders of the people were living in Jerusalem, the holy city. A tenth of the people from the other towns of Judah and Benjamin were chosen by sacred lots to live there, too, while the rest stayed where they were. And the people commended everyone who volunteered to resettle in Jerusalem." - Nehemiah 11:1,2 Read Transcript (

  • Aside & Privately

    20/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "Listen," he said, “we’re going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be betrayed to the leading priests and the teachers of religious law. They will sentence him to die. Then they will hand him over to the Romans to be mocked, flogged with a whip, and crucified. But on the third day he will be raised from the dead." - Matthew 20:18,19  Read Transcript (

  • Godless Place

    19/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "Abraham replied, “I thought, ‘This is a godless place. They will want my wife and will kill me to get her.’" - Genesis 20:11 Read Transcript (

  • No Attack or Harm

    18/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, "Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent! For I am with you, and no one will attack and harm you, for many people in this city belong to me." - Acts 18:9,10 Read Transcript

  • Residents of Jerusalem

    17/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    "I said to them, “Do not leave the gates open during the hottest part of the day.[a] And even while the gatekeepers are on duty, have them shut and bar the doors. Appoint the residents of Jerusalem to act as guards, everyone on a regular watch. Some will serve at sentry posts and some in front of their own homes." - Nehemiah 7:3 Read Transcript (

  • The Permanent Lash

    16/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    “The Lord of Heaven’s Armies will lash them with His whip, as He did when Gideon triumphed over the Midianites at the rock of Oreb, or when the Lord’s staff was raised to drown the Egyptian army in the sea.” - Isaiah 10:26 NLT

  • Break The Yoke

    15/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "For You will break the yoke of their slavery and lift the heavy burden from their shoulders. You will break the oppressor’s rod, just as You did when You destroyed the army of Midian." - Isaiah 9:4 NLT

  • Focused Faith

    14/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. “You have so little faith,” Jesus said. “Why did you doubt me?” - Matthew 14:31 Read Transcript (

  • Word of Rescue

    13/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "But one of Lot’s men escaped and reported everything to Abram the Hebrew, who was living near the oak grove belonging to Mamre the Amorite. Mamre and his relatives, Eshcol and Aner, were Abram’s allies." - Gen 14:13 Read Transcript (

  • Earnest Prayer

    12/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    "But while Peter was in prison, the church prayed very earnestly for him." - Acts 12:5 Read Transcript (

  • Delight in Honouring God

    11/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "O Lord, please hear my prayer! Listen to the prayers of those of us who delight in honoring you. Please grant me success today by making the king favorable to me. Put it into his heart to be kind to me.” - Nehemiah 1:11 Read Transcript (

  • The Greatness of the Sender

    10/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    "Students are not greater than their teacher, and slaves are not greater than their master." - Matthew 10:24 Read Transcript (

  • He is Immanuel

    09/01/2022 Duración: 09min

    Call your councils of war, but they will be worthless. Develop your strategies, but they will not succeed. For God is with us! - Isaiah 8:10

  • Stop Worrying

    08/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn’t need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers, King Rezin of Syria and Pekah son of Remaliah. - Isaiah 7:4 NLT

  • A Judgement that Elevates

    07/01/2022 Duración: 08min

    For forty days the floodwaters grew deeper, covering the ground and lifting the boat high above the earth. Gen 7:17 Read Transcript (

  • Grace & Power

    06/01/2022 Duración: 07min

    Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, performed amazing miracles and signs among the people. - Acts 6:8 Read Transcript (

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