Red Hill Baptist Church



Red Hill Baptist Church is located about 50 miles east of Charlotte, NC. The messages in our podcast are from our Pastor, Rev. Rodney Clements. Thanks so much for listening!


  • A Second Chance - Audio

    18/07/2010 Duración: 1794h00s

    God is the God of a Second Chance!

  • Fish Belly Prayers - Audio

    11/07/2010 Duración: 2376h00s

    Learn some lessons from a man that went pretty low!

  • Caught In A Storm - Audio

    04/07/2010 Duración: 2000h00s

    All of us face storms in our lives! Why do they come? How do we respond when they come? Listen and find encouragement and instruction for the storms that you're facing as we Journey with Jonah.

  • God Says Go - Audio

    27/06/2010 Duración: 2156h00s

    The book of Jonah is a familiar story, but most people spend too much time focusing on the fish! Join us as we spend some time Journeying with Jonah. You'll find the trip is anything but uneventful!

  • Building & Battling - Audio

    23/06/2010 Duración: 2577h00s

    Wednesday Night Bible Study: When a Christian or a Church decides to truly honor and glorify God, they will face opposition from the enemy! How do we handle this?

  • Things That Men Must Remember - Audio

    20/06/2010 Duración: 1559h00s

    Gordon Dalbey wrote, "Men do not know who they are as men. They tend to define themselves by what they do, who they know, or what they own." What about a Christian man? Does he really know who he is?

  • Better Than Seven Sons - Audio

    06/06/2010 Duración: 1973h00s

    Life is filled with a lot of "normal" routine days! How do we live so that our lives become an adventure? What can we do with our "ordinary" lives to make them extraordinary? Listen and learn from Ruth's story.

  • Pictures of Love - Audio

    30/05/2010 Duración: 2329h00s

    Love is something that everyone wishes to experience, but what is true love? Join us as we examine pictures of love from Ruth chapter 3.

  • Barley Field Blessings! - Audio

    09/05/2010 Duración: 2155h00s

    It seemed that Naomi & Ruth's world had come crashing down around them; what were they going to do now? Would God provide? Would He meet their needs? How would He help these two desperate widows?

  • When You Lose Someone You Love - Audio

    02/05/2010 Duración: 2192h00s

    When you lose someone you love, your world is turned upside down! In this message Pastor Clements gives us 3 things to remember during those difficult days. This is a message that you will need; if not now, you'll need it eventually!

  • Teamwork - Audio

    28/04/2010 Duración: 2951h00s

    WED. Night Bible Study - In a chapter full of gates, doors and difficult to pronounce names come some surprising lessons! Don't skip chapter 3 of Nehemiah!

  • Funerals and Weddings in Moab - Audio

    25/04/2010 Duración: 1835h00s

    If you are a follower of Christ, what do you do when problems come? How do you respond? Do you just seek to run away from them? Look with us at a man who tried that!

  • Learning To Be Content - Audio

    18/04/2010 Duración: 2395h00s

    Are you struggling with all your stuff? Is your house and life overflowing with all the things that you own? Have you learned to be content, or are you still struggling to get more and more? In this message we'll explore how to cooperate with God in learning to be content.

  • Facing the Future with Faith rather than Fear - Audio

    11/04/2010 Duración: 2296h00s

    In these days of massive job loss, economic recession, and uncertainty is there a way to live with faith rather than fear? YES!

  • Why Is Easter So Important? - Audio

    04/04/2010 Duración: 1609h00s

    Is Easter really that important? Yes! A thousand times yes!!!

  • The Savior Seeks Sinners - Audio

    28/03/2010 Duración: 1402h00s

    People need the Lord; what are you doing to reach them with the gospel?

  • Why Should I Be Baptized? - Audio

    21/03/2010 Duración: 2002h00s

    Baptism - What is it? Who is it for? Why do we practice it? Is it just a "Baptist thing?" What does it mean? In this message we we answer these questions and more. Consider this as Baptism 101.

  • A Message for Teenagers - Audio

    14/03/2010 Duración: 1519h00s

    This was a special day at Red Hill! Our teens led our service and ministered in various ways. Pastor Clements took the time to speak directly to them from the book of Ecclesiastes. He taught them 3 words to remember and practice.

  • Thinking About What You're Thinking About - Audio

    07/03/2010 Duración: 1959h00s

    Does what we think really impact how we live? Does God even care about the thoughts that we fill our mind with? In this message Pastor Clements examines a passage that will cause you to "think about what you're thinking about!"

  • What Can We Do With Our Worry? - Audio

    28/02/2010 Duración: 2117h00s

    Is there any way to deal with all of the things in life that push us to the point of anxiety, frustration, depression, and even mental illness? Are there any options other than just coping the best we can? Find out what God has to say about how to handle our worries.

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