Colette Marie Stefan



The Truth is Funny - Wednesdays 8 am Pacific 11 am Eastern Now hear every 1st WednesdayColette's Guest Host Phil FreeEvery 3rd Wednesday Colette's Guest Host Karen Campbell Betten The Truth is Funny is an entertaining vehicle for providing energetic shifts and sharing information gathered from my life experiences and the experiences of others that have dared to think out of the box and step into their infinite potential. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their ...


  • Questioning Beliefs & Fears as a Path for Transformation with Kristin Pierce


    Beliefs, projections, expectations, and ideas play a huge role in the experiences we have in our lives. Award-winning author, self-awareness educator, and publisher, Kristin Pierce, joins me as we explore how questioning her own beliefs and fears enabled her cancer recovery and propelled her into a new path of transformation.

  • Get Ready For Some LOVE From The Dolphins with "Dolphin Whisperer" Dr. Michael Hyson. Remember Our Dreams!


    Is the stress of our current situation bringing you down? Feeling like there is no fun in your life? Tune in to todays show! Michael Hyson is the dolphin whisperer and embodies their joy and laughter! Feel the sea breeze, joy laughter of dolphins with Michael and Colette! We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819!Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • Tails From The Vector - Join in for an Energetic Upgrade™!


    Join Colette and her dragons! Mars retrograde began on Wednesday, September 9th, and will be SITTING with us until Friday, November 13. At this time, you may be asking yourself, What the E.F. Happened! I was starting to have hope (considering) and now everything feels like it is falling apart! (again). It NEVER is what you think it is! Frustrated with virtual Turkey Dinners at virtual family gatherings? Feeling stuck? Join us on todays show for an Energetic Upgrade! We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819.Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to:

  • Nuggets of Wizdom From The Vector - PERFORMANCE


    You know ... those sleepless nights when you toss, turn, and wrestle with worries all night long? You are not alone. The majority of humans throughout history have failed to rise to their infinite potential because they allow their worries to get in the way of their dreams. Most of those worries dont even belong to them! From childhood on, many of us accumulate self-limiting beliefs as we are indoctrinated in how we are supposed to be through mainstream educational and religious systems, parenting, cultures, and other influences. These limiting beliefs can also come from our own personal experiences as well as from concerns associated with our ancestors experiences, projections into the future from our descendants, and even our potential descendants. You cannot have light without dark or dark without light! The most brilliant, successful people shine so brightly because they face their dark thoughts head-on and shift them into light. We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819.Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go

  • Adventures in Nature with Dave Urichuck


    Adventures in nature offer outstanding opportunities for personal growth, which is why Dave created The Adventure Coach platform. It's a unique coaching practice that offers customized outdoor packages for individuals or groups looking for life-changing experiences.Dave helps his clients explore their lives and businesses, better define their beliefs, and achieve their personal and professional goals. He is an expert at helping people gain a new perspective on life so they can improve their careers and business choices. He believes everyone can define their purpose and passion and live it!We love hearing from you - call 1-800-930-2819!Watch LIVE on Facebook - Go to:

  • The Art of Observation with Dr. Tracey Clark


    The simple act of observing potential is scientifically proven to be an important influence to catalyze healing. In fact, observation can be viewed to set the stage for healing itself. The science of Quantum Physics is my next guests specialty. But what makes her unique is her ability to guide clients and students to apply these principles to everyday life. Join us to explore, call in for insight and/or questions and let's all contribute to catalyzing profound change in our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life

  • 3 Tips for Upper Body Pain Relief from Carly Penfold launching Holistic Healing online in face of COVID closures.


    Experience transformation through energetic self-care. Carly shares pain-relieving tips for neck and shoulders.

  • It's Dragon Energy Time with Colette the "Queen of Shift!" COURAGE XVII "BATTLE STAR'


    On this show we will be sending some energetic upgrades to our beloved children and teachers who have been placed on the front battle lines of our current situation, giving a whole new meaning to "women and children first!" Call in 1 800 930 2819! We love to hear from you! Watch LIVE on FB! Go to: TheTruthIsFunnyWithColette/videos COURAGE XVII DRACO ESTRELLA VIVERE ILLUSION BATTLE STAR To learn more about this energy correcting card or to purchase high-resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: Battle Star is associated with fire, the color yellow, and the tetrahedron, the four-sided pyramid representing the powers of manifestation and creation. Yellow is the color of active intelligence and adaptability, a dynamic awareness and true perception without ego to comfort and heal wounds of the inner child. When people bravely face challenges that arise from sub-conscious thoughts you can often see the change in the color of their eyes, the window to their soul; most easily

  • Nuggets of Wizdom From A Squirrels Point of View


    On this show, I will share insights I was blessed to receive from Charlotte after she fell from a tall tree in the yard when I suddenly found myself thrust into the role of baby squirrel mom for a week. We love to hear from you! Call in 1 800 930 2819.Watch LIVE on Facebook! Go to: There is a lot of argument as to whether or not animals have souls. They do have a mind, will, and personality traits, and they are affected by spiritual issues and events revolving around humans because they are in service. For instance, many horses have traumas of being used for war and will bravely go into battle, with their owners, but they do not have karma with other horses, soldiers, etc. because when they are in battle they are in service to the people who own them. People often give animals human personality traits, but animals are innocent by nature and suffer from past life traumas without accumulating karma. They can, however, get caught in karmic loops by returning in different

  • Caregiving as a Path for Transformation with Lisa Reinhardt


    Lisa Reinhardt is a meditation master with decades of experience teaching others how to bring a meditation practice effortlessly into their lives. This show came to be from an unanswered question in June when Lisa last appeared on The Truth Is Funny As you can see from previous podcasts, Lisa and Karen never run out of things to talk about! Lisa has a wealth of experience in caring for her own elderly parents, including the recent transition of her father, and changes to the continuing needs of her 92-year-old mother. Her wisdom, funny stories, and suggested practices illuminate the often challenging path of caring for others while offering a chance to thrive and transform ourselves while we are doing it.

  • "Shoot the Shift" with Colette and Karen


    I am so excited to have my co-host Karen Betten on The Truth Is Funny this week. I LOVE! working with Karen! She has such a wealth of knowledge in so many fields and is so brilliant and dedicated to her work! It is always a pleasure to connect with her! Call in 1-800-930-2819! Watch Live on FB! Go to:



    A DAY IN LIFE FROM A SQUIRREL'S POINT OF VIEW... Sometimes it seems that the universe throws totally expected, random things your way. You are being tested. so that you can test your EGO. Why do you do the things you do? My day was changed greatly when I unexpectedly came across this little baby crying for her momma. Suddenly I am thrown back in time with a feeding schedule around the clock and comforting a crying infant. After lullaby, feeding, burping, cleaning.... I go into my house to find a bat in my spare bedroom! What a day! EGO XLIX INITIATION To learn more about this energy correcting card or to purchase high-resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: Many people think of initiation as passing a test to get to the next level but it is also a reward for already taking the initiative to tackle the given tasks required with one hundred percent commitment. Bats represent death of ego. In shamanic circles, initiates, with the aid of plant medicine and specific diets c

  • Your Nugget of Wizdom from the Queen of Shift: FEAR KNOT!


    Are you feeling all tangled up by the underlying FEAR in our current situation? If you have some fear you would like to unravel call in 1 800 930 2819! We love to hear from you! Watch LIVE on FB - Go to: TheTruthIsFunnyWithColette/videos FEARS AND PHOBIAS Fear is the most powerful and commonly experienced emotion that people face on a daily basis. It is caused by the interrelationship of a persons own experiences and those of others in the past, present and even the future. Seemingly insignificant occurrences during childhood can cause fears that have profound effects later in life. Conditions that contribute to fears and phobias often involve relationships, money, finances, prosperity, health, self-criticism, occupation, illness, traumas, death and even fear of fear itself. Having one fear often causes more fears and phobias in what can be a vicious cycle. Fears are reasonable because they are based on real life-time problems, whereas phobias are often unreasonable. For example, if a person lives in a high r

  • What am I actually here to do in this life? Lucy Anne Chard & Morgan B. "The Biz Alchemist"


    What do you do when your old life doesnt fit anymore and when you feel out of sync with what used to light you up? How do you get back on track in a world thats going through a metamorphosis? We look to the astrology of the time to give us a flavor and tone of what to expect and plan for, as well as practical tips to live your life with courage confidence. We love hearing from you! Call 1-800-930-2819 Watch LIVE on FB - Go to: TheTruthIsFunnyWithColette/videos

  • MindScape: The Power Of The Mind with MindScape Instructor Sufen Paphassarang


    Karen is featuring Sufen Paphassarang, a MindScape instructor. What is MindScape you ask? MindScape is a technique that works to reshape mental terrain and free the mind from limitations and preconceived constructs.

  • Fly Like An Eagle with Special Guest Colette Marie Stefan!


    How do you explain the majesty of a mountain range to someone thrilled by an anthill? There are many hidden energetic blocks that might cause an eagle to flock with chickens, but here it is eagles cannot mate at ground level! Frustrating for both the eagle and the chicken! There are many hidden energetic blocks that might cause an eagle to flock with chickens. Once hidden energetic blocks are identified and eliminated you will be prepared to soar to new heights. Call in! 1-800-930-2819 Watch live on Facebook.

  • Reactionary or Visionary? Spiritual Insurgent Caleb Matthews Clarifies


    Learn how you can maintain a heavenly perspective during turbulent times! We love hearing from you! Call in to 800.930.2819 Watch LIVE on FB - Go to: TheTruthIsFunnyWithColette/videos

  • Colette & Her Dragons Are Here today! UNFETTERED "FALLING STAR"


    UNFETTERED XVIII DRACO ESTRELLA HATHOR CORDE APERTIO FALLING STAR To learn more about this energy correcting card or to purchase high-resolution prints on fine art paper or canvas go to: Falling Star repairs imbalances in the physical and non-physical heart center that cause inequality when giving and receiving as an expression of pure love and joy. Many people who accept a gift question the motives of the giver, and others who give from the heart have weaknesses to receiving. Excessive chatter is a by-product of a lack of connection between the throat and heart chakra in an attempt to verbally fill empty spaces with words and the mind. The balance between these two centers is the residual effect of letting go of old reactions that get the better of you. HOW TO USE THIS CARD FOR FENG SHUI: Unconditional Love. Self Love. Romantic Love. If you consider every experience as just that, an experience, none more significant than any other, it is easier to take the good and bad, positive an

  • Nuggets of Wizdom from The Queen of Shift - DAILY ROUTINE


    NUGGET OF WIZDOM FROM THE VECTOR - DAILY ROUTINE TAKE THE TIME EVERY MORNING, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF BED TO STRENGTHEN YOUR DAY BY PUTTING TENSION INTO YOUR SPINE AND FEELING YOUR HEARTBEAT. RECONNECT TO SOURCE. GET INTO THE FLOW WITH SPIRIT AND MAXIMIZE YOUR ABILITY TO ACCESS INFINITE POTENTIAL. IF THERE IS ANYTHING THAT HAS BEEN DEEMED IMPORTANT ON THE AGENDA FOR THE DAY, FEEL IT AND CLEAR ANY CONCERNS BEFORE YOU GET OUT OF BED AND YOUR FEET HIT THE FLOOR. Often people are also affected by the lack of a daily routine, such as when they are out of work, on strike, about to take a holiday, children are out of school, etc. No matter how challenging, every day is a gift. Remember that challenges are disguised as problems just waiting to spin into opportunities. You are co-creating your reality along with the universe. Be aware of your subconscious, unconscious and conscious thoughts. Strengthen congruency between all three by clearing any psychic and spiritual energies. Send weak thoughts out to a black whole

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