Preaching Christ With Rev. Dr. C. H. E. Sadaphal



By hearing the Word of God, you will be drawn closer to Him. Dr. Sadaphal preaches Christ, will teach you the Bible, and will transform you into a strong disciple. Visit for more valuable resources.


  • The Son of the Most High


    In this Christmas message, learn what Christmas is really about. Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 1:26-33. There, the angel Gabriel tells the virgin Mary that she will conceive a baby boy in her womb. The angel also makes five prophecies about baby Jesus that look into His life, His public ministry and into the end of time. Jesus is the Son of the Most High then, now and forever. (From the series The Gospel of Luke, a verse-by-verse exposition of the third gospel.)

  • How to Appeal Against Slander: 7 Steps


    Slander is a weaponized lie. It refers to language people use that is designed to hurt someone and their reputation. The lions of ungodliness get into a rage when they pick up the scent of godliness, and the intent of the beasts is to destroy. Thus, slander is an expected part of the Christian experience and it can harm not only you, but your reputation, church and organization. So how do you defend against it biblically? This sermon will provide seven practical steps. Our Scripture verses will be from Psalm 7:1-17. (From the series Preaching Through the Psalms.)

  • The Temptation of Jesus


    Temptation refers to being enticed to sin. Jesus was tempted by the devil in the wilderness, but He never fell into Satan's trap; Jesus passed the test. This tells us that Christ is our key to victory in temptation since He is the One who successfully resisted. Hence, this sermon will answer three questions: (1) What is temptation? (2) How does the devil tempt? (3) How do you resist temptation? Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 4:1-13.

  • Waiting on God


    "Waiting on God" is a phrase that is frequently used but biblically speaking, what does waiting on the Lord actually mean? In this sermon, gain seven actionable insights on how you can move from gloom to glory in pursuit of a deeper intimacy with the Lord. Our Scripture verses will be Habakkuk 2:1-4.

  • Wrestling with God


    Wrestling with God means asking God, "Why?" It means expressing troubled doubts and trying to comprehend God's ways in the world. In this sermon, gain five actionable strategies on how you can gain clarity and move from gloom to glory in pursuit of a resilient trust in the Lord. Our Scripture verses will be Habakkuk 1:1-17.

  • Where Are You?


    Where are you? This question is important because it is the first question God asked to humanity and it is the first question God asked to a fallen sinner. So where are you? This question has several important applications to understanding why you are the way that you are, why the world is the way that it is and where you stand in your relationship with God. This simple question will forever change the way you see yourself and reality. Our Scripture verses will be Genesis 3:9.

  • The Baptism of Jesus


    The baptism of Jesus wasn't really about His baptism; rather it was about the anointing of the Holy Spirit so that Jesus was equipped for His public ministry. Get clarity and meaningful answers about the crucial role the Spirit plays in your everyday Christian life and how Jesus unlocked the window of heaven for the outpouring to happen. Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 3:21-22.

  • Preparing to Meet Jesus (Part Two)


    John the Baptist set the stage for the Messiah, Jesus. How did he do that? By preparing the people to meet Jesus. In this sermon Rev. Dr. Sadaphal asks the critical question, "Are you prepared to meet Jesus?" and provides one crucial answer: "Then repent." There are seven important applications of this doctrine. Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 3:7-17.

  • Preparing to Meet Jesus Part I


    John the Baptist set the stage for the Messiah, Jesus. How did he do that? By preparing the people to meet Jesus. In this sermon Rev. Dr. Sadaphal asks the critical question, "Are you prepared to meet Jesus?" and provides three crucial answers. Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 3:1-6.

  • The Cure for Spiritual Depression


    Spiritual depression is what happens when you experience the felt separation from God. Spiritual depression is real and has a spiritual cause, meaning a pill won't help you. In this sermon Rev. Dr. Sadaphal explains seven steps to cure spiritual depression. He also clarifies that for the whole person to be well, one must treat the whole person—this means spirit, soul and body. Our Scripture verses will be from Psalm 6:1-10.

  • Do You Know the Real Jesus? (Part Two)


    The gospel of Luke contains something very special: the only historical record of what Jesus said and did when he was a boy, before His public ministry began. This short, exclusive narrative gives us insight into who the Messiah really is. In this sermon Rev. Dr. Sadaphal asks several probing questions that challenges the assumption that you know the real Jesus and what your identity is in Christ. Our Scripture verses will be from Luke 2:41-52.

  • Do You Know the Real Jesus? (Part One)


    The gospel of Luke contains something very special: the only historical record of what Jesus said and did when he was a boy, before His public ministry began. This short, exclusive narrative gives us insight into who the Messiah really is. In this sermon Rev. Dr. Sadaphal asks several probing questions that challenges the assumption that you know the real Jesus. Our Scripture focus will be Luke 2:41-46.

  • The Justice of God in an Unjust World


    Psalm 5 is a text that many preachers stay far away from. Why? Because it raises some difficult questions: Does God hate? How can a loving God hate anything? What is an imprecation? Aren't imprecations un-Christian? Is vengeance wrong? Where does the Christian turn to seek vengeance in the midst of an unjust world? This sermon covers much territory and provides meaningful answers to all these questions. Our theme verses will be Psalm 5:4-12.

  • The 7 Steps of Prayer Preparation


    How does the godly person navigate life in the midst of an ungodly age? Where do we turn when the wickedness of the world frustrates us or makes us fearful? Psalm 5 has many answers. In this sermon, Rev. Sadaphal exposits the steps King David makes before he prays—that is, his steps of prayer preparation. All of these steps apply to prayer in general and will equip and assist you in your prayer life. Our theme verses will be Psalm 5:1-3.

  • The Ark


    The ark was the only vessel of refuge from the flood, a universal instrument of judgment on a world that forgot about God. The parable of the Ark teaches us that salvation is of the Lord because the Ark=Christ=salvation. Rev. Sadaphal exposits the ark narrative and details crucial insights into how salvation works, why it works that way, and Who mediates it. The Scripture focus will be Genesis 6:14-7:5.

  • The Flood


    The flood was a universal instrument of judgment on a world that forgot about God. Does that imply that God is mean? Cruel? Unjust? In this sermon, Dr. Sadaphal exposits the setup to the flood narrative and details three crucial insights into the character and nature of God. The Scripture focus will be Genesis 6:5-14.

  • The Day Joy Was Born


    Christmas is a time where many things are celebrated, but the real meaning of Christmas is bigger than trees, gifts or any natural festivities. In this sermon, learn who the Prince of Peace is, why He was born, what He came to do, and why the birth of the Messiah was the day when truly heavenly joy was born. Our Scripture Focus will be Luke 2:8-14

  • The Path to Shalom (Peace)


    Where does the Christian obtain their confidence? What is their source of boldness in the midst of persecution? What is the doctrine of election and how does it give us eternal security? In this sermon, gain answers to all these questions and learn about the path to peace as navigated by King David when he was the target of deception, slander and lies. Our theme verses will come from Psalm 4:1-8.

  • The Christian Mind (Part Two)


    What is transformation and how can your life forever be changed for the glory of God? In this sermon, learn seven steps to the renewing of your mind based on Romans 12:2. Learn how to conquer habitual sin, get a strategy for how to discern God's will, and know what God requires of you. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and your life will forever be changed.

  • The Christian Mind (Part One)


    What is the invisible war for the Christian mind? Why does it matter, who are we fighting against, and what is at stake? In this sermon, discover relevant answers to these questions and much more. You will not think about reality the same again. Our Scripture focus will be Proverbs 23:7.

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