Bart Jackson's Podcast - Get Informed, Get Entertained, And Seize The Wisdom



Get ready for fun. Business folks from all over challenge Host Bart Jackson with some of business stickiest situations and frustrating inter-personal dilemmas. Tackling them head on with his witty wordsmithery, Bart will craft the response that is most likely to ease the tension or extract the speaker from a potential fist fight. The world belongs to the talkers those people whose words convince others that they are trustworthy, their products beneficial, and their ideas wise. So tune in and learn a little chat savvy and a gentle way to boost your esteem in others eyes.


  • Making Family Business Work – Advice You Can’t Refuse

    26/03/2019 Duración: 32min

    How can kin keep company and turn a profit?  Few folks have better solutions than family business’ sage master, Tom Hubler. Since 1980, Tom has guided family firms in forging both emotional and fiscal equity, planning succession, and juggling individual roles in this dual union.  Tom Hubler joins Host Bart Jackson as they take a refreshingly human approach to the intricate challenges of building a common family value in which all may profitably participate.  How does a family firm discover its soul?  How do you manage family rank vs. business rank?  How do you shift from an entrepreneurial shop into a professional company?  Tune in and learn business success and family love may mutually feed each other.

  • World Economic Forum: Our Globe’s Fiscal Booms & Busts

    18/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    The World Economic Forum is arguably our best hope for a sustainable future.  Established in 1971, this global organization for public and private cooperation gathers the world’s foremost leaders in industry, business, academics, the political realm, and the arts to sustain and improve life on our planet.  They hammer out and set new agendas for sustainable resource distribution, climate change devastation, investment security, technology management, and all major global challenges.   Host Bart Jackson invites former Forum Board member Alfred Berkeley to guide us through the practical solutions the world’s elite minds are putting into practice. Tune in and learn the benefits of human ingenuity and creative sweat in forging our more livable world. 

  • Ethical Adventures – Crocs, Pythons & Saving the Planet

    11/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    What happens when you blend your own business with your personal mission?  Rob Woods, founder of Ethical Adventures, guides intimately small groups deep into Australia’s remote Northern Territories in a way that brings a whole new perspective to our human role as stewards of the land.  Host Bart Jackson invites Rob Woods from way down under to explain why Ethical Adventures has been voted “unarguably the best tour experience in the Northern Territory” – what we need to learn from 60,000 years of Aboriginal history – and how we may best preserve this mysterious land.  Tune in and learn how exciting fun and profit dwell amiably with Jaburu, crocs, and wallabies.

  • Impossible People – How to Fix ‘em or Nix ‘em

    06/03/2019 Duración: 34min

    They are in your face all the time: those poisonous personalities who torpedo the team, undermine your achievement, and take the fun & profit out of your workday.   How do you handle or just plain squash these toxic folks?  Host Bart Jackson and a select team of consulting experts bring back a fresh crop of challenges and solutions in this year’s Impossible People show.  Tune in, laugh, and learn the clever ploys for foiling The Artful Opposer, The Mood-swinging Boss, The Bean-counting, Bottom-liner, and other thorns on the wrong side of progress.

  • Negotiating Hardcore: Bullies, Bluffs & Paper Tigers

    26/02/2019 Duración: 41min

    So who is winning the “negotiations” between the U.S. President – Congress – and the party leaders?  Who committed the masterful blunders and who employed that subtly clever tactic which you need to be copying in your own business negotiations?  Host Bart Jackson brings on The Master Negotiator Greg Williams to tease apart the political chess games employed by America’s leaders, to tell you what worked, why it worked, and what moves we might expect in the future. Globally renowned negotiator and body language guru Greg Williams is sought after to both instruct C-suite executives and to handle Fortune 100 corporate mergers.  Tune in and get the expert’s take on the art of these political deals.

  • GPS’s Most Global Voice Recalculates: Seizing Opportunity!

    17/02/2019 Duración: 41min

    GPS Girl Karen Jacobsen’s ever-calculating voice guides over half a billion travelers over roadways, and, by her own life example, points the way toward making the most of each opportunity.  Host Bart Jackson invites Karen on to tell her story and help you recognize a potential windfall – and discover new advantages.  Since emigrating from Australia to the Big Apple, Karen has blossomed her singing and voice-over talents into an array of business speaking tours, popular albums, books, media appearances, lifestyle guidance, and a new venture to be announced on this show.  Tune in and discover those hidden situations that can send out sturdy and profitable branches to your own career.

  • Divorce Dynasty – Building a One-stop Client Shop

    12/02/2019 Duración: 35min

    Marriage is a legal, emotional, occupational, religious, financial, child-rearing, home-owning, sexual, and union.  And when that union falls apart, the divorcing woman requires help in all those areas.  After her own divorce, attorney Karolina Dehnhard realized that her family law practice, offering only legal counsel was simply inadequate.  Host Bart Jackson brings Karolina on board to discuss how she has developed her Divorce Dynasty that advises and aids all the clients areas of concern.  Tune in and take this example of customer-based growth to heart. You too may transform and raise your business from green grocer to full-service supermarket. 

  • Middle Managers Guide to Gaining the C-Suite

    05/02/2019 Duración: 35min

    So here you sit, having carved your way up to a hopefully secure middle management slot, chaffing. You’re eager to move on up to a major decision-maker position and really employ your expertise to best advantage.  You know where you need to be.  You just need guidance in choosing the route.  This is your show.  Host Bart Jackson brings to your aid executive developer Ron Carucci, founder of Navalent consultants and author of Rise to Power- The Journey of Exceptional Executives to yank you off that career plateau.  Together, Bart and Ron discuss the specific problems challenging middle managers, scrutinizing those who rise and those who remain mired. Tune in and discover new avenues of advancement.

  • Conducting the Orchestra – CEOs Learn from the Maestro

    29/01/2019 Duración: 37min

    Maestro Roger Nierenberg knows the techniques, actions, and attitudes demanded to lift an orchestra – and each musician - to peak performance. They are the exact same leadership moves required by business executives to inspire their teams to the top.  Host Bart Jackson discusses The Music Paradigm, Nierenberg’s inventive program in which C-suiters are mingled amongst the musicians at an actual rehearsal led by this Maestro, and biz folks observe leadership demonstrated in a tempo accelerando.  The Paradigm holds up a stunning, if not always comfortable mirror to business leaders.  And the top exec teams from YouTube, Bank of America, Kellogg, and BBC are praising and paying Nierenberg for the valuable enlightenment.  Tune in and learn how artfully directed music makes Caesars of the savage biz execs. 

  • Selling – Who Wins – Who Loses - & Why

    22/01/2019 Duración: 32min

    Joe Kaplan for 30 years has sold everything from breakfast cereal to exotic financial instruments with astounding success.  What’s more, Joe knows <em>why </em>he’s a master salesperson and what profitable selling really demands.  And now, so will you.  Host Bart Jackson challenges Kaplan with a series of real sales situations for which Joe will provide practical solutions and wise counsel.  Kaplan was the expert Nabisco turned to when they needed to display their new products onto competitive shelves; that Post Foods brought on to handle its merchandising and sales operations; and that Western Union hired to develop innovational promo programs.  He has designed sales teams and designed strategies for countless firms.   Every person of business must be able to sell. Tune in and better your own skills with aid from the master.

  • Judging Beer, Wine, Spirits – Who? How? & How Profitable?

    14/01/2019 Duración: 33min

    Jerald O’ Kennard holds what many would call thedream job in the dream company.  He and his firm, The Beverage Testing Institute, make a very tidy living sampling and competitively rating hundreds of the best wines, beers, and hard liquors from across the globe.  Their clients send their latest vintages, praying for a high quality score and counting on the wise counsel offered by the BTI to help them improve and better sell their product.  Host Bart Jackson sits and sips with Jerald as they discuss the latest trends in wines et al; why Scotch is making a comeback; exactly how drinks get scored; and the real value of this information to both public and manufacturer.  Also, for your own entrepreneurial edification, tune in and learn exactly how this system of comparative, critical marketing works, and how you might apply it to your own industry.

  • The World’s Best Memory - Lessons To Remember

    08/01/2019 Duración: 39min

    If you can memorize the order of 59 packs of playing cards in a single siting, you might, says Guinness World Records, give Dave Farrow a run for his money.  Host Bart Jackson brings on this astounding memory phenomenon who has given his own expertise a run for the money by packaging his memory system and selling over 10 million copies.  Employing his same method of intense study and mental agility, Dave has innovated an uncannily effective program to help you monetize your own unique skills.  ‘Tis a proven and huge success for the scores of top clients in his Farrow Communications.  Tune in and learn to share your temporarily hidden talent more profitably.

  • Bart’s Better Business Resolutions for 2019

    26/12/2018 Duración: 31min

    What would you really like to have happen in your business…life… career in 2019?  And more importantly, what changes do you need to make – what seeds do you need to plant now to bear fruit in the upcoming year?  Host Bart Jackson helps you reflect back and cast your eyes forward with a series of New Years Resolutions that you may joyfully keep, and are guaranteed to deliver fun and profit within the next 365 days. What do you think?  Would this be a good time to discover new llies…take your values and sense of humor to work…master your time and conquer one old nemesis?  Tune in and take some practical tactics for achieving that better you – which, after all, is your best and most marvelous asset.

  • Elftalk Santa’s Secret Workshop Motivators Revealed

    17/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    How can a remote enterprise create inventory all year, then distribute it entirely within one winter’s evening?  As the crunch time draws near, how does the jolly old saint and CEO urge his elves on to peak performance, but still mysteriously keep that festive, joyous aura throughout the workshop?  What wise counsel does Ms. Claus provide behind the scenes?  Just how competitive is it to win a slot pulling Santa’s sleigh? Host Bart Jackson imports Saint Nick’s Chief Executive Elf, CEE Jeanne Murphy fresh from the North Pole to answer these questions and unravel a score of mysteries that put Santa on the enviable top of every child’s list.  Tune in and learn the many real and timeless truths this less-than-lean manufacturing team has to offer us all.  Ho Ho Ho.

  • Company Culture – Yours for the Crafting

    11/12/2018 Duración: 32min

    You can feel it when it’s really good – and you can smell it when it’s not.  A company’s culture comprises the way it does business, the way staff and management interact, and more importantly the spirit and values behind those interactions.  And wise corporate leaders are finally discovering that they can direct and encourage that organically growing culture.  How?  Host Bart Jackson gives solid discussion with corp-culture expert Bretton Putter, founding CEO of London-based CultureGene, and author of Culture Decks Decoded.  Mr. Putter explains why a value-driven, positive corporate culture is vital for obtaining top talent – and keeping them.  He blazes the path for turning your firm’s culture into a tangible asset.  Tune in and learn the dollars and sense of proactively crafting the culture of your business.

  • U.S. Worker Safety: Death by Compliance

    02/12/2018 Duración: 35min

    Thirteen American working people are dying every single day on the job.  And internationally renowned occupational safety expert Phil La Duke is mad as hell about it. Host Bart Jackson unleashes the fireball La Duke who slams the blame squarely on lax and hidebound safety inspections, criminally negligent managers, and a deliberate disregard of working conditions by the business community at large.  In his An Iconoclasts View of Workers’ Safetyand other writings, La Duke shows how concern for workplace safety has become the bleeding stepchild we ignore and place behind a wall of compliance regulations.  But more than pouring out a gravy boat of venom and blame, La Duke lays out the practical steps and attitude adjustments that will halt these nearly 5,000 workplace deaths per year.  Tune in and learn how to cultivate a better conscience, and profitably free up your workplace from fear.

  • The Business of Restoring After Disaster - Climate Control

    26/11/2018 Duración: 33min

    Who can clean up a church after the Twin Towers have crashed all around it?  Who gives people back their homes when Hurricane Sandy smashes all they own?  Who gets folks back to work after a 51st story fire in a skyscraper?  The hero in each of these catastrophes is host Bart Jackson’s guest, Mr. Damon Gersh, CEO of Maxons Restorations, Inc.  Recent recipient of The Art of the CEO’s Community Contributor Award, Maxon’s Restorations is in the business of giving people back their lives after disaster strikes.  Gersh and his crew are the ones who wade in after fire, flood, and storm to save everything from priceless art to shattered walls.  His business is dangerous, painstaking, highly technical, and, alas, never ending. Tune in and learn how the experts clean up after Nature doles out its worst.

  • Getting a Grip On Your Career – Wiser Choices

    18/11/2018 Duración: 34min

    What Ah-ha moment shifted Madonna out of the audition rut onto stardom’s track?  What new perspective help transformed a rank and file missionary into the renowned savior of an African nation?And most important – how can YOU expand and enrich your work life into a fulfilling career journey?  Host Bart Jackson lays out a career planning strategy that lifts your vision.  He helps you toss away the blinders that confine career to a series of jobs and list of skills.  And using stories of several well-known individuals who have soared or sank, he helps you choose freely where to place your precious energies.  Tune in, taste the opportunities, and learn the special career secret Millennials know that oldsters can’t see.

  • Why Most Incentive Programs Fail Miserably

    12/11/2018 Duración: 36min

    If you are very wise, or very greedy, or both, you want to give your team the very best incentives that encourage each member’s peak performance.  Trouble is, that’s a surprisingly tough order.  Most traditional reward systems motivate less than 10 percent of the staff.  Further, not every individual gets absolutely inspired by the same enticement.  CoreCentive sales director Tom Frederick joins host Bart Jackson to discuss the delicate art of designing an incentive program that boosts production, and the entire team’s morale.  Employing uncommon sense, Tom discusses what elements are required to energize even the largest corporate teams, and why most popular programs end up being non-inclusive, carrot-dangling failures.  (After Tom explains it, it all seems so obvious.) Tune in and learn how to make your workplace more exciting, profitable, and cohesive.

  • Leadership on the Fly – Effective Messaging

    05/11/2018 Duración: 38min

    Leadership is an active verb.  It is performed in swift succession throughout your daily encounters with all the folks you meet – with those you need to influence.  Host Bart Jackson brings on board Chris Westfall, wise counselor to the Global 500 C-suite and current US National Elevator Pitch Champion.  In his latest book, Leadership Language, Westfall explains how people want to follow that individual who carries an authentic mission and message that she can express succinctly in all situations.  And to prove it, Bart will offer up a series of business situations and invite Pitch Champion Chris to provide an inspiring response. (Some fun.)  Tune in and learn how brevity can be the soul of motivation. 

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