Serenity Vibration Healing® And Paths Of Mastery



These podcasts are recorded from telecasts given by Jill Marie, founder of the Serenity Vibration Healing® and Enlightenment Technique. For more information, please visit the Serenity Vibration Healing® website.


  • Israel-Jordan 2009: Jesus calls You to Service!

    09/12/2008 Duración: 53min

    Fulfill the destinies of your heart and soul. Participate in a grand scale mission destined to transform the world. Assist Master Jesus to rewrite the beginning and the end of his story to match the new paradigm energy that supports the principles of sovereignty, mastery, ascension and the mindset of neutral duality.

  • 25 Ancestral Resistance to Abundance (11/29/2008)

    30/11/2008 Duración: 42min

    You can be free of ancestral imprints that are blocking your flow of abundance. Be free of poverty mentality and manifest your desires in a pristine manner that only unfolds realities you consciously fuel.

  • World Team Mission - Egypt 11-11

    08/11/2008 Duración: 21min

    Participate from the comfort of your home as Jill Marie visits the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt on 11-11.

  • 24 Sabotaging Abundance (10/29/2008)

    30/10/2008 Duración: 47min

    Sabotaging Abundance from within or outside of self is an insidious robber that can slow your progression, steal your abundance and sap your inner drive to succeed.

  • 10-B Manifesting the Divine Ideal 2008 (01/06/2008)

    09/01/2008 Duración: 34min

    In 2008, we can choose to create the divine ideal for every facet of our reality and in doing so we can experience life in ways that we have only dreamed about.

  • 23 Fearing Abundance (01/03/2008)

    04/01/2008 Duración: 55min

    In this telecast we are going to set the stage for attracting abundance at levels that eclipse the million dollar mark, preparing you for the manifestation of opulence beyond your wildest dreams, by vanquishing the fear profiles that are blocking you from claiming your destiny.

  • 22 Judgements about Abundance (09/25/2007)

    26/09/2007 Duración: 42min

    Your levels of abundance; whether you are struggling, just getting by, or whether you have enough or more than enough are a direct reflection of the creation energy you are supporting. If you are struggling or just getting by, there is something in - the - way of your success. There is something blocking the smooth flow of creation energy that would flow to foster and support the abundance that is your birthright to create.

  • Egypt 2007 - World Team Call to Service

    22/09/2007 Duración: 22min

    This master maker journey will propel you forard to the next levels of consciousness.

  • 21 What is Abundance? (07/14/2007)

    14/07/2007 Duración: 33min

    What does abundance mean to you? What does it look like? In this segment we will explore the hidden blocks that are impeding the consistency that is so very imperative to manifesting the levels of abundance that you are choosing. Defining your abundance is another step in claiming your realm and choosing plenty. Your levels of abundance are intricately woven into layers of acceptance that fuel your levels of allowing. In this segment you will have an opportunity to establish your prosperity image and begin to see the possibilities that will fuel your acceptance of plenty.

  • 20 Random Inner-dialog: The Principal Block to Mastery (06/17/2007)

    16/06/2007 Duración: 34min

    In this telecast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to release the seeds and foundations of imbalance that are fostered by the chatter of the ego program file. We will explore the current life and genetic programs and beliefs that are fueling random inner dialog and implement groundbreaking new clearing concepts that will loosen the foundations of the principle block to mastery and assist to emancipate you from the pervasive blocks to a quieted mind.

  • Jill Marie's Peru Anthology (06/11/2007)

    11/06/2007 Duración: 35min

    From your home or on site with us, join the World Team on its sacred mission to Peru and Easter Island and be part of the transformational global alliance that will assist to shift the awareness of the collective reality of awakening masters throughout this world.

  • 19 Enhancing Your Innate Gifts (06/02/2007)

    02/06/2007 Duración: 32min

    In this telecast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to develop your use of the innate gifts and awareness that you already possess.

  • 18 Activating Your Innate Gifts (05/19/2007)

    19/05/2007 Duración: 30min

    In this podcast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to activate innate gifts and blessings that have been encoded to initiate at this time in the collective evolution of this world.

  • 17 Anchoring To Your Sacred Path and Purpose (04/28/2007)

    28/04/2007 Duración: 27min

    In this podcast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to release barriers and blocks to easily, gracefully and purposefully fulfill your life plan.

  • What is Serenity Vibration Healing?

    22/04/2007 Duración: 18min

    This modality is about sovereignty, autonomy and the freedom to elevate your vibration and light quotient, free of the attraction of limiting experiences that have the potential to block your smooth, graceful, expedient evolution to higher consciousness.

  • 16 Aligning To Your Sacred Path & Purpose (04/14/2007)

    14/04/2007 Duración: 24min

    In this telecast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to fully align with the sacred paths and purpose that you planned with the Creator. In a guided visualization we will move to the hallowed Hall of Records to reference the sacred book that you scribed your life plan within before entering this lifetime.

  • 15 Releasing Blocked Energy (03/24/2007)

    25/03/2007 Duración: 33min

    In this Podcast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to release embedded energy formations that can block personal empowerment and impede the smooth flow of creation energy that attracts abundance.

  • 14 Enriching Your Current Love Relationship (03/05/2007)

    04/03/2007 Duración: 32min

    In this podcast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you and your partner to soar to new heights of intimacy and expression as you align with mastery principles that support human divine union and an open communication that can override the old paradigms that rigidly defined the roles of partnership and intimacy.

  • Attracting Your Divine Mate (02/17/2007)

    23/02/2007 Duración: 01h03min

    In this conference call you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to attract your divine mate, by reformatting blocks to accepting, expecting and allowing the love of your life to recognize you. To prepare for this session, please make a list of the attributes that you find attractive in a mate. We will use this list of characteristics to direct the energy of attraction to mates that fit your desires.

  • Healing Broken Relationships (02/03/2007)

    02/02/2007 Duración: 51min

    In this podcast you will receive insights and advanced clearing mechanisms that will be divinely inspired to assist you to heal broken relationships and lay the foundations for a new paradigm of acceptance and neutrality, by releasing the energy of past transgressions. This will allow you to redefine your relationships and move forward at what ever level of familiarity you choose, based on your conscious choices to further associations or release them.

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