Out Of The Fog With Karen Hager



Join me every week for spiritual conversation with enlightening guests! I connect with intuitives, lightworkers, spiritual visionaries, and more.


  • Out of the Fog: Confessions of a Secret Psychic with Angela A. Wix

    23/08/2022 Duración: 36min

    How can you practice your subtle energetic abilities and fully embrace your spiritual nature, even if you feel like you can't yet be open about it with those around you? Angela A. Wix brings insight about what it means to be a “secret psychic”. She’ll share how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to integrate your experience so you don't feel as though you’re caught between two worlds. Angela A. Wix has been an acquiring editor for body-mind-spirit titles at Llewellyn Worldwide and is the author of Llewellyn’s Little Book of Unicorns and The Secret Psychic. She is a Certified Medical Reiki Master (CMRM), lifelong intuitive medium-in-training, and artist. Visit her at AngelaAnn.Wix.com/arts and @AngelaAWix on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Out of the Fog: Trapped Souls (and how not to be one) with Echo Bodine

    16/08/2022 Duración: 32min

    Echo Bodine shares her experience with ghosts as human beings who have chosen, through their own free will, not to move on to the place our souls call home—what religions call heaven or the afterlife. She says that by learning from the human side of “trapped souls” we can make changes now to avoid becoming earthbound when we pass. Echo Bodine is known internationally for her work as a spiritual healer and writer. She has appeared on numerous national television shows, including Sally Jesse Raphael and NBC's Later Today. She is the author of a number of books, including Hands That Heal, Echoes of the Soul, Relax, Little Book of Ghost Stories, and A Still Small Voice. Her new book is How to Live a Happily Ever After Afterlife. Find out more about Echo and her work at echobodine.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Emotional Freedom Through Divine Trust with Dr. Nancy Wiley

    09/08/2022 Duración: 35min

    A traumatic event can trigger thoughts that keep us trapped in the past or anxious about the future. We may relive the traumatic event over and over again in our heads, and this can cause tremendous suffering. Dr. Nancy Wiley says it doesn’t have to be that way. She’ll share what her own awakening taught her about finding emotional freedom and easing suffering. Dr. Nancy Wiley, D.D.S. is a highly trained scientist who is an expert in the physical body as she is in the subtle body and spiritual realms. She practiced clinical orthodontics for more than 27 years, while at the same time immersing herself in the study of meditation and the subtle energy. Dr. Wiley has practiced Transcendental Meditation, Holosync (brain wave entrainment), and guided meditations with many teachers, including Jeddah Mali, her most treasured teacher and to whom she attributes the attainment of Unity Consciousness. She is also a Reiki Master and expert in several energy healing modalities, including EFT, Spring Forest Qigong, and Di

  • Out of the Fog: Medical Intuition for Self-Care with Wendie Colter

    02/08/2022 Duración: 32min

    Think medical intuition is a gift reserved only for the “special” few? Wendie Colter believes that we have the natural ability to intuitively connect with our body’s wisdom. Tune in to learn how you can tap into the wisdom your body holds, and how medical intuition can enhance healing and wellness. Wendie Colter is a Certified Medical Intuitive, Master Certified Wellness Coach, and founder/CEO of The Practical Path®, Inc. Her accredited certification program, Medical Intuitive Training™, has been pivotal in helping wellness professionals develop and optimize their inherent intuition. Wendie’s trailblazing research on medical intuition is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine and she is the author of the groundbreaking book, Essentials of Medical Intuition: A Visionary Path to Wellness. Find out more at thepracticalpath.com.

  • Birthing the Holy Through the Many Names of Mary with Christine Valters Paintner

    26/07/2022 Duración: 33min

    Committing to the way of the sacred feminine means making time for silence and reflection, and tending to our inner lives. Christine Valters Paintner believes that embracing the wisdom of Mary the Blessed Mother and her many faces is one way to welcome the sacred feminine into our lives. She’s here to share familiar and unfamiliar names of Mary, expressed as archetypes that are shared across cultures … to open pathways of creativity, healing, and justice. Christine Valters Paintner, PhD and Registered Expressive Arts Consultant/Educator,  is the online Abbess of abbeyofthearts.com, a virtual monastery and global community. The Abbey offers online programs and retreats to help integrate contemplative practice and creative expression. Christine is the author of 18 books on spirituality including her most recent, Birthing the Holy: Wisdom of Mary to Nurture Creativity and Renewal.

  • Out of the Fog: Coping After Trauma with Jennifer Berk Weisman

    19/07/2022 Duración: 31min

    Everyone handles the stress of major trauma differently. Jennifer Berk Weisman knows that to promote recovery, it’s essential to learn how to manage daily stress, practice mindfulness, and discover how to handle life’s challenges. PTSD can be crippling and prevent you from progressing. Jennifer’s here to share her journey and help you find your own resilience in the face of life-changing events. In a split second, a car speeding through a crosswalk jeopardized everything Jennifer Berk Weisman had built. Battling life-altering trauma, PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, and the cutthroat fashion industry, Just Bones Boardwear founder Jennifer Berk Weisman refused to let the accident define her and steal her identity. On her journey from stay-at-home mom to innovative entrepreneur surviving unexpected adversity, Jennifer conquered every obstacle with a fierce determination to succeed. Her new book, Sink or Swimwear, shares her true story of recovery, hope, and resilience. Find out more at https://jenniferberkweis

  • Out of the Fog: Living on Purpose with Amy Eliza Wong

    12/07/2022 Duración: 29min

    What’s holding you back from a life of greater ease, grace, and joy? Amy Eliza Wong believes that changing the way we look at our current struggles opens a path for making conscious choices that lead to more freedom, wholeness and peace. She wants you to know there is always a way forward, no matter how difficult things are in the moment. Amy Eliza Wong is a certified executive coach who has devoted more than 20 years to the study and practice of helping others live and lead on purpose. She works with some of the biggest names in tech and offers transformational leadership development and internal communication strategies to executives and teams around the world. Her new book is Living on Purpose: Five Deliberate Choices to Realize Fulfillment and Joy. Learn more about Amy and her work at https://alwaysonpurpose.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Shamanic Teaching and Prophecy for Today with Itzhak Beery

    05/07/2022 Duración: 36min

    Shamanic teaching seems especially relevant in these unusual times when it can feel like we are going through great change, and yet not always clear on our direction. Itzhak Beery says ancient cultures foresaw the volatile events we are experiencing as a birthing process for a new future and human paradigm. Prophecies like “The Condor and The Eagle” from the High Andes of Ecuador, and the “Meeting of the Water,” from the native Brazilian Amazon, inform Itzhak’s perspective on what we are experiencing today. Itzhak Beery is a leading international shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, and community activist. He is the author of three bestselling books, including Shamanic Healing: Traditional Medicine for the Modern World. For nearly 30 years, Itzhak bridges the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted to him with a contemporary approach relevant to our modern times. Itzhak leads groups on healing expeditions to the Andes and the Amazon of Ecuador and Yucatan. Itzhak is the founder of Sha

  • Out of the Fog: Shift Your Reality with Cynthia Sue Larson

    21/06/2022 Duración: 34min

    Do your keys refuse to stay put? Do your socks go missing from the laundry? Cynthia Sue Larson says that when things appear, disappear, transform or transport and when we experience changes in time, that’s a reality shift. Our consciousness can change the physical world and make our lives better as a result. Cynthia Sue Larson is the best-selling author of several books including Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, and High Energy Money. Cynthia has a degree in physics from UC Berkeley, an MBA degree, a Doctor of Divinity, and a second degree black belt in Kuk Sool Won. Cynthia is founder of RealityShifters, first president of the International Mandela Effect Conference, managing director of Foundations of Mind, and creator and host of Living the Quantum Dream podcast.  She has been featured on Gaia, the History Channel, Coast to Coast AM, One World with Deepak Chopra, and BBC. Cynthia reminds us to ask in every situation, "How good can it get?" Subscribe to her free monthly ezine at realityshifters.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Energy Medicine for Doctors and Patients with Raven Keyes

    14/06/2022 Duración: 34min

    What is Medical Reiki? Surgeons and doctors know there is some “other thing” that contributes to their patients’ healing, but often don’t know what that is. Raven Keyes will share how using this practice activates the body’s natural ability to heal itself, while restoring energy lost during illness, injury, or chronic disease. Raven Keyes is an internationally recognized Reiki Master Teacher who has worked with surgeons and other health professionals for many years. She is the author of the award-winning book The Healing Power of Reiki, and she was named best Reiki Master in New York by New York Magazine. She is the founder of Medical Reiki International. Her new book is Medical Reiki: A Ground-Breaking Approach to Using Energy Medicine for Challenging Treatments. For more, visit her at RavenKeyesMedicalReiki.com.

  • Out of the Fog: Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times with Philip Goldberg

    07/06/2022 Duración: 33min

    Torn between staying informed and staying sane? Too stressed out to meditate? My guest today says that when the world gets chaotic and confounding, we need spiritual practice more than ever. Philip Goldberg joins me to share the tools you need to access peace and strength within you—at a moment’s notice, in whatever time you have. Philip Goldberg has been studying the world’s spiritual traditions for more than 45 years. He is the author or co-author of some 25 books published in more than a dozen languages. His book American Veda was named by Huffington Post and Library Journal as one of the Top 10 Religion Books of 2010; it was followed in 2018 by the popular biography The Life of Yogananda. He blogs on Spirituality & Health and cohosts the Spirit Matters podcast. We’ll be talking about his book, Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times. Find out more about Phil and his work at https://philipgoldberg.com.        

  • Out of the Fog: The Tao of Inner Peace with Diane Dreher

    24/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    How can we apply ancient wisdom to the challenges and choices of today’s world? Diane Dreher, author of The Tao of Inner Peace, joins me to talk about how we can create greater harmony within and around us by combining awareness and action. By recognizing nature’s enduring principles, we can expand our awareness, gain peace, and then take effective action to change the world around us.   Diane Dreher, Ph.D., is a bestselling author, researcher, and positive psychology coach. Her books, The Tao of Inner Peace, The Tao of Personal Leadership, The Tao of Womanhood, Inner Gardening, and Your Personal Renaissance, have been translated into ten languages. Her research on positive psychology and hope has been published in academic books and journals, and her work has been featured in media outlets including USA Today, Entrepreneur, Redbook, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Science of Mind, radio and TV talk shows, and websites on leadership and personal growth. Diane has a Ph.D. in Renaissance English literature from UCLA

  • Out of the Fog: Raising Resilient, Compassionate Kids with Julie Hatch

    10/05/2022 Duración: 31min

    We know our kids are unique, wonderful, frustrating, always-evolving beings. As parents … and as teachers, aunts, uncles, adults who care about the planet … how can we know what our children need to be healthier and to thrive in the world? Rates of depression and anxiety are rising in our kids, and consciously awakening parents are looking for new tools. Julie Hatch is here to share her views on holistically raising kids from the inside out. Julie Phillips Hatch is a pediatric nurse practitioner, an acupuncturist, a parenting specialist, and a mom. She is a traditional western medicine practitioner, turned alternative holistic practitioner. Her passion has always been helping kids. She spent many years working in pediatrics, first in pediatric intensive care, then in neonatal intensive care. Eventually her focus shifted, and she found her way into the realm of eastern medicine and holistic health. Julie’s new book is A Parenting Revolution for Higher Evolution. Find out more about Julie and her work at https

  • Out of the Fog: The Awakened Soul with Lynn Patner

    03/05/2022 Duración: 34min

    We need healing, and so does our troubled world. Today’s guest says that the Universe is waiting for you to remember who you are. But how do we begin this process of waking up? How can we embrace and honor our inner Light without getting bogged down in old programming and limiting mindsets? Lynn Patner shares how she healed herself and now helps to heal others by becoming aware of unconscious programming and stepping into a more abundant life. Lynn Patner, M.S.W. is a warm, funny, insightful and compassionate teacher. A Certified Hypnotherapist and Reiki Practitioner, Lynn's studies include Native American traditions, Shamanism, Eastern Traditions, a variety of energy therapies and healing practices. She weaves all of these disciplines into comprehensible teachings, providing tools to share with her clients and students. Lynn gives to those that wish to learn more, a sense of purpose and balance toward creating the life you have always desired, guiding them to experience the brilliance of their own inner lig

  • Out of the Fog: Talking with Children About Energy with Elizabeth Cosmos

    26/04/2022 Duración: 31min

    Our children know … better than we do, sometimes ... that we are more than what we perceive. There is an unseen world, opening through our imagination, our intuition, that kids have clearer access to. Elizabeth Cosmos, spiritual healer and teacher, and author of the Energy Annie series of award-winning conscious children’s books, is with me to talk about how and why we can talk with our kids about energy. International author, teacher, and practitioner Elizabeth Cosmos has been involved in spiritual healing for more than thirty years. She was responsible for the founding and development of a comprehensive, hospital-based integrated medicine program for integrative therapies at Saint Mary’s Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI, and she is also the founder of the International Association of Ama-Deus, LLC. Her work has been featured in such international publications as National Geographic. In 1989, Beth worked three years in the study of Ama-Deus healing method, of which the last seven months was intensive training

  • Out of the Fog: The Way of the Empath with Elaine Clayton

    19/04/2022 Duración: 31min

    It takes real courage to be empathic. Trusting and working with the emotions, feelings, and knowledge we pick up intuitively is an art form. Elaine Clayton is here to help us understand empathy and use that special insight to find out about ourselves, our place in the universe, and learn to be protected and confident as we explore. Elaine Clayton is an internationally known author, artist, teacher, intuitive healing arts practitioner and Reiki Master in NYC, CT and Atlanta. Her books on intuitive intelligence and creativity include The Way of the Empath; Making Marks: Discover the Art of Intuitive Drawing; and Illuminara Intuitive Journal. She is also the author and illustrator of many books for children, including Pulitzer Prize winning author Jane Smiley and Gregory Maguire, author of the popular novel that birthed the smash hit Broadway play, Wicked. Other new titles include books in the A Little Bit Of series, including A Little Bit of Angels and A Little Bit of Fairies. Find out more about Elaine and he

  • Out of the Fog: Clutter Can Offer Clarity with Kerri Richardson

    05/04/2022 Duración: 35min

    How messy is the space you’re in right now? And how does that make you feel? Some types of clutter might feel OK to live with … while other kinds of clutter feel jarring and uncomfortable. Kerri Richardson knows that you can use your clutter woes to transform your life. When you get curious about the reasons you struggle to clear clutter, she says, you can discover secrets to success that have been under your nose the whole time. Kerri Richardson is a mindset coach and the bestselling author of What Your Clutter Is Trying to Tell You and her latest book, From Clutter to Clarity. Through online courses, private coaching, and her international membership community, Clutter Clear Your Life, she has helped thousands of people learn to use their blocks as steppingstones to living their best lives. Find out more at kerririchardson.com. 

  • Out of the Fog: Mirabai Starr on Julian of Norwich's Divine Feminine Wisdom

    29/03/2022 Duración: 32min

    What can a 14th century English mystic teach us about living through times of pandemic and turbulence? Mirabai Starr joins me to talk about how Julian of Norwich’s “Revelations of Divine Love” brings sacred feminine wisdom and an invitation to respond with an open heart to even the most difficult circumstances. Mirabai Starr is an award-winning author of creative non-fiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. She taught Philosophy and World Religions at the University of New Mexico-Taos for 20 years and now teaches and speaks internationally on contemplative practice and inter-spiritual dialogue. A certified bereavement counselor, Mirabai helps mourners harness the transformational power of loss. Her book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce & Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the best books of 2019. Julian of Norwich: The Showings, a new edition of her contemporary translation of Julian of Norwich’s Revelations of Divine Love, will be released in a few days, featuring a for

  • Out of the Fog: Discover the Five Layers of the Body with Lillian So

    15/03/2022 Duración: 39min

    If you are on the edge of burnout—or already there; if you are proud of being a workaholic; if you are so focused on getting things done that you forget to enjoy the journey… then Lillian So has a message for you. She truly believes that by understanding the five layers of the body you can change every aspect of your life and start seeing and feeling transformation in a short amount of time. ---------- Lillian So is an integrator and facilitator of transformation. She has more than twenty years of industry experience in creating psychological safety, group facilitation, and compassionate communication. The founder of SOfit SF Inc., Lillian is a certified personal trainer, group fitness instructor, yoga educator and therapist, non-violent communication facilitator, life coach, integrative healer, and mystic. Her signature fitness and yoga programs have helped people transform their relationship with their bodies through intentional movement, music, and community. Lillian's coaching programs, which attract a

  • Out of the Fog: Journaling Through Change with Noelle Van Vlierbergen

    08/03/2022 Duración: 30min

    How many journals do you own? People buy me beautiful blank books … and I buy them for myself. I promise I will write in them … I sit down with a fancy pen … open the book … and nothing. This has been going on for years. On today’s show, Noelle Van Vlierbergen shares how she came up with a method that actually works to get you journaling, and how this practice can help you move through change. You can find the freebie Noelle offers in our interview (a tool to help you feel better in 3 minutes) by clicking right here.  -------- Noelle Van Vlierbergen is a certified Integrative Health Counselor, Life and Addiction Recovery Coach. She is the author of Day by Daybook: A Planner for Change; and The Sober Leap: Practical Wisdom to Create an Amazing Life Beyond Addiction. She is also the founder of Sober Moxie, an online resource that provides community, guidance and inspiration to women in sobriety. Find out more at https://daybydaybook.com.

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