Your Gps To Success



Are You Ready to Activate Your Spiritual GPS? Join Dr. Michael Mosley every week to explore a weekly lesson on mental techniques that will activate the Law of Attraction in your life to achieve individual goals. Send me an email with your question and I WILL answer it over the air as I connect with your energy to give you a very special READING. Questions can include anything related to personal problems and finding out how to improve the results they are looking for through LOA. I interview�?� Best Selling Authors, Motivational Speakers, Spiritual Teachers as well as My LISTENERS to give you the DIVINE�?� information you need for your success.


  • Live Reading with Amy


    Have you ever wondered what goes on in a Live Intuitive reading? Well, here is your chance to see for yourself. Dr. Mosley speaks with a caller and offers her tremendous insight that will help to her current situations. Listen to the compassion and care as Dr.Mosley engages with the client with some powerful and mind-blowing truths. This show is a Reading for Amy, but promises to be a Blessing for YOU! Get ready and turn up your headsets, this show will motivate you to stay on the path of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Mosley: The Results of Obedience


    Although many people do not like the word "obedience" when it refers to them, Dr. Mosley gives some wonderful insight on what obedience really means and how it aids in acquiring anything we want. Dr. Mosley expresses with great detail, nobody can get anything thing without the presence of obedience. He also brings forth an understanding that real obedience is not control but, it is something far more encouraging. You are really going to find great strength, information, and encouragement as you listen to this broadcast. If you are ready for success, you are then ready to obey and listen to "Your Spiritual GPS to Success" with your Intuitive Life Coach, Dr. Michael Mosley!

  • Do You Still Believe In It?


    This broadcast is an eye-opener to say the least! Dr. Mosley gives some pertinent insight in which he received during his moving from California to Georgia. While wrapping, packing, carrying, loading, driving and thinking, he realized some lessons about value and belief that he shares in this broadcast. He addresses some questions and concerns as to why we may not be attracting our desires, by simply re-thinking about the value or belief we have in that desire. Dr. Mosley also takes questions from callers during this LIVE broadcast and gives insightful readings to the callers. If you want to be a part of the LIVE broadcasts with Dr. Mosley, simply text LOA to 40691. Right now, turn up your headset and enjoy "Your Spiritual GPS to Success" with your Intuitive Life Coach!

  • Dr. Mosley: Remember to Receive


    Today, Dr. Mosley encourages us all to appreciate the joy of receiving. Many are encouraged to give of their time, finances and love however, that's only half the fun. There are so many opportunities that are surrounding you, but they are just waiting to feel welcomed into your life! In this session with your Intuitive Life Coach, you will understand some benefits and techniques in experiencing the joy of receiving, on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Concentration Leads to Manifestation


    In this episode, you will enjoy the hilarious teachings of Dr. Mosley as he shares the importance of concentration. You will understand how obstacles began to vanish when we concentrate on our desires. If you have ever misplaced the remote control, car keys or even your cell phone, you are sure to be inspired and encouraged to practice the concept of concentration that will bring about distinct manifestation in your life. Get ready to laugh and be delighted with your Intuitive Life Coach on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • "The Success Story Is..." featuring Jewels Johnson


    There was never a dull moment in recording this inspiring broadcast. You are guaranteed to feel the amazing energy of Dr. Mosley combined with his special guest, Law of Attraction Expert, Ms. Jewels Johnson! You'll be encouraged to fulfill your dream as Jewels becomes transparent in relaying her story of struggle, meditation, inspiration, and manifestation. Through becoming a widow, finding love again, then divorce, leaving corporate America, she maintained her ambition to attract the life she wanted and deserved. You are guaranteed to be motivated through Jewels' triumphant story of attraction mixed with the insightful nuggets of Dr. Mosley's intuition as you continue on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • The Power of Hypnotherapy with Special Guest Michele Guzy


    You are sure to find great encouragement to achieve your goal as you listen to this delightful conversation with Dr. Mosley's special guest, Michele Guzy. Michele is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Expert, NLP Master Practitioner, Trainer, and Motivational Speaker with 25 years of experience in the field of Behavior Modification and Mind/Body Healing. She is an Ordained Minister and received her Metaphysics degree with the Universal Life Church. Michele is internationally known as The Mind Coach and provides therapy for children, teens and adults. As a special bonus, Michele even teaches how to do Self Hypnosis. There is so much for you on this show with Dr. Mosley and Michele Guzy on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Michael Mosley: Appreciating Small Things


    Many people are more prone to believe the bigger the gift, the better it will be. However, many great gifts come in small packages. In today's show, Dr. Mosley encourages us all to express a greater appreciation for the small things in our lives. Honestly, the screw or nail maintaining the picture to be hung on the wall is really not appreciated until the picture falls. Dr. Mosley encourages us to know that a big car is made up of small things, therefore if you appreciate the small things you will attract other small things to create a bigger thing! Listen carefully as he gives encouraging readings and insights to the live callers on the show. If you want to be on the live show, simply text "LOA" to"40691." For right now, turn up your headsets and enjoy your Intuitive Life Coach, Dr. Mosley on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Mosley: It's Your Choice


    Get ready to enjoy laughter, love, and motivation as Dr. Mosley encourages us to not be afraid to make choices. During a stop at a fast food restaurant, Dr. Mosley received revelation for this broadcast. He tells how he was inspired to make choices that will benefit his goals right down to the idea of "super-sizing" his order. You're going to be motivated as listeners share their stories and humorous thoughts with Dr. Mosley and even get a recipe for "pecan candy!" Are you ready to "Super-Size" your life, then turn up your headsets because you are ready for "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Overcoming Procrastination with Guest Michael Kutzin


    You are going to love the energy of this show as two Michaels come together to bring forth great laughter, information, and empowerment. You will want to listen carefully as Dr. Mosley engages in conversation with Michael Kutzin, a proficient Attorney at Law about the involvement of metaphysics in a law practice. Attorney Kutzin also describes his journey into metaphysics from an analytical background and what were the points of motivation that caused him to move beyond procrastination. Dr. Mosley makes it clear in this delightful broadcast that wherever you find stagnation, one will participate in procrastination, because there is a need for motivation. Get your headset ready and enjoy some "M&Ms" (Michael & Michael) on this edition of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Choose Your Experience


    As we continue to celebrate the powerful energy of a New Year, Dr. Mosley encourages each of us to "eliminate WANT and CHOOSE what we will experience." In this show, you will be motivated to decide for yourself how your new year will be. Everything in life begins in the mind and is soon manifested in the natural. With the guidance of our Intuitive Life Coach, you will be urged to make some powerful choices and watch how they are manifested as we proceed this year. Listen intently as Dr. Mosley speaks with callers, give insightful readings and encourages us all to stay with "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • New Year's Resolutions


    "Happy New Year!" You made it and this show will inspire you to prepare and expect more from the Universe in this year of 2017! Dr. Mosley encourages us to employ some resolutions that will cause us to attract the good we "choose." He comically and compassionately encourages us to start the new year celebrating ourselves. This is one broadcast you will most likely refer to throughout the year to maintain your steady course with your "Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Mosley - Coaching to Manifestation, An Interview with Kristen Gablenz


    Dr. Mosley interviews one of his coaching clients, Kristen Gablenz on her success since she's been involved in Coaching. Kristen explains how her career and personal has greatly advanced with the affirmations, hypnotherapy and intuitive counseling she has received in working with Dr. Mosley. Once again, you will feel relaxed, calm and inspired as you listen to Dr. Mosley, even encourage Kristen about changing the concept of a work in progress to a better affirmation of success. You will be inspired in this episode of Your Spiritual GPS to Success.

  • Dr. Mosley: Moving On In Life for the Holidays!


    This is going to be a show that you are going to want to refer back to. Dr. Mosley gives some insightful tools and information that will cause one to enjoy the Holidays more and how to move on from trauma to TRIUMPH! For some, the Holiday season is a time of depression and painful memories, however it's impossible for anyone to stay in such a state after listening to this segment of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Mosley: Open to Receive


    In his traveling and seminars, Dr. Mosley has, on several occasions, been asked the question, "How do I prepare for a Reading?" In giving them the answer, it has been discovered that the same answer applies to the good in which we all desire. It's the same answer or process one should do in manifesting and receiving the desires of the heart. Listen closely to this podcast as Dr. Mosley encourages you how to be "Open to Receive" not only a good reading from a Psychic or Spiritual Reader but from the Universe. Also, there's a special offer you will want to listen out for to schedule a reading with Dr. Mosley, Your Intuitive Life Coach on "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Mosley: Responsibility and the Law of Attraction


    Listen intently as Dr. Mosley encourages one to realize how there is a responsibility each of us has in using the Law of Attraction. He instructs each listener how we must respond to the impulse given to us by the Universe in reaching our goals. Dr. Mosley also gives some intuitive readings to the LIVE radio audience! You too, can be a part of the live audience, simply text LOA to 40691. Now turn up your headset, even share with a friend Your Spiritual GPS to Success with Dr. Michael Mosley!

  • Dr. Mosley: What I Learned from Donald Trump


    In today's show, Dr. Mosley takes a look back into the campaign of Donald Trump and discusses some valuable lessons he learned about the President-Elect. Dr. Mosley takes a closer look and discusses some valuable characteristics that caused Trump to win the election. You will be encouraged to realize how each of us can use those same characteristics, along with the Law of Attraction, to win in life. In this broadcast, you will come to understand how important "I" is in "WIN." Get ready for another edition of "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Remember to Let It Go


    As we approach the final months of 2016, Dr. Mosley reminds us that this year is a NINE year in Numerology. He explains what the Universe is possibly doing in your life as you proceed through this year and also explains as to why you and I experienced some things this year. It is a year to "let go" of those things that are no longer serving you and getting really excited to embrace the coming joys designated for your life. As always, Dr. Mosley humorously interacts with his radio audience and gives insightful readings.

  • Dr. Mosley - Talking to the Dead


    This show is in response to many inquiries about Communicating with the Dead. Being a minister of the Christian faith, and mainly a Spiritual Teacher of Truth, Dr. Mosley deals with this amazing phenomena and shares insightful stories about his experience in communicating with the Dead. While often considered to be taboo by many, Dr. Mosley shares how the experience of communicating with the Dead can assist us on this earthly plane on our success journey. I'm sure you will find this podcast very enlightening and informative as you listen to "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

  • Dr. Michael Mosley: Boosting Your Confidence


    Boosting your confidence makes you more of an achiever! In this show, Dr. Mosley gives some insights and techniques that will boost your confidence to a greater level causing you to manifest some amazing results. You will be encouraged to utilize the energy of Satisfaction that will automatically increase your energy of Confidence. Dr. Mosley answers a question sent to him and even gives advice to callers from the Live audience. Turn up the headsets and let's boost our confidence as you listen to "Your Spiritual GPS to Success!"

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