Addicted To Addicts: Survival 101 Denise Krochta



When author Denise Krochta began her search for answers to help herself and the addicts in her life, she found the process daunting. There were plenty of opinions and bits and pieces of information scattered everywhere. The search was as stressful as the addicts in her life. Hear all the important, and sometimes difficult, questions related to living with and around addicts and loving them. Denise and her expert guests offer information, possibilities, relief, and hope. Sometimes knowledge is scary, but always knowledge is power.


  • Addicted to Addicts: When tots and toddlers have addicts for parents


    What happens to the children? This question gnaws at me all of the time. We adults have difficulty choosing how to deal with the addicts we love even though we have choices and can control these choices. But, what do the little children do? They have no power or control. They have unconditional love for […] The post Addicted to Addicts: When tots and toddlers have addicts for parents appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Who Needs a Recovery Companion?


    What is a recovery companion and who needs one, anyway? This week, Dr. Allen Berger, author and PHD in Clinical Psychology in private practice, will enlighten us on this relatively new career path in the field of addiction. It is the concept of a recovery companion and the opening of his first training facility (IRC, […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Who Needs a Recovery Companion? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Where Do Drug Counselors Come From?


    Do you know what the drug counselors learn to become drug counselors? Who can be a drug counselor? Do you have to be in “in recovery” to be a drug counselor? This week these and other questions will be discussed and answered when Denise interviews Donna Mae DePola. Donna Mae is a recognized leader in […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Where Do Drug Counselors Come From? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Our Loved Ones Are Not Criminals!


    In light of the new face of addiction, prescription drug abuse and the new synthetic drugs, more and more of our loved ones are dealing with addictions these days. There are young men and women, wives and husbands, even grandparents who will do what they need to do to get their next fix. Sometimes crimes […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Our Loved Ones Are Not Criminals! appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Drug Class


    In this episode of Addicted to Addicts, author and host Denise Krochta interviews Rand Teed, the primary instructor of Canada’s prized Drug Class.  “Rand has been working with teens for over 35 years and for the past 15 years has been helping them understand how substance use can get in the way of having the […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Drug Class appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Can We Help Our Addicted Loved Ones?


    Michael Wilson, Denise’s guest this week, believes that we can help our addicted loved ones by getting ourselves support and awareness. How does he suggest we do this? He offers a support group presented by addicts in recovery, to help us have some insight how addicts think and why they feel they need to do […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Can We Help Our Addicted Loved Ones? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – What’s All The Buzz About Bath Salts!


    This week the show covers what most of the world doesn’t know about the new dangerous drugs within reach of just about everyone. Bath salts and synthetic marijuana are not what you might think they are if you have even heard of them. Denise interviews Karen Dobner, the creator of the non-profit organization To The […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – What’s All The Buzz About Bath Salts! appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – How about more tools to relax and be calm?


    This week we continue our quest for some serenity in the midst of chaos. Enjoy! The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – How about more tools to relax and be calm? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Asking the Right Questions


    This week is all about asking the right questions, when to ask them, and to whom do we ask them? Susan Ramsey, who has a degree in nursing and also a law degree, shares her experience and expertise on this topic. Where do we look for help if we discover a loved one is an […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Asking the Right Questions appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – CRAFT – Community Reinforcement and Family Training


    Dr. Mark Edison introduces a family training concept on this week’s show to help families to have a plan for relating to their loved ones who are addicts or alcoholics and to encourage them to embrace support and help. Many of us have heard about and participated in the various 12 step support groups offered […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – CRAFT – Community Reinforcement and Family Training appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival – The Therapeutic Value of Writing


    On the show this week the topic of tools and strategies to use for some peace and to rid ourselves of some of the stress we have is the focus. Denise speaks with Randy Davila, an author and publisher who knows about using writing to help calm our nerves and really see things more clearly. […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival – The Therapeutic Value of Writing appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – The Addiction Gene: Why Millions are Inherently at Risk


    In this week’s show Dr. Kenneth Blum is interviewed on his scientific data and research regarding genetics and addiction. In this interview Denise has asked Dr. Blum to try to present his rather complicated evidence in a way that all of us might understand so we can consider evolutionary genetics and a theory about the […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – The Addiction Gene: Why Millions are Inherently at Risk appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Are There Consequences?


    Last year Denise interviewed Dr. Adi Jaffe about his transformation from a drug addict, drug dealer, and convicted felon to a PHD addiction researcher at UCLA and contributor to the professional magazine Psychology Today, as well as a blogger on the issue of addiction. The show was on the topic of hope. This week Dr. […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Are There Consequences? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Affordable and Comprehensive Addiction Treatment


    On the show this week Jeanne McAlister, CEO and founder of the McAlister Institute in San Diego County, California shares with us her program concepts and history of helping thousands of individuals per month without turning anyone away. Denise and Ms McAlister talk about the understanding that “timing” can be so important and also,about the […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Affordable and Comprehensive Addiction Treatment appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Helping Men Recover


    This week the discussion is about how men recover from addictions and if their concept of recovery and how to achieve it is different than the process for women’s recovery. Dan Griffin, MA, has worked in the mental health and addictions field for over seventeen years. In early 2010 he started a consulting, training, and […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Helping Men Recover appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself


    This is the topic of this week’s interview and also the title of a book written by Denise’s guest, Candace Plattor. Yes, we can love our addicts and take care of ourselves. It is not impossible to love an addict and not give up ourselves to their addiction. Listen to this interview and consider this […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Loving an Addict, Loving Yourself appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Baby Boomers in Treatment


    Growing older can be a rich and wondrous time for many adults. For others, these are years filled with anxiety, uncertainty, loss and profound loneliness. Alcoholism and prescription drug abuse have reached epidemic proportion among this population. Today my guest is John Dyben, clinical director for Hanley Center, where they take a unique approach to […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Baby Boomers in Treatment appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Helping or Enabling?


    When my children were toddlers, they would push my hand away when they were trying to accomplish something like putting a t-shirt on or pouring some water. “No, Me!” they would say. So, I tried to be patient as I watched an inside out t-shirt or the head through an arm hole or water missing […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Helping or Enabling? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Why Did You Stop Using Drugs?


    Finally someone who has a definitive answer to this question. It might not be the answer for everyone but it is a question people ask all of the time and usually there is no real answer. This week’s guest is Greg Walsh, a motivational speaker, counselor, spiritual teacher and an expert in EFT, Emotional Freedom […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Why Did You Stop Using Drugs? appeared first on

  • Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Are You Married to a Sex Addict?


    Denise’s guest this week, Susan Mayginnes, has been leading workshops and working with couples on their relationships for over 30 years. As Director of Training for a personal growth organization for 17 years she trained over 15 trainers to also facilitate people toward extraordinary ways of communicating and relating. As someone who has been through […] The post Addicted to Addicts: Survival 101 – Are You Married to a Sex Addict? appeared first on

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