Good, Bad, Or Bull$#*!



Three guys discuss topics chosen by the Random Topic Generator.


  • GBB 74 – Superhero Movies

    01/07/2014 Duración: 46min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton slip on their pyjamas and use their knowledge of superhero movies for Good! Is the Superhero Movie, most notably the summer blockbuster we know today, a familiar and well-trodden trope whose plots are insultingly simple wish-fulfillment fantasies laden with special effects […]

  • GBB 73 – Political Correctness

    24/06/2014 Duración: 53min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton strap on their feeling-protectors before debating the virtues of Political Correctness. Is Political Correctness (as it is known today in its’ current form as an avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups […]

  • GBB 72 – Dungeons and Dragons

    17/06/2014 Duración: 46min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton take up sword, shield, and spell while venturing forth into darkness to bravely face the perilous dungeons and dragons in search of ancient treasure! Are role-playing games, such as the iconic Dungeons and Dragons, mere experiences of wish fulfillment which serve […]

  • GBB 71 – Loyalty

    12/06/2014 Duración: 40min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton betray their feelings on loyalty. If we agree that loyalty affects virtually all of our meaningful relationships (be they a relationship with a human, a group, a nation, or a principle), is the idea of even exercising loyalty really a trust-building […]

  • GBB 70 – Internet Comments

    04/06/2014 Duración: 43min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton use the internet to comment on each others’ comments about comments — but where is the content? Is the recent trend of internet comment systems on various websites a cynical method which allows content creators to give meaningful data to potential […]

  • GBB 69 – Death

    27/05/2014 Duración: 45min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton dance with death up and down the Stairway to Heaven! Is death an essential aspect of the circle of life that we must learn to accept and cherish, or is death the ultimate tragedy and leverage the outside world can hold […]

  • GBB 68 – Etiquette

    22/05/2014 Duración: 43min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton give one another a polite opportunity to speak about etiquette. Oh, who are we kidding?! They actually interrupt one another incessantly for a chance to show off while expounding their endless opinions on the most ubiquitous and timeless of topics in the history […]

  • GBB 67 – Smoking

    13/05/2014 Duración: 47min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton pontificate about smoking as they stare contemplatively into existential nothingness while the cigarettes in their hands expire. Should the activity of smoking be banned as it causes humans to create dangerous relationships with highly toxic substances paired with a highly addictive […]

  • GBB 66 – Workaholism

    06/05/2014 Duración: 48min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton burn the midnight oil to prove they are unaffected by workaholism. Is characterizing a person as a “workaholic” pejorative, and in so doing we use a term that merely sounds clinical but is really meant to be derisive towards individuals who […]

  • GBB 65 – Social Media

    29/04/2014 Duración: 46min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton set their social media statuses to “Having an awesome @goodbadbull discussion about social media! #metameta #belieber #meowmeowbeenz #sixseasonsandamovie“. Is  social media the latest iteration of an opiate for the masses that drains valuable time away from the beautiful experiences of life, […]

  • GBB 64 – War

    22/04/2014 Duración: 49min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton prefer bacon to the smell of napalm in the morning! Is war an ugly yet necessary aspect of humanity that, in both defending or attacking, serves to protect the people and communal values we love and cherish, or is war an […]

  • GBB 63 – Golf

    15/04/2014 Duración: 34min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton carefully perfect their strokes in the game of golf! Is the game of golf a difficult and zen-like sport that is a challenge of skill and endurance but is also an enjoyable way to spend time with friends, or is golf […]

  • GBB 62 – Bachelor Parties

    11/04/2014 Duración: 39min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton get their bodies ready for a raucous bachelor party! Do bachelor parties promenade under the thinly veiled pretense of “rite of passage” so that men and women may simply indulge in craven debauchery at a (hopefully) safe distance, or are bachelor […]

  • GBB 61 – Divorce

    08/04/2014 Duración: 40min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton sign each others divorce papers! Is divorce an unfortunate consequence of poor choices in love partnerships that degrade the stability of our families as well as the fabric of our society and culture on a larger scale, or is divorce an […]

  • GBB 60 – Labour Unions

    01/04/2014 Duración: 42min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton form a collective of individuals into a labour union to defend their rights as podcasters! Are labour unions important institutions that establish a strong voice for workers which serves to prevent exploitation by business-owners and corporations, or are labour unions legitimized […]

  • GBB 59 – Machismo

    25/03/2014 Duración: 38min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton seek out their own elusive machismo with muscle-rippling bravado! Is the impluse to be “macho” something that men should respect about themselves by embracing their need for brotherhood and to be strong in a difficult world, or is machismo a behavioral […]

  • GBB 58 – Pornography

    18/03/2014 Duración: 44min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton wade neck deep into stacks upon stacks of pornography (strictly for research purposes of course). Is pornography a degrading and demoralizing institution that desensitizes its (mainly male) viewers to the realities of social interaction and fuels an industry that promotes treating […]

  • GBB 57 – Punctuality

    11/03/2014 Duración: 39min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton clock-in on-time for a discussion about punctuality! Is punctuality an important habit to cultivate in our time-sensitive world to ensure that we are demonstrating respect for other people’s time (a respect that we ourselves would prefer to be accorded), or is […]

  • GBB 56 – Welfare

    07/03/2014 Duración: 42min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$#*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton get in line for the subject of welfare. Do social assistance programs create a group of individuals within a society who do not work or contribute to its’ enrichment and culture at the expense of others and ultimately work against its’ […]

  • GBB 55 – General Lighting

    04/03/2014 Duración: 33min

    On this episode of the Good, Bad, or Bull$H*! podcast Beau, Michael and Crofton turn on the lights and illuminate the topic of general lighting! What we mean by general lighting is bright interior lighting that casts few shadows as you might find in a school or office. Is general lighting a sterile and institutional […]

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