New Work Revolution



Growing Businesses, Growing Leaders


  • Who Will You Push Past Their Perceived Limit?

    27/03/2015 Duración: 12min

    Most of us have a limit.  That place where we think is possible and that we are comfortable with.  Then there’s beyond the limit.  That murky place of fear, doubt and insecurity. Are you ready to travel to that magical place? You’re probably thinking that place isn’t magic and you would prefer stay where you […]

  • When Should You Cut An Employee Loose?

    25/03/2015 Duración: 14min

    When is it time to cut an underperforming employee loose?  I get this question all the time.  It’s not always an easy question to answer not to mention that firing people sucks. You want to be timely about the situation and have a process for handling development needs.  Too  many business owners wait and wait […]

  • Should You Be Friends With Your Employees?

    23/03/2015 Duración: 13min

    How close should you get to the people who work for you?  It’s an interesting question and one that can also be controversial. I had someone follow me at an event and take a shot at my suggestion that employees are more than just tools for our use and disposal. Should you be friends with […]

  • How To Be Strategic About Your Learning

    19/11/2014 Duración: 12min

    It’s been a little bit since I have talked about business owner education.  If you are entrepreneur, you are also someone who thirsts for knowledge and are always looking for the next big idea and way of getting better.  This is a good thing. Be careful not to overload yourself with education that can’t be […]

  • Communicate Powerfully As A Leader Through Context

    12/11/2014 Duración: 15min

    You ever tell someone to do something and they do it wrong?  If you have ever been a leader in any way, you have had that happen to you.  As a leader, it’s important to not just deliver content to your team but to take the time and deliver context. This key to communication separates […]

  • Do This To Build More Currency As A Leader

    05/06/2014 Duración: 13min

    Do you have consistency of character as a leader?  I don’t mean, are you consistently a character but do you present yourself in a consistent way to your team? There are a handful of things that leaders can do that are currency builders with their team.  Building currency is really about building trust so that […]

  • Does Your Marketing Create An Experience?

    14/05/2014 Duración: 17min

    It’s easy for you to be tactic heavy when you market your small business.   You try a lot of different things to market your business without any coordinated, intentional effort. I wrote about business creating an experience for their customers.  This is not only true for people who are already customers, it’s also true […]

  • Where Do Big Results Come From?

    30/04/2014 Duración: 13min

    Success is a tricky.  You see someone who is achieving at a high level and you wonder what big thing happened to that person to get them where they are at.  Is the quickest path to big results, big actions?  Where do big results come from? I used to assume that the way you get […]

  • If You Do The Work, You Get The Result

    23/04/2014 Duración: 12min

    You have to do the work. I talked to a person recently that I “coached” a couple of years ago. During our coversation he complained about the results in his life and whose fault it was that this was happening to him. You know who never came up in the conversation? Himself. Not once did […]

  • Does Leading With Influence Make You Soft?

    16/04/2014 Duración: 23min

    I had a client recently wonder if the leadership and management techniques that we talked about were making him weak.  Essentially, he was wondering if I was making him into a pussy. It’s a fair question and one that comes up from time to time so I wanted to address it in this week’s New […]

  • Why Business Owners Should Steer Clear of Conventional Investing Advice

    09/04/2014 Duración: 17min

    Most of the time, I like to share articles, books, thoughts, etc that inspire me.  Sometimes, like today, I run across such written nonsense that I feel compelled to share my thoughts on how destructive this really is. I was reading a semi-recent issue if Inc. magazine, diving into the business finance section that they […]

  • Want Your Employees To Perform Better At Work? Make It About Them

    02/04/2014 Duración: 13min

    Why do people come to work?  Autonomy?  Personal fulfillment?  Something to do? A Paycheck?  All of these reasons are true of some of your employees.  The real question is, do you know why your team comes into work every day and what motivates them? How can you get your team to work for their goals […]

  • Spend Time With Your Family and Run A Business- Productivity Tip

    05/03/2014 Duración: 09min

    Business ownership often gets treated as a series of trade offs.  If you run a successful business, you have to sacrifice your life at home.  When you business is doing well then you couldn’t possibly leave early to catch your son or daughter’s soccer game.  You can spend time with your family and run a […]

  • How Self Awareness Can Make Or Break You As A Business Owner- Podcast

    26/02/2014 Duración: 14min

    Want to be more focused and productive in your business?  Start with you. I recently read a book called, Focus by Daniel Goleman.  This book reopened my thought process towards our thoughts and our awareness and how big of a role this plays in our success. This week’s podcast talks about how you can be […]

  • Are People Assets In Your Business?

    05/02/2014 Duración: 12min

    This week’s New Work Revolution Podcast is about the people who work for you in your business. The question is, are people assets in your business and are you investing in them properly.  Business owners and managers can be guilty of using their team and to focus on getting things from them rather than giving […]

  • Are Your Selling Tactics Outdated?

    29/01/2014 Duración: 23min

    You know that sales is the lifeblood of your business.  Your business can’t survive without selling.  There are many people who you sell during the course of running a business. You sell employees.  You sell customers You sell vendors.  Partnerships.  You get the idea. With all the selling that you do, how do you know […]

  • Is Perfection Getting In The Way Of Your Progress?

    15/01/2014 Duración: 10min

    Perfection.  We try and live our lives by a high standard.  This is a good thing… until it isn’t.  Our quest can perfection can get in the way of actually making the progress that will make us successful. This week’s podcast stems from the countless number of business owners who struggle with the fact that […]

  • Here’s To Making Your Business Unreasonable This Year

    08/01/2014 Duración: 27min

    So here’s the making your business unreasonable this year.  I should also mention that in doing that, be prepared to make your business great. The sad thing is that there are a lot of ways to set your business apart from the competition that are commonplace, common sense actions.  The reason they are unreasonable is […]

  • Grow Your Business By Growing Your People In 2014

    30/12/2013 Duración: 36min

    What if you paid as much attention and gave as much care to the people that worked for you as you do for your own customers? Raising your EQ (Emotional Intelligence) is a great way to grow your business in the coming year. One of my 10 points of creating an amazing experience is that […]

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