


The Mumsvet podcast features individual stories on work/life balance.


  • BEVApod Newsflash: October 2023

    31/10/2023 Duración: 11min

    A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional.   Further information on each news item can be found at the following links: BEVA primary care clinical guidelines BEVA ‘fully supportive’ of Grand National race changes RCVS public advisory group has first meeting, to discuss how they will work with the college on new advice for pet owners on interaction with veterinary teams RCVS opens 2024 awards nomination period Nominations now open for £100,000 Plowright Prize RCVS makes ‘reflection’ changes to its 1CPD platform A record number of 27 successful candidates for the RCVS Statutory Examination for Membership were welcomed to the Register of Veterinary Surgeons on Tuesday 24 October, at a special ceremony recognising their achievement Fight must go on to ‘protect title’, outgoing BVNA president tells congress New BVNA president calls for ‘more on pay’ during congress VMD Medicines Update - September 2023 Antibiotic Amnesty Flu Awareness Week A

  • BEVApod Life: SPANA, societal change and scrambled eggs with Dr Youness Elouasbi & Dave Rendle

    09/10/2023 Duración: 12min

    "Dr Youness has extensive experience of treating working equids as well as working on projects to educate and change attitudes to animal welfare in Morocco. I met him 10 years ago when he came and stayed with me whilst also seeing practice. I can’t remember how this came to pass but it was an absolute pleasure having him stay with us and getting to know him and understand more about his work in Morocco. It was great to be able to catch up with him at BEVA Congress and hear how his work has changed in the intervening years and also hear about the response to recent devastating earthquake." - Dave Rendle

  • BEVApod Spotlight - Schedule 3 with Marie Rippingale

    02/10/2023 Duración: 22min

    BEVA Nurse Committee Chair, Marie Rippingale, explains what Schedule 3 means to everyone in practice, including the potential impacts it can have on our workforce, practice efficiency and productivity, and ultimately, our patients. By allowing nurses to work to their full potential, practices can make better use of their vets, spread the load more effectively and enable practices to work more efficiently. Read the Guidance, watch the webinar and the Congress debate... and complete the survey (links below)!   Links BEVA's Schedule 3 guidance and webinar recording BEVA Congress 2023 Scheudle 3 debate recording - please note only registered Congress attendees and those who have bought access to the recordings can view this - purchase access here. Survey for vets about nurses

  • BEVApod Newsflash: September 2023

    29/09/2023 Duración: 09min

    A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional.   Further information on each news item can be found at the following links: Behaviour addressed at BEVA Congress 2023 BEVA award winners RCVS/SPVS "Under our care" guidance webinar Schedule 3 guidance VMD medicines update Hong Kong degree accredited by RCVS  

  • BEVApod Life: Being patient, changing tack and making the most of what you have with Lorna Brokenshire-Dyke

    18/09/2023 Duración: 18min

    Lorna went to vet school as a mature student, and did what she could to accelerate her learning and gaining of experience. After 2 internships and ambulatory work she had to change tack to locuming, in order to raise her twin boys, one of whom was disabled and underwent major surgery in the USA. Identifying a need to be flexible in her work, she has since gone on to train as an equine physiotherapist as a parallel career to a part-time ambulatory vet role. Never short of ambition and determination, Lorna recognises that all this has been possible thanks to her network of support forged throughout life. When asked what the future holds, she was happy to report she intends to hit cruise control, and enjoy what she has.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: BOVA Competition Winner - Zoe Walker

    13/09/2023 Duración: 15min

    Australian equine vet, Dr Zoe Walker, is one of the two BOVA Bain Fallon Competition winners, who have won a trip to the UK, to visit Rossdales, the RVC and BEVA Congress. She talks about why support in practice is so important, and how connecting with others within the profession maintains career momentum and feeds the fire of enthusiasm and passion for our careers.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: ’They are just being difficult... but do we mean the horse or the client?’ with Gemma Pearson & Tamzin Furtado

    11/09/2023 Duración: 20min

    Gemma Pearson, Director of Behaviour at The Horse Trust and based at Edinburgh Vet School, and Tamzin Furtado, Researcher in Human Behaviour at Liverpool, and also funded by The Horse Trust, are both big players at this year's Congress. Behavioural change is key to not only improving our clinical success as vets, in terms of patient outcomes and owner compliance, but it can also improve the welfare of the animals we serve, create positive experiences for our clients, and facilitate enjoyment and job satisfaction for us as vets and nurses. Clinical skills are not all that is required of us. The behaviour skills, both equine and human, are what makes us able to effect what we know and make long-term changes for the better.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: Sponsors and Supporters with Hannah from IMV, Charlotte from VetCT and Rachael from Norbrook

    08/09/2023 Duración: 11min

    Hannah from IMV, Charlotte from VetCT and Rachael from Norbrook share their favourite experiences of BEVA Congress, why they are looking forward to coming again and what their companies are planning for Birmingham this year.   Congress Scientific Programme

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: BOVA Competition Winner - Jessica Said

    06/09/2023 Duración: 15min

    Australian equine vet, Jessica Said, is one of the two BOVA Bain Fallon Competition winners, who have won an trip to the UK to visit Rossdales, the RVC and BEVA Congress. She talks about the upcoming trip, the shortage of equine vets in Australia and how she balances busy practice life in New South Wales.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: Council Members Kate Blakeman and Imogen Burrows

    04/09/2023 Duración: 13min

    Council members are integral to Congress every year, presenting lectures, chairing session, teaching practical techniques, attending meetings and supporting the Congress Team in hosting the best equine veterinary conference they can. This year Kate and Imogen will be doing the above and making the most of the social side too.

  • BEVApod Newsflash: August 2023

    31/08/2023 Duración: 07min

    A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional.   Further information on each news item can be found at the following links: RCVS Under Care Guidance Four BEVA members and one BEVA Trustee appointed as RCVS Fellows BEVA Unbridled BEVA launches new CPD programme at London International Horse Show BVNA launches new menopause toolkit for nurses Vet Times report on CVS and Goddard Veterinary Group job losses Further delay in supply of Equip Artervac BEVA CPD courses

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: ”What’s Human Behaviour Got To Do With It?” with Bronwen Williams & Sam Chubbock

    21/08/2023 Duración: 19min

    Mental health nurse, Bronwen Williams, is attending her first BEVA Congress this year as one of the headline acts... While World Horse Welfare’s Head of UK Support Sam Chubbock will be attending her 20th Congress! Together with Tamzin Furtado, these two will be demonstrating the importance of active listening and having boundaries, including a few ideas from Motivational Interviewing, and how to use these in our professional interactions with both clients and colleagues. However, these skills could serve you throughout your life, and might be the most impactful information you will absorb at a CPD event! Human behavioural change is not just for those tricky clinical communications, but a sea of change that could benefit all industries and individuals. Come and find out what it's all about and how it can help you!   Book your Congress ticket today

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: Sponsors and Supporters with Jan Rogers, John Millar and Nick Bova

    16/08/2023 Duración: 12min

    The Horse Trust, BOVA and VetPartners talk to us about why they support BEVA Congress year on year, and why the in-person event is such an important opportunity to communicate as a whole industry.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: What’s in it for the students and new grads?’ with Jess Smith & Maisie Parsons

    09/08/2023 Duración: 11min

    BEVA New Grad rep, Maisie Parsons, and Nottingham student, Jess Smith, talk about their experiences of BEVA Congress last year. Maisie embraced the benefits of the networking, the socials and the broad range of CPD on offer, which was a great way to fuel her first year in practice. Meanwhile, Jess took the opportunity to present her third year project, but to a audience she wasn't expecting! However, she took full advantage of the opportunities offered at Congress and is looking forward to doing the same this year once her final year rotations release her to Birmingham!

  • BEVApod Newsflash: July 2023

    01/08/2023 Duración: 09min

    A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional.   Further information on each news item can be found at the following links: Free membership for all Ukrainian vets Power to Ukraine purchases 24 generators New study from the CVS Group Let's talk about errors Mind Matters awards funding to project exploring student veterinary nurse mental health ENOVAT survey Colin Spedding Award nominations open First BEVA Unbridled session Last chance for BEVA Congress early bird tickets

  • BEVApod Life: Riding the ups and downs equine practice with Maisie Parsons

    24/07/2023 Duración: 22min

    Maisie graduated a year ago and entered first opinion equine practice with all the knowledge she gained at vet school, but no prior equine industry experience and having not passed a nasogastric tube and having never 'rectalled' a colic. The learning curve was steep, but she recognised that many 'day one skills' in equine are not so routine that you must manage them alone, and that it's ok to stop and ask for help. Knowing when to seek help is a sign of development, not failure, and balancing this with growing your own self-confidence is key to enjoying any career, but never more applicable than to equine ambulatory practice. Fully expecting the ups and downs all new grads will experience, Maisie rode the rollercoaster of her first year with the help of friends, family and a supportive practice, and is now setting her sights on the next stage of her career as an equine vet.

  • BEVApod Congress 2023: Nurses’ Highlights with Marie Rippingale, Louise Paillor & Rosina Lillywhite

    19/07/2023 Duración: 16min

    Nurse Committee members, Marie, Louise and Rosina, discuss their roles at Congress, in Birmingham this September, and what they are looking forward to the most from this year's offerings.   View the full programme and book your tickets before the early bird deadline on 2 August.

  • BEVApod Life: Being Horsey or Not, It Doesn’t Matter! with Lucy Harrison & Meg Perkins

    10/07/2023 Duración: 17min

    Lucy and Meg are third year veterinary students at Harper-Keele. Lucy has practically grown up in equine veterinary practice, while Meg has had to learn her headcollars from her chiffneys, and her stifles from her knees. Both have experienced challenges, but with their refreshingly honest and supportive approaches, they are comfortable and confident of their futures within equine practice. How can we all help the next generation of vets blossom in the equine industry, no matter where their roots were laid?

  • BEVApod Life: Staying Sound as an Equine Vet with Gemma Dransfield and Sophie Eaden

    03/07/2023 Duración: 22min

    Council members Gemma Dransfield and Sophie Eaden discuss a time when Gemma was finding equine practice particularly challenging. How can you recognise when you're struggling at work what can you do next? Gemma shares how she made equine practice work for her and some valuable advice for anyone who might be finding it difficult.

  • BEVApod Newsflash: June 2023

    30/06/2023 Duración: 11min

    A rundown of the most important news from the last month that you need to know as an equine veterinary professional.   Further information on each news item can be found at the following links: VMD anonymous reporting of illegal animal medicines RCVS Knowledge VetTeamAMR RCVS MMI Symposium - Manchester - 10th October 2023 Q1 2023 Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance Report SPVS Vet Fees survey FEI Equine Ethics and Wellbeing Commission survey PPID Quality of Life Survey RVC - Equine Register - Horse Trust tracking data and infectious disease research WHW Horses in Sport and Social Licence event - BEVA news coverage and YouTube video BEVApod EVE podcasts EVJ podcasts

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