The Buddhist Centre



News, event coverage, mantras and rituals, Dharma conversations among diverse voices from the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world, keeping you up-to-date with the latest in our sangha.


  • 367: A Reunion: Day 2 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

    24/08/2019 Duración: 14min

    Sadayasihi is reunited with Gina Plant Cabrita and Christine Thuring who all first met on the 2014 Triratna International Gathering. They recall that Gathering and how, for each of them, it marked a pivotal moment in their lives - and what they did afterwards. The conversation then turns to day 2 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering and what's been happening. We hear more about the significance of the international dimension - in particular, how coming together in large numbers can both be an important opportunity to 'plug in' and become resourced but also to experience appreciation for our Sanghas. Recorded at Adhisthana, 24th August 2019

  • 366: Myth and Magic: Day 1 of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

    23/08/2019 Duración: 07min

    It's the first full day of the Triratna International Gathering and Adhisthana is basking in summer sunshine!  In this short podcast we get a flavour of the 'Alchemy of the Dharma'. A couple of people share their highlights from the International Gathering so far - from the first talk by Ratnaguna on 'Transforming Self', a classic music concert after lunch, workshops on tai chi, yoga, the activities for children as well as authentic conversations and the possibility of ice cream! Recorded at Adhisthana, 23rd August 2019.

  • 365: A Mandala of Awakening - UK & Ireland Area Order Convention 2019

    08/08/2019 Duración: 15min

    Dassini talks to the International Order Convenors, Aryajaya and Lokeshvara, and Vimalamati and Vajrapriya from the International Order Office on day 2 of the UK & Ireland Area Order Convention at Wymondham, UK. The inspiration for this particular Convention has been to make the programme more retreat-like as well as also having forum spaces to facilitate Order debate and dialogue and we get a sense of how it is going on its second full day.  We also hear about the ongoing work of the Adhisthana Kula as well as a bit more about what the International Order Office does: "connecting the Order to deepen the Order". Finally Vajrapriya, the Co-ordinator of the International Order Office - who will be stepping down from this role by the end of October - shares some of his highlights from the Convention. Recorded at Wymondham College, UK, August 2019.

  • 364: Concluding thoughts at the End of the ECA, Summer 2019

    30/07/2019 Duración: 17min

    "To be a chair is not to be a particular kind of person...they are very different. But what they do have in common, is a love of Triratna, a love of the Dharma and a longing to help..." The 2019 Summer ECA - European Chairs' Assembly - took place at Padmaloka in the UK.  We are joined by Aryanita from Paris, Vanaraji from Mid-Essex, Jayaraja from Buddhafield and Amrutasiddhi from Nagpur, India, all reflecting on how the meeting how went and what they really valued. We hear how the meeting included updates on initiatives and projects such as the Young Buddhists, People of Colour, The Buddhist Centre Online, and Sikkha (and more). And we get a flavour of the wide-range of ground covered: from beginning to undertake a strategic review of the ECA's priorities, responses to the recent article in The Observer critical of Triratna, to discussion about Buddhist Action Month and the ecological crisis - as well as the vital benefits of having such a meeting. +Follow to find out more about

  • 363: Singhamati - A Gathering of Hearts and Minds

    02/07/2019 Duración: 06min

    "It's more than the talks and the meditation and the puja - amazing as I'm sure they'll all be - it's also the gathering of hearts and minds, the chatting over cups of tea, the workshops...and just being together in that space" The 2019 Triratna International Gathering is fast approaching - it's a wonderful opportunity for those in our community to come together to share their practice and inspiration and to develop friendships. But what's it like to go on an event like this?  Singhamati, who will be the MC at this year's Triratna International Gathering, talks about what she's looking forward to at this year's Gathering, why she agreed to MC, and the significance of gathering in large numbers. +Follow the International Gathering Space to find out more Book on to the 2019 Triratna International Gathering

  • 362: The Gen-X 2019 Podcast

    28/06/2019 Duración: 35min

    At the end of this podcast you'll discover about six minutes of musical joy as we're played out by the amazing marimba band from Great Vow Zen Monastery, hosts of the 2019 Generation-X Dharma Teachers conference near Portland, Oregon in the Pacific Northwest region of the USA.  But before that... A terrific round-table conversation with some of the organizers and participants gathering to look at ethics and power dynamics in the life of Buddhist communities. Join Candradasa, Rebecca Li, Lama Rod Owens, Singhashri and Vimalasara to hear about a strong few days exploring how we learn from the past as sanghas and support each other well as the torch is passed from one generation to another.  Recorded at Great Vow Zen Monastery, June 2019.

  • 360: Kiranada - Readings from 'A Year of Silence'

    06/06/2019 Duración: 35min

    Kiranada is an ordained Buddhist, a traveler, a renowned artist in (cruelty-free) silk, a teacher, an author and a Mom. Here she is at the Portsmouth Public Library in June 2019, reading from her book 'A Year Of Silence', an account of her year-long silent, solitary retreat in the New Zealand bush. As one of her last engagements before heading off to Kentucky and Missouri to begin a further 3-year solitary, silent retreat, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear what it takes to disconnect from physical contact with family and society and take in the great silence of true solitude. In the tradition of Thoreau and Milarepa, Kiranada's reflective wit is apparent as she shares excerpts from her retreat journals, and subsequent writing about the experience of meditation and Buddhist practice lived out more fully, free from obligation and all distraction. An essential perspective on space, love, and the opening out of time in an increasingly over-stimulated world! Listen to an extended edition of this podcast

  • 359: The Order Practice Survey

    30/05/2019 Duración: 12min

    One of the Sikkha Project's key aims is to support spiritual practice in our community and the Order Practice survey is a tool to help this come about. The purpose of the Order Practice survey is threefold: - to gather information about how Order members are practising (and how that can be supported); - to provide an opportunity for Order members to reflect on their own practice; - to start more focussed conversations around Order practice. Here Dhammarati, Convenor of the International Council which oversees the Sikkha project, speaks about the survey, its purpose, what it looks like, and how to get a copy!

  • 358: Community - With Your Own Front Door

    27/05/2019 Duración: 16min

    "So it's community - but with our own front door" - TejasviniThe Suvana (meaning ‘happy realm’) project aims to develop Buddhist co-housing in Cambridge, UK. It will be newly built, sustainable, low carbon footprint development, with the community inspired by Buddhist values.   Here's a conversation with Tejasvini and Jeremy Peters, both involved in the project, discussing co-housing as a response to the housing crisis, their plans for sustainable features, affordability, Buddhist almhouses and more.  Visit the Suvana blog or follow on Instagram @suvanacam

  • 357: Dhammamegha - An Update from The Sikkha Project

    19/04/2019 Duración: 19min

    _"The idea is that, at some point, it won't be a project; it'll just be more like how we do things"_ The Sikkha Project aims to support the development of training within Triratna for every level of experience, to discover and share how the different elements of our system of practice are taught and practiced most effectively, and to create resources and training to fill any gaps. Here's a conversation with Dhammamegha, currently co-ordinating this project, explaining its origins, who's involved and the 'shopping list' that the team are currently focussing on: Centre-based teaching, meditation teaching and Order life training. Some of the latest and upcoming developments include four introductory courses which are now on the [Sikkha website]( as teaching resources, and an Order practice review questionnaire to help find out what would support Order Members in their Dharma lives. Another important aspect of Sikkha's work is mentoring and here Sadayasihi shares her recent experience of

  • 356: Vidyadevi on 'The Complete Works of Sangharakshita'

    08/04/2019 Duración: 21min

    "There's something about coming at it all fresh and trying to see the patterns in it and bring it together in its different 'baskets'..." Vidyadevi is an editor of 'The Complete Works of Sangharakshita' which aims to be the definitive edition of Sangharakshita's life’s work as a Buddhist writer and teacher. In this conversation she talks about the various different people who are involved in making this project happen, its significance, what it's like working on it now that Sangharakshita has died, and her ambition for the Complete Works to be as friendly and as approachable as possible. From creating a concordance (which allows readers to pursue their interests in certain themes throughout the whole works) to translations to the encouragement received from hearing back from readers of these volumes, Vidyadevi gives us a sense of what it is like being involved in a project of this magnitude. Contact Vidyadevi if you are interested in volunteering for 'The Complete Works' project: vidyadevi[at]

  • 355: TBCO Magazine Podcast #1

    21/02/2019 Duración: 36min

    The first episode of The Buddhist Centre Online's 'audio magazine', includes some of our latest audio highlights - an overview of the 2018 European Buddhist Union and Buddhist Teachers in Europe meetings, extracts from conversations with Mahasraddha, Director of the Abhayaratna Trust, and Vajratara, chair of the India Dhamma Trust as well as a brief introduction to Bodhipaksa's latest book 'I Can't Believe It's Not Buddha!'

  • 354: The Spirit of the Abhayaratna Trust

    04/02/2019 Duración: 15min

    _"This is not theoretical, this is how it is, it's life: sickness and ageing are very challenging"._ Mahasraddha is the Director of the Abhayaratna Trust which exists to help support Order Members in financial difficulty. In this conversation Mahasraddha outlines his vision for the Trust - and its spirit, which is based on Sangharakshita's lecture, '[A Case of Dysentery]('. He also mentions a number of projects that the Abhayaratna Trust have in the pipeline, including establishing local care networks and supporting co-housing initiatives. Support the Abhayaratna Trust: Recorded in January 2019.

  • 353: A Very Special Letter

    29/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    "I want to spend the rest of my life... supporting the Triratna Buddhist Order. I can't imagine living in another way." Ricardo Rico became a Mitra and asked for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order in Venezuela over 20 years ago. He recently has moved to Cuernavaca, Mexico. In this podcast we hear a little bit about Ricardo's life as a university lecturer and father of three children. He also speaks about life in Venezuela and the current political and economic situation. He expresses his gratitude to Vajranatha who has been heroically helping keep the Merida Sangha going. During the course of the conversation, Nagapriya gives him a very special letter, inviting Ricardo to join the Triratna Buddhist Order in Guhyaloka, April 2019. Despite having worked for 27 years as a University lecturer, Ricardo only earns US$14/15 a month - making the cost of the ordination course prohibitive. [Help support Ricardo - and Bruno, a fellow Mitra from Mexico - in their journey to Guhyaloka](https://www.j

  • 352: The Wonderful Problem

    18/12/2018 Duración: 15min

    _"What we have is a very wonderful problem and the wonderful problem is that so many people are seeing the value of Buddhism in India and they are wanting to embrace Buddhism and the Buddhist path - and they are wanting to do that in their hundreds. But, of course, as we know, Buddhism is a path of practice. It requires careful study and training…it requires spiritual friendship. So who is going to meet these people?"_ Vajratara is the Chair of the India Dhamma Trust which exists to help create supportive conditions for Buddhist practice in India. In this podcast she speaks about her connection with India, what we can learn from the life of Dr Ambedkar and how the work of the India Dhamma Trust, inspired by Dr Ambedkar's example, is helping to transform lives. Recorded at Adhisthana, 1 December 2018. Support the work of the India Dhamma Trust: Read about the recently released Mitra Study module on Dr Ambedkar:

  • 351: Extracts from a Puja for Urgyen Sangharakshita on the Evening of His Funeral and Burial

    25/11/2018 Duración: 19min

    On the evening of Urgyen Sangharakshita's funeral and burial, after the departure of most of the 1,200 guests, those who remained gathered together to perform a special, final sevenfold puja and close an extraordinary day.  Padmavajra led the devotional ritual, specifically dedicated to Padmasambhava. In this extract we hear Surata reading verses to Vajrasattva known as 'The Confounder of Hell', followed by a rousing version of the Great Guru of Tibet's mantra.  Voices were uplifted and many offerings made: to say a last farewell with heartfelt thanks to the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community.  Recorded on Saturday the 10th of November 2018, at Adhisthana. Find out more at [](

  • 350: The 'Big One': A Religious Life

    15/11/2018 Duración: 07min

    Prajnaketu, Triratna's Young Buddhist Co-ordinator, gave the keynote talk at the 2018 'Big One', which was on the theme of 'Seek Truth, Release Life'.  His talk was entitled 'A Religious Life'. In this conversation with Sadayasihi in the Beams on the last morning of the 'Big One' he talks about the significance for him of giving this talk as well as delving into his choice of the word 'religious' and how he has benefitted from taking part in a Karuna Appeal. Recorded at Adhisthana, October 2018. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us by taking a moment to rate the podcast in iTunes or your favourite app. There are so many podcasts these days it really does help people find us! For more, check out

  • 349: Starting to Say Goodbye to Sangharakshita

    09/11/2018 Duración: 32min

    A conversation with Candradasa, Munisha, Parami and Sthanashraddha towards the end of a strong week at Adhisthana, home of Urgyen Sangharakshita, who died last week at the age of 93\. We talk about our personal relationships to the founder of the Triratna Buddhist sangha over decades, and the great change his passing represents for our community. Join us online to begin saying farewell to a man whose long work for the Dharma transformed so many lives around the world for the good. [](

  • 348: The 'Big One': Day 2

    27/10/2018 Duración: 05min

    It's the afternoon of Day 2 of the 'Big One'! Here's Caroline from Oxford and Shubhanaga from Cambridge talking about how they have been finding it and the highlights so far! Recorded at Adhisthana, October 2018. If you enjoyed this episode, please help us by taking a moment to rate the podcast in iTunes or your favourite app. There are so many podcasts these days it really does help people find us! For more, check out

  • 347: Shakyamuni Mantra

    26/10/2018 Duración: 09min

    Here's a beautiful rendition of the Shakyamuni Mantra - led by Dharmamayi from Sheffield - on the first evening of the Young Buddhists' annual gathering in Adhisthana, the 'Big One'. Recorded after the Dedication Ceremony. #Buddhist #Buddhism #chanting #chant #harmony #mantra

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