Architect Of Change Connie Whitman



Who among us can define ourselves with just one word? Today people often rattle off their personal information like a grocery list. Mom, entrepreneur, event planner and athlete or Dad, sports enthusiast, corporate officer and author. Wearing multiple hats isnt easy, finding the right attitude, balance of work and play, and real systems to bring it all together is essential for success. Architect of Change, Connie Whitman has the plans to help you reach your goal. Join her each week for tips and techniques to get you where you want to be!


  • Architect of Change – 12 Universal Laws to a Beautiful Life

    04/04/2016 Duración: 37min

    Do you believe that the Universe is a force working to give us what we want and need? Do you think there are certain laws or flow in our world that we just have no control over? Or do you think we do have ultimate control OR some combination of the two? We’ve all heard […] The post Architect of Change – 12 Universal Laws to a Beautiful Life appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Have A Financial Plan and Stick To It

    28/03/2016 Duración: 33min

    How many of you have a plan for retirement?  Do you put money away every month, or once in awhile when you have extra cash at the end of the month?  Do you invest based on your gut feeling or do you have an expert advising you?  If you’re like me, you might be overwhelmed […] The post Architect of Change – Have A Financial Plan and Stick To It appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Your Defining Moments and Breakthroughs

    21/03/2016 Duración: 35min

    Do you think success happens to people because of luck or coincidence?  When you meet someone, who you view as successful, do you think, “Sure they were at the right place at the right time.  They are so lucky.  That never happens to me?”  Do you think this statement is true?  If you answered yes, […] The post Architect of Change – Your Defining Moments and Breakthroughs appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Accountability and It’s Affect on Our Goals

    14/03/2016 Duración: 35min

    Do you seem to put off all of your big dreams or long-term “To Do List” goals?  Why?  Why are we always in a waiting mode of thinking?  Does this statement sound familiar?  When “X” happens I will finally be able to do XYZ?  Why isn’t that time right now?  Ask yourself, “What am I […] The post Architect of Change – Accountability and It’s Affect on Our Goals appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – The Missing Piece of Leadership

    07/03/2016 Duración: 35min

    When you hear the word “Change,” in the work place, what is your first thought?  Is it, “I’m excited to see what these new changes are and the new opportunity that it will provide for me and my team?”  OR do you think to yourself, “Here we go again.  Another change from the higher ups.  […] The post Architect of Change – The Missing Piece of Leadership appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Visionary Leadership

    29/02/2016 Duración: 37min

    That’s right … it’s time to get up and go to work again!  How do you feel?  Are you bummed that you have to spend your day going through the motions of “doing a good job” with colleagues just putting in their time? Or, are you eager to see what the day brings and how […] The post Architect of Change – Visionary Leadership appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Paving a New Path

    22/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    Do you consider yourself successful in your current position? Even if you are successful, are you still passionate and excited about what you are doing every day?  Or are you a person that dreads going to work but keeps doing it even though it’s no longer fulfilling?  Has this unhappiness, or negatively impacted your life […] The post Architect of Change – Paving a New Path appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Revenue Breakthrough

    15/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    Do work hard every day?  Does your income match the level of work you put out each day?  Most of us feel that we work hard but do not generate the income we feel we deserve.  So what are we doing wrong?  How do we increase our earning potential and business revenue?  What if I […] The post Architect of Change – Revenue Breakthrough appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – The Collapse of Materialism

    08/02/2016 Duración: 34min

    Have you ever consider human consciousness from a scientific perspective? Does matter exist outside of the mind, with no rationale or direction, the universe created completely by chance?  How do science and philosophy work together to explain the universe, how it works and how it was created?  Do you even understand what any of this […] The post Architect of Change – The Collapse of Materialism appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Getting Your New Years Resolutions to Stick!

    01/02/2016 Duración: 35min

    NY Resolutions… which is really another way of saying: The things we want and we are willing to make a commitment to make those wants into reality. But three months later, those resolutions get thrown into the hall closet along with the yoga mat, Pilate’s cords, ski poles, juicer, and everyone’s favorite book to help […] The post Architect of Change – Getting Your New Years Resolutions to Stick! appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – What Do Our Dreams Mean?

    25/01/2016 Duración: 36min

    Are your dreams vivid or vague?  Do you remember the details or just a feeling that sticks with you from the dream when you wake up? We’ve heard that everyone dreams – is that true?  And would remembering a dream, be of interest to the awake you? Today, your host Connie Whitman, will speak with […] The post Architect of Change – What Do Our Dreams Mean? appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – What’s Most Important May Not Be What You Think

    18/01/2016 Duración: 34min

    Do you know what is going to happen tomorrow or next week?  Of course not.  Yet, how we train ourselves to respond when adversity does hit is the key to a happy and prosperous life.  Can it be that simple?  Do we really have that much control over our future? As we enter into the […] The post Architect of Change – What’s Most Important May Not Be What You Think appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – The Importance of Self-Esteem

    11/01/2016 Duración: 34min

    What is self-esteem? Is it important to our success and happiness?  Is everyone born with it but loose it as we are programmed by life, media and role models in our orbit?  Is it true that our responses and thought processes are actually learned behaviors from generations gone by? If this is true is there […] The post Architect of Change – The Importance of Self-Esteem appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – The Art of Living Lost

    04/01/2016 Duración: 35min

    Have you stood at the crossroads with no idea which route to take? Have you ever felt lost? If you could recreate yourself, what choices would you make? Throughout your life, there are so many opportunities to find your joy; unfortunately, sometime it takes a traumatic experience to set the wheels of fate into motion. […] The post Architect of Change – The Art of Living Lost appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Your 90-Day Life Contract

    28/12/2015 Duración: 34min

    Do you say to yourself, I want to write my first book, start a new business, look for a new more fulfilling job, or I will get in the best shape of my life…but always add at the end of these statements, “when I have time, or when things change, or when this or that […] The post Architect of Change – Your 90-Day Life Contract appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Does Work Life Integration Exist?

    21/12/2015 Duración: 35min

    How many of us wake up in the morning feeling frantic because our day seems to begin before our eyes even open?  Do you put your head on the pillow at night and your mind begins to race thinking about your to do list for the next day or week versus quietly and gently falling […] The post Architect of Change – Does Work Life Integration Exist? appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Midlife Mojo

    14/12/2015 Duración: 35min

    Do you wake up and think of how to move your body before getting out of bed to ensure you don’t pull or injure a body part, as you rise? Does you mind say you are still 20 while your body screams, “reality check, you are really 40 or 50 something?” Do you have family […] The post Architect of Change – Midlife Mojo appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – The Grateful Heart

    07/12/2015 Duración: 35min

    It’s that holiday time of year again, where we feel all warm and toasty inside…or do we? The character Ebenezer Scrooge was created to depict that grumpy person who sees only the bad in the world, even around the holidays. We understand this point of view every day as we watch the news and all […] The post Architect of Change – The Grateful Heart appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Importance of Video Marketing

    30/11/2015 Duración: 35min

    Seeing ourselves on video can feel like looking in one of those distorted carnival mirrors. Usually we try to avoid it at all costs. Are we overly critical of ourselves — and are we just as critical of others? Or … are we kinder and more complimentary to others we see on video? Bottom line, […] The post Architect of Change – Importance of Video Marketing appeared first on

  • Architect of Change – Alternative to Westernized Medicine

    23/11/2015 Duración: 34min

    How many of us chose a quick fix to help with pain, versus seeking more natural alternatives? A pill is easy, isn’t it? But the real question is – what if there are better options to heal our bodies permanently? Would you go for it, or would you at least investigate the alternative? We have […] The post Architect of Change – Alternative to Westernized Medicine appeared first on

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