Life Made Simple With Carlarae Motivation Inspiration Home Organizing Time Management Lifestyle & Wellnes



Inspiration and motivation to help simplify every aspect of your life... your home, time, to-dos, health, relationships, and emotional well-being. Since 2001, CarlaRae has been a Professional Home Organizer and Life/Wellness Coach helping families and individuals clear the chaos and clutter from their lives. After years of one-on-one consulting, she launched this podcast to help bring the freedom of simplicity to even more people. Each episode gives you practical tips and resources that you can implement in your everyday life to find balance while becoming happier and healthier. With no judgment and with complete understanding, CarlaRae will inspire you to let go of everything holding you back while focusing on what really matters to you. She offers plenty of free worksheets, guides, and other amazing resources to help you along the way. The Life Made Simple Podcast offers life-changing tips in home organizing, time management, personal development, priorities, productivity, motivation, family, relationships, positive thinking, diet and exercise, weightloss coaching, and so much more!


  • #77: These Three Must-Read Books Will Change Your Life!

    29/05/2017 Duración: 13min

    Personal Development of any kind is one nonnegotiable habit that you need to intentionally engage in every day... and if you do, I promise you, it will completely change your life! Some people call it self-improvement, some call it self-help, or personal growth, self-actualization, self-transcendence, or even spirituality.  Whatever you want to call it, it's about setting time aside for reading books, listening to podcasts or audio books, or reading blogs that help motivate and inspire you to become a better person and live your best life. The fact is, each one of us has some area of life that we need a little inspiration and motivation in.  We all have aspirations, dreams, goals that we want to reach, whether it be success in your career, wealth, your health, relationships, living a happier lifestyle and so on. But like I explained back in episode #56 of Life Made Simple, it is almost impossible to wake up every day feeling motivated to reach those goals and aspirations in life. Motivation doesn't always jus

  • #76: How & What To "Prune" Out Of Your Life

    18/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Last week I confessed to you that I am a collector of good ideas and good intentions. And then for this Monday's Episode #75, I introduced you to one of my new favorite life strategies... the Rose Bush Analogy. If you haven't listened to either of those episodes yet, go back and check them out before you push play on this one (which is essential the third one in the series). If you're all caught up, here's a quick review.... Our lives are like rose bushes. There are parts of our lives that need to be consistently and constantly pruned and trimmed down. Ideas, to-dos, things, and even people in our lives are all like rose buds. And just like a rose bush, pruning away many of those ideas, projects, and relationships — even if they have really good potential — allows the remaining ones to fully blossom. But how do we know which ones to prune? Especially when they all seem really good? During this episode, I give you questions that you need to ask yourself in order to figure out exactly what to "prune" from your

  • #75: Treat Your Life Like A Rose Bush - "It's Time To Prune!"

    15/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    On last week's 3 Minute Thursday episode of Life Simple, I confessed to you one area of life that I've struggled with for many years. Like many other people out there, I battle with having way too many good projects ideas and not enough time or energy to tackle them all. In that episode, I explained how all those ideas are GOOD ideas and they are all GOOD intentions. But for the sake of my sanity and for the sake of my journey to find simplicity, I need to somehow pull the reins on my tendency to collect good intentions and somehow let go of many of them that I have hoarded over the years. But the big question is, how do you do that? On today's episode, I share with one amazing analogy I recently learned that has become a total game changer for me. It's a strategy I'm still trying to wrap my head around and apply to my own "crazy busy" life. It's one life lesson that I honestly believe can be the key to achieving true simplicity in all areas of life.   Links Mentioned in this Show: Episode #10: "Can You Have

  • #74: I Collect Too Many Ideas & Good Intentions (CarlaRae Confesses)

    11/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Recently, one of our listeners reached out to me with an issue that she's been struggling with and she wanted some advice. Abby from Columbus, Ohio struggles with having too many ideas and projects that she really wants to pursue yet she knows that there are just not enough hours in the day do them all. She feels overwhelmed and doesn't know how to let go of some of those really good ideas. Well Abby I can completely relate and I'm sure that many other listeners struggle with the same issue. I have a confession... I am a collector of ideas. And they are all GOOD ideas. Recipes I want to try, craft projects I want to do with my son, house projects that I really want to complete. I have paper files, pictures on my computer, and websites that I've bookmarked full of ideas that I've collected over the years. And don't get me started on all the fun stuff I have pinned on Pinterest... we all know that website is dangerous for an idea collector! Then there are business ideas, goals, and dreams... I have a hundred of

  • #73: Do You Have A Home For Pending Projects And To-Do's?

    08/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    It's no secret that one of the best ways to simplify your life is to get organized. And when it comes to organizing your home, one of the biggest factors is what to keep and where to keep it all. We've all heard that famous saying, "A place for everything, and everything in its place." It's obvious what the phrase means... it's the notion that everything should have a place to be stored and that it should be returned back to that place when it's not in use. So, in our pursuit of simplicity, it is so important to designate a home for everything. But, do you ever find that there are times during our endless efforts to get organized when we know we assigned a home for everything (we're sure of it!) but somehow, there are still piles of random stuff lying around? Now yes,  if we actually took inventory of those piles, we might just realize that most of the items do in fact have a particular home, but maybe we're just too crazy busy to actually take the time to tidy up and put them away. I'll be honest, that happe

  • #72: Try To "Turn People Into Trees"

    27/04/2017 Duración: 05min

    We are now deep into spring. My family is started to venture outside more often for evening walks and weekend hikes. And I'm sure you can agree... there's nothing quite like being out in the middle of nature on a beautiful spring day! It's so nice to sit in nature because nature just is. We allow it to be and that’s how we come to appreciate its beauty. Think of a tree that has fallen to the ground. Just because it appears to be dead, it doesn't mean there's no life in it. It just means that growth is happening in a new direction and in a different way. Maybe there's moss growing on its trunk, maybe the roots are tethering themselves in new grass. There is still beauty in that tree. We need to try to look at our own life in the same way. Sometimes when life is challenging, you may feel like you've fallen to the ground and stopped growing, but that’s simply not true. Realize that your discovering new directions, viewing life from another perspective. Sometimes, it's time to plant your roots in new grass. Somet

  • #71: A Unique Strategy To Maintain An Organized Home

    24/04/2017 Duración: 17min

    I want to help you simplify your life. I am here to give you strategies, tips, and action plans on how to organize your home. BUT... not only do I want to help get you organized, I want to help you to STAY organized, as well. Getting organized is only half the battle. Maintaining an organized home is just as important, and sometimes just as challenging. There are a handful of valid reasons as to why people can't seem to maintain an organized space. One reason is that bad habits are hard to break and good habits are hard to form. Another is that picking up and maintaining a clean home simply takes time that some people aren't willing to commit to on a daily basis. But then there's another reason why it can be so hard to keep your home organized. It's the fact that chaos can be contagious! Chaos and clutter can easily spread. And if you're not careful, no matter how well you organize one room, the chaos from another room can easily re-infect it again. Have you ever experienced what I'm talking about? You organi

  • #70: A Few Thoughts On "Paralysis By Analysis"

    20/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Are you an over-thinker? I sure am! My brain loves to work over-time. Especially when I'm trying to sleep... or worse yet, when I'm trying not to think or worry about something. The human mind loves to think... which of course is a good thing. But sometimes it never seems to want to stop. Over-thinking can become a toxic habit that causes more damage than many of us realize. In fact, most of us over-think so much that many people consider it a worldwide epidemic.  If you ever suffer from over-thinking, here are 10 quotes for you to keep in mind: You will never be free until you free yourself from the prison of your own false thoughts. Before you talk, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try! Stop worrying about what can go wrong, and get excited about what can go right. Overthinking – the art of creating problems that weren’t even there. Ouch, so true it hurts. Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it d

  • #69: Wake Up, Sleepy Head! (Sleep Habits PART 2)

    17/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    Last's week's episode of Life Made Simple, Episode #67 was titled "Good Night, Sleep Tight!" During that PART 1 of our two part series, we dove headfirst into one of the most important factors regarding your health: sleep. In that episode I gave you a bunch of tips on how to refresh your bedtime routine,  I gave you strategies on how to banish some of your bad bed habits, and I gave you some ideas on how to set the stage in your bedroom for a good night's sleep. If you haven't listened to PART 1, push pause on this episode and go back and push play on that one, again, that was episode #67. You really don't want to miss it! So while last week we looked how to fall asleep and stay asleep, on today's Part 2 episode of our Sleep Habit Series, we're going to look at how to wake up in the morning and get out of bed... because sometimes, it's kinda rough waking up! We've all been there. Even though you might get a full night's sleep, you still somehow wake up feeling exhausted and unenthusiastic to face the world. Y

  • #68: Get More Done With A Foucs Frame

    13/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Last week, I came up with a new tool that I want to start using in my own life to help me get more stuff done every day.  And I have to say I'm kind of excited about it! So I figured I'd share my idea with you for today's episode. It's no secret that the number one best strategy to accomplish important daily tasks is to keep track of them with a to-do list.  I love to do lists!  And I can honestly talk for hours about how to make and maintain your to do lists...  but we'll save that for another day. One type of to-do list that you might be familiar with is a "Focus List".  Everyone has a long to-do list of things that they intend to do and want to do, but we all know NO ONE has enough time to do everything on their list... at least I sure don't! Instead of trying to tackle your entire to-do list in any given day, first thing in the morning you should write a focus list.  That's when you pull only a few important tasks from your big master to-do list that you can feasibly do that day.  That way, you can FOCUS

  • #67: Good Night, Sleep Tight! (Sleep Habits PART 1)

    10/04/2017 Duración: 24min

    Today we're going to dive headfirst into one of the most important factors regarding your health: sleep. We all know that sleep is important. A good night's sleep plays a crucial role in your health. It also plays a huge role in your energy levels and everyday functioning. It's not only physically important, but it's also cognitively important to get a good night sleep. Did you know that when we’re sleeping, neurons in the brain fire nearly as much as they do during waking hours? So it should come as no surprise that what happens during our resting hours is extremely important to a number of brain and cognitive functions. Sleep deprivation impairs your judgment, makes the body retain fat, your body is unable to heal or repair properly, can cause depression, and you can even increase the chances of early Alzheimer’s. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you're not alone. I actually have a love-hate relationship with sleep. For many years, I've struggled with insomnia issues... I've gotten much

  • #66: What Are You Afraid Of? - "Do It Anyway"

    06/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    I have a question for you: Do you ever let fear stop you? I know I sure do. Everyone has fears in life. But if your fears prevent you from doing things that you truly want to do or should do, then it can become a real problem. On today's quick and brief episode I talk a little about what you can do about those pesky fears you face in life and hot not let them stop you.   Links Mentioned in this Show: Original Versions of "Do It Anyway"   Share this Episode: Share this Podcast:   Simplicity University:   Free Guide:  "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"   Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY   Website: Facebook:   Submit Questions:

  • #65: Do You Tend To Organize Backwards?

    03/04/2017 Duración: 23min

    As I mentioned last week, one of our most popular episodes of all time on Life Made Simple, is episode #5: Top Organizing Strategies and Secrets Revealed. Not only is it one of the most downloaded episodes that we have, but it's also an episode that I continue to get numerous messages about from our listeners. In that episode I go into detail about my 5 Steps to Organizing Your Home. Here's a quick review... Consolidate all like items. Sort them by category. Purge and let go of anything you don't need or want. Find the best home for the items. Containerize by finding the best bins or containers, if needed.   Consolidate, sort, purge, find a home, and then containerize. Seems pretty straight forward right? Well, if it's that easy, then why do so many people get stuck, overwhelmed, and then end up needing help? If it were really that easy, I'd be out of a job! There are so many reasons why most people have a hard time organizing their home. There are many reasons why people get stuck. But there is one very co

  • #64: Top 10 Countdown "Throwback Thursday"

    30/03/2017 Duración: 09min

    Since we first launched, the show has received so much feedback...  and I love hearing from everyone! Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement! It has truly been an amazing nine months. Since Life Made Simple first aired, we've definitely had a bunch of random episodes that we've thrown out there covering all areas of life that we all strive to simplify. But after analyzing all the stats and download details, there are a few particular ones that have been our most popular and talked about episodes. Today, for any of our ongoing listeners as well as for all our new listeners, it's time to play some catch-up.  Today I take a couple minutes to go back and tell you about those specific episodes that our listeners seem to like more than most. Consider it to be "Throwback Thursday" and for fun I even make it a countdown for you. Here they are: 10. Episode #19: Always Late? Here's What To Do About It (CarlaRae Confesses) 9.   Episode #21: Here's Your Closet Clean-Out Action Plan! 8.   Episode #23: Ho

  • #63: You Need More Margin Time! (CarlaRae Confesses)

    27/03/2017 Duración: 19min

      Just because I've been a home organizer and time management coach for over 15 years, it doesn't mean I always have it all together. There are still areas of my life that I struggle with. And it's not because I don't have the right strategies or tactics. I definitely have a HUGE arsenal of tried and true tips and techniques... that's not the problem. It's simply because success at almost anything in life is dependent on only 20% strategy and 80% psychology. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true in so many ways! Most personal development coaches agree... success is 20% strategy and 80% psychology. Which means you not only need good strategies to simplify your life, but you need good mindsets and discipline to actually implement those strategies. And I admit it, that's where I struggle the most. For last's week's "3 Minute Thursday" episode I read to you a short story about a professor teaching his class about priorities and time management. Since life can get so busy sometimes - or like I often say "crazy bus

  • #62: Is Your Life "Crazy Busy"?

    23/03/2017 Duración: 06min

    Do you ever notice that - more often than not - when you ask a friend or colleague how they are, many of them use exactly the same adjective? Can you think of what that is? It's the word 'busy'. It seems that everyone these days is busy! And I'm definitely guilty of using that word.... except I always tend to give it a little more flare and say "crazy busy." Then I always find myself qualifying that by saying "A good busy, not a bad busy, but definitely crazy busy." It seems that the B word has become our stock response to any enquiry about our wellbeing, replacing the word ‘fine’, which used to be the common reply. Our lives seem to be getting busier and busier. When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the story of the mason jar and the 2 beers. Tune in for today's episode where I tell you all about it.   Do you know anyone who tends to always be "crazy busy"? Encourage them to simplify their life by sharing our podcast show with them. They can

  • #61: A Sneak Peak At What's In The Works!

    20/03/2017 Duración: 09min

    Eeek!!! I have some big news for you! A few months ago, I was approached by the creator of The Simple Living Summit and I was asked to be a guest speaker for the program. The free online event was back in mid February, and from what I've heard it was a big hit!  If you missed it, you can still sign up for updates and get on the wait list for the next time they release it (see link below).  Ever since that event  last month, I have been receiving numerous messages asking about a "teaser announcement" that I made during that interview.  So, since I've official let the cat out of the bag and it seems that a lot of our listeners are interested, I figured I'd take a few minutes for this episode and tell you all about it. It's been in the works for awhile now and it's kind of a big deal. Thank you so much for everyone who has reached out to me to ask about it...  I am so excited to officially make the announcement and throw it out there! Listen to today's episode and get a sneak peak at all the details!   Links Men

  • #60: Don't Be Resistant To Open Space

    16/03/2017 Duración: 06min

    So many times, while working with my clients, I've noticed a trend... and it's not a good one. For some reason, when many of them have gone through my 5 step process to organize a space and it's time to put the organized items into their new home, some of them resist the idea of having empty space. I know that sounds strange. If someone wants a simplified home, why would they resist open space?!? In this episode I explain the psychology behind it all.   Links Mentioned in this Show: Share this Episode: Share this Podcast:   Episode 5:   Free Download: "5 Steps to Organizing Your Home"  Or send a text to 44222 with the word ORGANIZE   Free Guide:  "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"   Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY   Website: Facebook:

  • #59: Use Music For Motivation And To Boost Your Mood

    13/03/2017 Duración: 28min

    On this show, I put a lot of emphasis not just on inspiration and action, but also on motivation. How to get motivated and how to stay motivated. I've heard it many times before from other experts in the field: success is only 20% strategy and 80% psychology. Which means you not only need good strategies to simplify your life, but you need good mindsets and discipline to actually implement those strategies. On today's episode I share with you one remarkably easy tool that you can use to get motivated and stay motivate throughout your day. It's called, music.                I know it seems a little too simple, but tune in and I'll explain exactly how you can tap into the incredible motivational power behind music.   Links Mentioned in this Show: Free Download: "Motivational Songs To Boost Your Mood"   Share this Episode: Share this Podcast:   Free Guide:  "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"   Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY   Website: CarlaRaeA

  • #58: Do You Know The Value Of Time?

    09/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    On today's quick and brief "3 Minute Thursday" episode, I share with you a poem that might hopefully give you a different perspective on the value of time. I usually love to give credit where credit is due, but I honestly have no clue where this poem came from... I came across it years ago.   Do you know anyone who would enjoy listening Life Made Simple? You can share all my episodes with them by having them go And don't forget to subscribe on itunes or whatever podcast app you prefer, to stay updated on all our new episodes. Want even more tips on how to find the freedom of simplicity? Just check out my free guide, called  "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life".    Links Mentioned in this Show: Share this Episode: Share this Podcast:   Free Guide:  "9 Ways to Simplify Your Life"   Or send a text to 44222 with the word 9SIMPLIFY   Free Download: "5 Steps to Organizing Your Home"  Or send a text to 44222 with the word ORGANIZE   Website:

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