Inner Dominatrix



The Inner Dominatrix podcast is a show that takes you on a journey of stepping into owning your power in business through the lens of a former Dominatrix. Moving you out of judgement and sliding into becoming magnetically attractive to your clients. My name is Dana Pharant and we are having candid conversations with interesting business people; finding out what allows them to own their Inner Dominatrix. Each episode is packed with tools and tips you can use. You will also get a behind the scenes look with live coaching sessions and in-depth discussions of topics that will increase your awareness, get you unlocked from the loop of judgement and having a good laugh along the way. A bit edgy, a whole lot informative and often shaking up your perspective I hope you will enjoy each of the episodes as much as I do.


  • Let's talk About Sales Baby!

    11/06/2018 Duración: 12min

    Dana's dishing it solo today and the Inner Dominatrix has some big old boots for you in just your size: Closing Sales Shit-Kickers.  That's right. Try them on. Feel how they fit like a glove. Feel how they allow you to drop into your body and tap into your inner power. Ok. There are no magic boots. But there is showing up authentically, genuinely caring for your client and putting THEIR outcome before yours. It's LIKE a super-comfy pair of awesome power boots.  And it closes sales.  The Inner Dominatrix way.    See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Plan To Fail

    05/06/2018 Duración: 33min

    Did you know that babies develop walking muscles not by walking, but by falling down and pulling themselves back up again? Guest Kristy Heart and Dana know all about how to build your confidence, strength and resiliency so that you can stop navel gazing and parley a negative event into an opportunity. You will learn how to prepare for failure so that the process of falling down and getting back up is the juicy part of your ever evolving strive for excellence.  Pack some hip waders so you can go digging in the mud for that nugget of gold. There will always be mud. Let's prepare for it.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Better Business Bungles

    14/05/2018 Duración: 19min

     Have you been led down the garden path by The Next Big Thing!! when looking to build your business? Maybe you got burned by some really good copy, or the pitch managed to hit you where you most felt it. Whatever part of the hook snagged you, there's that moment when you realize what was sold was not delivered. Ugh. The pain. Dana works with us to strengthen and trust our intuition muscles so we can drop back into our Inner Dominatrix. And you know our Inner Dominatrix acts out of power and confidently passes up seemingly shiny opportunities if they are even the slightest bit out of alignment with our intuitive knowing of who we are. She's cool like that. We need to hang with her more.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Lessons From The Dungeon

    08/05/2018 Duración: 15min

    It’s time to strip down and get comfortable with your particular wants in the Dungeon. Why? Because it can actually improve your business. Especially for female entrepreneurs – most women in the business and corporate world do not lean into and embrace their inner power. They try to copycat the Masculine energy and end up tired. Working in the Dungeon with a submissive means not giving them what they want. It’s counter-intuitive; you should give them what they want because that’s what they want. However, you’re actually denying them a greater gift; one that comes from working harder and pushing at their limits to get them to Sub Space. The praise at that moment, the lessons, goes deeper at a level beyond hypnosis or energy work. You can be your own Dom/me and discipline yourself in the business – giving you that extra sweet, fulfilling reward that lasts. Your reward, when leaned into the long-term, delayed gratification process, will be sweeter, larger and mor

  • Find Your Supernova Moment

    04/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    Ever been pushed off a cliff by a Freedom Navigator? Grab a parachute and join Dana and her guest Barbera Aimes. This tough cookie is an online business and marketing mentor, but her real passion is coaching coaches. Barbera works by giving people the skills, tools and mindset to become change makers. And then pushes them off the proverbial cliff to see what stuff comes up for them. Don't worry, the landing involves being shepherded gently to the ground. Because what you will learn from Dana and Barbera is that growing your business is about personal development, and these ladies have some supernova sized developments in store for you. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • The Ugly truth

    01/05/2018 Duración: 39min

    Lover of humanity Poppy Sprague discusses something profound with Dana: set yourself up to be able to receive the ugly truth about HONESTY today. You’re going to have to take a good look at your learning curve and go seven layers deep on this one. It’ll hurt, it’ll suck, but you’ll get over it. Because being truly honest with yourself can open you up to the epic overcoming you are yearning for. No judgements. Just compassion and Dana and Poppy. And brutal fucking honesty. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Let Go Of Control For More

    10/04/2018 Duración: 32min

    Today we are going to have you take off your "I am the driven businesswoman" suit and surrender to Dana along with her guest, Odette Peek, as they help you let go of the fear and anxiety that can be a cancer stopping you from living the life you want. Why? Because you can't "Do" your way into peace, and being ok with who you are and where you are at for people who are driven can be a scary loss of control. So take off that jacket, undo that top button and let Dana and Odette bring you from chaos to calm. Don't worry. You're in good hands.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Tell Your Story To Make The Money

    10/04/2018 Duración: 26min

    Are you tired of being alive and breathing without really living and enjoying? Get ready to take a big leap with Speech Stylist and Courage Igniter, Chantelle Adams. She and Dana look at how to share your story. On a stage. With actual people watching. And do it for actual money. All while turning your message into a movement. Chantelle has learned the impact your voice can have for change and breaks down the steps you need to take to get yourself booked by leaving your ego at the door and sharing that core transformational moment in a way that reaches your audience. And you don't even have to jump out of a plane to do it. Well, Chantelle did, but that's her story...  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • What Is Your Pleasure Inventory?

    02/04/2018 Duración: 26min

    Today, Dana and her guest Jenny Burk dig in to a juicy topic. Jenny is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach and Body Image Mentor and has brought scintillating, delicious education to the table. By working with a 'bank' of pleasurable experiences, Jenny works to heal our relationship with food and our bodies by divorcing ourselves from the rules and regulations we have around food, allowing ourselves to have food in our environment without it controlling us. Because, let's face it: Food Is Everywhere. Want to have a meeting? Let's do lunch! Going to grandma's for tea - you know she's going to have cookies. Our entire culture bases its socialization on food. Since you can't avoid eating, get ready to sit down with your favourite treat and savour it while you listen to the podcast. Give yourself permission to enjoy eating again. Jenny and Dana will show you how. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Good Enough Now

    02/04/2018 Duración: 27min

    Dana meets some awesome people! Case in point: Masters of Education and Certified Diversity Trainer, Jessica Pettitt. Jessica is a former comedian to boot. (Who are we kidding, she's still a riot.) Jessica does everything from working with burnt out teams and supervisors to dramatically shift workplace culture to individual self reflection and personal responsibility. Inspiring people to try – to disrupt the stuck cycle of being burnt out – and helping them to believe the possibility that there is a possibility sets them on the path of forward momentum towards creativity and innovation. It's this work, and Jessica's general awesomeness, that has led her to write Good Enough Now. Want to look at what is in your control and what you can do to create change in yourself? Do it. You're good enough now. You got this. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • We Are Stronger Together

    31/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    Mystical Mindset Coach and Soul Designer Leah Steele is sick and tired of seeing women caught in a "crab bucket" mentality – pulling each other back into the bucket instead of lifting each other up. There are so few examples of women in business who have empowered, mentored, or even been kind to other women. Instead we have come to accept a culture of mistrust for other women, letting our fears and insecurities jealously guard what we see to be "our piece of the pie". That pie is a funny thing. It's not that someone has more or less pie than you, or that there is only so much pie to go around. If you take the effort to change the dynamic you will see that there is more pie than you thought. You actually have so much you can give some away. Anyone want to go out for some crab and pie after the podcast? See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Fck It

    30/03/2018 Duración: 07min

      Clearly, this episode requires an "EXTRA EXPLICIT" rating. Words on their own are benign; it is the judgements and meanings that we attach to them that give them their power and impact. So what happens when we use a taboo word to shake things up, call attention to something or just as a release? What happens when we let go of the judgements we have created behind these taboo words and use them purposefully to create change? You may be $%#@&!* surprised at the result. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • The Key To Clearing Tools

    27/03/2018 Duración: 08min

    Searching for the next latest, greatest thing to help you succeed? Get ready to debunk the myth of energy clearing tools. Whether its by working with someone directly, or following someone else's steps, Dana's got the secret to unlock using any type of tool to shift your emotions, mindset or beliefs. You won't believe how being ready and choosing to work can propel you into the magical, powerful infinite being you are meant to be. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Play For More Profits

    21/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    Wanna become a "Kick Ass Lady"?? Dana's guest this week is Courtney Mc Loud, life coach and passionate advocate for having fun in everything you do. Courtney encourages us to give ourselves permission to be silly, and transform and grow through play. The power of play will engage you in the moment, connecting yourself to your body instead of your mind, and allow a space for inspiration and creativity to spark. Join Dana and Courtney as they spray champagne in the backyard and take circus acrobat training and have the time of their lives. And remember, you don't ever need permission to come play with Dana. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Using the Dark Side to Move You Forward

    14/03/2018 Duración: 10min

    Dana's got her inner Jedi flowing strongly. She's asking us to pull out the dark side of what's stopping us from success to clear those persistent resistances that keep holding us back. Dana will walk you through a simple yet powerful method to clear both the positive and negative poles of your spirit so that you are able to live purely by choice. It is the power of this ability to freely choose that will lead you to your own inspired action and propel you to success. May the Force (of choice) be with you. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Using DISC for Better Relationships

    05/03/2018 Duración: 29min

    Unlock the power of using behavioural assessment to instantly understand how to relate to others. International marriage coach Midori Verity, considered the top expert for online marriage coaching, takes Dana through the steps of using DISC to instantly analyze and tailor your responses to your co-workers, clients or even that special someone. Whether dealing with the fast moving, loud and direct D-Dominant leaders and the I-Influence social butterflies or reacting to the more cautious pace of the slower moving S-Steadiness best friends and the C-Compliance perfectionists, you'll have a toolbox full of tools to deal with each personality type effectively. *Spoiler Alert* Dana just might be a "D"... See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Profits Over Gross Income

    01/03/2018 Duración: 37min

    Brace yourselves. This week "Dare to Be Dana" and her guest "Mission Impossible Cat" action all over everything to do with "Cat"-apulting your business into the dynamic profit explosion you are striving for. These real and raw bad asses breakdown the key components that most of us fail to execute when marketing ourselves. Developing a focused strategy that authentically embraces your strengths and actually repels people who are not your ideal clients may be somewhat terrifying but is critical to conversion success. Hold on to your bad asses, this is going to be good... See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Social Media Brings Me to My Knees

    27/02/2018 Duración: 10min

    Is a symphony of crickets the only response to your social media posts?  This week Dana asks us to take a hard look at who we are being when we create our content.  She explains how social media can be an excellent barometer,  revealing to us whether we are being our most engaged, out there, awesome selves, or whether we are being less authentic and holding ourselves back.  Or maybe even that our content just sucks.  Ouch. See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Self Pleasure For Success

    20/02/2018 Duración: 24min

    This week Dana is excited to sit down and talk with Vicky Smith.  Dana and Vicky dive right in to a topic most consider taboo.  Through the transformation of our sexual relationship with our bodies, Vicky believes that we can embrace our whole selves at a deeper level which leads to success.   See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Enough of Enough Already

    20/02/2018 Duración: 07min

    This week Dana explores the motivations behind our constant search for "enough". Whether we are looking for enough time, money, health or love, why do we always feel that what we are doing is not enough? See for privacy and opt-out information.

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