Inner Dominatrix



The Inner Dominatrix podcast is a show that takes you on a journey of stepping into owning your power in business through the lens of a former Dominatrix. Moving you out of judgement and sliding into becoming magnetically attractive to your clients. My name is Dana Pharant and we are having candid conversations with interesting business people; finding out what allows them to own their Inner Dominatrix. Each episode is packed with tools and tips you can use. You will also get a behind the scenes look with live coaching sessions and in-depth discussions of topics that will increase your awareness, get you unlocked from the loop of judgement and having a good laugh along the way. A bit edgy, a whole lot informative and often shaking up your perspective I hope you will enjoy each of the episodes as much as I do.


  • Drama, Conflict and Difficult People with Rachel Alexandria

    27/06/2017 Duración: 30min

    Rachel Alexandria is a leadership and power guide who helps rising leaders on their path through stories and transformational experiences. She worked as a licensed psycho-therapist for 9 years before fully embracing being a spiritual teacher and guide. She has written one best selling book, and is currently working on her second. Summary Rachel explains how she came about working to help people live drama free, and how she developed the skill set to be able to teach and guide people through it. She shares a few stories and examples of times that she completely opted out of conflict by asking a simple question. Dana asks about dealing with Narcissistic personalities, and Rachel breaks down some of the things to consider when dealing with difficult personalities. Rachel equips listeners with some more tips and tools to deal with conflict, drama and difficult personalities. Dana and Rachel discuss living int he present, and why it's a much better way to approach life than trying to analyze ever situation. Quotes

  • Motivation with Dana Pharant

    23/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    On this episode of the Inner Dominatrix Podcast, host Dana Pharant answers questions sent in from listeners of the show! How do you step into your power if you're not willing to discipline yourself from things that don't serve your new intentions? Summary Dana talks about motivation, and the push/pull effect that occurs when we're aligned with what we're doing. She also debunks some misconceptions surrounding the feeling of motivation. Quotes "Motivation is a little more intrinsic. It's more of a pull toward something instead of you pushing" "What is it that your big vision is?" "Claim that power that you feel within you" "I wonder what else I can do here..." Links See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Tuff Love in Relationships with Robert Kandell

    20/06/2017 Duración: 24min

    Robert Kandell described himself as being part football coach, part loving dad, and part slightly crazed drill sergeant. He is Host of the Tuff Love podcast, and he shares a story of living someone else's dream until the age of 28, and then discovering a new side of himself. Summary Robert shares a story of living the "perfect" life, and a turning point at Burning Man that flipped everything on it's head. He talks about communication, and why it's so vital to become a good, honest communicator within your relationship. Dana and Robert also discuss body cues, reading subtlety, and focusing on your partner. Robert talks about the process of opening up an honest dialogue, and how to make it easier, and more effective. Quotes "I felt comfortable, and I felt at home, and I realized there's a whole other side of me waiting to be born" "We're trained to be poor communicators" "Withholding is lying" "We live in a society of disapproval" "You have to be willing to speak the truth" Links See

  • The Covert Narcissist with Dana Pharant

    16/06/2017 Duración: 12min

    On today's episode of the Inner Dominatrix podcast, our beloved host, Dana Pharant flies solo and addresses the topic of 'Covert' or 'Victim' Narcissists. She pinpoints some of their traits and qualities, explains the kind of people they target and even identifies one of their hangouts. Dana also talks about how to break away from a covert narcissist, and why it's important to do so. Quotes "They can suck you in" "You're giving away your energy" "Maybe, what they want, is to have the validation" "You are this lovely, kind, sweet, doormat." "Some of those self help gurus are narcissists as well." Links See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • The Missing Piece with Kate Gardner

    13/06/2017 Duración: 35min

    Kate Gardner is the founder of The Missing Piece Magazine. A former drug addict, alcoholic and endured years of domestic violence and is also a high school dropout. In spite of all of these obstacles, Kate has become a top coach, has published books, and founded her own magazine. Kate is a reminder and prime example that our story does not have to define who we are.   Summary Kate tells Dana about the turning point in her life when she decided to change things for herself and her daughter, and began to live in a way that empowered her and the women around her. She talks about the importance of making progress, no matter how small, and counting every individual step forward. She also mentions her burn out, and how she decided to get back to her roots. Kate talks about spiritual principles she neglected in her first time through her business, and how much it mattered to her to start over and do things in a way that felt more spiritually sound. Dana and Kate discuss instant gratification, and how the worst part

  • The Side Hustle with Tracey Minutolo

    06/06/2017 Duración: 23min

    Tracey Minutolo is a side hustle coach. She works with people who already have a job and are looking to start a business on the side. Coming from a life of debt working her regular job, Tracey learned about the value of side hustles through listening to podcasts. She learned how to better manage her money, started a side business, and kicked debt out of her life. She still works her 9 - 5, and sees value in having a day job that she enjoys, but also loves the side hustle she's created for herself. Summary Tracey shares her roundabout story on how she transitioned from working a job and living with debt, to becoming a side hustler and learning to live more comfortably. She explains to Dana the initial steps she would take with someone who wants to begin a side hustle of their own. Tracey stands up for day jobs, and talks about the importance of understanding why someone hates their job. Dana and Tracey discuss the importance of action and trying ideas on to see if they are a fit. It's better to be moving than

  • Building, Branding, and Being You with Jo Casey

    30/05/2017 Duración: 31min

    Jo Casey is an amazing entrepreneur. She is a certified coach, a speaker, and mentor. She is allergic to all of the bullshit circulating the marketing that surrounds coaching. Armed with an accent, an upbeat energy, and the ability to call it like she sees it, Jo aligns with Dana in the frame of mind that people need to release what doesn't serve them and work to get themselves into a better place. Summary Jo talks about old programming, and how it can show up in business. She also talks about the types of people she enjoys working with. Dana and Jo discuss marketing, and how men differ from women in the ways that they approach it. They talk about injecting your personality into your brand and business, and the benefit to speaking from your truth. Jo shares some tools, mindsets and shifts that can help someone transition from a place of fear, to a place of moving forward. Quotes "To build a business, what we have to do to is show up in the world, to be seen and to be heard" "The more energy we keep throwing a

  • Rags to Real Estate with Edna Keep

    23/05/2017 Duración: 27min

    Edna Keep has a great rags to riches story. From being a single mom with subsidized daycare, to rising through the ranks of real estate investing, Edna is no stranger to struggle or success. Now that she has amassed a wealth of information, resources and knowledge, she is helping others crack into the real estate investing world.   Summary Edna talks a little about her background and leads up to the turning point in her life when she decided to start investing in real estate. She shares a quote that helped her along the way and mentions that personal development played a role in her growth both financially and internally. Dana asks Edna to share some tips or advice on real estate investing, as well as why anyone would want to be in that world. Edna shares a recent challenge she's been dealing with and how she rectified the situation. She discusses her students, and the points she puts major emphasis on when it comes to money, mindset and the industry itself.   Quotes “I've always liked having money. I started

  • Loving Your Body and Your Food with Nina Manolson

    16/05/2017 Duración: 36min

    Nina Manolson is helping women to live in a body they love. Specializing in food and health, she helps women end the war on food with an approach focused on mind, body and soul. She decides to put an end to the dieting and calorie mentality and instead works toward having a more feminine approach of having a strong, positive relationship between you, the food you eat, and your body.   Summary Dana and Nina start the show by addressing the dieting, and how Nina deals with the diet mindset. Nina talks about the feminine approach to body and wellness as opposed to the masculine approach. She discusses compare and despair, and the expectations people should have surrounding self love and body image, and how expectations can shape success or failure. Nina dives into the transition from body hate to body love, and gives a look at nourishing practices, and how they help in the grand scheme of body appreciation. Nina shares some insights bout the body, listening to it, and showing it love through your food, activity

  • Authentically Crushing Adversity with Brian R King

    04/05/2017 Duración: 26min

    Brian R King has an amazing story of resilience and heart. Brian teaches and coaches other professionals the keys to growing their influence and businesses by simply being themselves. He has a masters degree in Social Work, ADD and Dyslexia. He's also the father of 3 sons with asperger's and ADHD.   Summary Brian shares a bit of his story, some of the struggles, and trials as well as the successes and victories, and the thing that kept him moving throughout. Brian talks a bit about the source of his insight, and some of the situations that led him to be the person he is today. Brian discusses psychology, reward and vision, and the role they play in success. Brian and Dana share stories about mindset, perspective, experience and growth. Brian tells Dana about his upcoming focus and where people can find it.     Quotes “I realized just who you can be for other people” “How incredible it is to show up fully human and not be afraid to do so” “Action is the all-purpose depression killer” “As long as you're in moti

  • Sexual Energy with Kristy Heart

    25/04/2017 Duración: 32min

    Guess who's back again? That's right! The Inner Dominatrix Podcast warmly welcomes back Kristy Heart, the only recurring guest to date, to discuss a topic she is crazy about: Sexual Energy! What it means, where it comes from, and how to use it are just some of the places the topic takes Dana and Kristy today! Summary Kristy starts off by mentioning a cool new opt in on her website. Dana and Kristy talk about what sexual energy is, and the perks to turning it on. Kristy and Dana relate to one another how they've gone about learning more about sexual energy and the part it plays in each of their lives. Kristy shares a story about her first experiences with sexual energy, and how she came to learn about attraction, as well as a time she was able to prove to herself that it worked. Dana related her own journey and talks about living within two extremes of sexual energy. They discuss celibacy and their own perspectives on it. Kristy and Dana share tools to help explore and utilize sexual energy Quotes "When you sh

  • Dana Flies Solo on Inner Dominatrix

    18/04/2017 Duración: 27min

    Welcome to the Inner Dominatrix, the show that gets you stepping into your bold, sexy, fun filled life. On today's episode, our host, Dana Pharant flies solo and answers questions sent in by the listeners! She gives us a deeper look into her story, from how she found the kink world, to the spiritual healing effect it had on her life. Dana goes on to answer question from her Facebook group members, including topics like bankruptcy, and tools for when she's feeling stuck.   Summary Dana discusses the type of episode she'll be doing She gives a peak behind the curtain into her past, including how she found the kink world. She shares an experience that helped her move past some of the darker things in her past. Dana talks about her eventual departure from the kink world, why she left, and where she went from there. She differentiates between sex and dominance, and discusses the energy involved. Dana goes on to answer questions surrounding her bankruptcy, and some go to tools she uses when she's feeling stuck Quot

  • Think Opposite with Alison Donaghey

    11/04/2017 Duración: 33min

    Thought Strategist ... what an ideal way to describe Alison Donaghey who also serves as a speaker, successful business owner, consultant and author of Think Opposite: Using the Domino Effect to Change Your Business, Change the World. Alison specializes in challenging people to suspend their belief and explore the opposite of what they believe. Then they proceed with clarity because they either remain firm in their original belief or they shift to a point of view that they are more aligned with. She can share countless examples of how encouraging others to question their status quo often leads to improvements not only in their world but the world. This way of thinking became an instrumental way for Alison to grow her painting business. When she began her business as a single mom on welfare she had many contrary thoughts to mainstream thinking. If she had followed popular culture she would never have started the business or work to see it grow to a six-figure income within five years. Thinking Opposite is clear

  • Navigating a Guru with Leslie Flowers

    04/04/2017 Duración: 37min

    Leslie is a trailblazer for those who long to achieve in business and in life. She has mastered timeless principles like the Law of Attraction and the Power of Positive Thinking to create a proven system for goal achievement and success. She specializes in guiding women to succeed spectacularly in a man's world and collapse the wage gap sooner than expected. She teaches women how to stop the rollercoaster of financial insecurity by building confidence, harnessing their positive beliefs, and taking inspired action to get what they want. Summary Leslie recounts her experience with "guru's" and even shares how she felt about them. She talks about the two way street that is the Guru-Client relationship, and how she avoided getting burned. Dana and Leslie discuss the process of fine tuning the processes and information to be relevant to women. Dana and Leslie talk about ow to find appropriate mentors who are working with integrity. Leslie shares the importance of due diligence. Leslie and Dana share their opinions

  • The Caterpillar Becomes the Butterfly with Michelle Emson

    21/03/2017 Duración: 34min

    Michelle Emson is an entrepreneur, LGBTI Human Rights activist, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator, and documentary film maker. Openly Transgendered, Michelle is standing in her own power and doing her part to impact the lives of others. Through story telling and film, Michelle aims to give minorities more positive visibility in the world, while educating society as a whole on the topic of gender.   Summary   Michelle shares her story of gender dysphoria and what it was like experiencing this as a child growing up in the 60's, getting married and showing up in the world as a small part of who she really was. She talks about trying to save her marriage, family life and career while figuring out what she needed to do, and the feeling she got when she finally embraced the next step of her journey. Michelle discusses the process of her transition and gives and inside look at her thought process throughout. She talks about the Human Rights aspect of what she does. Michelle discusses categorization and the oppor

  • Confidence of a Dominatrix

    14/03/2017 Duración: 39min

    Kristy Heart returns to the Inner Dominatrix Podcast as a recurring guest! She and Dana discuss the topic of Confidence. Since both of these ladies come from a dominatrix background, they get into how the spin and the teachings from the dominatrix world really boost the confidence level of so many people are looking for in their lives and businesses. Summary Kristy looks back at her confidence levels before being a dominatrix and Dana relates a similar story of her own. Dana and Kristy share tools for tapping into your dominatrix energy They discuss the difference between masculine and feminine energy and the importance of both Kristy and Dana talk about alignment, natural pull and taking action. Dana and Kristy get into the topic of sexual energy and how it lends itself to goals and vision, as well as the effects of suppressing it. Quotes "You're kind of at the mercy of everything going on around you" "Feminism is respecting masculine energy and respecting our own feminine energy." "Both men and women have b

  • An Energy Session in Action with Carl Richards

    07/03/2017 Duración: 38min

    This episode of the Inner Dominatrix Podcast is a little different than the usual episode.   Carl Richards, broadcaster, speech coach and public speaker opens up about some obstacles and agrees to air the session. Carl has been helping people become more confident speakers through coaching, helping them bring their real stories to the stage. Summary   Carl talks about his limiting beliefs surrounding money, and retraining the brain. Dana talks Carl through an energy expansion exercise. Dana shows Carl how to find his internal compass in order to measure what he perceives as true and what he feels is false. Carl and Dana go through a clearing exercise together. Dana talks about attachment and it's impact.   Quotes   "What is true for me is not necessarily true for you. What's true for you in not necessarily true for me. It doesn't have to be." "Does it belong to you? Does it belong to someone else? Does it belong to something else?" "The majority of what we think are 'our problems' have nothing to do with us."

  • Dominating Crisis with Faydra Koenig

    28/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    Faydra Koenig is America's Crisis Coach. A best selling author, podcast host and entrepreneur, Faydra has made an amazing career and life out of an unexpected circumstance and life crisis. Having overcome major obstacles, Faydra helps others identify and recognize crisis, as well as equips them with the skills and tools to properly navigate and deal with their life in trying times.   Summary   Faydra tells the story of becoming America's Crisis Coach, and the events that lead her there. She talks about how she managed to turn the negative into an opportunity to help others, and how the podcast came to be. Faydra shares some tools and tips for dealing with fear, and talks about the grief and loss cycle. She goes on to explain healthy and unhealthy forms of authenticity. Faydra discusses the challenges that surprised her during her crisis, and how it felt to be fired from a job she loved and served so well as a result of it. Faydra talks abut the transferable skills that crisis can instill in people, and some i

  • I Never Thought I Would End Up a Dominatrix with Kristy Heart

    21/02/2017 Duración: 38min

    Kristy Heart is known as the Dominatrix Life Coach. With over 20 years experience, Miss Kristy's goal is getting you to step into the bulletproof confidence you need to dominate your world. As the underground's confidential mentor to owning your personal power, Miss Heart is a life long entrepreneur, international award winning problem solver, and real life dominatrix.   Summary   Kristy and Dana share how they met, how they differ, and their views on competition. They get into how the role of dominatrix changed them as people, and what that energy has done for them. Kristy talks about some of the challenges that accompanied stepping into the dominatrix space. Dana and Kristy discuss negotiation and how being a dominatrix helped them develop that among other helpful skills. Kristy tells the story of how she found the dominatrix world.   Quotes:   "It requires growth. It almost forces it." "Sometimes in order to help people on a much higher level, you have to be the bad guy" "It's highly communicative and it r

  • Being Authentically Vulnerable with Sajel Ballon

    14/02/2017 Duración: 23min

    Sajel Ballon is an amazing woman who feels very deeply about relationships, and connecting with people from a place of being vulnerable. Sajel recognizes the potential people have to connect when they are authentically being themselves, and open in a way that allows real energy to cultivate meaningful impact with others.   Summary   Sajel discusses vulnerability and what it means to her Sajel shares the benefits of showing up in life authentically and being vulnerable. She also shares some thoughts, tools and strategies about how to be more vulnerable. Sajel and Dana talk about self compassion and how crucial it is when being vulnerable to care for yourself. Sajel elaborates on what can affect a person's level of vulnerability   Quotes   “It's not just about giving and being open to sharing your feelings, but being open to receiving how others feel about you as well” “By being vulnerable, you're really opening up the potential of really experiencing life” “At the end of the day, we're all human” “being vulner

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