Sermoncast · Benton Street Baptist Church



Sermoncasts, as the name suggest, are weekly messages by the pastors of Benton Street Baptist Church. All were recorded at Benton Street Baptist Church, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.


  • Breakfast by the Beach


    Imagine walking down a beach with Jesus… what might He say to you, and what would you say to Him? Days after his resurrection, Jesus asked Peter a searching question: “Do you love me?”. It was his way of affirming Peter after this disciple has denied he knew Jesus. Finally honest with his inner brokenness, Peter was now in a place Jesus could truly use him and affirm him…

  • At the Foot of the Cross - The Cry


    “My God, why have you forsaken me?” These haunting words express Jesus heartbreak when He sensed a relational separation from his Father for the first time. What was happening in the mysteries of the Godhead as Jesus bore the sin of the world? Was the Father still “well pleased” with His beloved Son?

  • At the Foot of the Cross - The Critiques


    A critique can be either positive or negative. In this study there are four critiques, two are negative and two are positive. A persons critique of the cross may be based upon preconceived notions, false information, even personal animosity. Considering the voice behind a persons response to the crucifixion, helps us move toward an appropriate response.

  • At the Foot of the Cross - The Criminals


    Feet from Jesus, hours from death… 2 men have opposite responses to the crucified Christ. Do our assumptions of how we think God ‘ought’ to act prevent us from coming in humility and whispering “Lord, remember me”?

  • Absolutely - Thou Shalt Not Covet


    Coveting - the command that strikes at the heart. Am I convinced God is a good provider of all I need? The result will be the peace of contentment…

  • Absolutely - God Loves Truth


    The command began as prohibition of bringing false testimony in a legal case. What are the wider implications of the command for us today in the internet age? Why are lies so damaging to us and those we lie about? God’s nature as Truth is diametrically opposed to Satan, the author of all falsehood.

  • Absolutely - God Loves Integrity


    To be people of integrity is to be healthy and pur at the ore of who we are. Stealing is so much more than taking an item from another. We can steal things far more profound and damaging from another. What should we do about it?

  • Thirsting for God


    The voice of trust Psalm 63

  • Absolutely - God Loves Marriage


    Marriage is God’s great original idea, affirmed by Jesus. A wedding began and will culminate our history. We can best honour marriage by having good ones. Adultery is a grievous sin against god, but is there redemption?

  • No Thirst for Vengeance


    The story of the death of Absalom

  • Absolutely - Life is Sacred


    Is it true that all murder is killing but not all killing is murder? What is the difference and why does it matter? One key to freedom from emotional bondage is found in applying what Jesus has to say about this commandment.

  • Thankfulness in the Midst of Madness


    The voice of thanksgiving Psalm 34

  • Absolutely - Honour Your Parents


    Why would the God of all creation list this among the top ten matters of absolute importance in His moral scheme? Is there something about social order, moral order, even spiritual order that is captured by obedience to this command? If so, how do we practice this in our daily lives?

  • Method in Madness


    The story of David pretending to be insane before Achish 1 Samuel 21:10-15

  • Absolutely - Keep Sabbath Rest


    The Sabbath was given a defined form and a specific function. What is the difference and how do we obey this command today? Why do we worship on Sundays when the Jewish Sabbath was on Saturday?

  • A Cry for Mercy


    The voice of lament Psalm 57

  • Absolutely - Absolute Reverence


    Why is God so concerned about the misuse of His name? What is in the name? What kind of misuse is forbidden and what are the consequences associated with violating this command? What should you do if you have broken this commandment?

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