Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 194:51:12
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Nuclear news from a different perspective, including safeguarding from radiation, interviews w/leading activists, and how you can help stop the nuclear madness. Nuclear Hotseat is produced and hosted by 3 Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy.



    05/02/2012 Duración: 19min

    Update on current status of San Onofre nuclear reactors in San Diego after last week's leak and discovery of over 800 damaged pipes. Featuring an interview with James Chambers, a licensed nuclear reactor operator and whistleblower from San Onofre, who offers his unique perspective on what these alarming developments might mean. Recorded Saturday, February 4, 2012.

  • Nuclear Hotseat - Organic Farmer Paul Frey of Frey Vineyards

    01/02/2012 Duración: 47min

    Nuclear Hotseat presents a realistic picture of a nuclear disaster 's impact on California agriculture, economy and image in an interview w/organic farmer Paul Frey of Frey Winery in Mendocino; peaceful women anti-nuke protestors in India attacked by hired thugs and government reps; NRC calls Level One accident at Illinois nuke reactor; German nuke waste to be shipped and burned in Tennessee; and Progress Energy in Florida continues to collect advance fees from consumers for a nuke plant they no longer plan to build -- another nuclear scam on par with "The Producers!"

  • Nuclear Hotseat - CA Initiative w/Donna Gilmore

    25/01/2012 Duración: 42min

    Interview with Donna Gilmore, Regional Coordinator for the California Nuclear Initiative, on San Onofre "safety" and an update on the Initiative; Fed Court blocks Vermont from forcing closure of Vermont Yankee (appeal to follow); 2 new quakes hit Fukushima in 24 hours; radiation camera good up to 1,000 sieverts goes dead when inserted into Fukushima #2; Japanese government re: nuclear disaster meeting notes: "The dog ate them!" (no records exits!); Gunderson on cesium in Japanese cedar pollen; 30-country Global Conference for a Nuclear-Free World in Japan; and think cigarettes can't be any worse for your health? In Japan, they're radioactive!

  • Nuclear Hotseat - Peacewalk interview w/Louise Dunlap

    18/01/2012 Duración: 44min

    Interview w/activist Louise Dunlap on the planned Peacewalk to San Onofre; Japan comes clean: a second nuclear facility at Fukushima Daini was also damaged on March 11, 2012; reactor 4 spent fuel pond showing radiation spike; ongoing, growing dangers at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington state; children living near nuclear reactors in France have double the leukemia rate; radioactivity in SF milk, Japanese fish sold to Canada, crickets and locusts in Japan, reindeer meat in Finland, and car parts in Russia; how to remove radioactivity from water; and Japanese numnutz sending school children to ski in Fukushima.

  • Nuclear Hotseat - Dr. Janette Sherman, Joseph Magnano

    11/01/2012 Duración: 47min

    Knockout interview w/Dr. Janette Sherman and Joseph Magnano, co-authors of the medically peer-reviewed report on 14,000 additional US deaths in the weeks following Fukushima. Plus a cluster of quakes hit Japan; radiation spikes blamed by TEPCO on "the wind;" dying whales washing up on Japanese shores and near radioactive ash landfill; and the EU now recommending that its member nations test tuna, marlin and swordfish for radiation (while trying to deny that there's any risk to health).

  • SAFETY LAST: Why PG&E Hates San Onofre Whistleblower James Chambers

    04/01/2012 Duración: 46min

    MUST LISTEN! Explosive interview with San Onofre whistleblower James Chambers, a 25-year veteran nuclear operator forced out after he voiced repeated concerns about safety issues. Plus: Reactor 4 at Fukushima continues to lean; radioactive "yellow cake" material pulled out from underneath the reactor; the TEPCO/Yakuza (Japanese Mafia) connection (HINT: there's more honor in the Yakuza); mutated animals (baby seals, walruses, sea turtles, dogs) and plants in the US, Canada, Chernobyl and Fukushima; and local Japanese official who spoke out against nuclear after Fukushima happened found dead in his car of a shotgun blast.

  • Japan Almost Nuke-Free, NRC Licenses 4 More Reactors

    27/12/2011 Duración: 20min

    Japan down to only 6 of 54 nuke reactors on line... and still no blackouts! Japanese Nuclear Accident Minister admits nuclear fuel may have leaked out of Fukushima and that exposure to radioactive materials increases the risk of cancer; gift certificates and pandas for Sendai City? In the US, safety violations and accidents at 3 nuclear reactors doesn't stop NRC from licensing four new ones; Arthur D. Little study of German nukes shows power costs waaaaay more expensive than first believed; baking soda for radiation detox (as used at Los Alamos!), anti-nuke year-end donation sites and of course, a reminder to help get petitions signed to get the California anti-nuke Initiative on the November, 2012 ballot.

  • Medical Journal: 14,000 Post-Fukushima USA Deaths

    26/12/2011 Duración: 21min

    Technical difficulties postponed planned interview w/Mary Olson of NIRS. Japan announces "cold-shutdown" of Fukushima to world-wide derision as the lie it is; peer-reviewed medical journal article links 14,000 USA deaths to Fukushima radiation - infants hardest hit; further compromise of Building 4 at Fukushima endangering the spent fuel rods it contains; atomic radiation proven more harmful to women than men, according to briefing paper; French power giant EDF dropping out of building new Maryland nukes; Japanese hospitals refusing to see patients who are sick from radiation; mutant vegetables in Japanese harvest; cilantro (coriander) for heavy metal detox; and California Initiative petitions now available at:

  • Local Activist Strategies that Work!

    14/12/2011 Duración: 52min

    Interview w/Gary and Laurie Headrick on how San Clemente Green worked in local government to make significant anti-nuke advances... and how you can do it, too. PLUS: Attempt at a nuclear coup as 4 NRC Commissioners - one w/direct nuke industry ties - try to oust the semi pro-safety Chairman Jaczko, while Rep. Markey (D-Mass) calls them out as interfering with post-Fukushima nuke safety in the US. Plus 3 Fukushima-related deaths, radiation leaking from Hanford into Columbia River in Washington State, and TEPCO prevented from releasing "treated" radioactive water by raging Japanese fishing interests. Oh, and the jellyfish are at it again!

  • Steve Zeltzer interview on Nukes/Media Conference

    30/11/2011 Duración: 46min

    Interview w/Steve Zeltzer, organizer of the Dec. 3 conference on Fukushima, The Lessons of Nuclear Power and the Media; Japanese government panel studying enbrittlement of steel in nuclear reactors; Director of Fukushima nuke reactor stepping down because of undisclosed "condition" but no one is saying the "r-word" ("radiation"); Christian Science Monitor says nuclear power "threatens human civilization;" Hanford not safe according to Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass); further Obama ties to nuke industry revealed; and Japan's richest man is building 10 mega-solar installations while donating his future earnings for life to the victims of the March 11 triple disaster. Yay for this member of the 1%!

  • Interview w/author of CA Anti-Nuke Ballot Initiative, Ben Davis, Jr.

    23/11/2011 Duración: 47min

    Terrific interview on the proposed California ballot initiative to shut down all in-state nuclear reactors with Ben Davis, Jr., who wrote it and spearheads the drive to collect signatures and get it passed. Plus Fukushima Diary blogger Mochizuki interrogated by 4 "officials" in Japan on his anti-nuclear activities and intimidated into considering leaving the country - help needed, fast; Fukushima designer admits that the reactors are now in China Syndrome - melt-through to possible hydrovolcanic explosion; TWO, count them, TWO accidents in TWO days at Brunswick Nuclear Plant in North Carolina; two important Fukushima studies revealed to be edited by pro-nuker; NRC asks about Vermont Yankee and Entergy, "When is strontium 90 NOT strontium 90?"; bg radiation spikes to danger level for first time in Los Angeles; Japanese food supply showing first indications of radioactivity above even the government's inflated levels; and 1% of Fukuoka, Japan's population (15,000) show up for an anti-nuke demo; what would 1% t

  • Nuclear Hotseat for November 15, 2011

    16/11/2011 Duración: 42min

    In-depth interview w/engineer Dr. Ernest Goytein (a former nuclear insider who switched sides more than 30 years ago) on nuclear impact on global warming, the embrittlement problem in aging reactors, and nuclear disasters we barely missed. Solid info from a genuine expert. PLUS: North Anna restart, mystery radiation all over Europe, Japan's free trips to visit their irradiated land (all it costs are your chromosomes and your integrity), The Fukushima Marathon for teenaged girls (no, I'm not kidding) and The Biggest Nuclear Liar in India. What a week, what a world...

  • Nuclear Hotseat for November 8, 2011

    09/11/2011 Duración: 45min

    Fabulous interview with Dr. Janette Sherman, contributing editor to Chernobyl - Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature. Hear how she's been forced to re-prove her study with epidemiologist Joseph Mangano on the effects of Fukushima radiation on neonatal mortality in the US in the seven weeks after the disaster started; French presidential candidate proposes cuts to nuke industry - and he's ahead of Sarkozy in the polls; Germany's alternative energy has them generating enough power to export it; Japanese broadcaster who ate Fukushima food on air now in chemo for leukemia; and North Anna's Dominion Power oligarchy again shown to deserve the epithet, "Liar, liar, pants on fire!"

  • Nuclear Hotseat for November 1, 2011

    04/11/2011 Duración: 27min

    TEPCO to get Japanese bail-out funds instead of jail time; radiation effects showing up on Japanese children; radiation plume in March hit west coast of US and Canada much harder than previously thought; Japanese kitten mutated in way eerily similar to children at Chernobyl; Japanese official drinks Fukushima water collected from puddle between reactors 5 and 6 by hazmat-suited worker; Belgium agrees to shut down its remaining nuclear reactors; and Homer Simpson proves to be a prophet: three-eyed fish found outside Argentine nuke plant.

  • Nuclear Hotseat - Michael Keegan of Nuclear-Free Great Lakes

    26/10/2011 Duración: 46min

    Interview with Michael Keegan of Nuclear-Free Great Lakes; radiation news and health problems from Japan; Swedish nuclear plant fire; Canadian radiation higher than originally reported; Cesium in San Francisco-area milk... again; NIRS report on radiational harm worse for women than men; apple pectin good for more than jelly; San Clemente unanimous in lobbying for disposal of nuclear waste at San Onofre and construction of additional roads for evacuation; and eavesdrop on email between Arnie Gunderson and Prof. Christopher Busby.

  • Interview w/Barbara George, Women's Energy Matters, Marin County, CA

    19/10/2011 Duración: 46min

    Interview with Barbara George of Women's Energy Matters of Marin County, Ca; radiation news from Japan, including compromises to the food chain in plankton and rice; TEPCO muzzles anyone who wants to work for them and makes workers who accept a "danger bonus" of 10 euros ($13.50) an hour give up the right to sue later if they get sick; TEPCO shorts evacuees, cutting monthly payments from the equivalent of $1,300 to $650; crack found in nuclear reactor head in Ohio; new reactor design for Florida provokes "non-concurrence statement of dissent" from the NRC's lead structural reviewer; Interfaith Peace Walk from Diablo Canyon; Prof. Christopher Busby offers video on supplementation; and a surprisingly relevant 51-year-old quote from President John F. Kennedy.

  • Nuclear Hotseat - going to San Onofre hearings

    11/10/2011 Duración: 25min

    Second of two hearings on San Onofre nuclear reactors will present the anti-nuke perspective tonight in San Clemente, CA; Japan radiation updates; Plants and trees reported dying in northwest Japan; Four generator failures hit US nuclear plants since April; NRC knew about thyroid irregularities in Alaska following Fukushima; TEPCO injects nitrogen into piles of reactor vessel #1 eject explosive hydrogen created when radiation dissolved water into its component atoms; Japan government tells residents to return to their homes in the former evacuation zone… and they refuse – can you imagine?!?

  • San Onofre/NRC hearings a debacle, TEPCO admits its emergency manual "useless"

    05/10/2011 Duración: 44min

    Report on NRC hearings on San Onofre in San Clemente, including on-site interiew with Gene Stone of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment (ROSE); Radioactive water found beneath Hatch reactor in Georgia; GE Hitachi says 35 US nuclear reactors could fail during quake; North Anna semantic manipulation point to restart soon whether it's proven safe or not; nuke industry group sent $580,000 lobbying federal officials in second quarter 2011; Los Alamos clean-up claims toxed land will soon be suitable for residential development; TEPCO admits its own nuclear accident manual "useless;" mutant rats found in Tokyo; zeolite for health and radiation mitigation; activists blockade Hinkley Pint power station in UK; and approval of South Texas power plants delayed to allow full hearing on plant's foreign ownership - which is illegal.

  • Breaking News - radiation leak at Michigan nuke plant

    27/09/2011 Duración: 25min

    Infant mortality spike in Pacific Northwest; radiation leak at Michigan nuclear reactor; Tweets from nuclear plant worker at Fukushima on potential for another explosion; cesium found in Japanese rice at 2-1/2 times safety level; if French explosion at nuclear reactor at Marcoule was "not nuclear," why was the worker killed there buried in a coffin with "antiradioactive internal shielding?" Calcium Bentonite Clay for detoxing your produce and yourself.

  • Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy

    14/09/2011 Duración: 49min

    Interview with Gene Stone of ROSE (Residents Organized for a Safe Environment) on upcoming San Onofre/NRC hearings in San Clemente; Oct. 1 anti-nuke rallies planned in NYC and around the country - join in or form one!; North Anna exceeded design stats during east coast quake (we scooped the LA Times on that one); Fort Calhoun almost flunks safety; water leak shuts Connecticutt's Millstone reactor; NRC votes w/President Obama to shut Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump, but Republicans in Congress vow to fight this sudden outbreak of nuclear sanity; Fukushima sea radiation at least 3x higher than estimated...and increasing; Japan's government wants to stop citizens from taking thir own radiation measurements; Japanese seniors volunteer for Fukushima clean-up; effects of fallout on in-utero infants; and what Adm. Hyman Rickover told Congress about nuclear energy.

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