Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy



Nuclear news from a different perspective, including safeguarding from radiation, interviews w/leading activists, and how you can help stop the nuclear madness. Nuclear Hotseat is produced and hosted by 3 Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy.


  • Radiophobia? Schmadiophobia! The Lie at the Heart of Nuclear Ignorance: Majia Nadesan


    RADIOPHOBIA? Majia Nadesan rips this nuclear industry propaganda talking point to shreds and shows how it has been used against the people of Japan after Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and now Fukushima. She is a professor at Arizona State University and a researcher on a wide range of interconnected topics. She recently provided a chapter on "Radiophobia and the Politics of Social Contagion" for the book, Transforming Contagion: Risky Contacts among Bodies, Disciplines, and Nations – and that’s what we’re focusing on today: Radiophobia.

  • PILGRIM NUCLEAR SHUTDOWN! Decommissioning Battles Next


    Pilgrim Nuclear Power Plant in Plymouth, Massachusetts - the exact same design as the reactors that melted down at Fukushima Daiichi - permanently shut down as of June 1, 2019 after a long struggle by local activists. Nuclear Hotseat spoke with two women who have each been involved for more than 30 years in the Pilgrim nuclear battle. Diane Turco is co-founder and Executive Director of Cape Downwinders and Mary Lampert is Founder of Pilgrim Watch.

  • EMP “Stun Guns in Space” = No Grid, No Nuclear Reactor Controls – 60 Fukushimas in USA?


    EMPs - the Electromagnetic Pulse - caused by one nuclear bomb detonation in space over Ohio would take out nuke reactor safety controls from E Coast to Chicago, causing 60 Fukushima type meltdowns. Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy and Robert Manning of Nuclear Terror Today share the bad news, necessary steps we need to be taking.

  • Radioactive Contamination in Ohio Zahn's County Middle School SPECIAL

    22/05/2019 Duración: 59min

    Radioactive contamination at Ohio Zahn's County Middle School from DOE Enriched Uranium-producing Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant. Whistleblower Vina Colley explains DOE lies, health dangers. BREAKING: Energy Secretary Rick Perry releasing 4 years of radiation monitoring data that DOE previously refused to release. PLUS: Beyond Nuclear's Kevin Kamps - testimony at Congressional briefing on high level radioactive waste issues. Nuclear Hotseat 413

  • Nuclear Divestment Campaign takes $$$ Out of Nuke Weapons Manufacturing


    Nuclear divestment means institutional nuke investments are going down — and Susi Snyder explains how any one of us can join the movement. She is project lead for the PAX No Nukes Project and coordinator for the Don’t Bank on the Bomb research and campaign. She’s an expert on nuclear weapons, with over two decades of experience working at the intersect between nuclear weapons and human rights. Eric Epstein is the Executive Director of Three Mile Island Alert, and has been active in the movement for over 40 years. He explains the failed bailout and what’s next in dealing with the highly radioactive waste.

  • Indigenous Nuclear Genocide: Uranium Mining on Native Lands


    Featuring: International Indigenous Activists Candyce Paul of English River First Nations in Northern Saskatchewan; Leona Morgan of the Dineh people, what the western world thinks of as the Navajo people of Arizona and New Mexico; and Ashish Birulee of the traditional Adavasi people from Jarkhand in India.

  • Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Play-by-Play in Flawed New Book


    Chernobyl Nuclear disaster explored in Midnight in Chernobyl - extensively researched play-by-play recreation of design failures, human error, radiation devastation, political cover-ups, destroyed lives in flawed new book by Adam Higginbotham.

  • Chernobyl Radiation's Deadly Legacy & Nuke Industry Cover-Up


    #Chernobyl #Radiation cover-up exploded by Kate Brown in Manual for Survival. Research from 27 Eastern European medical archives reveals devastating, ongoing health impact & nails #Nuclear industry playbook of how they covered their tracks.

  • Chernobyl at 33 Anniversary SPECIAL #1


    The Chernobyl nuclear disaster marks its 33rd anniversary on April 26, and Nuclear Hotseat marks it with two SPECIAL reports on the accident and its aftermath. This week’s episode features interviews with a Chernobyl survivor; the man behind the keystone book on the disaster and the doctor who edited it; the world’s premiere on-the-ground evolutionary biologist investigating mutations, and a photojournalist who makes the Chernobyl/Fukushima connection. It bring Ukraine’s devastating 1986 nuclear accident — and its ongoing consequences — into sharp, terrifying, and very personal focus. This Week’s Special Interviews: Bonnie Kouneva was a 16-year-old living in Bulgaria when the Chernobyl accident started on April 26, 1986. She was outdoors in the rain all day at a rally and got hit with the radiation plume. Bonnie talks about Chernobyl’s impact on her life and the health of her children. This former mountaineer and Bulgarian Greenpeace member currently lives in the United States. Dr. Timothy Mouss



    Three Mile Island nuclear meltdown 40th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL: Libbe HaLevy’s intimate look back at what being stranded one mile from the malfunctioning nuclear reactor meant to her, w/coverage of all 40th anniversary events - conferences, symposia, press conference, community gatherings, survivor stories, more. A powerful NH #407

  • San Onofre Madness: Edison Lies, NRC Regulators Wimping Out


    San Onofre nuclear madness: Southern California Edison pushes to restart loading Holtec radioactive waste storage canisters despite inferior quality, gouges & scratches to 5/8" thin stainless steel, only 108 feet from the ocean - Apocalypse Now or just Soon? Public Watchdogs' Nina Babiarz + testimony from SCE Community Enragement Panel - Langley, Aguirre, Gilmore - NH 406

  • Three Mile Island 40th Anniversary SPECIAL


    Three Mile Island, site of 1979 nuclear meltdown, hits its 40th anniversary amid shutdown plans vs. nuke industry push to keep it open. TMI survivor Libbe HaLevy recreates that time in historic audio along w/terrifying personal account. A Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL featuring: Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Energy Education. Watch a video of Arnie Gundersen speaking about the accident at the 40th Anniversary of the founding of Three Mile Island Alert. Peter Bradford, who was a Commissioner at the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner during the TMI accident. Eric Epstein, Chair of Three Mile Island Alert at Three Mile Island Alert’s Radiation monitoring at Mary Stamos (Osborn), long time Middletown resident, TMI survivor, and TMIA member, whose collection of mutated plants and flowers has just been accepted by the Smithsonian Institution. Walter Cronkite, anchor for the CBS Evening News at the time of TMI and known as “the most trusted newsman in America

  • Cooper Nuclear Flooding Threat Continues: Paul Gunter, Gail Snyder


    Nebraska flooding continues to prove potentially dangerous to Cooper Nuclear near Omaha, with a history of underground leaks. In Illinois, fast-moving legislative trickery set to create an alternate energy market that will keep Entergy's nukes running another 10 years.

  • Diablo Canyon Nuclear Dangers UPDATE


    California's two remaining operating nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon have some serious problems - operating in earthquake zone, overstuffed spent fuel pools, nowhere to safely store radioactive waste. What to do and what's being done? Listen in as three veteran activists explain the problems - and what activists are doing about it.

  • Fukushima Anniversary UPDATE SPECIAL #2: On-the-Ground in Japan


    In this second Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL to mark the 8th anniversary of the start of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, host Libbe HaLevy talks with: Japanese Activist Misao Redwolf, who organized the Friday night Diet (Parliament) demonstrations; Tokyo Media Personality and Journalist Carole Hisasue; Simply Info’s Nancy Foust; Nuclear Lecturer Dr. Caitlin Stronell; and Filmmaker Tsukuru Fors Lauritzen

  • Fukushima UPDATE SPECIAL: Nancy Foust


    Fukushima UPDATE SPECIAL: Pre-publication interview w/Nancy Foust on Simply Info's researched, vetted, and absolutely accurate Annual Report on Fukushima: microparticle hazards, radiation dangers, technical issues, medical data manipulations, Japanese scandals, more! Hot hot hot information! A Nuclear Hotseat SPECIAL full-length report. NH #401

  • Nuclear Brexit: UK Nuke Nightmares w/Veteran Activist Nikki Clark


    Nuclear Brexit marks Nuclear Hotseat's 400th episode! UK #Nuke nightmares - Hinkley C proposed new build and ongoing Sellafield Radioactive waste insanity explored with UK veteran activist Nikki Clark of Southwest Against Nuclear.

  • Green New Deal & Climate Change: NUKES WILL NOT HELP!


    Green New Deal languaging analyzed for hidden pro-nuclear landmines by Gail Snyder, Board Chair of Chicago-based Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS). Are nukes “carbon-free” and can they actually help turn around global warming? Arnie Gundersen is Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education, as well as a former licensed nuclear reactor operator and whistleblower — and he rips that nuclear industry propaganda campaign to shreds.

  • New Mexico Nuclear Waste Showdown at NOT OK Corral


    New Mexico #Nuclear waste dump: illegal, dangerous & opposed by local community, indigenous people, national groups. Radioactive waste transport thru 46 states, over 200 million people? No thanks! Last week's #NRC hearings, manipulations explored w/Kevin Kamps of Beyond Nuclear. Nuclear Hotseat 397.

  • New Mexico Radioactive Waste Showdown


    New Mexico’s Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) radioactive waste problems examined in Libbe HaLevy’s interview with Don Hancock, Executive Director of the Southwest Research and Information Center, a nuclear watchdog group headquartered in Albuquerque. The group focuses on the goings-on at WIPP, this country’s only deep geological repository for low level nuclear waste. He gives us an update on conditions at WIPP since its 2014 accidents closed it down, along with the intense political wrangling going on right now about changing regulations to allow WIPP to take high level waste it’s not designed to handle. We also go into the battle raging right now over the threat of the world’s largest radioactive waste dump being situated in New Mexico and/or New Mexico-adjacent in West Texas.

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