Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly



Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • Talking to MONEY


    What if a communication with money was a possibility? What if that communication could invite more of it into your life? What if you could communicate with and BE the energy of money, wealth, abundance and prosperity? Come play with Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to BE the communication with money that invites it into your life with ease.

  • COMPETITIVE Conversations


    Do you ever notice how competitive conversations can be? Does it feel like people are fighting for the spotlight, to be heard or to have the floor? Does it feel like people are trying to WIN just a simple conversation? Is that type of exchange really creating more? Come play with Beyond Speech, Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to move out of competitive conversations and into more contributory and expansive exchanges.

  • Communicating WITH your BODY with Lauren Polly


    What if a communication between you and your body was actually possible? What if the sensations, aches and intensities you experience are actually your body’s way of giving you information? What has your body been trying to tell you that you haven’t been willing or able to hear until now? Come play with Beyond Speech, Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how to open up a dialogue between you and your body.

  • Creating BEYOND the Diagnosis with Guest Julie Andrew


    Have you or someone you know been diagnosed with a communication, learning or medical disorder? Have you been made wrong in general for the way that you interact and engage with people and the world? Have you stopped yourself from creating because of it? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless communication, with host Lauren Polly and special guest Julie Andrew for an exploration of creating beyond the diagnosis and the supposed limitations it can create. Julie, who grew up diagnosed with ADD, speech deficits and learning disabilities, will speak from firsthand experience on how she has created beyond them. What if what was judged as a wrongness of you is actually a strongness? Come join the conversation! About special guest Julie Andrew: Julie Andrew is a natural healer, psychic and medium who specializes in creating different possibilities with animals, children and families going through ‘challenging’ situations. As a transformational coach and intuitive body specialist she takes what is judged as ‘wrongness’ (with

  • Are your communication problems actually yours? Hosted by Lauren Polly


    Are you so aware of others and your environment that your own speech and language skills stick and twist? Are the “problems” you seemingly have with communication actual yours? Or is the download of information you are aware of so intense that you have a hard time finding you let alone speaking like you? Come play with Beyond Speech, Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how by acknowledging your awareness you can free up the space to BE and communicate as you!

  • Communication from the Space of Curiosity with Lauren Polly


    How much curiosity do you have when communicating with someone? Are you present in the moment, curious to see what you can create? Or do you go into communicating with everything already figured out? A question opens up the space for more possibilities. An answer limits the possibility of anything showing up other then what you have already judged or concluded. How many answers or conclusions do you have that are limiting your communication, connection to others and what you can create in the world? How much more could be created if you showed up with no answers or conclusions and were simply curious? Come play with Beyond Speech, Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how being in the energy of curiosity and question opens up new possibilities in communication and beyond.

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