The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast



Faith, pop culture, and headline reflections from Fr. Mike Schmitz.


  • Tips for Praying

    24/01/2017 Duración: 08min

    Prayer isn’t just another good thing to do; it’s absolutely necessary if we want to know God’s will in our lives and draw closer to him. The trouble is finding the time and willpower to pray. In this episode, Fr. Mike Schmitz suggests being a bit more intentional in our prayer lives, asking these four simple questions: When should I pray, where should I pray, what should I pray, and why should I pray?

  • What Defines You?

    19/01/2017 Duración: 03min

    Whether it’s our reputation as the smartest person in the class or office or a signature beard that makes us look like Chuck Norris, we all have something distinct that helps define us. In the end​,​ though, when everything else fades away, there’s only one part of our identity that matters. Find out what part that is in this video, in which Fr. Mike uses his beard to make a razor-sharp point. Yes ... his beard.

  • Learning from Your Past

    05/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    In this video, Fr. Mike advises us to dwell in the present and bring into this moment what we learned from the past. He points out that, while it isn't healthy to live in the past, there is also a danger in leaving it behind completely.

  • The Gospels of Grace and Nature

    02/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Fr. Mike’s popular Ascension Presents video series in audio form.

  • Season for Everything

    22/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    The Church in its great wisdom has designed the liturgical calendar with the human spirit in mind. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz explores the reasons for the seasons in the Church's calendar, with particular attention to the seasons of Advent and Christmas.

  • The Immaculate Conception Explained

    18/12/2016 Duración: 07min

    Did you know that Mary actually knew her child would save the world? In fact, she was saved around forty-seven years before Jesus died. Fr. Mike Schmitz simplifies the complex theology behind the Immaculate Conception in this video. Using a clever analogy or two, he demonstrates how Scripture alludes to the fact that Mary was immaculately conceived, and he explains why this solemnity is so important to the Church.

  • Waiting for Christmas

    15/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    Sometimes when God tells us to wait he wants us to actively receive his grace for that moment. This is especially true during Advent. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz encourages us to prepare our souls for the arrival of Christ as we wait for Christmas Day.

  • Advent- More than a Chocolate Calendar

    01/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    What does Advent mean to you? A time to put the lights up, gift shop, and eat chocolate? Or is it something more? Fr. Mike says it’s good to prepare ourselves for Christmas during Advent, but ultimately that’s not what the liturgical season is about.

  • The Cure for Entitlement

    29/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    G.K. Chesterton said “thanks are the highest form of thought, and gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz maintains that a sense of gratitude is much more powerful than a sense of entitlement. We all have certain rights we should stand up for, but to recognize and appreciate a gift when it’s given to us is even more beautiful.

  • Spiritual Blind Spots

    05/11/2016 Duración: 05min

    Fr. Mike Schmitz shines light on the blind spots in our spiritual life and points out that sometimes we are unaware of spiritual battles waging within our souls. He encourages us to be attentive and patient with ourselves and with others, while asking God to reveal to us the hidden areas of our life where we can grow in holiness.

  • The Power of Prayer

    03/11/2016 Duración: 06min

    Fr. Mike lays down the reasons we should pray and gives a few spot-on examples of how real life reflects the nature of prayer. Through prayer, God invites us into his will and gives us the dignity to participate in it, which strengthens our relationship with him. Fr. Mike covers these truths and more in this week’s episode.

  • How to Avoid Being Ungrateful

    22/10/2016 Duración: 06min

    Fr. Mike Schmitz reminds us to appreciate our blessings while we have them, rather than complaining when they are taken from us. Gratitude is a powerful vehicle for change when we use the gifts given to us … and use them well.

  • Does God Love Some People More Than Others?

    15/09/2016 Duración: 07min

    Fr. Mike’s answer to this question may make you think differently about God’s love. He helps to reorient our perspective—explaining that it is not about how much God loves us, but about our capacity to receive his love. If the most valuable thing in the world is limited only by our desire for it, why not take as much of it as we can get?

  • Hope in the Face of Suicide

    07/07/2016 Duración: 08min

    With the way our culture disregards life sometimes, it is easy for the question “Is life worth living?” to surface. In this episode, Fr. Mike Schmitz emphatically states that not only is life worth living—it is sacred. If there is anyone you know who is weary of life, reach out to them and show them they are wanted.

  • Save Yourself from Helplessness

    09/06/2016 Duración: 07min

    When life throws challenge after challenge at us, it is easy to just give in and think we are helpless. In this episode, Fr. Mike Schmitz offers an uplifting message for those tough times. No matter how dire the circumstances, with God’s grace, there is always something we can do.

  • I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts!

    21/04/2016 Duración: 09min

    The mere thought of ghosts can give us goose bumps sometimes, but there are still moments when we think ghost stories are just made up to scare us. Maybe it’s time for some real talk about things that go bump in the night and other stirrings we suspect may be specters. Can souls continue to communicate with the living after they die? In this episode, Fr. Mike gives a powerful reason for why he believes they can.

  • 4 Reasons for Fasting

    18/02/2016 Duración: 08min
  • The Significance of Ash Wednesday

    10/02/2016 Duración: 08min

    They may just be ashes, but Fr. Mike points out that what they represent goes far beyond mere dust of the earth. With a simple cross on the forehead, we are recognizing that we are far from perfect, but that God loves and redeems us—not despite our brokenness, but in the midst of it. If you want to start off your Lent with a reminder of Ash Wednesday’s deeper meaning, listen to Fr. Mike’s heartfelt words in this video.

  • Lucifer, the Trinity, and Leisurely Sundays

    28/01/2016 Duración: 08min

    Fr. Mike Schmitz tackles several tough questions from his listeners, like “Who became the new light-bearer after Lucifer fell?” and “How do we make Sunday a time of rest amidst our busy schedules?” If you ever wondered about these things, Fr. Mike may have the answers you’ve been looking for.

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