One Awesome Community: Connecting With You On Your Success Journey Host Gail Foley | Motivation | Inspiration | Success Tips



Lets Connect thats what were all about! Connecting with YOU on your Success Journey, because together we can do so much more. So tap into weekly motivation, inspiration, life lessons and interviews to get enlightened, energized, and educated. And just so you know, we love to laugh while we share tips and strategies, and stories that will encourage and entertain you. On One Awesome Community Podcast youll hear incredible insights and tips on personal development, social media, marketing, blogging, health, happiness and more. This show is dedicated to connecting with you and helping you on your personal and professional success journey. And make sure you subscribe at to receive all the episodes and receive your FREE e-book Brand YOURSELF Awesome. And your host Gail Foley invites you to make a difference by simply passing on a smilecause its contagious you know. So lets start an epidemic!


  • OAC 327 Are You Sharing YOU?

    20/03/2019 Duración: 20min

    One of my favorite quotes is: "If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it."  ~ Margaret Fuller And that is basically what the show is about today! Do you have a wealth of wisdom that you are not sharing? Oh, I know, you're thinking I'm not an expert at anything, why would anyone listen to me?  Please step back and re-access this.  Each and every one of us knows something someone else may not.  It doesn't have to be monumental.  It can simply be what I share the majority of time, my perspective. If I'm thinking about something and I run it past a friend or two it expands my world and gives them an avenue to know they have knowledge someone else needs. Sharing YOU is all about participating in your ongoing education of life.  It's very profound when you think about it.  Do you ever help a new employee get the ropes of the place you've been employed maybe even a month longer?  That's invaluable in sharing YOU. Thankfully, I embrace sharing my stories because it is my passion so I am always shar

  • OAC 326 Look Up!

    13/03/2019 Duración: 18min

    I've got to tell you, this is a loaded subject for me!  Just a couple questions.  How often are you looking down at your phone?  How many people do you hear when you are focused with your head down?  Do your neck and shoulders get achy by the end of the day? So what happens if all these apply?  You miss out, BIG time, if you're not looking up.  You're like yeah, right, Gail, big whup!  Well, from my perspective it is. Especially when I watch parents of little precious children totally ignore their kids on the play ground.  They'll yelling, look at me, push me, play with me, and yet, there they are on an impersonal machine. I can rant a long time on this subject.  The drivers that think that a one minute glance on their phone to check a very insignificant message is more important than their life or someone else's...yeah I could rant a very long time on this. But most importantly, I want to share a few recent observations of mine.  For example, Saturday, I was attending an event of a friend's and manned her b

  • OAC 325 Stress or De-Stress. That Is The Question.

    12/02/2019 Duración: 18min

    I know you're thinking...WHAT?  Why would any one prefer stress over de-stressing.  Well, let me ask you something.  Have you ever created your own stress? Well, listen to my most recent tale and you will understand where I'm coming from...because I did a terrible injustice to myself and you, my loyal listeners. Thank you for jumping back in to listen, it's been quite a while!  The crud got me, but I lowered my resistance by not being aware enough of what I was doing to myself. Sounds crazy I know, but when you're hit with a virus and your voice disappears - not fun for a podcst talk show host - or anyone!  But it's hard to do justice to any spoken word when you have 2 big fat bull frogs taking up residence in your throat!! But it does give you time to reflect on what is going on.  And I figured out where I had created my own stress. And I encourage you to take stock of what you find yourself doing.  Are you self-sabotaging yourself by the simple choice you've made? We usually think it is a more deliberate

  • OAC 324 De-Cluttering. So Much More Than You Think!

    21/01/2019 Duración: 10min

    This is the audio version of my recent LIVE FB post that I promised to send via mp3 file for your chosen format.  You can definitely hear the transition from my headphones to the webcam recording.  Working on blending it better... Do you dread de-cluttering?  I seem to get on a tangent and start without meaning to.  Once in awhile I'll put it on my 'To-Do' list which I really call, 'My On-Going' list, but that's when I have my daughter involved.  She is a Professional Organizer.  What I've found in this practice, with or without her present, is that while sorting, discarding and 'Goodwilling'  I find long lost treasures I had forgotten about. That quote that moved me.  The precious memory preserved in a picture.  The link to a cooking website - now that's funny, 'cause I don't like to cook.  However, I love to eat, so if it's easy I will make the attempt, thus the link. But I think you've got the picture.  You find unexpected gifts within the piles you've unintentionally created.  Now maybe you did it on pur

  • OAC 323 It's All About Community!

    10/01/2019 Duración: 15min

    I know, you're probably smiling, thinking, yeah no kidding, Sherlock, that's the name of your show :-) And yes, that is exactly why I named it this because without community, we suffer, whether you believe that or not!  People thrive, in my perspective, when you have a support group, a community of people that you can connect with. And in this day and age, you may be thinking that's Social Media talk, but it's all kinds of connecting.  I network constantly and very consistently in our town, and not as often enough on Social Media.  But that is a promise I've made to myself and you - but you have to listen to hear more on that. It took me much longer today to produce this as I've transitioned to Windows 10 and a whole new computer!  So I'm working to get the hang of the new stuff, but wow, everything looks different on here after being with Windows 7 for 10 years!!! I hope you'll listen in to get a sneak peak of who will be part of my community of guests this year.  Starting off my "Leap of Faith" interview se

  • OAC 322 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

    20/12/2018 Duración: 06min

    I just wanted to give a great big shout out before the holidays get in full swing and tell you how much I appreciate you listening and sharing my show! You made my year and hope you will continue to listen as we change it up with Live interviews and awesome inspirational stories in 2019! You can watch or still listen because I'll be loading the audio version in here, too! Have the BEST Christmas EVER!!!  And hats off to a glorious New Year of joy and happiness filled with laughter and love! Passing On A Smile, Gail     

  • OAC 321 Don't Bend Challenge!

    10/12/2018 Duración: 15min

    Okay, my friends this is a wild and crazy episode.  I actually combine the audio from my FB Live with my regular audio...and here's why :-) Come mid-January I will be doing an online TV show on my FaceBook page.  And then I will upload that audio into my original podcast production.  That way, people that still want to just listen, can :-) So I share that on the show, too!  This title comes from what is going on for me right now.  I just had cataract surgery in my right eye.  Instructions of restrictions for a week were:  No vigorous exercise, no eye make up, no rubbing or putting pressure on the eye, no lifting over 20 pounds, no dust, water or dirt in the eye and NO BENDING from the waist putting the head past my knees!!! Well, I gotta tell you, it was one of the first things I tried to do when I got home from surgery!  I didn't know.  They told me while I was still feeling the affects of the anesthesia so I had no clue!  But my daughter caught me before I was in a full bend mode! Interesting side affect of

  • OAC 320 So How Do You Deal With Life Transitions?

    15/11/2018 Duración: 18min

    Wow, I gotta tell you I have talked about this subject quite often.  But I came to realize that every single day of our life we are making transitions! Really.  Think about it!  We don't realize how often we have to transition from one task or experience after another.  A lot of us marketing on FB or Instagram, Twitter, etc. talk about the changes in algorithms that affect our reach.  But, I came to realize that daily life's activity is just one transition upon transition. So on today's show I talk about these moments and how I deal with them.  Big, little, good, bad, ugly, you name it.  We all, I believe, deal with a lot every day. I hope you enjoy and will find this gives you a different perspective on how your day may unfold.  I would love to hear your comments and would always appreciate you sharing.  Someone may not be dealing well and my way of thinking may help them. If you're listening BEFORE Thanksgiving, I wish you the best day of gratitude with family and friends.  If it's AFTER I hope it was marve

  • OAC 319 Are You REALLY Ready for a Challenge?

    22/10/2018 Duración: 14min

    Here's an update on my FB Live Lady Tribe Challenge! I discovered that you REALLY have to take everything into account before you leap into that pile of leaves! I really was not very smart when I dove in without taking in all the other things I had going on in that time frame.  So this is a cautionary tale that might shed some light on things for you, too. Don't get me wrong, challenges are awesome and when done right can be very productive towards your goals.  However, if you cannot completely engage consistently and in the manner the challenge is set out - do yourself and your team a favor - don't do it! I really wished I had waited and joined the next challenge, but I will complete this one and move on instead.  It has taught me a ton about sooooo many things. And I am so very grateful for that, BIG time. I wish you the best in your challenges and want you to know that I am adding "The Gail Foley Show" to my header and as another way to find me at - One Awesome Community.  I am looking to expand some of

  • OAC 318 Light Bulb Moments and Gut Instinct

    28/09/2018 Duración: 18min

    Life just keeps amazing me!  This show focuses on some things I experienced at a recent event I attended...maybe you saw me in my gorgeous new green dress on FaceBook :-)  Awesome evening! Anyways, I had a light bulb moment 4 years ago in changing my podcast name from "The Gail Foley Show" to One Awesome Community. But this latest light bulb moment came from a very indirect method.  Thank goodness I have good hearing and I was listening :-) I hope you can relate to this one and wish for you many light bulb moments that can propel you forward or help you to take the next step that will make your life better. And the gut!  Oh my, had only listened in those pivotal decisions I could have saved myself a ton of heartache and unhappiness.  My path would have been entirely different and I'd probably still be living in Ohio.  And then I realize that decision brought me joy, too.  But I do listen more to my gut these days! If you like to watch me do my podcasts LIVE you can do that just click :-) I'd love to hear abou

  • OAC 317 So Do You REALLY Know Yourself?

    14/09/2018 Duración: 16min

    This is the quandary I found myself in this past week.  Three different events lead me directly to making this podcast today.  You can also see the video version of this show at FaceBook LIVE It wasn't the easiest show to produce, but I had to share what was on my heart.  What I recently discovered about myself I did not feel was a very pretty picture. Each time I was offered a piece of wisdom I rejected it...but I think rather than me sharing more, you just  listen or watch to see if you relate to my own personal dilemma.   I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject.  I have been getting some great comments.  So please share, someone may need this very perspective :-) As always, passing on a smile,  Gail 

  • OAC 316 What's Eating You?

    06/09/2018 Duración: 16min

    This is crazy, but I was encouraged to do a FaceBook Live at the same time I recorded this episode.  Marketing wise, every expert out there, says that is the key to getting any traction on FB! And with my new biz I am focused on FaceBook more!  However, my premier showed up sideways!  DUH! I soon learned the secret of making it horizontal.  Did you already know? Today's show is about things that I've had eating at me and I also ask you, what's eating YOU?  Because we all seem to have something that just isn't settled or keeps coming back. Fortunately for me, at this moment, my challenges are not too worrisome, but it's never good to let even little things simmer.  I found that out years ago when I would hold onto things way too long and they exploded out of proportion!!!  Not any more, (most of the time) I find a way to deal with the nasty stuff! As you know I like to laugh so that is one of my coping mechanisms!  I laugh at myself a lot, and it feels sooooo good!   I hope after you listen, or watch on my Fa

  • OAC 315 Oh WOW! Here's The Scoop!

    03/08/2018 Duración: 18min

    I just have to share with you the scoop on my new adventure!  Summer is flying by and I'm clinging to every moment.  So I'll probably just be keeping my shows to one a month for awhile. So about my new passion! The company I've joined has a culture I truly believe in.  Our Mission:  We create a holistic mental wellness platform that connects a purpose-driven community of passionate people. Our Vision: Leading the global mental wellness revolution.  I truly believe by helping others with their anxiety issues, too much stress, lack of sleep and so many other health problems that I will make a HUGE difference.  I know I am benefiting from these products and continually read so many personal testimonies! I encourage you to take whatever steps you must take to live your passion, find your purpose.  There is no other feeling like it.  It's not a race to the top of the mountain of money.  It's a steadfast conviction that you have solutions that will help people THRIVE in their life!  Life is too short to struggle t

  • OAC 314 Wild and Crazy! And AWESOME!!!

    12/07/2018 Duración: 17min

    Going to make this short!  If you've been listening to my show you know I've had a nagging feeling.  A nudging that was telling me that I had a bigger purpose in life!  Well this show will tell you how it came to be and that that nagging feeling has been replaced with excitement, passion and a HUGE purpose! If you'd like to know more Have an awesome and over the top kind of day! Passing On A HUGE Smile, Gail   

  • OAC 313 What's Your Purpose? Your Gift to Give?

    26/06/2018 Duración: 17min

    This episode has many directions, so coming up with a title was tricky. One I tried was 'It's Over.  Now What?' but that sounded too negative.  Since I was referring to my grandson's wedding to being over, it just didn't sit well with me. Then I tried putting the word, 'Reflection' in the title, but that wasn't right either. Last one before the one I ended up with was, 'What's Nudging Your Future?'  But not quite sure what picture would depict this thought pattern. So the one I finally landed on does reflect what I'm getting at - I hope :-) I'd love to hear your thoughts on this subject.  Let me know I'm not alone in my wandering.  This is something I've been re-visiting for awhile. Have an awesome day! Passing On A Smile, Gail   

  • OAC 312 Holding Pattern. Are You In One?

    11/06/2018 Duración: 18min

    Are you always saying, 'when I get this, when I achieve this, when I meet someone', etc.?  If you are, then I believe that's what's called a 'holding pattern'. When you're in a holding pattern in a plane it can feel pretty scary to be suspended up in the air.  Well, if you do that on the ground, waiting for something to come along, can be just as scary. Because your life is passing you by. I share some of my current temporary holding patterns today, and I want to encourage you to look at your own holding patterns.  What is it you're waiting for?  Can you do something else while you're waiting?  Because sometimes what you want never comes.  And then what kind of regrets might you have? I believe we might want to embrace what we have right in front of us while we're working towards what we feel is waiting for us.  I've been there.  Waiting for the right time to change jobs.  Waiting for the right time to end that bad relationship.  My list is long.  But I've learned, over time,  to focus on what I can do until

  • OAC 311 Change is a Bugger!

    24/05/2018 Duración: 17min

    Wow, I don't know if you've ever had to pick a new house color, but it's a bear to make that change! Decisions like this boggle my mind!  Not to mention all the changes going on with my business with Send Out Cards.  Major $10 Million upgrade and an entirely new system.  Now after sharing this system with people for 12 years - it's an adjustment!!!!  And a lot of people are grumbling. But then me, the Hey Card Lady, I'm loving this new system, but again it is a huge change.  And I don't know about you, but change can be frustrating, especially if the choice and decision was not of your making! And we have many of these events in our lives.  So I guess this episode is all about how we tackle these frustrations and changes, because they are a 'bugger'! Have an awesome day! Passing On A Smile, Gail    

  • OAC 310 People Come In All Moods!!!

    02/05/2018 Duración: 18min

    Wild title, right?  First a big shout out to my friend Jane Anderson for commenting that she has missed my show and hopes my life is back on track.  Is it ever on track :-) Anyways, this show talks about our attitudes and other people's attitudes and how it reflects on us personally and professionally.  I've shared some of this story with you before, but one of those things that needs repeating. So listen in and let me know if you get what I'm talking about!   And the book that I refer to is "How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success In Selling" by Frank Bettger. This is keeping with my shorter version and I also did it in Video Format - you can find that at Video version of the show So thank you for listening and of course, I truly love hearing from you.  Passing On A Smile, Gail P.S. And remember, as a Relationship Marketing Consultant I always encourage you to send gratitude, appreciation and kindness to someone you care about or do business with in a card.  And you can get a free account from me at  He

  • OAC 309 Life Happens Update!

    23/04/2018 Duración: 09min

    Hilarious, how we pre-plan and then forget we did!  That's what happened to me when making this update! I pre-recorded it and had made plans to publish it, before my story unfolded as you'll hear.  But oops, I just realized I never published it! And that is definitely life for many of us!  So much activity swirling around us.  I'm recovering from surgery, that was elective and not serious, but none the less have some down time that is making me very antsy! So as I sit confined for awhile I have to be somewhat content to watch from the sidelines.  Not my favorite place.  So I flex!  I am signed up for some webinars to grow my card business more and social media stuff. Life happens differently every day for most of us.  Even if you're feeling like you're in a rut, I bet you're not really.  Little things can make that rut shift, if you'll open up to it. I hope you have an awesome day!  We've got sunshine and warmth on us today, so I think a little walk outside is just what the doctor ordered.  Dr. Gail anyways :

  • OAC 308 When Life Happens!

    02/04/2018 Duración: 17min

    Life can be calm one minute and totally bizarre the next.  I've had a bit of calmness and then not so much! On March 16th my wallet was stolen out of my purse. The time span was from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm and I was calling my credit card company.  They had already tapped my two cards I carried for $1,046 each at Target and a little more than $500 at a Walgreen's. I guess professionals know where to go and how to do it.  Thankfully, the charge was not approved and they were cut off fast on one card.  Not so much on the other.  I was actually getting a fraud alert at the time I was dialing my phone! Talk about shaking up my life.  I am always very careful with my belongings.  I don't lose my keys nor my wallet, and definitely never had this happen.  But life happens and I am certainly grateful this is all that happened, because it is not the worst life can deliver. Then I get a call that my grand daughter needs my help while she undergoes surgery...but you know what?  Why don't you just listen to how my story unf

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