Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Bush Sr Years (1989-1992)



George Bushs presidency, the Panama invasion, the Soviet bloc collapse and the first war in Iraq. Alistair Cooke's fascinating look at American life.


  • Colonel North's orders

    12/05/1989 Duración: 13min

    The end of the Colonel Oliver North trial, the findings that he was not acting on his own, and the popular opinion that his orders came from the White House.

  • Oliver North's jury

    05/05/1989 Duración: 14min

    As the North verdict is delivered, is it time to question the way in which juries are selected - before a 'mistrial' plea goes in? This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • The Missouri abortion case

    28/04/1989 Duración: 14min

    The continuing trial of Colonel Oliver North, the former marine who aided Nicaraguan contras, and Missouri court case to overturn the 1973 ruling on abortion.

  • Happy birthday, Charlie Chaplin

    21/04/1989 Duración: 14min

    The 100th anniversary of the birth of Charlie Chaplin, and a personal recollection of the comic actor delivered by Alistair Cooke.

  • Atlanta and Augusta

    14/04/1989 Duración: 14min

    A brief history of the city of Atlanta, the increase in internal flights within the United States and the beginnings of the Augusta National Golf Club.

  • James Munroe's declaration of independence

    07/04/1989 Duración: 13min

    The journalism of James "Scottie" Reston, and President Munroe's declaration that America should not be considered as a future target for colonisation by European nations.

  • A Portrait Of Washington, D.C.

    31/03/1989 Duración: 13min

    The history of Washington D.C, the attractions and memorials popular with tourists, and the causes of the high murder and crime rates in the capital city.

  • The New York City Board of Estimate

    24/03/1989 Duración: 14min

    The nightlife in New York City before the Second World War, and the 1989 ruling that the city's Board of Estimate is unconstitutional, as explored by Alistair Cooke.

  • Food safety and standards

    17/03/1989 Duración: 13min

    After two grapes imported from Chile are found to have been injected with cyanide, Alistair Cooke details the role of the EPA and FDA in maintaining food safety and standards.

  • The continuing case of John Tower

    10/03/1989 Duración: 14min

    The continuing case of John Tower, the surprising support of Senator Strom Thurman, and the drinking habits of Winston Churchill.

  • John Tower and Colonel North

    03/03/1989 Duración: 13min

    The Senate Committee's ruling that former Senator John Tower should not be allowed to join President Bush's cabinet, and the trial of Colonel Oliver North.

  • Satanic Verses outcry

    24/02/1989 Duración: 13min

    Stores accused of bowing to Iranian edict, but there are still fears for book store staffs' safety. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • 1989 Soviet-Chinese summit

    17/02/1989 Duración: 14min

    The obsession with Gorbachev and the nonchalant attitude towards President Bush in the foreign press, and the 1989 Soviet-Chinese summit, as discussed by Alistair Cooke.

  • Revenue enhancements and the Nixon files

    10/02/1989 Duración: 13min

    President Bush's proclamation of "no new taxes", the difference between a tax and a revenue enhancement, and the release of President Richard Nixon's secret files.

  • Ethical behaviour

    03/02/1989 Duración: 14min

    New president seen as distancing himself from the old Reagan ways of doing politics. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Bush's stance on abortion

    27/01/1989 Duración: 14min

    President Bush's stance on the issue of abortion, and the universal fondness shown towards outgoing president Ronald Reagan, as discussed by Alistair Cooke.

  • Bush's first week and 'African-Americans'

    20/01/1989 Duración: 13min

    President Bush's failure to recall the date of the Pearl Harbour attack, and Reverend Jessie Jackson's attempt to instigate the use of the term 'African American'.

  • The inauguration of George Bush, 1989

    13/01/1989 Duración: 14min

    The campaign that won George Bush the presidency of the United States, and the Washington insiders he has chosen to form his cabinet.

  • George Bush, the 41st president

    06/01/1989 Duración: 14min

    As a new political year begins, Alistair Cooke considers the official announcement in the House of Representatives of George H W Bush's presidency.

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