Letter From America By Alistair Cooke: The Reagan Years (1981-1988)



Ronald Reagans presidency: Reagonomics, the Grenada invasion, the Iran-contra scandal and reconciliation with the Soviet. Alistair Cooke's fascinating account of American life.


  • Democratic National Convention, 1988

    22/07/1988 Duración: 14min

    Michael Dukakis is nominated as the Democrat presidential candidate, but divisions within the party are exposed at the 1988 Democratic convention.

  • Indict and remand

    15/07/1988 Duración: 13min

    Alistair Cooke reflects on protection rackets in 1930s Manhattan, the meaning of indict and remand, and the purpose and history of the US Grand Jury.

  • Iran Air Flight 655

    08/07/1988 Duración: 14min

    An Iranian airliner carrying 290 civilians is shot down by US missiles over the Persian Gulf, killing all on board.

  • Seeing justice done

    01/07/1988 Duración: 14min

    Historic judgment in Iran-Contra legal wrangle is reduced to a series of melodramatic videotape clips. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Goodbye to men's clubs

    24/06/1988 Duración: 14min

    Writing on the wall for men's clubs as judges rule they infringe personal liberties. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • The Stand in the Schoolhouse Door of 1963

    17/06/1988 Duración: 14min

    Cooke recalls the moment when the segregationist George Wallace, Governor of Alabama, attempted to prevent a black student enrolling at the University of Alabama in 1963.

  • Bush will win it

    10/06/1988 Duración: 13min

    George Bush may have to play down his preppy background, but he's still looking like a winner. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Golf in Russia

    03/06/1988 Duración: 14min

    As the West's sport becomes tainted by money-grubbing, the Soviets announce their first golf course. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Nancy Reagan's astrologer, 1988

    27/05/1988 Duración: 13min

    Former White House aide Donald Regan makes public the First Lady's intrusion on policy and appointments. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Lame duck President Reagan, 1988

    20/05/1988 Duración: 13min

    Considered a lame duck since his farewell State of the Union address in January 1988, Cooke muses on the real power of outgoing President Reagan.

  • The forgotten William Le Queux

    13/05/1988 Duración: 13min

    On hearing of the death of double agent Kim Philby (1912 -1988), Cooke reflects on the influence of forgotten Edwardian spy writer William Le Queux (1864-1927).

  • Irving Berlin turns 100, 1988

    06/05/1988 Duración: 14min

    As songwriter Irving Berlin turns 100 Alistair Cooke considers why his extraordinary life and unlikely longevity should make us wary of those claiming to have the secret of health.

  • George H W Bush nominated

    29/04/1988 Duración: 14min

    Alistair looks at the background of George H W Bush, the new Republican presidential candidate, and who he might face in the upcoming presidential elections.

  • Stanton Delaplane (1907-1988)

    22/04/1988 Duración: 13min

    A tribute to the travel writer and Pulitzer prize-winning columnist renowned for his scoop on the 'ding dong daddy of the D-car line' about a bigamist cable car conductor.

  • The Augusta National, 1988

    15/04/1988 Duración: 14min

    Enjoying a different pace of life at the Augusta National, a Georgia Shangri-La. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Correspondents answered

    08/04/1988 Duración: 14min

    Replying to listeners who have been unable to pick up on an intended humorous tone. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Democrat agony

    01/04/1988 Duración: 14min

    Bush a shoe-in for Republicans but Democrat agony continues as Jackson and Dukakis run neck-and-neck. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • Warnings for Gorbachev

    25/03/1988 Duración: 13min

    Misgivings over future of Gorbachev and modernising reforms voiced by commentators. This archive edition of Letter from America was recorded by one of two listeners, who between them taped and labelled over 650 Letter From America programmes from 1973 to 1989. It was restored by the BBC in 2014.

  • California public health laws

    18/03/1988 Duración: 13min

    Alistair Cooke is in California, where farmers and manufacturers are facing a drought and tougher rules on illegal immigrants and public health.

  • 1988 presidential primaries

    11/03/1988 Duración: 13min

    The 1988 presidential primaries are underway, the Democrats are ambivalent about their contenders, and California aims to curb developers in Orange County.

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