Dangerous Mind Of Max Miller



In The Dangerous Mind of Max Miller podcast host Max Miller provides unique insights and opinions on hot topics in the news, pop-culture and the World at large.


  • Max Weekend: Holy Cow! We Even Upset The Canadians

    01/06/2018 Duración: 32min

    Max explains why he missed a few days of shows because of the Max Miller Dog who took a turn for the worse and needed some of Max Millers attention. The good news is that the MMD is doing fine, but only after a $700 vet bill which just goes to prove how expensive owning a dog can be. Max then jumps into the new unemployment rate, which is needless to say looking very good indeed at 3.8%. Max though spends time on how Trump clearly is incapable of keeping a secret by implying in a Tweet that the unemployment numbers would be good news, over one hour before the official announcement. So if Trump cannot keep that a secret, it does make you wonder what other secrets he likes to brag about. Next Max gets into the fact that the Trumpster is clearly not a Republican. The list is endless. Blowing up the deficit. Tariffs. Attacking Canada. I mean, what have the Canadians ever done to the United States? The one person happy about all this is of course Putin, who has to be amazed that Trump is succeeding in splitting th

  • Max Miller: Trump's Fantasy Falls Apart

    25/05/2018 Duración: 33min

    Max starts off by pointing out that he is not an athlete, and is amazed that by having a personal trainer he has learnt how to stretch properly. He is even more amazed in the results of stretching properly. This just goes to show that Max really is not an athlete in any shape fashion or form. After going off at a tangent, Max endeavors to get things back on track by talking about Trump cancelling the meeting with Kim Jong-un and the even more fantastical letter that the White House sent to the North Korean leader. Max also digs into yet again Trump’s idea of fixing the trade issues with China, whereas China is connecting all things together, American farmers, North Korea, ZTE, and so on. Meanwhile Trump is out maneuvered in every way. Remember when Trump “trade wars were an easy win.” As if to back this up Max reminds us that in many ways he supports Trumps ideas, trade reform, infrastructure and so on. The trouble is Trump is wholly incapable of executing any of this. Next Max gets into the letter the White

  • Max Miller: Republicans And Democrats Fail In Their Main Mission: Us

    23/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    Max is late to the start of the week, so he has to dig right into the fact he is a day behind in keeping up with the news, and by reminding us that all he wants is anyone in DC, Republican or Democrat to do anything positive for the average working American. Remember the unyielding criticism that Hillary Clinton received for having a private email server in her basement, well now we find out that Donald is using his own unsecured phones, one just for Twitter and one for news. Max wonders if Shallow Hall (Sean Hannity) will get as upset about this as he did about Clintons email server. Next Max digs into the so-called trade war with China, which was supposed to be a prime example of Donald Trump’s negotiating skills, and now we learn that Trump’s team cannot even agree on the type of trade deal we even would like to have with China, and of course the Chinese have noticed. Which means the US could continue to lose out to other countries in the race to sell to China. On top of that Donald still wants to help the

  • Max Miller: Sex, Lies, And Where's The Video?

    17/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    Max hits the mid-week mark by reexamining his commitment to being an independent, and reminds his listeners that he supports some of Trumps ideas; infrastructure, beautiful healthcare, trade that’s free but fair, and a solid middle class tax cut. Big prob though.. we will see it...? Max is ever the optimist and keeps looking for anyone in DC, Republican or Democrat doing anything to help the average working American. Max starts by revisiting the opening of the American embassy in Jerusalem, even though this was a few days ago now, but Max has had time to think about this. Next Max revisits Trumps campaign promises, including standing up to big business, big pharma, China and Russia. How is that going so far? Max goes through the list one by one to explain not that well. Big business is buying back stock, big pharma was let off the hook just the other week. China and Russia are of course in their own category. Next we discover that Trump made money from the businesses he never gave up, including the Trump hote

  • Max Miller: This Is Westworld And Trump Is A Host Gone Rogue

    15/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    Max starts the week by wondering what the Max Miller Dog is dreaming about as he lays about the studio. Max starts by thanking Sean Hannity otherwise known as Shallow Hal for it turns out as Trumps BFF, he is talking to Donald every night probably as they eat a Happy Meal, and trying to keep him on even keel. Uh no, Hannity is doing none of those things. He is reinforcing Trumps persecution issues to the detriment of his own viewers and listeners. But he is not called “Shallow Hall” for nothing. Max wonders if Hannity will call out Trump for saying he wants to help Chinese company ZTE because many Chinese jobs are at stake. As the Donald said, ZTE buys American components.. Uh yes they do. But ZTE was banned from buying US components because our own security forces are saying the finished products could be used to spy on us! Holy cow! Yet Donald wants to override his own advisers. Then Max digs into how this all ties together with China, ZTE, Iran, American farmers and of course a game of golf. Finally wonder

  • Max Weekend: Don & Rudy Prove God Has A Killer Sense Of Humor

    05/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    Max starts his week in review from the Max Miller studios as usual wondering if anyone in DC land has done anything to help the average working men and woman. Of course it’s been a busy week and Max wonders if he will even be able to cover all the news coming out of DC in only 30 minutes. Of course he has to start with Rudy Giuliani and his famous foot in mouth week of exclamations. Max reviews where we were just two weeks ago, to place into context what has happened this week. This includes covering Donald’s various doctors, Trump hires a new lawyer who he said he wouldn’t hire, and of course the famous Stormy Daniels non-denial, which became a denial which then became nothing true at all, to well yes, it was a pay off, but just to protect Trumps family. Got that? And of course Donald said the phrase “oh goodness.”  Yup, we’re supposed to believe Trump said “oh goodness.” After placing his foot firmly in mouth on multiple occasions, Donald made Rudy put out a statement to update what he really meant which Ma

  • Max Miller: Fox News Is Controlling Trump Through Telepathy

    03/05/2018 Duración: 29min

    Max hits Hump Day by once again being drawn into Trumps mental health and personality by analyzing his Tweets and general disposition. All this has been bought on of course as we find out that Trump dictated his own medical bulletin so he would be the “healthiest president ever.” hen it turns out that Trump sent a bunch of heavies over to the doctor’s office to take away Donald’s medical records. Max is beginning to think that Trump gets his ideas from Tony Soprano. Really, who could make this stuff up? Then Trump decides he might take over his own Justice Department if they don’t do as he says, although Max does have a theory… Trump is like Chancy Gardner, the Peter Sellers character who gets his world view from TV. At the end of the movie Chancy walks on water because no one has told him he cannot. Max believes Trump would think he could do that too? Someone please ask him if he can walk on water. Then it turns out that repealing the Obamacare mandate will increase insurance rates. And who said this? Yes th

  • Max Miller: Trump And Fox & Friends, A Match Made in Hell

    27/04/2018 Duración: 34min

    Max hits his Thursday show by drinking heavily as he had, quite by accident sat through Trumps manic interview on Fox and Friends where even the hosts had a look of shock and horror as the interview spiraled out of control. In fact it’s not often that you hear about an interview with any sitting president of the United States and the HOSTS are the ones who want to end the interview. In watching the interview unfold, Max had the distinct impression that the hosts and the control room were trying to save Donald from himself. Max was actually quite amazed that the hosts asked some questions knowing full well he could say he it was all a lie, instead Trump went after Comey, NBC, the FBI, Mueller, the Justice Department, and yes, the President of the United States found time to talk about Kane West. The big reveal was of course that Michael Cohen represented him on the “Crazy Stormy Daniels thing.” Max brings up the point that Fox could have been on the verge of breaking some big news on Trump, but instead felt th

  • Max Miller: Trump Lashes Out, Hits Self In Face

    10/04/2018 Duración: 35min

    Max is back, and what a day it is, as Max had every intention to talk about the amazing growth in the deficit, the fact that we seem to be governed by Fox & Friends and of course how the Trump tariffs will hurt Americans including farmers. But this was not to be, as Max has to talk about the hot news of the day, and that is that The Trumpsters personal lawyer, who himself has a lawyer (only in Trumpland), has three locations raided by the Feds. Somehow the Feds got into Cohen’s hotel room, home and offices all on the same day and time. In fact they even grabbed Cohen’s cell phone from his hands. And Max thought he had seen it all in Trumpland already. As a lawyer friend of Max’s explains, there had to have been serious examples of criminal activity for the Feds to act this way. Trump likes to surround himself with loyal sycophants who it is now clear, are really not that good at their jobs. Next Max segue’s to go after the Democrats who he wonders still to do this day, what it is they stand for. Meanwhile

  • Max Miller: Stormy Summer. Who Could Make This Up?

    21/03/2018 Duración: 32min

    Max starts off by giving his take on the recent Austin bombings and the effect on the city of Austin where he lives. Next Max gets into Donald’s recent telephone call with Russia’s Putin to congratulate him on his recent electoral win as after all, it was a free and fair election. Of course he was told in big bold letters “DO NOT CONGRATULATE” as otherwise Donald might have a hard time reading such big words. Needless to say, Donald ignored this advice, which let’s not forget leaked out immediately from Donald Trump’s own White House. Then Max gets into Trump’s choice of lawyers, they may not be lawyerly but they play one on TV. Sure seems to Max that Trump has found a class A legal team and is bound to have Mueller quaking in his boots. Plus now it seems like two more women are suing the Donster, one for defamation, which is the case that could really cause Donald a lot a problems. Here name is Summer Zervos, so now we have Summer & Stormy. No one could make this stuff up.    

  • Max Miller: Stormy Daniels Gives Trump A Spanking

    15/03/2018 Duración: 38min

    Max hits his stride for his Wednesday evening show when he encourages Donald Trump to create the Space Force, an idea that seemed to please the Trumpster no end.  Then Max goes back to the well once more that is known as Stormy Daniels, because as we know this supposedly has nothing to do with Trump or the Trump organization, then come to find out that the latest injunction against Stormy Daniels was signed by a top lawyer from the Trump Organization, who claimed to be acting in a personal capacity. Wow. How is it that Donald Trump seems to get lawyers to do things for him out the goodness of their hearts?  Then Max digs into the recent election in Pennsylvania with Coner Lamb where it turns out that the so-called middle class tax cuts, were surprise, surprise, not resonating with the voters.  Apparently the reason the GOP lost, according to the GOP themselves, was that Lamb ran as a Republican. Whatever makes you feel better guys. Finally Max is surprised to find out that Trump's new economic czar does not i

  • Max Miller: Putin And Trump's Useful Idiot Helpers

    21/02/2018 Duración: 36min

    In his first show after the weekend when Donald Trump had yet another Twitter storm, which as Max has long said, are essentially windows into the Trumpsters soul, so we can look into over one dozen Tweets to realise that Trump really only cares about himself.  Now we know 19 women have accused Donald Trump of inappropriate behavior, yet will the so called Evangelicals still support the Donald. Of course they will! It is also very good to know that Fox & Friends is the sole source of “intelligence” if that’s the right word, for Trump, yet he has the best intelligence agencies on the planet. But apparently Fox & Friends has better sources than the CIA, FBI etc etc. Max also outlines how Trump has become Churchillian much to his amazement. Meanwhile Trump goes after everyone but Russia, so much for protecting the United States. Finally, Max begs the Democrats to get their act together.

  • Mike & Max Weekend: Trump & Sessions, The Russian Connection

    04/03/2017 Duración: 39min

    Max and Mike are at it again, this time Mike is still standing up for Trump and willing to give Sessions the benefit of the doubt. Naturally Max is having none of this, Mike also explains how he cannot get his father in law to leave.

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