Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine



In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • 23/05/2018 Duración: 27min

    Wouldn’t it be amazing to know how to grow your business from 6-Figures to 7-Figures without burning out or breaking down?? Wouldn’t it be amazing to actually work less and scale to this level?  Imagine actually enjoying your day as your business is growing 2X, 4X, or even 10X revenue!  Well you are in luck, because that is exactly what we are talking about today! On today’s episode, I share my story of going from the hustle mentality and being burned out, to the rested and successful entrepreneur that I am today.  If you’re feeling pulled in too many different directions, or wishing that there were more hours in the day, then this episode is for you.  Biggest Takeaways from this Episode…  >>>> One of the keys to becoming a truly successful entrepreneur is to get very clear on what success looks like for you.  >>>> You can’t scale your business to 7 figures without a team. But just as you must get clear on what success means to you in order to scale your business, you absolutely have to get clear

  • 16/05/2018 Duración: 18min

    Would you love to know how 7 figure entrepreneurs think, act, and believe in order to achieve the results that they have? On today’s episode we’ll dive into the thought processes that have allowed these 7 figure entrepreneurs to break through barriers and crush it in their life and business. Biggest Takeaways from Today’s Episode… >>>>Are your self-limiting beliefs sabotaging your success? Learn how to stop arguing for your limiting beliefs. >>>>You can’t just operate from the place of possibility, you have to start operating from a place of absolute certainty. >>>>Who is the person that you need to become, in order to achieve what you want to achieve? Tune in now to hear the first part of these must-know secrets that can get you to the next level in your business and on your way to becoming an 7 figure entrepreneur yourself. [7-Figure Framework] Shatter the 6-Figure Ceiling and Get Your Life Back-In Just 5 Steps! Discover the exact system I’ve taught my clients, allowing them to hit 7 figures without putting

  • 09/05/2018 Duración: 14min

    So many entrepreneurs get sucked into the systems...there’s so many out there and so many people telling you that their way is the best way.  There’s something that’s so much more important than all of the systems out there, and that’s story.   Every system can get you to the same place. What you need as an entrepreneur is to define your story, the vehicle that fits you best that’ll get you to the destination you’re striving to get to.  What you’ll take away from today’s episode…  >>>>There are a thousand systems out there, but the one that works best for you depends upon YOU and your story.  >>>>The stories...who you are, what you tell yourself, your identity, those are the fuel that get you to your destination.  >>>>You have to start listening to the stories that you tell yourself, because your whole life, and your business, is built upon those stories.  Tune in now to learn to start recognizing how the stories you tell yourself are affecting your business.  __________________________________

  • 02/05/2018 Duración: 21min

    I know you: you are a highly-driven entrepreneur with big dreams (you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast if you weren’t!).   And you probably have some pretty important reasons for wanting to be successful in your business.   Whether it be your family, community or a passion project, your “why” is the one motivating factor that is guiding you to achieve your goals.   And I am guessing that while you may be so close to exactly where you want to be, you can’t help but feel like something is holding you back.   Ring any bells?  I am here to tell you that you have complete power over this roadblock!   On today’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I am going to outline the exact 3 things you need to master in order to have a complete breakthrough in direction and clarity.   These are the very things that shifted in me that took me from desperation to clarity to success – and I want you to have them sooner than I did!  All you have to do is take your mind off of autopilot and steer it onto the p

  • 25/04/2018 Duración: 27min

    Do you identify with any of this internal dialogue?  “I need to hustle hustle hustle!”  “Time to do more to make more!”  “If I don’t learn ‘all the things’, I will never succeed.”  If this sounds like you, you may have fallen victim to the current “rise and grind” epidemic that has infiltrated the entrepreneur community.   And while you may feel that you are getting a lot of things done... this toxic lifestyle is actually slowing down your progress and getting in the way of your success.  So, how can we combat this addiction? That’s exactly what we talk about this week on the podcast.....how to do less to make more.   Some highlights of the podcast you don’t want to miss:   Employ the 3 C’s for massive growth   What successful 7 figure entrepreneurs are doing INSTEAD of the hustle   How you can become exactly who you want to in your business and hit those big goals with ease   I am never one to promise that you will earn a million dollars overnight.   But I will tell you there is an ea

  • 18/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever had a moment that you knew that you were meant to make such a HUGE impact in the world??  Then no more than a few seconds later you tell yourself you aren't "fill in the blank" ENOUGH?  Welcome to the world of being an entrepreneur with a mission, being bullied by your thoughts on auto-pilot!  I am so excited to be delivering to you on the podcast what it takes to master an entrepreneur mindset and bust through those limiting beliefs that are holding you back.   Whether you are an entrepreneur, a creative or someone wanting to use your genius to help others, we all struggle from time-to-time with the mindset and efficiency roadblocks.   This episode will have you laser-focused on what you really want so your productivity doing the right things will go through the roof and   ...so you can make their 7-figure dreams just a heartbeat away!   Key Points to Take Away:   How to identify the things that are sabotaging your work hours (let’s face it: there are only so many of them!)  Wha

  • 11/04/2018 Duración: 44min

    Have you ever had that moment when you realized you were made for something more, something bigger? That you had something you knew you needed to offer the world? Today that is the story you will hear about how Christina Jandali built her multi-6 figure business after leaving her 9-5!  Get ready to learn how to deliver your genius! Christina is back on the Epic Success Podcast to give us the low-down on capitalizing and profiting from your unique talents, be creatively visible and create BIG profits using Facebook groups.   Working in a primarily male-dominated industry, Christina found that her life was strictly tied to her rigid work schedule. It wasn’t until her daughter was born that Christina realized in order to inspire her child to be the best version of herself, she would have to pave the way and lead by example, not just words. She quickly left her corporate job and began building her own self-driven career as a confidence boosting, cash creating Business Growth Strategist for female entrepreneur

  • 04/04/2018 Duración: 30min

    I am confident in saying that today’s podcast will be a huge treat for the Epic Success tribe! I was recently interviewed by the sassy, successful Christina Jandali for her Scaling for Passive Profits series. Some of you may know my story, but for those who do not, this is a great way to not only get to know me as a high performance achievement mentor, but also get sneak peek into the processes I give my clients to create a business and life that they love.   A bit about Christina: She is a confidence boosting, cash-creating Business Growth Strategist for women who want to capitalize and profit from their unique genius and leave behind their corporate career in favor of building their own freedom-based online business. Make sure you visit her links at the bottom of the show notes to learn more about her (and receive a free gift!) after you listen to today’s podcast.  Key points to take away from my interview:    How being multi-passionate (or as I call it: a ”serial entrepreneur”) set me on a path of s

  • 28/03/2018 Duración: 48min

    Are you ready to reframe the way you think about your business? Because today’s episode may very well change your brand for the rest of your life.  Is your interest piqued yet? I am pleased to introduce you to married couple Colin and Sarah Boyd, your new go-to people when it comes to growing your business and developing the super powers you need to move forward in your industry. Colin and Sarah bring to the entrepreneur table diverse expertise, but they both have the same mission: to teach us crazy entrepreneurs how to successfully navigate our niche, online and offline. Sarah is a neuroscientist who is an international authority in leadership and emotional resilience. After receiving the news that she was diagnosed with cancer, along with additional ailments along the way, she learned that anyone can discover beauty, meaning and hope in hard places. From that moment on, she reframed her mind toward success and now teaches her clients and audience to do this same in their business and life. Colin has served

  • 21/03/2018 Duración: 44min

    If anyone were to describe entrepreneur Nicole Walters is 3 words, they would be the following: energetic, hilarious and transparent. Nicole began documenting her entrepreneurial journey online after leaving her job managing multibillion dollar sales relationships for Fortune 500s (she quit live, on Periscope!). She is now known for changing the lives of thousands of business owners through her transformative lifestyle brand, speaking engagements, courses and program.  Although she calls herself a functional hot mess, she is actually a vibrant business woman and mentor who is dedicated to helping everyone and anyone generate passive income and achieve financial independence. And when she is “not adding commas to people’s bank accounts”, she loves to spend time with her three beautiful foster kids and her husband (and create hysterical viral videos!).  As you listen to today’s episode of The Epic Success Podcast, get ready to gain fierce clarity in your business and life while Nicole tells us: Why she decided

  • 14/03/2018 Duración: 44min

    Disclaimer: Only listen to this episode today if you want to learn how to transform your knowledge and influence into recurring revenue through membership site business models and overall epic success.   Is that you? Then read on!   Stu McLaren is on the podcast today to tell us how entrepreneurs, authors, thought-leaders and creatives can build a 7-figure membership program from scratch, and how you can make an impact on the world as a result of your financial accomplishments.   Low stress and high profit is the name of Stu’s game. And he knows how hard being a business owner can be, especially when it comes to unpredictable income and sacrificed time. To solve this problem, he partnered with New York Times best-selling author Michael Hyatt in 2013 and designed a strategy to skyrocket his revenue, as well as build his audience while leaving plenty of time for family.   The can't miss take-aways:   The number one way you can generate revenue that will allow you to focus on what you do best (enter: membership

  • 07/03/2018 Duración: 41min

    Michelle Meyers is on a roll, and she is doing it HIS way. Yes, you read that correctly! Michelle is the founder of She Works HIS Way, a community of Christian women who are learning how to run a biblically-based business while protecting their priorities. She is also the author of Famous in Heaven + at Home, the creator of She Works HIS Way mobile app and is soon re-opening the release of her quarterly Business Tracker – all with a family of three kids, a booming team, and a rock-solid Christian faith! On this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, Michelle will be giving our tribe so many valuable tips and tricks on how to pursue a God-centered business.   Here are the key take-aways:   How she went from accidental entrepreneur to real entrepreneur (in order to make an impact the switch has to happen!). How she guides her community members through harried times, so they can reach a place of peace and clarity. What to do when you are faced with the decision of serving the kingdom verses increasing your financ

  • 28/02/2018 Duración: 41min

    “To the frustrated, overwhelmed, anxious high achievers of the world…” Get ready for Lisa Carpenter, transformation coach and nutrition/fitness professional. For those of you who looking to love their lives, business and body, you have landed on the right podcast! It all starts from the inside out, and Lisa slays this episode of the Epic Success Podcast with amazing knowledge and experience in doing just that. Going from living a life of product instead of process, Lisa found out that the more you try to control in your life – family, business, friends, success – the more likely you are to crash. Hard. And after her husband’s addiction came to light, she realized through counseling that she was also was plagued with an addiction…of perfectionism. Over the next hour, she will give us the exact way we, too, can reprogram the brain to accept ourselves and nurture our whole being:   The Can't-Miss Take-Aways: The beliefs people have around food and their health (believe it or not, it’s relevant to everyday life)

  • 21/02/2018 Duración: 42min

    Are you a personal brand entrepreneur? Then listen up, because this podcast is especially for "YOU"! Maybe you have been slaying your business for years, or maybe you have just started your journey. Either way, Chris Ducker (serial entrepreneur, bestselling author, proud Brit, and founder of the ‘Youpreneur Community’”) knows what it’s like to experience frustration and burnout somewhere along the way. Tired of working 14-hour days, 6 days a week and hardly seeing his family, Chris decided on his ultimate goal in 2010: to become a Virtual CEO. And one day (after having a rousing water balloon battle with Pat Flynn), he discovered (and coined) what it meant to be a YOUPRENEUR: “A smart, savvy entrepreneur who builds a thriving, timeless business from the strong foundation of his or her personal brand”. Get ready to learn how to “market like a magnet”, because lessons Chris gives us on this episode of The Epic Success Podcast are so valuable, you are going to have to hear them for yourself (plus, he has an acce

  • 14/02/2018 Duración: 39min

    You may know today’s guest, Stacy Tuschl, from her hands-on coaching business and mentorship practice, She’s Building Her Empire. Or maybe as the #1 Best Selling Author for her book, Is Your Business Worth Saving? Or perhaps it may be from her podcast, She's Building Her Empire, which is ranked #1 on iTunes? Pop in your earbuds and get ready to learn how Stacy went from dance teacher to empire builder and get her best advice on failed launches, working with family, being a lifetime learner and more!   Key Take-Aways You Need to Hear: What it was like growing up in a family of entrepreneurs. The things that trip business owners up the most (and how to push past it). What to do when your launch “fails” (and why you shouldn’t use that word to begin with!) How she successfully runs two businesses and still has time to enjoy life. Why you should continue your education, attend live events and join masterminds. Business and family (and what to do when they don’t mix).   The most important thing to take away fro

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    08/02/2018 Duración: 17min

    She’s back! Podcaster Angie Lee of the Rich Bitch podcast has returned to the Epic Success Tribe for another interview filled with incredible value for both new and seasoned entrepreneurs. Here is a peek at some of Angie’s business tips from this episode:   Time investment on social media: Which platforms (and how many!) you should be using for your business. What are InstaStories, and how can we use it to grow our community? How market research helped her develop a podcasting course for her followers. How using live video helped Angie go from $100 in debt to 7 figures under the age of 30. What it means to “dress for the party” on The Socials: Learning about demographics, adjusting your presentation and creating your content.   Angie is the hilarious and wicked smart business bestie you've always wanted, and here is your chance to learn all you can from her! Get ready to laugh and be inspired, and I urge you to connect with her using the links below.  ___________________________ Connect with Angie Lee:   In

  • 31/01/2018 Duración: 29min

    Podcaster. Life coach. Business Bestie. Firestarter. All of these words can only describe the hilarious Angie Lee and her Rich Bitch movement of motivated and driven boss babes. We are incredible lucky to have her here on the Epic Success Podcast, because she is going to inspire us with us her incredible story: How she went from a dorm-room health blogger to bad-ass business and life coach. How she skyrocketed her way out of $100,000 in debt to a 7-figure empire (all under the age of 30!). Why it is important to create consistent content on social media (without relying of spammy ads). And why you should embrace being silly, goofy and real to your audience (it will pay off!). The best part of Angie is that she dedicated to sharing her story and showing women how to upgrade their relationship with money from loser ex-boyfriend to George Clooney. Her genius is helping women live a rich life, in their business, health and relationships. I encourage you to connect with her using the links below, and tune in nex

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    24/01/2018 Duración: 27min

    Welcome back, Goal Digger! Last week on the Epic Success Podcast, photographer, podcaster and educator Jenna Kutcher filled us in on her multi-passionate business, and how she started it all with a $300 Craigslist camera and a dream. It was an amazing episode dripping with tips on list-building, money mindset and the secret of leaving your 9-5 to follow your heart to build an empire. Well, great news, Tribe – she’s back!  Not only will she be talking about authenticity on social media, but also her most frequently used channel…Pinterest! On this episode, she will be giving us all the goods on how she used Pinterest to position herself as an influencer and reach a larger audience for her business and message. Sounds pretty epic, right? Get comfortable, press play and get ready to learn about: Pinterest, keywords and SEO Pinning strategy and board organization How to make Pinterest a long-term plan The details of her recent, authentic social media post and how it affected her relationship with her audience. D

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    18/01/2018 Duración: 24min

    Who would have thought that a $300 Craigslist camera would lead to a booming 7-figure empire?  Well, marketing maven Jenna Kutcher did just that and more! Originally thinking that she landed her dream job at 22 (complete with a windowless office and high heels), she decided to ditch climbing the corporate ladder to start her own photography and education business. To top it all off, she also runs and hosts the Goal Digger Podcast, an authentic, business-focused show that caters towards women entrepreneurs. Her biggest passion is to invest in entrepreneurs so that they have the tools to run successful, profitable, authentic businesses so that they can get back to the art of it all! These are “can’t miss” highlights: How (and why) she ditched her 9-5 career How she knew she was meant to educate What it took to shift her money mindset Why list-building is important (social media is just rented space, after all!) And how she began the Gold Digger Podcast…from her car! And if you couldn’t get enough of Jenna’s e

  • 09/01/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    James Wedmore is the creator of Mind Your Business Podcast and the signature program Business by Design. James is passionate about teaching digital entrepreneurs how to reach more people, make more money and have more fun!   If you are an online entrepreneur, or have a dream of being your own boss, then James has some tips that you are going to want to hear:   His “work hard to play hard” How he masters the inner game of mindset Igniting a fire that fuels your business - zig when others zag How he approaches worry and eliminate it (because, really, what good does it do?) How "doing you" is key How he built a team that allowed his business to grow exponentially   …and how he leveraged negative feedback to achieve success   Connect with James: Facebook | Instagram| YouTube | Website Listen to Mind Your Business podcast. Learn about Business By Design  Once you listen to this episode, you will be ready to build your business by design.  Did you know that a daily planner can​ ​actually​​ make or break goal achi

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