Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 185:29:21
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In this show, Dr. Shannon and her guest experts share actionable strategies and practical steps to master your life and business so you achieve Epic Success! From proven systems to achieve big goals, master productivity and time management shortcuts, to achieving mindset and habit mastery, leadership prowess, motivation strategies, and believing God for dreams for your Epic life and Business. Grow Smarter, stronger, happier, more integrated, faith filled, and build an Epic Life and Business that you LOVE!


  • How I Gained 3 Hours Back in my Day with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    25/08/2021 Duración: 31min

    How often as entrepreneurs do we feel overwhelmed, and spread too thin?  Our to-do list feels miles long.  We jump from one task to another because they’re all important and all require our attention.  And we can never get everything done that we want to in the day.  We have a hard time focusing on just one thing. But instead of crossing tasks off our lists, this leaves us with multiple half-finished tasks, and the overwhelm is still there.  Even though you may be accomplishing more than most, you still don’t feel successful. Let me tell you, friend, it doesn’t have to be this way.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I share with you 9 time-saving habits: a system used by highly productive, high-achieving entrepreneurs that you can use to gain hours back in your day! I can’t wait to share with you these tips that will help you be more productive, crush your goals, and reach your biggest dreams.   If you’re ready to take back control of your time, grab something to write with and listen in! The biggest tak

  • The Brain Science of Habit Mastery with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    18/08/2021 Duración: 29min

    We’ve been talking a lot about habits here recently.  You might be wondering: “How do I create a good habit that actually sticks?” Committing to creating a successful habit is easier said than done. Motivation is flimsy at times and willpower doesn’t necessarily hold out when we need it to. But habits don’t come from motivation or willpower. They come from commitment and repetition. They come from pushing through weak or even non-existent motivation. They come from reminding yourself of your “why” and using that to take the next step. This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I dive deep into harnessing the power of your brain to create lasting habits. I’m taking the mystery out of habit change! We will look at how our brains are wired and how that knowledge can help you finally kick old habits to the curb and adopt those healthy and productive habits you desperately need in order to create the life and business you really want. If you’re ready to take control of your habits and daily routine, grab something to

  • Control Your Thoughts, Control Your Reality with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    11/08/2021 Duración: 12min

    Did you know, on average, a person makes over 30,000 decisions in a single day?  And that’s just on average.  As an entrepreneur, you’re faced with even more decision making as you navigate building your business. Do you feel you just react to things that happen in your business and then quickly decide based on your emotions in that given moment? Or even feel like you can’t decide at all?  … I’ve been guilty of this too... And I know from personal experience that it can often feel like things are happening to us, leaving us feeling wildly out of control. As much as I know you are wanting to become the creator of your thoughts and life, it can often feel like the decisions you’re faced with are largely out of your control. Truth is, those decisions that you’re making are created from thoughts, and you have 100% control over your thoughts. All your decisions create your reality.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I want to empower you to take control of your decisions by taking control of your thoughts. Th

  • Transform Your Thoughts to Reflect a Growth Mindset with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    04/08/2021 Duración: 24min

    Do you ever notice that some days it all clicks and aligns and you feel like you’re thriving? Those days are the best.  But then why is it that there are so many other days you feel like you’re striving to survive and make it all work? Well, I’ll tell you a secret. It’s normal to always be learning and evolving.  The key is to check in with ourselves, ask better questions and keep moving towards our next-level self.  You know, that version of you that’s not chasing the validation of value but instead adding value to others from a place of abundance.  This week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast is all about choosing your way of being. The difference between these two ways of being - thriving versus striving - comes down to two things: our mindset and our focus.  Are you ready to transform your daily mindset? Let’s dive deeper... The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “You can’t make transformation happen through working harder and striving.” I know, this is the opposite of what society and cult

  • Building Effective Habits to Grow Your Business with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    28/07/2021 Duración: 14min

    Habits.  We all have them.  Some of them, like daily exercise, are habits we want to build or maintain.  Others, like staying up too late, are habits we’d like to break.  Trying to create a new routine with positive and productive habits can seem difficult to maintain on the surface, but when you look at the brain science behind building a habit (or breaking one) it’s not as daunting as you might think.  This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m sharing how habit success is an inside job. One thing I know from my studies of NeuroPsychology is that becoming successful, in business AND life, is a result of the daily habits of what you think. It all comes back to my brain-based NeuroCoaching Model™, which I’m giving you a peek of in today’s episode!  Are you ready to learn how to hack your brain to create habits that work for you, and your business?  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are: “A habit is just a decision repeated over time, just like a belief is just a thought repeated over time.” A habi

  • Breaking the Spirit of Poverty with Adam Flores

    21/07/2021 Duración: 28min

    We talk about money here all the time.  We talk about money stories and automations in your brain that cause you to think a certain way about money.  And if you grew up with any kind of background in faith, you might have some really broken stories around what money is, what it isn’t, and what it really means in the Kingdom of God.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my dear friend and founder of Dream Factory Co., Adam Flores. One of Adam’s super powers is helping faith-based entrepreneurs step into their biblical principles around success and money!  This is an impactful episode for entrepreneurs with a biblical background. Do you have something to take notes with? I can’t wait to dive in!  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “The spirit of poverty is an outside voice of the enemy getting you to believe what you’re lacking.” [2:58]   An example of this is from The Garden. Adam and Eve are in this world full of abundance and the enemy was able to narrow their sights on the th

  • Finding Your Unique Message with Ray Edwards

    14/07/2021 Duración: 48min

    If you’re in the world of business, you are familiar with copy and messaging.  As business owners, the goal is to deliver our message to potential clients in a way that makes working with us a no-brainer.  But in a world with every bit of information at your client’s fingertips, how do you make your messaging stand out?  How do you avoid the easy route of mimicking someone else’s message and truly delivering your own?  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with messaging and copywriting expert, Ray Edwards. Ray is a best selling author who has a talent for speaking (and writing) in a way that gets your unique message out into the marketplace. His new book How to Write Copy that Sells (aka my copy bible) is an incredible tool that teaches how to narrow in on your central message.  Did you grab something to take notes with? Because you’ll want to jot down these actionable takeaways. Let’s dive in!  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Anybody can follow the framework and fill in the blan

  • Know Yourself, Know Your Money with Rachel Cruze

    07/07/2021 Duración: 27min

    As an entrepreneur, you cannot avoid the discussion about money… And the topic of money often gives people a strong emotional reaction.   The fact is, your stories about money are governing 90% of your daily actions and decisions.  But do we really know where our feelings about money came from?  So much of it is built in the subconscious from what you learned in your childhood and young adulthood..  Once you change those money stories it changes your life forever. When you do that, you put yourself in a position to dream, to take what you can control and lean into your dream.  Think: why not me? This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and personal financial expert Rachel Cruze. She has written a (soon-to-be-best-selling) book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money all about understanding your patterns with money and how that plays a role in your business.  I’m so excited for this episode! Ready to tackle your money story? Let’s dive in!  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Money

  • Effective Systems that Actually Grow your Business with James Wedmore

    28/06/2021 Duración: 01h38min

    Ready for a truth bomb?  There is no secret ingredient.  That shiny thing that’s being marketed to you guaranteeing your instant success?  It’s just really good marketing.  There are, however, effective and ineffective systems and habits that actually grow (or stall) your business.  How do you get your audience to convert to leads, who then pull the trigger after they realize they want what you’ve got, or better yet, they need what you’ve got? This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and mentor James Wedmore. James is a 7-Figure Online Business Systems Expert. He is the go-to guy for giving you the processes, systems, and strategies that helps struggling entrepreneurs go from overworked and burnt out - to inner-driven and thriving digital CEOs.  Are you ready to learn exactly what it is that will drive serious growth in your business? Get something to write with because James is giving away his knowledge for FREE today! Let’s dive in!  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “S

  • The Community in Coaching with Angela Stillwell and Gina Gonzalez

    23/06/2021 Duración: 49min

    We’ve been talking all about coaching in this series, and while there are many facets that make up a successful coaching business, when it comes down to it: coaching is all about the relationship.  As a coach, the relationships you build with your clients can make or break your business.  As a client, you have to be able to trust that you can truly rely on your coach to guide you and keep you accountable.   This takes intentional time and effort from both coach and client, which is why it is important that coaches are matched with the right clients.  #YourVibeAttractsYourTribe  When you think about your coaching business, what kind of relationships do you have with your clients?  What kind of community are you building?  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with Certified Master NeuroCoaches™, Angela Stillwell and Gina Gonzalez. These women are passionate about our coaching community and are driven by supporting those in the NeuroCoaching Certification™ Program. They’ve leveled all the way up to Mast

  • How to Confidently Step into Your Coaching Business with Chantal Cox

    16/06/2021 Duración: 37min

    So, you’re thinking about starting a coaching business… You couldn’t have picked a better time to get started. I’m sure you’ve asked yourself something along the lines of: Do I have what it takes to make it as a coach? And how can I do it well? Being a coach is so much more than just refining your own expertise to share with the world. It is about using your expertise to serve your clients with excellence. As a coach, it is your job to help your clients recognize the potential within themselves and maximize their own performance.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my good friend and Certified Master NeuroCoach™, Chantal Cox! Chantal gives us a behind-the-scenes look at how she went from feeling anxious and overwhelmed about becoming a coach to confidently stepping into her coaching business - FREE of the anxiety and stress that had held her back for so long.  The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “It’s not about you as the coach at all.”   When your clients say yes to your coac

  • Trusting the Process in Your Coaching Business with Sarah Nykoruk

    09/06/2021 Duración: 43min

    Have you ever felt called to something that you KNOW is right for you - but the resistance you feel is so overwhelming that you can’t seem to step forward fully into that calling? Do you often struggle to lean in and trust the process of growing your business because the results aren’t always immediate? If you relate (even a little bit) to those two questions, this episode is for you! This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with my friend and Master NeuroCoach™ Instructor, Sarah Nykoruk. Sarah is an outstanding educational leader with an inspiring vision and over 20 years of experience as a teacher and coach for other teachers. Her story will inspire you and motivate you to step forward into your passion and calling - and I can’t wait to dive in today. Grab a pen and paper - you’re going to want to take notes! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “We can choose our thoughts.”   When a thought pops into our head, we typically take it at face value. And oftentimes, we believe the negative

  • Anchoring your Life to What Matters Most with Christine Caine

    04/06/2021 Duración: 36min

    Over the past year, on more than one occasion I’ve found myself in a situation that left me thinking, “What just happened?” How about you? We’ve experienced so much changing, shifting and upheaval in the last year - and it’s left many grasping for stability. Do you feel like you’ve drifted from routine, stability, comfort, control and/or peace in the past year? It’s okay if you have, and I promise you - you’re not alone, and I’m so excited for you to hear today’s episode.  This week on the Epic Success Podcast, I talk with best-selling author and one of my heroes in the faith, Christine Caine. This woman is a POWER HOUSE with an incredible story. We talk all about the drifting that can occur in our lives when we aren’t anchored to the right things, and about the freedom and hope that we unlock when we do anchor our lives to what matters most.  I know that not everyone is a part of the Christian faith, and I respect and honor that - AND I challenge you not to tune out because of that. Christine offers such val

  • Taking Courageous Action in your Coaching Business with Liz Nutter

    02/06/2021 Duración: 35min

    Should I become a coach? Can I really help people and make an impact? Can I actually make a profitable business out of coaching? If you’ve ever had the idea to get into the coaching industry, a few of these questions may have popped into your head - and I get it! I’ve talked to many successful coaches who’ve pondered these same questions prior to going all in with their coaching business! This week’s episode of the Epic Success Podcast is the second in our 4-part series on How to Build Your Coaching Business! This episode is really special to me because I talk with my dear friend Liz Nutter, who is certified through my NeuroCoaching Certification™ program.  I love Liz’s story of massive transformation and growth, and I know her wisdom and insight is exactly what someone needs to hear today - someone on the cusp of stepping into their true calling and vision. Have something to take notes with? Awesome - let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “Clarity really came by getting into cour

  • How to Become a Profitable Coach with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    26/05/2021 Duración: 12min

    Do you ever ask yourself how you can take your experiences and expertise, and become a sought-after coach in your niche?  If so, you’re probably wondering how to reach and serve those ideal clients you envision coaching. You might be wondering what to offer and how to offer it. Whether you’re just getting started in the coaching industry… OR, You’ve been at it a while, jumping from strategy to strategy, never quit gaining the traction your business needs in order to become profitable…  This series is for YOU! This week’s Epic Success podcast episode is the first in a four-part series on How to Build Your Coaching Business. Whether you’re thinking about starting a coaching business, or are a seasoned coach, this series is for you.  This series will help you become that coach - the one who helps people get to the finish line and you’re getting in just in time! People are starting to wake up to the fast-track that coaching provides and I want you to get a piece of that business.  Grab a pen and paper - let’s div

  • Creating confidence from the inside out (Building Brain-based Confidence Starts Today) with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    19/05/2021 Duración: 14min

    Once I have _____, then I’ll be confident, happy, successful, etc. Have you ever had this thought? I’ll let you in on a secret - this is a broken confidence model that so many people get caught up in.  This model creates the idea that in order for us to be confident, we must rely on external circumstances and validation. If you’ve gotten to this place, it’s not your fault and this episode is for you! This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk about a different, brain-based form of confidence. YOU have direct access to this level of confidence right now, and it will flip the switch for you to step into the confidence and growth you’re made for.  Ready? Let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “You’ve gotta have belief, and repeat that belief enough.”   Are you waking up everyday, telling yourself what you want to create and who you want to be? If not, start this practice! Your brain has to believe it before it will see it. Listen in to this episode to learn more about how creating

  • How Do Faith and Science Coexist in the Brain? (And Are They Conflicting Beliefs?) with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    12/05/2021 Duración: 12min

    If you’ve been following along on my journey for a little bit, you know I don’t shy away from difficult conversations. I’ve loved creating a space where people of all backgrounds and beliefs can come together to learn more about the brain science of success! Today’s episode is a topic that’s been on my heart for a while, and it’s about a myth that I can’t wait to debunk. This week on the Epic Success podcast, I’m diving into a conversation about faith and science. A common thread that I see weaved within these two subject areas is the notion that they are conflicting ideas - and I can’t wait to shed some light on how they actually coexist really beautifully within the brain! I know this topic isn’t everyone’s cup of tea - so I appreciate you listening with an open mind, and if it doesn’t resonate - that’s okay, too!   If you’re ready to dive in - grab a pen and paper and let’s get started! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “I see a direct correlation between faith and science.”   When I loo

  • 3 Keys to Accelerate Growth in Your Coaching Business with Dr. Shannon Irvine

    05/05/2021 Duración: 15min

    Have you listened to the Epic Success podcast episode where I talk all about selling out your coaching programs? If not, check that out and then meet me back here! If you’re thinking about becoming a coach, the thought of growing and scaling your business the way you would like to probably intimidates you a little bit, right? (...if it doesn’t, you’re not dreaming big enough!) If you’re already a coach, you might be asking yourself why your business isn’t growing the way you want it to. I want to encourage you today - these are both valid and common places that soon-to-be coaches and current coaches often find themselves. Here’s something even more encouraging: If that’s you, you don’t have to stay there - and I’m here to help you level up! Contrary to what many think - growing your business and increasing your clientele doesn’t require you to market yourself and your business 24/7. Who has time for that? This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk all about how to accelerate growth in your coaching busine

  • Building Recurring Revenue Through Memberships with Stu McLaren

    28/04/2021 Duración: 45min

    If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m sure you felt the collective urgency for stability and certainty that resulted from this past year. The common theme that I’ve heard buzzing around the entrepreneur world this past year is: RECURRING REVENUE ...and I totally get it! When we have stable, recurring revenue - we’re less stressed, have more confidence in the work we’re doing and have an improved mental state overall. The question is...how DO you secure recurring revenue? This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and Membership Master, Stu McLaren, all about recurring revenue in the form of memberships. Now, if there’s anyone to learn from about memberships - it’s Stu! He knows his stuff. Join us as we take a deep dive into all things memberships, and how important vital they are to building and maintaining recurring revenue - specifically during uncertain times. Grab a pen and paper, and let’s dive in! The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   “A lot of times, people will have the though

  • Debunking The Myth of “Doing It All” with Megan Hyatt Miller

    21/04/2021 Duración: 34min

    Have you ever heard someone talk about work-life balance and thought: “There’s no way that’s possible in my life.” Because...I definitely have. Years ago, I had reached a point in my life where I was fully immersed in success stress. I thought that if I worked hard enough and reached the goals I had set for myself - I could tend to my self-care and other responsibilities afterwards. Friend, this way of living is a one-way ticket to a life of overwhelm, burn-out, exhaustion and ultimately poor health. Not only that, but it actually holds you back from the success and growth you’re pursuing in your business.  This week on the Epic Success podcast, I talk with my friend and Chief Executive Officer of Michael Hyatt & Co, Megan Hyatt Miller, about the possibility and necessity of work-life balance to ensure that you win at work and succeed at life.  Megan and her father, Michael Hyatt, have discovered what they call the “Double Win” of winning at work and succeeding at life - and not only has it radically tran

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