Sunday Thoughts From Fr. Edward Looney



Fr. Edward Looney, a priest of the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin, could be described as a real priest. In his weekly homilies, he often shares his own brokenness, weaknesses, and spirituality, as a way to relate the gospel to ordinary life. While he thinks a lot, this podcast shares his Sunday thoughts. (aka: homilies).


  • 4/14/2017-Students At The Foot Of The Cross-Good Friday

    15/04/2017 Duración: 07min

    The crosses teaches us many things. On this Good Friday, we stand at Calvary as students, learning the lessons of the cross.

  • 4/13/2017-The Forgiveness Of Sins-Holy Thursday

    14/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    On Holy Thursday night Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the many ways our sins can be forgiven, all images found in our readings at Mass for the Lord's Supper.

  • 4/9/2017-The Cross Teaches Us Forgiveness- Palm Sunday Year A

    10/04/2017 Duración: 04min

    Fr. Edward Looney first answers the question: Who is Jesus? And then proceeds to reflect on Jesus' forgiveness towards those who abandoned him on the way of the cross. Because Jesus has forgiven us, we should strive to forgive ourselves.

  • 4/2/2017-Do You Believe This? Fifth Sunday of Lent Yr A

    03/04/2017 Duración: 05min

    We hear am incredible account in today's gospel--A dead man is raise up to life at the very words of Jesus. We should take pause and ask ourselves, "Do I believe this?" We can then examine our belief one step further--Why do I believe? Our gospel hints at reasons why people believe? What's yours?

  • 3/19/2017-Read It Again-3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A

    19/03/2017 Duración: 09min

    Today's gospel focuses on the Woman at the Well and her dialogue with Jesus. There is great profundity in this passage and a depth of richness. Because of its depth, it's a gospel passage we should re-visit and re-read, seeing what God wants to say to us.

  • 3/12/2017-Jesus Leads Me and I Speak to Him-Second Sunday of Lent Yr A

    18/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    Fr. Edward Looney leads listeners into a prayerful meditation on the Transfiguration in the spirit of St. Ignatius of Loyola.

  • 3/5/2017-The Voice Of Truth (First Sunday of Lent, Year A)

    06/03/2017 Duración: 04min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the voice of deception from the Father of Lies contrasted with the voice of truth from Jesus. Which voice will you listen to? Listen to the voice of truth.

  • 3/1/2017-Secrets With God (Ash Wednesday)

    06/03/2017 Duración: 03min

    Fr. Edward Looney encourages people to make secrets with God this Lent by not sharing our Lenten penances. After all, this is what Jesus is talking about in our gospel for Ash Wednesday.

  • 2/26/2017-Give it to Jesus, He has a Plan

    05/03/2017 Duración: 05min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on God's plan for the fears and anxiety we might have.

  • 2/12/2017-Say Yes

    12/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    Have you kept putting something off and avoiding it? This happens to all of us, and it happens in the spiritual life too. Fr. Edward Looney reflects on saying yes to what God is asking us to do. Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A.

  • 1/29/2017-Jesus' New Teaching

    12/02/2017 Duración: 08min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on Jesus' new teaching inviting us to share in the life of the Blessed. Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A.

  • 1/22/2017-Discipleship is the Key to Christian Unity

    23/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and proposes Discipleship as a way for all Christians to live with same mind and same purpose in response to St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians.

  • 1/15/2017-God Told Me

    23/01/2017 Duración: 07min

    The gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time reveals the depth of John the Baptist's relationship with God. Do you believe God speaks to us today? It happened to John the Baptist, and it has happened to others.

  • 1/8/2017-An Epiphanic Imagination

    11/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on the weekend's gospel, encouraging listeners to place themselves in the Epiphany story and asking themselves, "Who am I in this story?" By doing so, you might have an epiphany yourself!

  • 1/1/2017-Treasuring The Year That Was 2016

    11/01/2017 Duración: 06min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on becoming like Mary and treasuring what we have experienced. As we begin 2017, he most especially encourages us to treasure what happened in 2016.

  • 12/25/2016-Share Your Wonder And Awe

    25/12/2016 Duración: 09min

    In his Christmas homily, Fr. Edward Looney reflects on hearing the Christmas story with new years and examining it with new eyes, cultivating a sense of wonder and awe. Jesus is with us, not only on Christmas day, but every day of our lives. Look for God's presence each day, be amazed, and share with everyone you know!

  • 12/18/2016-God's Dream For You

    20/12/2016 Duración: 05min

    This 4th Sunday of Advent we hear of Joseph's dream in which he accepts Mary into his home. Joseph had dreams for his life. Mary had dreams for her life. God changed those dream. What is God's dream for you? Will you allow God to change your dreams to conform with His dream?

  • 12/11/2016-Allow Jesus To Know You

    20/12/2016 Duración: 06min

    On the Third Sunday of Advent, Fr. Edward reflects on the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus. Not much is known about John the Baptist, but Fr. Edward argues that John allowed Jesus to know him. In our own lives, we should allow Jesus to know us, by sharing our joys, sorrows, frustrations, etc.

  • 12/9/2016- The Advent Message, Juan Diego and Adele Brise

    09/12/2016 Duración: 12min

    Fr. Edward Looney preaches at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help on the memorial of St. Juan Diego. He links the Advent season with the Guadalupan apparitions and those received by Adele Brise in 1859.

  • 12/8/2016- God Has Chosen Me. I Have Chosen God

    09/12/2016 Duración: 05min

    Fr. Edward Looney reflects on Mary's Immaculate Conception focusing on how God chose Mary to be the mother of God. Because she was chosen, she was pre-redeemed. Not only was Mary chosen, but she chose God in her life too.

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