The Throwback Podcast



Dan Hanzus and Bob Castrone love listening to music- almost as much as they love hanging out in a garage and talking about it. On The Throwback Podcast, lifelong friends revisit important albums from their past and go through them--track by track-- with fresh ears. From the classics to the cringeworthy, every week is a throwback.


  • KANYE WEST - The College Dropout w/ Jason Zumwalt

    21/09/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    Before there was YEEZUS, there was Kanye. Just Kanye. Writer/Actor/Friend Jason Zumwalt joins Dan and Bob in the garage to dig into Kanye's debut album -- but not before they take care of some 9/11 housekeeping and drop the best #1 Single they've ever hit on the pod.

  • PETE YORN - musicforthemorningafter

    24/08/2017 Duración: 01h06min

    Dan and Bob dial it back to 2001 to ruminate on musicforthemorningafter, the debut album from New Jersey rock troubadour Pete Yorn. Why wasn't Yorn a bigger star? Is it better that he wasn't? How does one acquire Pete Yorn's glorious hair? And did Dan's post-concert bar tab in Atlantic City expose a fatal flaw in the service industry? So many questions.

  • ROBBIE WILLIAMS - The Ego Has Landed

    03/08/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    What happened if you didn't believe in Fred Durst in 1999? If you thought Scott Stapp was a false idol? If Korn sounded like a practical joke? Well, if you were Bob and Dan you might have strayed into the arms of a young and handsome British pop star named Robbie Williams. Temporarily, anyway.

  • THE STROKES - Is This It

    20/07/2017 Duración: 01h15min

    Bob and Dan put on their fanboy hats this week and dig into "Is This It", the debut album from The Strokes. The guys talk about the dire state of 2000s rock pre-Strokes, relive the night they almost partied with the band, and look back on a very awkward personal encounter with Drew Barrymore.

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