Trentus Magnus Punches Reality

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  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 568:25:50
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  • Episode 114- Women in Comics 04- Uncanny Strange Deja Vu- Supergirl #01-#03 (and Magnus Considers the Death of Superman Lives)

    22/09/2015 Duración: 01h22min

    In this week's ball-amnesia-inducing episode, Magnus recounts his difficulties accepting Peter David's ongoing Supergirl series from 1996. David wrought many changes to the character, not least of which was placing her into more of a supernatural horror type of setting. In point of fact, Linda's arc starts off on a note that eerily and spookily reminded Magnus of a Dream Theater song so the episode begins with a slightly different introduction than usual. In any event, the comics being discussed this week are Supergirl #01-#03 written by the aforementioned Peter David, penciled by a pre-Sucky Origin Gary Frank and inked by Cam Smith. What a pleasant nightmare! Remember a few weeks ago when Tom Panarese guest starred on the Final Night episode and it was mentioned that Supergirl #03 was being intentionally left out of the discussion? This is why! This relates to the megaseries about women in comics, cleverly titled (wait for it!) Women in Comics. As a matter of fact, the Women in Comics series is nearly finish

  • Episode 113- Women in Comics 03- I Am A Proxy of Tulips- Ms. Marvel #01-#05 (and Listener Feedback!)

    15/09/2015 Duración: 01h06min

    In this week's ball-stealing episode, Magnus rambles about Ms. Marvel #1-#5 written by Brian Reed, penciled by Roberto De La Torre and inked by Jimmy Palmiotti. Unlike last week, wherein Magnus rambled a bit too much so there was only time for one issue, this time around the discussion revolves around five issues of Ms. Marvel. So there's some progress, yes? This all relates to the megaseries about women in comics which is cleverly titled Women in Comics. Comics about female characters are what are on the docket now and in the next few episodes. And, as has been said, the focus this week is Ms. Marvel. Is she just Marvel's Supergirl? Or is there something unique to Carol Danvers that sets her apart not only from Supergirl but also from all other superheroes in either the Marvel or the DC universes? If the answer to that was no, do you really think she would be the subject of this week's show? For those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "Yo

  • Episode 112- Women in Comics 02- It's All Yours- Batgirl #01

    08/09/2015 Duración: 01h03min

    In this week's ball-reeducating episode, Magnus gabs about the first issue of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl series written by Scott Peterson & Kelley Puckett and drawn by Damion Scott. Magnus ends up rambling a bit too much so there was only time for just one issue this time around. But at least it's stuff you've never heard ANYbody say about the Cassandra Cain series before. So you'll take your one issue and you'll *LIKE* it! You see, this is all part of the megaseries about women in comics. Which is titled (wait for it!) Women in Comics. Comics about female characters are what are on the docket. And there will be plenty more to choose from in the future! For those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "Magnus gives a shout out to WHO at the very beginning?" Because of all the comic book awesomeness this week, there's just no time for listener feedback. But that shouldn't discourage the rest of you from offering your feeble attempt at tribut

  • Episode 111- Women in Comics 01- Give Up the Flag Boy- Alias #01-#05 (and Magnus Ramblings)

    01/09/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    In this week's ball-surveilling (because "ball-sodomizing" wouldn't make any sense) episode, Magnus gabs about Alias, the once-forgotten-but-now-coming-to-a-Netflix-channel-near-you property starring Jessica Jones. Up for discussion this time around is Alias Investigations, the opening salvo in the Alias ongoing title. For being a MAX title, it's strange to think how much of this series ended up getting incorporated into mainstream Marvel continuity. I assume page 11 of the first issue is included in that. What a sticky situation, eh? You see, this episode marks the first chapter of a five part megaseries about Women in Comics. Comics concerning other female characters are coming soon. After finishing up the Alias discussion, Magnus then gabs about Views from the Longbox episode 203: Eight Years and Holding. Apart from being an awesome episode of Bailey's show, it's a chance for His Excellency to kick some awesome science onto the unwashed masses' asses regarding where the Fanboy Muse has taken comic book-rea

  • Episode 110- It's Not Like You Fell From the Sky- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Mighty Season 03 Part 02 (and Listener Feedback!)

    25/08/2015 Duración: 01h30min

    In this week's ball-magnetizing episode, Magnus continues his fond look back at Smallville and how awesome it is. Specifically this is the second part of the mighty season 3 retrospective. Up for discussion this time are Relic, Magnetic, Shattered and Asylum. So it would be safe to say that the story gets crazier and crazier with each passing week. For the first time, Clark is facing some very serious moral complications and coming to understand that the right thing to do isn't always labeled accordingly for his convenience. Clark also learns that there's a time to be calm and be still. But there's also a time to bust a few heads to get the job done. But that's not all! For the first time in a long time there's finally an opportunity to get into more listener feedback! Is that enough hype yet? If not, and for those of you who are determined to ruin the Internet for everyone else by perpetuating click-bait on Facebook, "You'll be shocked to hear what Magnus said about Relic!" As has already been said, there's

  • Episode 109- Big Book Report- Weirdos (with Chris Honeywell)

    18/08/2015 Duración: 01h47min

    In this week's ball-haunting episode, Extinction Level Event may be over but the fun's just getting started! That's right! This week marks two years of His Excellency kicking some awesome science onto all your lame asses. But that's not all! This week Magnus is once again rejoined by loyal sidekick Chris "Happy Anniversary" Honeywell for yet another entry in the Big Book Report series! And not just *ANY* Big Book either. Nope! This week is all about the Big Book of Weirdos. Listen as one of the Big Book Reporters tries to hold one of history's more reviled figures morally responsible for his actions. Thrill as the other Big Book Reporter doesn't believe a word of it! Gasp as the Big Book Reporters rant about e-cigs, modern consumerism and elements of the entertainment industrial complex! Tremble in fear as the Reporters speculate on demonology and talk around their own experiences with the subject! Drool in slack-jawed astonishment the Reporters JUST WON'T SHUT UP! Is that enough hype yet? If not, and for tho

  • Episode 108- Extinction Level Event 06- Marvel- Fear Itself (with Gene Gene "the Podcasting Machine" Hendricks)

    11/08/2015 Duración: 01h30min

    -- In this week's ball-pummeling episode, the Extinction Level Event reaches its conclusion. But the nearly-year of uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, nose-berry or storyline continues! This week the spotlight falls on Marvel's Fear Itself storyline. The stakes haven't been this high for at least a couple of months! This time the property values of Broxton, Oklahoma are at stake while these marvels of heroism struggle like hell to turn back a band of really torqued off supervillains with supernatural weapons. BUT!! WILL WILL THEY SUCCEED??! The discussion this week finds Magnus and Gene Gene "the Podcasting Machine" Hendricks from the Hammer Podcast mull over the proceedings with their characteristic cool and calm demeanors. Yes indeed, art is painstakingly analyzed, character dynamics are carefully reviewed, inspirational myths are compared and a wonderful time is had by all. The co-hosts also find time to question this story's entire reason for being. Is that e

  • Episode 107- Extinction Level Event 05- DC- The Final Night (with Tom Panarese)

    04/08/2015 Duración: 02h40min

    In this week's ball-extinguishing episode, the nearly-year uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, nose-berry or storyline continues! On top of that, Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since the last time the stakes were this high! This time the fate of the whole planet is at stake as these valiant figures of heroic legend struggle like hell not only to reignite the sun but also to keep some measure of order going on Earth. BUT!! WILL WILL THEY SUCCEED??! The discussion this week finds Magnus and Tom Panarese from the Pop Culture Affidavit blog and podcast study DC's Final Night miniseries with a nigh-forensic detail of study. Panarese never said so out loud but it's apparent that he's going to forsake his life as an assassin for the goverment to pursue a career as a literature critic for the New York Times following the closing credits of this show. Yes indeed, art is painstakingly analyzed, character dynamics are carefully reviewed a

  • Episode 106- Extinction Level Event 04- Marvel- Secret Invasion (with Michael Bailey)

    28/07/2015 Duración: 01h18min

    In this week's ball-masking episode, Magnus carries on with a year of nearly uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, nose-berry or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since last week! The fate of the entire planet is at stake as these aliens continue their all-out assault on the whole world even though we mostly just see the action in one particular city. Mankind's first, last, only and best hope is group of superhuman who don't even fully trust each other. They alone can turn the tide! BUT WILL WILL THEY SUCCEED? The discussion this week finds Magnus and Michael Bailey from every freaking podcast on the entire Internet serve Marvel's Secret Invasion limited series a Cosbypolitan and taking turns with it. Jokes are made, story arcs are analyzed, characterization is studied and fun is had. Is that enough hype yet? Magnus and Bailey inevitably draw comparisons between this and certain other high profile Marvel crossovers. For t

  • Episode 105- Extinction Level Event 03- DC- Armageddon 2001 (with Professor Alan)

    21/07/2015 Duración: 01h24min

    In this week's ball-transforming episode, Magnus continues a year of virtually uninterrupted miniseries dedicated to one specific theme, topic, character, idea, clump of pocket lint or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since the ending to this issue got suddenly changed! Liberty and freedom hang perilously in the balance and it's up to a time-travelling firebrand to save the day! But! WILL HE SUCCEED? The discussion this week finds Magnus and Professor Alan of the Relatively Geeky Network in general and the Quarter-Bin Podcast in particular unapologetically exulting in the splendid awesomeness that is Armageddon 2001. Both hosts make a special point of mentioning there's more to Armageddon 2001 than a last minute change to the story. His Excellency and the good professor both opine about a tasteful sampling of tie-in annuals from the summer of 1991. Sadly there are too many to cover in just one episode. But, as Armageddon 2001 proves textually and subtextually, you

  • Episode 104- Extinction Level Event 02- Marvel- House of M (with Scott W. Ryfun)

    14/07/2015 Duración: 01h16min

    In this week's ball-warping episode, Magnus continues a year of virtually non-stop miniseries dedicated to a single topic, theme, idea, character, headbanging instrumental death-polka or storyline! Extinction Level Event continues! The stakes haven't been this high since the last time they were this high! All of civilization hangs in the balance! It's up to a handful (or a crapton) of superheroes to save the day! But! WILL THEY SUCCEED? This takes the form of a long lookback at House of M. Joining in the fun this is none other than Scott W. Ryfun of Dinner 4 Geeks fame, who has quite a lot to say about House of M. At least he's got a lot to say about the main limited series at least as there are far too many tie-in's to cover in but one podcast episode. But you never knows what future episodes may be about, eh? Eh, loyal subjects? Eh? Has this been hyped up well enough for you yet? For those of you who contribute to the ruination of originality online by constantly falling for click-bait marketing, "Ryfun *TO

  • Episode 103- Extinction Level Event 01- DC- Legends (with Michael Bailey)

    07/07/2015 Duración: 01h35min

    This is IT! In this week's ball-televising episode, Magnus kicks off a year of virtual non-stop miniseries dedicated to a single topic, theme, idea, character, cook book recipe, Bea Arthur or storyline! To help kick off the festivities, this miniseries festivities are helped with getting kicked off by Michael "get the diesel fuel!" Bailey. Yes, this week marks the kicking off of the festivities surrounding Extinction Level Event. You've seen the hype, you've heard the promos, you were confused by the Facebook banner and you know Bailey is joining the show this time around. Extinction Level Event is upon us! The stakes have never been higher! All of creation hangs in the balance! It's up to a handful (or a crapload) of superheroes to save the day! But WILL THEY SUCCEED? The only fair, fitting and right way to kick off the festivities of such an indescribably epic megaseries of mega epicness in this series is to take long, fond, affection and long lookback at Legends, the first major crossover in DC's Post-Cris

  • Episode 102- My Dad's A Real Bastard- Magnus Talks About Smallville- Mighty Season 03 Part 01

    30/06/2015 Duración: 01h41min

    In this week's ball-brainwashing show, Magnus kicks off the retrospective of the mighty third season of Smallville with fond looks back at Exile, Phoenix, Extinction, Slumber and Perry. Smallville's fast entering a whole new phase in its cinematic history, characters are firmly established and the subplots fly around in these episodes like a 2nd grader after an entire box of Cocoa Puffs. For those of you with an undying affection for the click-bait idiocy that's killing originality online, "Magnus listens to some R.E.M. and *THIS* is how he reacts!" Seriously, you people *REALLY* need to raise your standards. Magnus is watching you. Magnus also reaches around, stretches the ol' mailsack open nice and wide and hashes through feedback from several loyal subjects. Laughs are had, tears are shed and bond of camaraderie is reinforced. Don't let that discourage you though! The rest of you peasants are always welcome to pay your feeble attempts at homage to your leader. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able a

  • Episode 101- Detective Comics #627- Celebrating Batman's 600th Appearance

    23/06/2015 Duración: 01h25min

    In this week's ball-remaking show, the wheels fall off the wagon! Yes, there will be no new Big Book Report this week as was originally scheduled. And there's really nobody to blame for that either. The simple truth is the Big Book Reporters couldn't work out their schedules well enough to allow time to record. It happens! So instead. His Excellency Magnus took a show originally scheduled to come out in December 2015 and moved it ahead to this week. The show must go on, after all. And it fits! This entire episode relates very directly to Father's Day. Because of that, this was the logical choice to release this week. The fact that it's been recorded, edited, mixed and scored for months now doesn't hurt either. This week's subject matter is an epically long look back at Detective Comics #627. It's a collection of stories titled (or at least based on) the Case of the Chemical Syndicate originally published in Detective Comics #27. It's a tribute to Batman's 600th appearance in Detective Comics and the comic DID

  • Extinction Level Event Promo (Profane)

    19/06/2015 Duración: 03min

    Coming in July 2015 is Extinction Level Event, a new epic megaseries from Trentus Magnus Punches Reality. Everybody loves those crossovers by Marvel and DC so Magnus will be talking about a bunch of them. Old ones and new ones with a CRAPLOAD of guests while working through a bunch of crossover events. This is Extinction Level Event coming in July 2015 from Trentus Magnus Punches Reality.

  • I Am Magnus; Look Upon My Podcast, Ye Mighty, and Tremble

    16/06/2015 Duración: 01h53min

    Put a well-deserved ice pack on your balls this week and look back at the humble beginnings of Trentus Magnus Punches Reality in this mighty 100th episode. It's a show about embryonic ideas and the origins of genius. This 100th episode begins with a demo of a song (this show's usual weekly theme song, in fact) and ends with a call to action as only your leader could deliver. Through the process, you'll be treated to sketches of rough ideas that got abandoned, deleted promos that didn't know they were promos and even comments that might've been actionable had they been heard in context. Magnus also pauses for a few moments to salute recent episodes of Dinner 4 Geeks and Views from the Longbox. Promos are played, memories formed, old episodes gone by looked back upon fondly and a bright future promised. It's an inspirational epic of leadership, vision and guidance for you lowly serfs and peasants. Speaking of which, this week's ice pack for your balls has a tiny smattering of feed-forward from loyal subjects an

  • Episode 99- I Had A Dream I Was A Jedi

    09/06/2015 Duración: 02h12min

    In this week's ball-sabering show, the final one before the epic, epic, EPIC 100th episode, Magnus winds up the downtime with a partially fond, partially hostile, partially ambivalent look back at Star Wars- Episode I- The Phantom Menace. Much has been said about this, the most maligned Star Wars film of all time. But none of it has been said by His Excellency Magnus and so you haven't heard EVERYTHING yet. Actually, there's a very good argument that you haven't heard ANYTHING yet. Is it the greatest film ever made? A cancer upon the Star Wars saga? The loudest, harshest, most ball-kicking wake up call the fan community ever got? A middle finger from a complacent, out of touch billionaire toy huckster playing filmmaker? Or is it one man's deadlevel best effort to deliver an entertaining film? Giving that away would nullify any requirement to listen to the episode, would it not? Still, for you weak-minded fools who never fail to be tricked by tricky click-bait trickery, tactics "Magnus said *WHAT* about Ben Bu

  • Episode 98- The Punisher MAX- Kitchen Irish

    02/06/2015 Duración: 01h38min

    In this week's ball-hunting episode, Magnus nears the end of his downtime before a virtual onslaught of mini and megaseries occupies virtually the entire next year. As part of the "festivities", it seemed like a good idea at the time to gab about the Punisher MAX "Kitchen Irish" storyline. The quotation marks indicate that maybe all is not well with this story. Hey, who knew right? It's not that the story is *BAD*, per se, it's that you have to listen to the show to get the full nuances of the thing. For those who actually fall for click-bait tactics (and thus make the Internet a miserable experience for the rest of us) "I just couldn't *BELIEVE* what His Excellency said about the IRA!" As it happens, there was plenty of time to dig really deep and stretch the mail sack open nice and wide this week as you miserable beggars are afforded a very fleeting amount of the spotlight so that Magnus can pay you a very brief amount of notice before wiping his hands on a moist towelette and forgetting. Even so, the rest

  • Episode 97- Batman & Robin Begin- Shadowbox & The General

    26/05/2015 Duración: 01h25s

    In this week's ball-slapping episode, Magnus continues enjoying what little remains of the downtime before the 100th episode and the onslaught of megaseries that 2015 and 2016 portend. This week's comics focus on Batman #467-#469, a three part story entitled Shadowbox, wherein Chuck Dixon and Tom Lyle pretty much nail down what will be the status quo between Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake for the first several years of their partnership. Batman & Robin begin, one might say. Also relevant to that is The General from Detective Comics #654-#656. Tim Drake is noticeably absent from that story, which says much about the status quo that Dixon was laboring to create. Plus, how can you not love the art by Tom Lyle and Michael Netzer, right? Right? Am I right? So all around this is some amazingly awesome Batman goodness which, strangely enough, nobody ever recognizes as being as formative to this era of Batman and Robin as they are. So luckily Magnus is here to kick some awesome science on all your lame selves. Unfortu

  • Episode 96- Shoot the Sh*t vol. 06- Magnus & Chris Honeywell Talk

    19/05/2015 Duración: 01h46min

    In this week's ball-startling episode, Magnus and his fellow Big Book Reporter Chris Honeywell prepare for Halloween 2014 as they literally warm up from the cold and figuratively warm up for the Big Book of Death. It's a podcast about nothing as the Big Book Reporters discuss politics, religion, Fight Club and the Great Pumpkin. In other words, pretty much every subject you're supposed to steer clear of in polite company. Not that Honeywell is polite company but you understand. From Lords of Flies to sociological studies of political movements, no stone is left unturned by these two under-achieving geniuses who have singlehandedly managed to figure out solutions to all the world's problems with all the free time they have from not actually putting those solutions into practice. If you only respond to click-bait... actually, you may want to just skip this episode since the parts that don't go over your head are virtually guaranteed to sear your sense of moral outrage. Even so, "You just won't believe what Magn

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