Foundation Church

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 145:51:36
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Foundation Church is committed to 'Making Jesus Known in Everett, Wa, the surrounding communities and throughout the world.


  • Components of Conversion: Power & Obedience

    11/08/2019 Duración: 51min

    Acts 8:26-40 is a demonstration of the true statement “for (the gospel ) is the power of God for salvation” Rom 1:16. It is the power of God made opportune by the obedience of man. Phillip is the obedient servant of Christ. After the wild events in Samaria, he is willing to go to ‘a desert place.’ This time to again proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ. But this time not to large crowds with signs and miracles but one man trying to understand the scriptures. Phillip is the plum line for all of Acts 8. While Saul is ravaging the church, Christ is building His church proving, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (Matt 16:18).

  • Radical Kingdom Expansion

    04/08/2019 Duración: 51min

    Luke, in Acts 8, recounts the story of God’s Kingdom expanding beyond the walls of Jerusalem. In a most unlikely story, in the middle of intense persecution, the Christians in Jerusalem were scattered to the regions of Judea and Samaria. The very regions Jesus said they would be His witnesses! In the power of the Holy Spirit, Philip and the others preached the Good News of Jesus Christ. And even the hated Samaritans would believe. God worked radically to reconcile two groups of people who were far apart but united in Christ. God’s Radical Kingdom Expansion was underway! Discipleship Questions: 1. Why do you think God often uses difficulty, even persecution to accomplish His purposes? 2. What was so radical about Philip preaching the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom to the Samaritans? 3. How does the explanation for why there was a delay in the receiving of the Holy Spirit sit with you? From your understanding of the text, what would you add? What question do you have? 3. What strikes you about God’s po

  • The Power of Prayer

    28/07/2019 Duración: 48min

    Effective prayer has three requirements. 1) Effective Prayer requires Orthodoxy; 2) Effective Prayer requires Holiness; 3) Effective Prayer requires Urgency Discipleship Questions: 1. What are two or three reasons you can think of why your prayers might not look like they are being answered? 2. Do you think we should expect God to heal every sick person we pray for? Why or why not? What do you think verse 15 means by “the prayer offered in faith”? 3. Is there anything a Christian can do to increase the likelihood of God answering prayer? 4. If you had an urgent prayer request, is there one specific person you would want to be praying for you? Why exactly did you choose that person? 5. In your own words, what do you think Pastor Tim meant when he said “We Need to Believe that We Have a ‘Yes” God”?

  • "Like Jesus" The Church's First Martyr

    21/07/2019 Duración: 37min

    Stephen’s trial and murder remind us that we follow in the footsteps of heroes of our faith who counted the cost and believed following Christ was worth any price, even death. If you and I are going to stand strong as disciples of Jesus in a hostile world, we need to learn from Stephen’s example, because he lived “Like Jesus”. Discipleship Questions: Since Acts 7 has 60 verses, we don’t have time to read all of it in the Worship service. But your small group time is ideal for doing it. Reading scripture out loud is powerful. It takes about 8 to 10 minutes to read chapter 7 out loud, so if you want to, rotate readers and hear the whole story imagining yourselves there with Stephen. 1. What stands out to you most as you read the story of Stephen’s trial? What do you appreciate most about him and what he did here? 2. Where principles from Stephen’s are most helpful to you in being more prepared for our own 1Peter 3;15 opportunities? 3. Have you ever experienced significant push-back from anyone for your fai

  • A Holy Spirit Empowered Life

    14/07/2019 Duración: 46min

    In the Book of Acts, we see how the Holy Spirit empowers and equips the saints into every good work. Stephen, a deacon of the early church finds himself in the middle of a literal trial. Facing the prospects of death, the trial of Stephen shows us the greater reality of God’s intentions to bring fullness of life and joy that is only found in Him. Discipleship Questions: 1. Why are the Jews of the Synagogue disputing with Stephen? 2. In verse 14, what does it mean when they speak of Jesus destroying “this holy place” and changing the “customs that Moses delivered to us”? Why does that seem to be such a blasphemous claim? 3. During Stephen's trial, his face was like the face of an Angel? Why is this such a significant observation? 4. What personal encouragement comes to mind when you consider that God dwells with you now and will be with you forever in eternity? 5. Where do you struggle to believe there is fullness of life and joy to be experienced with God? If you’re comfortable, can you name why t

  • Ouch!

    07/07/2019 Duración: 47min

    Big Idea: There is a Biblical Template for Pain-Response! Discipleship Questions: 1. God could have saved us to a pain-free life. According to our James 1:1-12 passage what are some reasons why he didn’t do this? 2. Can you share a personal story of pain and how God used it for good in your life? 3 Describe how “consider/count” in verse 3 requires an act of faith. In other words, what do we have to believe about God and His ways to be able to “consider” pain as a “joyful” thing? 4. What could you say to help a suffering Christian friend who is doubting that God is always good to him/her? 5. What’s so valuable about “perseverance”?

  • Called to Serve

    30/06/2019 Duración: 38min

    The early church was led by 12 Apostles. Eleven of these men were personally appointed by Jesus and the twelfth was then selected by the 11. They were responsible for everything from a leadership position. At this point, there had not been real opposition so the whole church was still in Jerusalem. But as the church grew, problems arose that led to the need for more leadership. The Apostles’ approach to this growing need gives us great insight and advice on how to solve similar needs in our churches today. Discipleship Questions: 1. Read John 21:15-18: Jesus tells Peter that loving Him meant caring for the flock. This is what a shepherd is called to do. A shortage of shepherding power in a congregation can lead to a variety of issues. Discuss some examples of issues you have seen over the years that could be attributed to not enough shepherding of the flock? 2. There were two styles of delegating mentioned in the sermon. When delegating to: - Workers: the more prep in organization and clear instructions t

  • Kingdom Vision

    23/06/2019 Duración: 57min

    Our Church’s Vision is placed firmly on the foundation of Jesus Christ. However, in this life which is marked by sin and brokenness, it can be difficult to see how God is at work. This letter from Paul to the Corinthians reminds us that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is a treasure. Even though we feel the effects of weakness and even death, God is showing us there is life Jesus. God is bringing about his Kingdom ushered in by Jesus and guaranteed by his death and resurrection. We need eyes of faith with a Vision towards Jesus’ Kingdom Work in us and our church. Discipleship Questions: 1. What is the treasure Paul speaks of in verse 7? 2. Why is it necessary for us to be weak in order for God’s power to be shown? 3. What is significant about how Paul sees death, especially Jesus’ death? 4. Where do you struggle to see God at work in difficult circumstances? 5. Where do find hope to keep living on mission in a broken, sinful world?

  • Cost of Faith

    16/06/2019 Duración: 44min
  • God Answers the Prayers of His Church

    09/06/2019 Duración: 37min

    The early church found itself facing many difficulties and when they gathered they prayed for God to do a mighty work in them. Acts 5:12-16 is the answer to those prayers. God does many signs, wonders, and healings through the Apostles and multitudes of people were added to their numbers. Discipleship Questions: 1. Have you prayed like the early church did in Acts 4:29-30 before? 2. Have you ever experienced signs or wonders? Do signs and wonders make you nervous? If yes, why so? 3. Have you ever asked God to give you a boldness before to help spread his word?

  • Jesus Takes His Church Seriously

    02/06/2019 Duración: 48min

    Today’s passage from Acts 5 is difficult at face value. It often raises more questions than it answers. But through this story, it’s clear that Jesus takes His Church seriously. Ananias and Sapphira, a believing couple from the early church, deceived Peter by withholding some proceeds of a land sale but claimed the whole amount was given. Then, in a shocking display of God’s judgement, they both die at the feet of Peter. God’s judgement was swift, and it was surgical because this deception threatened the very mission and fabric of unity given by the Holy Spirit for the early church. Discipleship Questions: 1. What is shocking to you about this story? 2. What was at stake in those early days of the church? 3. What was the true sin of Ananias and Sapphira? 4. Why was God’s swift judgement needed here? Why not give them chance for repentance? 5. In what ways are you deceiving those around you by holding back?

  • Christ Alone

    26/05/2019 Duración: 41min

    What is important for a church to believe and practice? Also, what should a church not believe and practice? Paul reminds the Corinthian church of how he pastored and cared for them so they might be left seeing what is important in churches. In my final sermon at Foundation Church, I hope to simply echo Paul’s reminders. Discipleship Questions: 1. Why is Paul intent on reminding the Corinthian church of the way he pastored and cared for them? 2. In what is not important in the church what point stood out to you and why? 3. What is the difference between worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom? 4. Why is “Christ and Him Crucified” indivisibly central to the Church? 5. Where is the power of God on display within Foundation Church?

  • Basics of Peacemaking

    18/05/2019 Duración: 49min
  • Mother's Day 2019

    12/05/2019 Duración: 39min

    Jesus’ interaction with women and mothers should leave us astounded at his grace, mercy, and love for all who bear the image of God. But in this passage we might be left with a different impression, that is until we understand what Jesus is doing by modeling for us what his love truly offers and the faith that it inspires. Discipleship Questions: 1. What is significant about Jesus travelling to the region of Tyre and Sidon? 2. What do you notice about the woman who approaches him, what stands out? Why? 3. In light of what we now know why is Jesus’ interaction with this woman so revolutionary? 4. What do you learn about faith through this passage? 5. Where do you need to practice this type of faith in your life?

  • Amazing Grace

    05/05/2019 Duración: 42min

    Faced with the ongoing unfaithfulness and rebellion of the city of Jerusalem God reveals his mighty power in a single event. He does this in a couple of ways but ultimately we should all be shocked by how this event plays out and we can be left in an utter state of awe at the power, might, and goodness of God. Discipleship Questions: 1. What stands out to you in Isaiah 29? 2. What was so bad about the people of Jerusalem's behavior? 3. Why is God’s response to them so shocking? 4. How do you relate with the people of Jerusalem? 5. Have you experienced the grace of God? Tell the story.

  • God's Judgement: His Counsel & His Discipline

    28/04/2019 Duración: 35min

    God's people stop trusting in God and His Word because they no longer saw it as living. God's Word is deep and nourishing, but it requires us to allow it to speak for itself. God's Word will match our effort. It will grow with us and mature with us. It will also discipline us if we hold anything above it. God is ultimately in charge, and it is for our good to allow His Word to speak to us and tell us how he wants us to live. Discipleship Questions: 1. Is God's Word living, or is it a rule book for you? 2. If it is a rulebook, when was the last time it was living, if ever? Is there anything different between then and now? 3. Has one of God's rules turned into a principle for you? 4. Have you had to repent of your understanding when it comes to God's Word? For what and in what way? 5. Have you experienced God's Word growing with you?

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