Q Ideas



with Gabe Lyons


  • Walking in faith through a volcanic future – Leonard Sweet – Part 2


    In the face of eruptive and disruptive culture changes from economics and communications to bioethics and beyond, Leonard Sweet helps us understand how we fight fire with fire, not only catching up to our culture but leading our friends and neighbors to the feet of Christ.

  • Walking in faith through a volcanic future – Leonard Sweet – Part 1


    Leonard Sweet joins Gabe Lyons for a thought-provoking conversation about our chaotic cultural moment and how Christians ought to prepare for an uncertain future. In his newest book, "Rings of Fire," Leonard maps out the future for the church in a sweeping survey of the twenty-first century.

  • The Art of Waking Up – Seth Haines


    Seth Haines, author of The Book of Waking Up,  looks at how we handle the inevitable pain of life and where we can find healing, wholeness and freedom.  Seth shares how we can “wake up”  and journey toward the only love that cures a soul.  

  • Faith: irrelevant or irresistible – David Kinnaman and Scott Sauls


    Barna Group's David Kinnaman explains why many see the Christian faith as irrelevant.  Then Scott Sauls, author of Irresistible Faith, gives a blueprint for pursuing this vision in our current moment, of redeemed individuals and a renewed community working for a restored world.

  • The harm of privilege – Amy Julia Becker and LeCrae


    On this Martin Luther King weekend, LeCrae talks with Gabe Lyons about race, righteous anger and resolution.  Then, through her own story, Amy Julia Becker will show us how a life behind a white picket fence can restrict even as it protects, preventing us from loving our neighbors well.

  • Millennials and Gen Z – The great opportunity – Joshua Crossman and Skye Jethani


    Skye Jethani talks about how presenting an incomplete Gospel can inoculate youth from knowing Jesus.  Plus, some estimate that within the next 30 years, up to 42 million Christian youth will  leave the faith. Joshua Crossman of the Pinetops Foundation sees it as the single-largest gospel opportunity in the history of America.

  • Redemptive technology – Alex Lerza


    Alex Lerza, co-founder of the innovative app rTribe, which offers online counseling, coaching and healing in community to help anyone and everyone heal; talks candidly about what we misunderstand about technology and the redemptive opportunities within this space.

  • Why Q Ideas? – Gabe Lyons


    Gabe Lyons addresses the motivation behind why he started the organization Q Ideas, the importance of asking good questions, and fostering a full understanding of the Christian worldview.

  • The power of a blanket – Bob Dalton


    Sackcloth & Ashes founder Bob Dalton shares how he was inspired to engage the homelessness issue, why blankets are so strategic and how his journey of social entrepreneurship has impacted his faith.   He shares how we can advance good in the midst of complicated issues.

  • The Dressember movement – Blythe Hill


    Blythe Hill is part of the  global anti-human trafficking movement known as Dressember, raising $7.5 million for organizations like International Justice Mission, A21, Saving Innocence and more. Blythe joins Gabe Lyons to share how the movement gained traction and how others can join in their efforts.

  • Rethinking poverty and the American dream – Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic


    Brian Fikkert and Kelly Kapic, authors of “Becoming Whole,” offer deeper reflections on the topics of poverty, human flourishing, and God’s story of change for the poor and ourselves.  They explain why the opposite of poverty isn’t the American dream.

  • Disappointing relationships – Lysa Terkuerst


    We live in a world of broken relationships. New York Times bestselling author Lysa Terkeurst, wonders if the relationship disappointments we experience are opportunities for something more. Could God be at work in the unmet expectations, the misunderstood words and the long distances?

  • The impact of the genuineness of Fred Rogers – Tom Junod


    Journalist Tom Junod talks about his real-life friendship with Fred Rogers, which began when Tom was assigned to write a profile on Mister Rogers for Esquire magazine in 1998. Tom shares how Mister Rogers’ friendship shaped his own life and why his legacy is needed today more than ever.

  • Cultivating virtue – David Brooks


    A journalist for The New York Times and author of “The Road to Character,” David Brooks provides relevant commentary on how virtue is a key entry point to larger spiritual conversations that ultimately contribute to society’s flourishing.

  • Loving and understanding our LGBT neighbor – Melinda Selmys & Caleb Kaltenbach


    From her personal struggle, Melinda Selmys calls for compassion for those struggling with unwanted sexual desires.  Plus, growing up with parents who were gay, Pastor Caleb Kaltenbach shares his story of how he journeyed through this disagreement with his parents and gained empathy for those who think differently.  

  • Understanding Islam – Shadi Hamid and Paul Marshall


    As Islam integrates into Western Societies, is peace and pluralism really possible? Listen in as Paul Marshall suggests a way forward that addresses this very question. Then Shadi Hamid, a New York Times bestselling author and expert on Islamist movements, explains what Christians could learn from Islam.

  • Singleness – Annie F. Downs


    It's easy for the Church to make marriage into an idol, but our single friends have much to offer and are a vital part of the conversation. Listen in as Annie F. Downs shares about her experience and how she's striving for fulfillment in singleness, whatever the outcome.

  • To stop a warlord – Shannon Sedgwick Davis


    What difference can one person make? Guided by the strength of her beliefs and convictions, Shannon Sedgwick Davis formed an unlikely alliance that helped stop the atrocities of Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army.

  • Getting to zero hungry or thirsty – Dan Clark and Scott Harrison


    Scott Harrison of Charity: Water talks about his work to bring clean water to the world's needy. Plus, global food security is one of the United Nations' top sustainable development goals this century. Dan Clark of Convoy of Hope helps us understand how we might solve this global problem.

  • Rhythms of renewal – Rebekah Lyons


    Rebekah Lyons talks with Miles Adcox about emotional wellness.  She also talks about her new book that introduces four life-giving rhythms that will help you trade your anxiety for the vibrant life you were meant to live: rest, restore, connect, and create.

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